
            Many students do not succeed in Technical Calculus and also in college because they really do not try to be successful. What do we mean by trying? Trying means meeting at least the minimum requirements for the course. These are


1.      Attending each and every class;


2.      Doing all the assignments on time whether they are collected or not, for a grade or not;


3.      Getting help when there are topics that you have difficulty understanding.


Doing less is really not trying to succeed. Getting help is one of the easiest things

to do. Help can be received from a variety of places starting with your instructor or your classmates. If you feel shy about admitting that you do not understand something to classmates or your instructor (feelings such as these are quite normal and you should strive to overcome them eventually), then there are more anonymous sources for extra help. Your textbook, when read carefully, can provide help by giving insights and examples. In addition, the MLRC staff can provide valuable help when learning Technical Calculus.