The TI-83
Teacher Learning System

Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

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The TI-83 Teacher Learning System (TI-83 TLS)
The Teacher Learning System for the TI-83 graphing calculator (TI-83 TLS) has been developed to assist the secondary mathematics teacher with learning about this technology as well as designing and managing instruction using it appropriately in the delivery of the secondary mathematics curriculum. This may seem like a monumental task at this point! We hope teachers will find this is not the case and will approach this new challenge confidently and enthusiastically.

The components of the TI-83 TLS are:

Using the Teacher Learning System
The TI-83 TLS has been developed to help you learn about the TI-83 graphing calculator using written materials, programs, and a video supplement.

Written Materials and Programs/Functions for the TI-83 Graphing Calculator
The content of the TI-83 TLS written materials is listed below. Clicking on the desired topic will work. The page references for the topics in the TI-83 TLS book are also given in parenthesis, e.g., (G-4), if you have access to this source.

General Information Algebra Programs and Functions Statistics Programs and Functions
Trigonometry Programs and Functions Calculus Programs and Functions Listings of Programs (P-1)

Credits. The Graphing Calculator: Teachers and Students Learning Together is made possible through funding to Oklahoma State University from the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education under grant number R203A40026 with assistance from the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

Disclaimer. The project materials are based on work sponsored wholly, or in part, by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education under grant number R203A40026. The content of these materials do not necessarily reflect the view of OERI, the Department, or any other agency of the U.S. Government.

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