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Contact Information
Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Phone: 405-744-5787
E-mail: dosev@okstate.edu
WWW: https://www.math.okstate.edu/~dosev
Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK USA
Teaching Assistant Professor, August 2016 -
Visiting Assistant Professor, August 2012 - 2016
Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot, Israel
Postdoctoral fellow, December 2010 - August 2012
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX USA
Visiting Assistant Professor, September 2009 - August 2010
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX USA
Ph.D. , Mathematics , August 2009
- Thesis Topic: Commutators on Banach Spaces
- Advisor: William B. Johnson
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria
M.S., Mathematics, June 2000
Research Experience
Researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences October 2000 - October 2001
Research Interests
Banach Space Theory, Operator Theory, Geometry of finite dimensional spaces
Commutators on $\ell_1$ , Journal of Functional Analysis 256 (2009), 3490--3509.
Commutators on $\ell_{\infty}$ , with W.B. Johnson, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 42
(2010), 155--169.
Commutators on $L_p$ , with W.B. Johnson and G. Schechtman, (to appear in the Journal of the AMS).
On a class of operators on $C(K)$ (2012) (accepted in Houston Journal of Mathematics).
Conference talks
On a class of operators on C(K), Banach space theory, BANFF, Canada March 2012
Commutators on some classical Banach spaces, The Sixth Conference on Function
Spaces, Edwardsville, IL May 2010
Commutators on certain Banach spaces, SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2008
Commutators on $\ell_1$, GPOTS, Cincinnati, OH June 2008
Banach spaces workshop, Birmingham, UK June 2012
Banach space theory, BANFF, Canada March 2012
Fourier analytic and probabilistic methods in geometric functional analysis and convexity, Kent, OH August 2008
Conferences attended
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX July 2011
Geometry and distribution of the volume in convex bodies, Tel Aviv, Israel April 2011
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2010
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2009
Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Washington, D.C. January 2009
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2008
GPOTS, Cincinnati, OH June 2008
Classical Convex Geometry, Columbia, MO March 2008
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2007
SUMIRFAS, College Station, TX August 2006
Banach spaces and their applications in Analysis, Oxford, OH May 2006
Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, San Antonio, TX January 2006
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK USA |
Instructor of record |
Fall 2012 |
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX USA |
Instructor of record |
- Math 141: Business Mathematics I
Fall 2009 |
- Math 151: Engineering Mathematics I
Summer 2006 |
Teaching Assistant |
- Math 608: Real Variables II
Spring 2008 |
- Math 607: Real Variables I
Fall 2007 |
- Math 152: Engineering Mathematics II
Summer 2005 |
- Math 151: Engineering Mathematics I
Spring 2004 |
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Sofia, Bulgaria |
Teaching Assistant |
Spring 1999 |
Scholarships and Awards
AUF Fellowship in the Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University, 2002
EURIKA Foundation award for Young Mathematicians, Sofia University, 1997-2000
Scholarship for Academic Achievement, Sofia University, 1995 -2000
Silver Medal, International Mathematical Olympiad, Toronto, Canada 1995
Gold Medal, Balkan Math Olympiad, Bulgaria, 1995
Additional Experience
SemCzar for the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 2007-2009
Technical Skills
Languages:Bulgarian (native), English, Russian.
Computer Skills:Matlab, Maple, LATEX, HTML