Math 4013 - Calculus of Several Variables

Lecture: MWF 11:30pm–12:20pm, Classroom Building 317



Jiří Lebl
Office: MSCS 505
Office hours: MF 12:30pm–1:20pm, my office,
W 12:30pm–1:20pm, MLSC north room (5th floor of library),
and by appointment at other times.
Office phone: (405) 744-7750
Email: lebl at okstate dot edu



Div, Grad, Curl, and All That: An Informal Text on Vector Calculus, by H. M. Schey, ISBN 0393925161.

For a few topics that aren't covered in Schey but which we wish to cover, we will use my notes:

A quick summary of basic concepts of vector calculus for a short review at the beginning of class.

A set of notes on the Hessian.

A set of notes on differential forms.

For practice on background in Calculus III, see:
Gregory Hartman, APEX Calculus ( (PDF).
Steve Schlicker, Mitchel T. Keller, Nicholas Long, Active Calculus - Multivariable ( (webpages and PDF).
Paul Dawkins, Paul's Online Notes - Calculus III ( (webpages).



Grade distribution is as follows:

40% — Midterm exams

50% — Final exam

10% — WeBWorK online homework.

As usual, 90% and above guarantees an A, 80% and above a B, 70% a C, and 60% and above a D. Curve will be applied at the end if needed, and so those cutoff percentages could move downwards, but only if it is deemed necessary.

Grade Calculator:

Enter all grades as percentages, not as points.

Exam 1: % Exam 2: %
Final: % Homework: %



Exam 1: Wednesday, September 25th, (in class)

Exam 2: Wednesday, November 6th, (in class)

Final exam: (as per university schedule) Monday, December 9th, 10:00am–11:50am, same room as class.
Comprehensive, think of the final exam as half exam 3 and half comprehensive final.

Exam Policies: No books, calculators or computers allowed on the exams or the final. One sheet (letter size) of hand-written notes will be allowed on exams. Feel free to use both sides. This is only for exams.

Exams will be graded/returned through gradescope, see below.



Assigned weekly (some weeks may be skipped). Homework will be done using WeBWorK. See:
You will have been sent instruction on how to log in by email during the first week.



We will be using Gradescope ( for all exams. I'll add you to the class after the first week or so, and you'll get an email on how to log in.


Missed Work:

No makeup or late homework. For exams, there will be reasonable accommodation if you have a valid and documented reason, and the documentation is provided in advance unless absolutely impossible. If you have a university approved (see the syllabus attachment below) finale conflict exam, you must tell me at least two weeks before the final exam week, so so that we can figure out what to do.


Academic integrity

You should be familiar with the University's general policies on academic integrity. You can find useful resources on this subject To boil it down: don't cheat. Don't copy work from other students or allow other students to copy your work. Don't copy work that you find in online or printed sources and present it as your own. You are welcome to collaborate with other students when completing homework and studying for exams. You are encouraged to seek help at the MLSC when you need it. You are also free to use online resources, such as YouTube videos, that offer additional explanations and examples related to something that you are trying to learn. However, it is a violation of academic integrity to submit work that you do not understand. If I have concerns about something that you have submitted then I may ask you to meet with me to explain your reasoning.

There are online sites that provide access to complete solutions to homework exercises and allow users to upload problems and request solutions to them. There are also AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Bard that may provide solutions to problems posed to them. It is a violation of academic integrity to use such sites or tools in any way in connection with this class. In particular, you may not upload problems to them nor copy solutions from them.

Before exams, you must put all unauthorized materials and devices away in a backpack or place them on a table at the front of the room. Having any unauthorized materials or devices out during a exam is a violation of academic integrity, whether or not you make any attempt to use them.


Syllabus attachment:

See the official syllabus attachment, some more information.


Interesting links:

Wolfram Alpha ( It's like Google for math.

Speaking of Google: try typing something like x^2-y^2.

But beware of using online tools for trying to solve homework problems for you. It is not a good idea. The reason for doing the homework is to learn how to do it. If you find a solution online, you will not learn anything and you will see the result of this on the exams.

If you want to type math, I recommend learning LaTeX. Best way to do that is to use Overleaf ( online.

For those more technically inclined, I recommend learning SageMath. You can use it online at CoCalc (

[end of text]