Math 2163 - Calculus III - section 29705

Lecture: MWF 9:30am–10:20am, MSCS 422



The main text we will follow (and which you probably already have) is:

Jon Rogawski, Colin Adams, Robert Franzosa, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Fourth Edition, 2019, W. H. Freeman and Company.

This book is available to you on the first day of class through this course in Canvas in the Course Materials link in the left navigation. The charge for these materials will be added to your Bursar account after the opt out deadline. For additional information about Inclusive Access, please visit If you experience issues with your access, please contact

Other editions are fine, chapter/section numbers might be different.
We will be covering things from chapters 12–17

It's always useful to have some other sources. The following are free online:

Gregory Hartman, APEX Calculus ( (PDF).
The corresponding material is chapters 9–14, which is the 3rd volume of version 4.0 (you can get a printed copy for $15).

Lars Jensen, Active Calculus - Multivariable ( (webpages).
Many interactive practice exercises. The downside is that it doesn't cover everything we will do.

Paul Dawkins, Paul's Online Notes - Calculus III ( (webpages).



Jiří Lebl
Office: MSCS 505
Office hours: MF 1:30pm–2:20pm, my office,
W 1:30pm–2:20pm MLSC north room (5th floor of library),
and by appointment at other times.
Office phone: (405) 744-7750
Email: lebl at okstate dot edu


What's the Course About:

We will learn multivariable calculus by generalizing the single-variable notions to functions of more than one variable. In particular, we will study analytic geometry in three dimensions, basic notions of vectors, and the beginnings of vector calculus.

Prerequisites: Calculus I and II with grade C or better.



Grade distribution is as follows:

40% — Midterm exams, dropping the lowest midterm exam score (so 20% each for the other two)

40% — Final exam

10% — Quizzes

10% — Edfinity online homework.

As usual, 90% and above guarantees an A, 80% and above a B, 70% a C, and 60% and above a D. Curve will be applied at the end if needed, and so those cutoff percentages could move downwards, but only if it is deemed necessary.

Grade Calculator:

Enter all grades as percentages, not as points.

Exam 1: % Exam 2: % Exam 3: %
Final: % Quizzes: % Homework: %


Exams, Quizzes:

Exam 1: Wednesday, February 12th, (in class)

Exam 2: Wednesday, March 12th, (in class)

Exam 3: Wednesday, April 23rd, (in class)

Final exam: (as per university schedule) Wednesday, May 7th, 8:00am–9:50am, same room as class.

Quizzes will be in-class. They will be short 10 or so minutes. I will try to do one weekly. Lowest 2 quiz scores will be dropped.

Quizzes will be out of 25 points. Two questions, 10 points each, plus 5 points for turning the quiz in (even if it is empty).

On most questions, the "answer" that is being graded is actually your work, so points may/will be taken off for incomplete or illegible work. This includes missing or incomplete notation, don't take shortcuts! E.g., don't forget all those \(=\) signs, don't forget the \(dx\)s etc.

Nongraphing calculators are allowed on the quizzes or exams. But trust me, you will not need them, and from experience in this sort of class, they just slow you down.

One sheet (letter size) of hand-written notes will be allowed on exams. Feel free to use both sides. This is only for exams. Notes are not allowed on quizzes.

Exams/quizzes will be graded/returned through gradescope, see below.


Missed Work:

No makeup quizzes (we are dropping the lowest 2 anyhow). There will be reasonable accommodation for more substantial missed work if you have a valid and documented reason, and the documentation is provided in advance unless absolutely impossible. If you have a university approved (see the syllabus attachment below) final conflict exam, you must tell me no later than two weeks before the final, so that we can figure out what to do.



Mandatory, but not taken. Students who do not attend class regularly often do much worse.


Edfinity (online homework):

Homework will be done with Edfinity, access it through canvas.



We will be using Gradescope ( for all exams and quizzes. I'll add you to the class after the first week or so, and you'll get an email on how to log in. This is where you will be able to view your graded exams/quizzes when I am done grading.



Roughly we will cover the following sections:

Chapter 12: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, (part of 12.6), 12.7

Chapter 13: 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.5

Chapter 14: 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7

Chapter 15: 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 15.5, 15.6

Chapter 16: 16.1, 16.2, 16.3

Chapter 17: 17.1


Free tutoring

The Mathematics Learning Success Center (MLSC) offers a free in-person drop-in tutoring, no appointments necessary. The MLSC is located on the 5th floor of Edmon Low Library. See our website for more information: The MLSC is a great place to meet with classmates to study. Our undergraduate tutors are trained to help you become an independent learner, so please bring your course materials and come ready to engage with the mathematics.


Academic integrity

You should be familiar with the University's general policies on academic integrity. You can find useful resources on this subject To boil it down: don't cheat. Don't copy work from other students or allow other students to copy your work. Don't copy work that you find in online or printed sources and present it as your own. You are welcome to collaborate with other students when completing homework and studying for quizzes and exams. You are encouraged to seek help at the MLSC when you need it. You are also free to use online resources, such as YouTube videos, that offer additional explanations and examples related to something that you are trying to learn. However, it is a violation of academic integrity to submit work that you do not understand. If I have concerns about something that you have submitted then I may ask you to meet with me to explain your reasoning.

There are online sites that provide access to complete solutions to homework exercises and allow users to upload problems and request solutions to them. There are also AI tools such as ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Bard that may provide solutions to problems posed to them. It is a violation of academic integrity to use such sites or tools in any way in connection with this class. In particular, you may not upload problems to them nor copy solutions from them.

Before quizzes and exams, you must put all unauthorized materials and devices away in a backpack or place them on a table at the front of the room. Having any unauthorized materials or devices out during a quiz or exam is a violation of academic integrity, whether or not you make any attempt to use them.


Syllabus Attachment:

See the official syllabus attachment, for some more information, like deadlines and some university-wide policies.


Interesting links:

Wolfram Alpha ( It's like Google for math.

Speaking of Google: try typing something like x^2-y^2.

Although no, Google will not likely solve your homework problems for you. Even if it did, it would not be a good idea. The reason for doing the homework is to learn how to do it. If you simply try to find solutions online, and did manage to find them, you will not learn anything and you will see the result of this on the exams.

If you want to type math, I recommend learning LaTeX. Best way to do that is to use Overleaf online.

For those more technically inclined, I recommend learning SageMath. You can use it online at CoCalc (

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