What is a state mathematics and science coalition?
A state science and mathematics coalition is a broad-based leadership alliance
which is designed to work toward the revitalization of mathematics and science
education throughout the entire state. It is a carefully constructed organization
of volunteer leaders from three sectors of the population that have decision-making
interests and influence with regard to science and mathematics education.
- The Education Sector: faculty of precollege and postsecondary
institutions; administrators of precollege and postsecondary institutions;
professional societies in the mathematical sciences or mathematics and science
education; professional societies in mathematics- or science-dependent disciplines.
- The Corporate Sector: businesses and industries, both large
and small; business organizations (e.g., chambers of commerce)
- The Public-Policy Sector: local and state governments; school
boards; parent-teacher organizations; foundations; public service and fraternal
organizations; unions; special advocacy groups; the media
" ... leaders from all three sectors [are expected to be involved]
in the governance of the coalition. This governance group is charged with
the generation and approval of policies and projects [of the coalition];
it also has oversight of the public relations activities and assists in
raising funds. Members of the governing board are unpaid volunteers.
"The overall task of a coalition is to encourage, coordinate, and facilitate
state-level efforts to involve plans for curricular change and professional
development that support national goals for improved instruction in the
mathematical sciences. A coalition both advocates and acts. The principal
purposes of a coalition are:
- to participate in the development of state policies that are supportive
of national goals for mathematics education;
- to coordinate and facilitate activities within the state that are
consistent with national goals for mathematics education;
- to communicate, adapt, and implement national goals for the improvement
of mathematics education at all levels throughout the state;
- to generate informed consensus among representatives of state and
local government, precollege and postsecondary education, business and industry,
and the public regarding state goals, programs, and measures of progress;
- to develop sustained responses to state needs in mathematics education;
- to provide agencies, institutions, and organizations within the state
- as well as the Mathematical Sciences Education Board and other national
organizations - with reliable information regarding state goals and activities
designed to improve mathematics education."
What is CASMEO?
How Did CASMEO Begin?
EDUCATION IN OKLAHOMA (CASMEO) began as a project funded by the
Exxon Education Foundation through the Mathematical Sciences Education Board
in December 1990. This original funding provided for the establishment of
Through the establishment of CAMEO - and more recently, CASMEO - state-level
dialogue has been initiated among public schools, higher education, the
private sector, government and the public.
The Founding Members of the CAMEO Board of Directors were: Project Directors
Douglas B. Aichele and J. Brian Conrey from Oklahoma State University and
Andy R. Magid and Curtis C. McKnight from the University of Oklahoma and
project assistants Stanley B. Eliason (OU) and John E. Wolfe (OSU); Executive
Board Members Linda Bailey (Mathematics Curriculum Coordinator, Putnam City
Public Schools), Mary Kay Ball (Past President, Oklahoma PTA), Charles Dees
(Chairman of the Board, Transportation Information Services, Inc.), David
Guilliams (Mathematics Consultant, State Department of Education), Kay Hilton
(President, Oklahoma Council of Teachers of Mathematics), Thomas E. Ikard
(Senior Staff Analyst, Conoco, Inc.), Carolyn J. Thompson (Representative
and Chair of House Education Committee, Oklahoma State Legislature), and
Lucy Ward (President, Oklahoma PTA).
Current CASMEO Officers
Note. Click on the e-mail address to send a message.
CASMEO Activities
1. Family Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science (FAMES)
WHAT is FAMES? FAMES is a parent/community project whose goal
is to increase awareness within parent groups and the community of the importance
of early experiences that serve as the foundation for mathematics,
engineering, and science concepts. To accomplish this goal, FAMES works
in partnership with community agencies to provide information and distribute
resources (suggested books, websites, learning kits, etc.) for parents to
use to increase mathematical and scientific experiences at home.
Who are the CASMEO FAMES Partners?
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
Oklahoma Department of Libraries
Oklahoma Parent Teacher Association
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory
What are the Major Components to FAMES?
Statewide mailout to public libraries informing them of the FAMES
project, providing a copy of Helping Your Child Learn Math
(U.S. Department of Education document), providing a suggested bibliography
of children's books recommended by national math and science organizations
and the website to access Helping Your Child Learn Science (U.S. Department
of Education document). Possible similar mailout to elementary school librarians.
Training and dissemination of the mathematics and science learning kits.
The learning kits have been created for use by parents, librarians, and
other interested parties to provide activity suggestions (utilizing children's
literature) and hands-on materials to support positive experiences between
parents and children in mathematics and science.
Who is the FAMES contact person? Stacey Weinand (sweinand@osrhe.edu)
2. 1995 CAMEO Mathematics and Science Forum. October 2-3, 1995; Oklahoma
City, OK.
The complete version of the Report Summary can be viewed.
Click for Part I (pp. 1-5) or Part
II (pp. 6-11).
3. 1997 CASMEO Spring Forum. March 14-15, 1997; Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK.
The complete version of the Facilitators Notes can be viewed.
Click Facilitators Notes.
Links to Other State Coalitions in the Region
National Alliance of State Science
&Mathematics Coalitions (NASSMC)
New Mexico
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