About me
Contact Information
Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
MSCS 530
Stillwater, OK 74078
Curriculum Vitae
Complete CV in pdf form (updated October 2015)
Short Biography
I was born in Sulechow and spent most of my childhood in Chwalim and Kargowa in Poland.
In 1995 I began attending a high school (V Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace) in Zielona Gora.
I graduated in 1999 top of my class with distinction.
In 1999 I began my undergraduate education at the Warsaw School of Economics.
After taking a few advanced mathematical courses in my first year, I have simultaneously enrolled as a full time
student at the Department of Mathematics of the
Warsaw University. My interest in partial differential equations and mathematical fluid dynamics was
inspired by the courses I have taken at the Warsaw University. I wrote my thesis (magister, equivalent of the American BS)
with Prof. Piotr Mucha.
I have graduated in the top of my class from the Warsaw School of Economics in 2004 and soon thereafter
I graduated in the top of my class from the Warsaw University.
I began my graduate education at the Department of Mathematics of the
University of Minnesota in 2005. I wrote my thesis with
Prof. Vladimir Sverak and graduated with a Ph.D. in 2010.
In 2010-2013 I was appointed as an Assistant Professor (non tenure-track) at the
Department of Mathematics at the University of Southern California.
Since 2013 I have been appointed as an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Mathematics
at the Oklahoma State University.