From alspach Mon Jan 7 16:57:42 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g07Mvgk27866; Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:57:42 -0600 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:57:42 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201072257.g07Mvgk27866 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by George Androulakis and Thomas Schlumprecht Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "The Banach space $S$ is complementably minimal and subsequentially prime" by George Androulakis and Thomas Schlumprecht. Abstract: We first include a result of the second author showing that the Banach space $S$ is complementably minimal. We then show that every block sequence of the unit vector basis of $S$ has a subsequence which spans a space isomorphic to its square. By the Pe{\l}czy\'nski decomposition method it follows that every basic sequence in $S$ which spans a space complemented in $S$ has a subsequence which spans a space isomorphic to $S$ (i.e. $S$ is a subsequentially prime space). Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B20 Remarks: See also: The source file(s), scomplminsubseqpr2.tex: 44580 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0112273.gz with size 14kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 73kb. Submitted from: giorgis at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0112273 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0112273 to: math at
From alspach Mon Jan 7 16:58:54 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g07MwsN27915; Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:58:54 -0600 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:58:54 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201072258.g07MwsN27915 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by George Androulakis and Per Enflo Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A property of strictly singular 1-1 operators" by George Androulakis and Per Enflo. Abstract: We prove that if $T$ is a strictly singular 1-1 operator defined on an infinite dimensional Banach space $X$, then for every infinite dimensional subspace $Y$ of $X$ there exists an infinite dimensional subspace $Z$ of $Y$ such that $Z$ contains orbits of $T$ of every finite length and the restriction of $T$ on $Z$ is a compact operator. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B07,46B03 Remarks: See also: The source file(s), strictlysing.tex: 50161 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0112274.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 81kb. Submitted from: giorgis at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0112274 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0112274 to: math at
From alspach Mon Jan 7 16:59:49 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g07MxnG27964; Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:59:49 -0600 Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 16:59:49 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201072259.g07MxnG27964 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter Semrl and Jussi Vaisala Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Nonsurjective nearisometries of Banach spaces" by Peter Semrl and Jussi Vaisala. Abstract: We obtain sharp approximation results for into nearisometries between Lp spaces and nearisometries into a Hilbert space. Our main theorem is the optimal approximation result for nearsurjective nearisometries between general Banach spaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B04 Remarks: 11 pages The source file(s), 29058 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0112294.gz with size 10kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 49kb. Submitted from: jvaisala at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0112294 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0112294 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jan 9 14:08:02 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g09K82f27705; Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:08:02 -0600 Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:08:02 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201092008.g09K82f27705 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Valentin Ferenczi and Christian Rosendal Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On the number of non isomorphic subspaces of a Banach space" by Valentin Ferenczi and Christian Rosendal. Abstract: If a Banach space has an unconditional basis it either contains a continuum of non isomorphic subspaces or is isomorphic to its square and hyperplanes and satisfies other regularity properties. An HI Banach space contains a continuum of non isomorphic subspaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Logic The source file(s), christianval0901.tex: 43765 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0201072.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 69kb. Submitted from: rosendal at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0201072 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0201072 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jan 9 14:11:08 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g09KB8Q27780; Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:11:08 -0600 Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 14:11:08 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201092011.g09KB8Q27780 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Mendelson and R. Vershynin Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Entropy, dimension and the Elton-Pajor Theorem" by S. Mendelson and R. Vershynin. Abstract: The Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension of a set K in R^n is the maximal dimension of the coordinate cube of a given size, which can be found in coordinate projections of K. We show that the VC dimension of a convex body governs its entropy. This has a number of consequences, including the optimal Elton's theorem and a uniform central limit theorem in the real valued case. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Combinatorics The source file(s), elton.TEX: 57008 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0201048.gz with size 18kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 84kb. Submitted from: rvershynin at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0201048 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0201048 to: math at
