Spring 2015 Redbud conference

Oklahoma State University, April 3–5, 2015

Redbud leaf

Welcome to the Spring 2015 Redbud conference, a regional conference in topology and geometry with participants from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, the University of Arkansas, and elsewhere.


View the schedule, with titles and abstracts for these speakers as well as the graduate student speakers.


The main conference will take place all day Saturday, April 4, and the morning and early afternoon of Sunday, April 5. There will be a graduate student workshop the afternoon of Friday, April 3. See the full schedule here.

A conference dinner will take place Saturday 7pm at Hideaway pizza, 230 South Knoblock Street. The cost is $10 per person.

Travel and Accommodation

Please register for the conference if you want to be reimbursed for travel and accommodation. If not driving from their locations, participants should plan to fly to Oklahoma City. From the Oklahoma City airport, there are three options for getting to Stillwater:

  1. We will have vans leaving from the airport at 9pm on Thursday 2nd April, and at 4pm and 9pm on Friday 3rd April.
  2. Rent a car to drive to Stillwater (a little under 1.5 hours from the airport).
  3. Ride with someone else renting a car at the airport.

If you would like to use a van (which we encourage), please put your name and flight details on the appropriate list on the Redbud noticeboard by March 30th. We will arrange similar transportation on the way out on Sunday afternoon - also let us know when your flight leaves. Also on the noticeboard, if you are willing to drive others with you from the airport, please put your details in the appropriate place - if you are looking for a ride, see if someone is driving at a good time for you. Note that the last talk will end at 1:15pm on Sunday, and it takes around 90 minutes to drive from Stillwater to the airport.

The conference hotel is the Best Western Cimarron. Graduate students should try to share rooms - there is another section on the Redbud noticeboard for graduate students looking for roommates.

On Friday, talks will take place in the lecture hall (room 010) in Willard, which is the building directly south of the Math Sciences building, MSCS. On Saturday and Sunday, talks will take place in the Math Sciences building, MSCS, at OSU, which is a 15 minute walk from the hotel. Below is a map with the Best Western hotel, math building, Willard, and dinner location marked. (If you don't see anything here, try this link.)


Please register for the Spring 2015 Redbud conference if you plan to attend. We will provide travel and lodging support for graduate students and junior participants, with support for more senior participants as our budget allows. Please note that we can only use NSF funding to support participants who either US citizens or at a US institution.

Organizers, Acknowledgments, Sponsorship

Redbud 2015 is brought to you by Sean Bowman, Max Forester, Danielle O'Donnol, Yo'av Rieck, Henry Segerman, and Jeremy Van Horn-Morris.

Participant support is provided through NSF award DMS-1463957. We would like to thank the NSF and Oklahoma State University for making Redbud 2015 happen.

If you have any questions, please email segerman (at) math (dot) okstate (dot) edu.

"Cercis Canadensis Leaf" by Klikini - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.