Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
TORCH (Teacher Outreach) Program
Oklahoma State University

August 10 - 14, 1992

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Woodrow Wilson Institute Leaders -

This one-week summer institute focused on technology, alternative teaching strategies, and new topics to enhance the teaching of algebra. It emphasized the development of teaching strategies that encourage students of all ability levels to move freely among geometric, algebraic, and number representations of problems. The 30 participants explored solutions to problems using graphing calculators and computer software, including function graphers, symbol manipulators and spreadsheets. They explored alternative approaches to traditional content through data analysis, statistics, matrices, probability and mathematical modeling. The institute leaders shared alternative methods of assessing students' understanding of algebraic concepts and teaching ideas that help students learn mathematics through writing.

The institute participants incorporated many of the notions of the institute into their teaching practices and developed extensions of them for use in the classroom. These extensions were presented during the one-day follow-up session on April 17, 1993 that was conducted by Sally Dodge. Subsequently, several participants made presentations at conferences of the Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics (OCTM), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and in their districts.

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Doug Aichele (aichele@math.okstate.edu)