From alspach Mon Jan 14 11:30:00 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g0EHU0Q19502; Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:30:00 -0600 Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:30:00 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201141730.g0EHU0Q19502 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Jussi Vaisala Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A survey of nearisometries" by Jussi Vaisala. Abstract: Let E and F be Banach spaces, let A be a subset of E, and let s \ge 0. A map f: A -> F is an s-nearisometry if |x-y|-s \le |fx-fy| \le |x-y|+s for all x,y in A. The article gives a survey on the stability problem: How well can an s-nearisometry be approximated by a true isometry? The first result on this problem was given by Hyers and Ulam in 1945 for surjective nearisometries between Hilbert spaces. The present article contains an addendum to the published paper, giving recent results on nearsurjective maps of Banach spaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 Citation: Papers on Analysis, a volume dedicated to Olli Martio on the The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0201098 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0201098 to: math at
From alspach Fri Jan 18 11:41:31 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g0IHfVD23631; Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:41:31 -0600 Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:41:31 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200201181741.g0IHfVD23631 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Heiko Berninger and Dirk Werner Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Lipschitz spaces and $M$-ideals" by Heiko Berninger and Dirk Werner. Abstract: For a metric space $(K,d)$ the Banach space $\Lip(K)$ consists of all scalar-valued bounded Lipschitz functions on $K$ with the norm $\|f\|_{L}=\max(\|f\|_{\infty},L(f))$, where $L(f)$ is the Lipschitz constant of $f$. The closed subspace $\lip(K)$ of $\Lip(K)$ contains all elements of $\Lip(K)$ satisfying the $\lip$-condition $\lim_{0<d(x,y)\to 0}|f(x)-f(y)|/d(x,y)=0$. For $K=([0,1],|\,{\cdot}\,|^{\alpha})$, $0<\alpha<1$, we prove that $\lip(K)$ is a proper $M$-ideal in a certain subspace of $\Lip(K)$ containing a copy of $\ell^{\infty}$. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B04; 46B20; 46E15 Remarks: Includes 4 figures The source file(s), 40137 bytes, 44432 bytes, 48852 bytes, 47534 bytes, heiko.tex: 67182 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0201144.tar.gz with size 73kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 142kb. Submitted from: werner at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0201144 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0201144 to: math at
From alspach at Fri Jan 25 13:44:20 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:31:45 -0600 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from ( []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g0PJVjw22479 for <alspach at>; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 13:31:45 -0600 Received: from (majordom at localhost []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g0PIFWSC029945 for <banach-list at>; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:15:32 -0600 (CST) Received: (from majordom at localhost) by (8.12.1/8.12.1/Submit) id g0PIFWEX025156 for banach-list; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:15:32 -0600 (CST) X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to owner-banach at using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g0PIFVSC022654 for <banach at>; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:15:31 -0600 (CST) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA16247 for <banach at>; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:15:30 -0600 Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g0PI71E21810 for <banach at>; Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:07:01 -0600 Message-Id: <200201251807.g0PI71E21810 at> X-Mailer: exmh version 2.4 06/23/2000 with nmh-1.0.4 To: banach at Subject: ``General Topology in Banach Spaces'' Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 12:07:01 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
I would like to inform the subscribers of the Banach Space Bulletin about the publication of the collection ``General Topology in Banach Spaces''. There is at least one unfortunate misprint in this book: A. M. Plichko, who was the second editor of this book, is not listed as such. The contents of this book is enclosed. The ISBN number (for those of you who would like to order it for your library) is: 1560729783 Sincerely yours Mikhail Ostrovskii CONTENTS of the book ``General Topology in Banach Spaces'' (Nova Sci. = Publ., NY, 2001). A.~Plichko, A.~Zagorodnyuk, Isotropic mappings and automatic continuity of polynomial, analytic and convex operators, 1--13. G.A.~Alexandrov, Banach spaces without Kadec-Klee property, 15--20. M.I.~Ostrovskii, Weak$^*$ sequential closures in Banach space theory and their applications, 21--34. M.~L\'opez-Pellicer, A.~Montesinos, Cantor sets in the dual of a separable Banach space. Applications, 35--59. M.~Ganichev, V.~Kadets, Filter convergence in Banach spaces and generalized bases, 61--69. G.~Godefroy, The Szlenk index and its applications, 71--79. E.~Matou\v{s}kov\'a, Ch.~Stegall, Compact spaces with a finer metric topology and Banach spaces, 81--101. J.~Castillo, Wheeling around Sobczyk's theorem, 103--110. A.M.~Plichko, Examples of $n$-Sobczyk spaces, 111--113. O.~Kalenda, Valdivia compacta and biduals of Asplund spaces, 115--125. S.J.~Dilworth, Denka Kutzarova, S.L.~Troyanski, On some uniform geometric properties in function spaces, 127--135. O.V.~Lopushansky, M.I.~Dmytryshyn, Operator calculus on the exponential type vectors of the operator with point spectrum, 137--145. V.K.~Maslyuchenko, O.V.~Maslyuchenko, V.V.~Mykhaylyuk, O.V.~Sobchuk, Paracompactness and separately continuous mappings, = 147--169. T.~Banakh, Topological recognition of locally convex spaces carrying the topology of compact convergence, 171--178. V.~Romanov, Continuous translations of vector measures,179--180.
