Jay Schweig
My research is in the field of algebraic and geometric combinatorics,
and I am especially interested in posets, matroids, Borel ideals, and
graph theory. Click here for my curriculum
vitæ, and here for my Google Scholar profile.
We discuss and enumerate pc-sets that are both not contained in any diatonic collection and are minimal with respect to this property, and we generalize this idea to other collections. We also consider related simplicial complexes and examine how some of their geometric properties reflect qualities of the associated pc-sets.
Generalized Frobenius powers of an ideal were introduced as characteristic-dependent analogs of test ideals. However, little is known about the Frobenius powers and critical exponents of specific ideals, even in the monomial case. We describe an algorithm to compute the critical exponents of monomial ideals, and use this algorithm to prove some results about their Frobenius powers and critical exponents. Rather than using test ideals, our algorithm uses techniques from linear optimization.
We give a complete classification of free and non-free multiplicities
on the A_3 braid arrangement. Namely, we show that all free multiplicities on
A_3 fall into two families that have been identified by Abe-Terao-Wakefield
(2007) and Abe-Nuida-Numata (2009). The main tool is a new homological
obstruction to freeness derived via a connection to multivariate spline theory.
Given an ideal in a polynomial ring, we show that the asymptotic resurgence studied by Guardo, Harbourne, and Van Tuyl can be computed using integral closures.
As a consequence, the asymptotic resurgence of an ideal is the maximum of finitely many ratios involving Waldschmidt-like constants (which we call skew Waldschmidt constants) defined in terms of Rees valuations.
We use this to prove that the asymptotic resurgence coincides with the resurgence if the ideal is normal (that is, all its powers are integrally closed).
For a monomial ideal the skew Waldschmidt constants have an interpretation involving the symbolic polyhedron defined by Cooper, Embree, Hà, and Hoefel. Using this intuition we provide several examples of squarefree monomial ideals whose resurgence and asymptotic resurgence are different.
Fix a field k. When Δ is a simplicial complex on n
vertices with Stanley-Reisner ideal I_Δ, we define and study an invariant
called the type defect of Δ. Except when Δ is a single simplex, the type defect of Δ, td(Δ), is the difference
b_c(Δ)-c, where c is the codimension of Δ. We show that this invariant
admits surprisingly nice properties. For example, it is well-behaved when
one glues two complexes together along a face. Furthermore, Δ is Cohen-Macaulay if td(Δ) ≤0.
On the other hand, if Δ is a simple graph (viewed as a one-dimensional complex), then td(Δ')≥0
for every induced subgraph Δ' of Δ if and only if Δ is chordal. Requiring connected induced
subgraphs to have type defect zero allows us to define a class of graphs that we call treeish, and which we
generalize to higher dimensions, proving sharp lower bounds for most Betti numbers of ideals with linear
resolution, and classifying when equalities occur. As an application, we prove sharp lower bounds for Betti
numbers of graded ideals (not necessarily monomial) with linear resolutions.
Let M and N be two monomials of the same degree, and let I be the smallest Borel ideal containing M and N.
We show that the toric ring of I is Koszul by constructing a quadratic Gröbner basis for the associated toric ideal. Our proofs use the construction of graphs
corresponding to fibers of the toric map. As a consequence, we conclude that the Rees algebra is also Koszul.
We introduce a new class of lattices, the modernistic lattices, and their duals,
the comodernistic lattices. We show that every modernistic or comodernistic lattice has
shellable order complex. We go on to exhibit a large number of examples of (co)modernistic
lattices. We show comodernism for two main families of lattices that were not previously
known to be shellable: the order congruence lattices of finite posets, and a weighted generalization
of the k-equal partition lattices.
We also exhibit many examples of (co)modernistic lattices that were already known to
be shellable. To start with, the definition of modernistic is a common weakening of the
definitions of semimodular and supersolvable. We thus obtain a unified proof that lattices in
these classes are shellable. Subgroup lattices of solvable groups form another family of comodernistic lattices that
were already proven to be shellable. We show not only that subgroup lattices of solvable
groups are comodernistic, but that solvability of a group is equivalent to the comodernistic
property on its subgroup lattice. Indeed, the definition of comodernistic requires,
on every interval, a lattice-theoretic analogue of the composition series in a solvable group.
Thus, the relation between comodernistic lattices and solvable groups resembles, in several
respects, that between supersolvable lattices and supersolvable groups.
We study triples of labeled dice in which the
relation ''is a better die than'' is non-transitive. Focusing on such
triples with an additional symmetry we call ''balanced,'' we prove
that such triples of n-sided dice exist for all n > 2. We then examine
the sums of the labels of such dice, and use these results to construct
an O(n^2) algorithm for verifying whether or not a triple of n-sided
dice is balanced and non-transitive. Finally, we consider
generalizations to larger sets of dice.
