I am a teaching assistant professor at Oklahoma State University. I oversee Math Structures and Geometric Structures, for preservice early childhood and elementary teachers, and teach an online section of Business Calculus.
Curriculum and Course Design Links
First-Year Writing Seminar at Cornell: Experiencing Mathematics through Writing: I developed this writing seminar for freshman at Cornell, the first writing seminar in the math department, as part of a program of writing across the disciplines. Some of my materials are also available at this University of Minnesota Writing Center page, as part of a collection of writing in mathematics resources.
Core-Plus Mathematics Project: I taught out of this research-based reform curriculum at Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, MO, and I studied one implementation of it in my master's thesis at Cornell. While at Rock Bridge, I was a pilot teacher for the second-edition materials and traveled to give our district's feedback.
COMPASS: This project, led by Eric and Margaret Robinson from Ithaca College, helped districts across the country improve mathematics instruction and meet the NCTM standards, in part by helping them select and implement reform curricula.
Computer-Aided College Algebra: Learning Components That Students Find Beneficial. (with D.B. Aichele, J. Utley, and B. Wescoatt) MathAMATYC Educator 2 (2011), no. 2, 12-19.