Main lecture: MWF 12:05pm - 12:55am, Van Vleck B239
See the homework page.
Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7th edition.
Students registered in the class can look at scanned problems from the 7th edition here (you have to log in to view it).
Jiří Lebl
Office: 711 Van Vleck
Office hours: MW 2-3 + by appointment
Office phone: (608) 626-3298
lebl at math dot wisc dot edu
Brian Rice, Email: brice at math dot wisc dot edu
Office hours: Tues/Thurs, 10:55 - 11:55 AM, plus by appointment.
Office: VV 522
David Seal, Email: seal at math dot wisc dot edu
Office hours: Tuesday 10:50-11:50, Thursday, 12:10-13:10 and by appointment
Office: VV 518
David's Webpage for 240:
Grades will be based on the percentages below. Curve will be applied if needed. Approximate grading without curve: 92-100: A, 88-92: AB, 82-88: B, 78-82: BC, 70-78: C, 60-70: D, <60: F.
The way "curve" will work is that I may move the above breakpoints in the downwards direction (that means you may get a better grade than given above if a curve is applied). Curve will be applied in the end of the course.
No makeup exams!
Exam 1: Wed, February 29, 20% of your grade.
Exam 2: Wed, April 18, 20% of your grade.
Final Exam: Monday, May 14, 7:25pm-9:25pm, SOC SCI 5206, 40% of your grade. (Comprehensive)
Homework: Assigned weekly (some weeks may be skipped). Worth 20%, spot checked (spot checked means: some spot(s) of each homework checked, and all will be collected). Lowest 2 homework grades dropped (so no late homeworks).
Test Policies: No books, calculators or computers allowed on the exams or the final. One page (one sided) of handwritten notes allowed on the exams.
Extra Credit: There is a very small amount of extra credit available, see here.
We covered sections 1.1-1.8, 2.1-2.4, A.3, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.5, 6.1-6.5, 7.1, 8.1-8.3, 9.1, 9.3-9.6, 10.1-10.2, plus a few minor extra examples and applications from other sections or not in the book.
Wolfram Alpha ( It's like Google for math.
It never hurts to learn how to use LaTeX if you want to type up stuff with lots of math. It not only increases legibility of your work, it also increases your nerd factor by an order of magnitude (that's a good thing).
For easy to use LaTeX frontends try TeXworks (Linux, Windows, Mac) or TeXShop (Mac). Or perhaps give LyX (Linux, Windows, Mac) a go. Lyx might be the easiest of the bunch, though it is not as flexible.