Boij-Söderberg theory has had a dramatic impact on commutative algebra. We determine explicit Boij-Söderberg coefficients for ideals with linear resolutions and illustrate how these arise from the usual Eliahou-Kervaire computations for Borel ideals. In addition, we explore a new numerical decomposition for resolutions based on a row-by-row approach; here, the coefficients of the Betti diagrams are not necessarily positive. Finally, we demonstrate how the Boij-Söderberg decomposition of an arbitrary homogeneous ideal with a pure resolution changes when multiplying the ideal by a homogeneous polynomial.
We characterize the lcm lattices that support a monomial ideal with a pure resolution. Given such a lattice, we provide a construction that yields a monomial ideal with that lcm lattice and whose minimal free resolution is pure.
We study the relationship between the projective dimension of a squarefree monomial ideal and the domination parameters of the associated graph or clutter. In particular, we show that the projective dimensions of graphs with perfect dominating sets can be calculated combinatorially. We also generalize the well-known graph domination parameter τ to clutters, obtaining bounds on the projective dimension analogous to those for graphs. Through Hochster's Formula, our bounds on projective dimension also give rise to bounds on the homologies of the associated Stanley-Reisner complexes.
We study connections among structures in commutative algebra, combinatorics, and discrete geometry, introducing an array of numbers, called Borel's triangle, that arises in counting objects in each area. By defining natural combinatorial bijections between the sets, we prove that Borel's triangle counts the Betti numbers of certain Borel-fixed ideals, the number of binary trees on a fixed number of vertices with a fixed number of "marked" leaves or branching nodes, and the number of pointed pseudotriangulations of a certain class of planar point configurations.
We introduce the concept of edgewise domination in
clutters, and use it to provide an upper bound for the projective
dimension of any squarefree monomial ideal. We then compare this bound
to a bound given by Faltings. Finally, we study a family of
clutters associated to graphs and compute domination parameters for
certain classes of these clutters.
We survey the Stanley-Reisner correspondence in combinatorial commutative algebra, describing fundamental applications involving
Alexander duality, associated primes, f- and h-vectors,
and Betti numbers of monomial ideals.
We construct several pairwise-incomparable bounds on
the projective dimensions of edge ideals. Our bounds use combinatorial
properties of the associated graphs; in particular we draw heavily from
the topic of dominating sets. Through Hochster's Formula, we recover and
strengthen existing results on the homological connectivity of graph
independence complexes.
We introduce the notion of Q-Borel ideals: ideals which
are closed under the Borel moves arising from a poset Q. We study
decompositions and homological properties of these ideals, and offer
evidence that they interpolate between Borel ideals and arbitrary
monomial ideals.
In this paper we give new upper bounds on the regularity
of edge ideals whose resolutions are k-steps linear; surprisingly, the
bounds are logarithmic in the number of variables. We also give various
bounds for the projective dimension of such ideals, generalizing other
recent results. By Alexander duality, our results also apply to unmixed
square-free monomial ideals of codimension two. We also discuss and
connect these results to more classical topics in commutative
White has conjectured that the toric ideal of a
matroid is generated by quadric binomials corresponding to symmetric
basis exchanges. We prove a stronger version of this conjecture for
lattice path polymatroids by constructing a monomial order under which
these sets of quadrics form Gröbner bases. We then introduce a
larger class of polymatroids for which an analogous theorem holds.
Finally, we obtain the same result for lattice path matroids as a
We prove a theorem allowing us to find convex-ear
decompositions for rank- selected subposets of posets that are unions of
Boolean sublattices in a coherent fashion. We then apply this theorem to
geometric lattices and face posets of shellable complexes, obtaining new
inequalities for their h-vectors. Finally, we use the latter
decomposition to give a new interpretation to inequalities satisfied by
the flag h- vectors of face posets of Cohen-Macaulay complexes.
We use the notion of Borel generators to give
alternative methods for computing standard invariants, such as
associated primes, Hilbert series, and Betti numbers, of Borel ideals.
Because there are generally few Borel generators relative to ordinary
generators, this enables one to do manual computations much more easily.
Moreover, this perspective allows us to find new connections to
combinatorics involving Catalan numbers and their generalizations. We
conclude with a surprising result relating the Betti numbers of certain
principal Borel ideals to the number of pointed pseudo-triangulations of
particular planar point sets.
Stanley has conjectured that the h-vector of a
matroid complex is a pure M- vector. We prove a strengthening of this
conjecture for lattice path matroids by constructing a corresponding
family of discrete polymatroids.
Let L be a supersolvable lattice with nonzero
Möbius function. We show that the order complex of any rank-selected
subposet of L admits a convex-ear decomposition. This proves many new
inequalities for the h-vectors of such complexes, and shows that their
g-vectors are M-vectors.
We investigate properties of rim-finite subsets of
the plane (those which have topological bases whose elements have finite
boundaries), which are also arc-free.
This is my PhD thesis, so most of the results here are
contained in the papers above. By reading the results in this thesis,
however, you get the additional benefit of several typos and
We demonstrate an EL-labeling on the lattice of all naturally labeled posets on [n], showing that this lattice
is supersolvable, and that the Möbius function is zero unless the corresponding poset is of height 1 or 0.