Comprehensive exam requirements

Each Ph.D. student must select three of the areas listed in the core requirements for that student's specialization (applied mathematics, pure mathematics, or mathematics education) and for each must pass a comprehensive exam covering material in that area. The mathematics comprehensive exams are administered in January, May/June, and August. (The exam in Statistics, one option in mathematics education, is administered through the Department of Statistics and is governed by that department's rules.) See the separate document covering timetables and requirements. Students who have passed two comprehensive exams may, with the approval of the student's advisor, substitute a minor thesis for one of the comprehensive exams.

Archive of Comprehensive Exams

An archive of comprehensive exams is available here.

Syllabi for comprehensive exams


Complex Analysis

Numerical Analysis

Ordinary Differential Equations

Partial Differential Equations

Real Analysis


Some of the exams administered in 2000 and earlier are available here.