From alspach at Mon Feb 4 09:36:03 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 08:47:21 -0600 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g14ElLw24863 for <alspach at>; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:47:21 -0600 Received: from (majordom at localhost []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g14E5xSC003567 for <banach-list at>; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:05:59 -0600 (CST) Received: (from majordom at localhost) by (8.12.1/8.12.1/Submit) id g14E5xTD031245 for banach-list; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:05:59 -0600 (CST) X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to owner-banach at using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g14E5wSC005348 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:05:58 -0600 (CST) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id IAA29452 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 08:05:11 -0600 Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g14DuFt24383 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:56:15 -0600 Message-Id: <200202041356.g14DuFt24383 at> X-Mailer: exmh version 2.4 06/23/2000 with nmh-1.0.4 To: banach at Reply-to: johnson at Subject: Programme on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 07:56:15 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
We call your attention to two conferences within the Thematic Programme on Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, to be held at the University of British Columbia in Summer, 2002. Information about the entire program is on the PIMS web site: URL Non-commutative Phenomena and Random Matrices August 6-9 Organizers: Gilles Pisier, Texas A&M University and Universite Paris VI, pisier at Stanislaw Szarek, Case Western Reserve University and Universite Paris VI, szarek at Topics include the distribution of eigenvalues of random matrices, norms of such matrices, some aspects of free and quantum information theories, applications in many fields, quantized functional analysis and operator spaces, non-commutative $L\sb p$ spaces. Banach Spaces August 12-15 Organizers: Bill Johnson, Texas A&M University, johnson at Ted Odell, University of Texas at Austin, odell at This conference will focus on the asymptotic theory of Banach spaces and other applications of local theory to the geometry of infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Registration for the Programme is done at the PIMS web site (but the registration section is currently under construction). While funding is limited some support is available. The organizers also hope to obtain additional funding from NSF to support American researchers, especially students or researchers without grant support. Requests for support can be directed to the organizers of the conferences.
From alspach Mon Feb 4 10:05:34 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g14G5YT04810; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:05:34 -0600 Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:05:34 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202041605.g14G5YT04810 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Grothendieck's Theorem for operator spaces" by Gilles Pisier and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko. Abstract: We prove several versions of Grothendieck's Theorem for completely bounded linear maps $T\colon \ E \to F^*$, when $E$ and $F$ are operator spaces. We prove that if $E,F$ are $C^*$-algebras, of which at least one is exact, then every completely bounded $T\colon \ E \to F^*$ can be factorized through the direct sum of the row and column Hilbert operator spaces. Equivalently $T$ can be decomposed as $T=T_r+T_c$ where $T_r$ (resp. $T_c$) factors completely boundedly through a row (resp. column) Hilbert operator space. This settles positively (at least partially) some earlier conjectures of Effros-Ruan and Blecher on the factorization of completely bounded bilinear forms on $C^*$-algebras. Moreover, our result holds more generally for any pair $E,F$ of ``exact" operator spaces. This yields a characterization of the completely bounded maps from a $C^*$-algebra (or from an exact operator space) to the operator Hilbert space OH. As a corollary we prove that, up to a complete isomorphism, the row and column Hilbert operator spaces and their direct sums are the only operator spaces $E$ such that both $E$ and its dual $E^*$ are exact. We also characterize the Schur multipliers which are completely bounded from the space of compact operators to the trace class. Archive classification: Operator Algebras; Functional Analysis Remarks: More results and an additional section on Schur multipliers have been included The source file(s), gtdima.205: 86178 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0108205.gz with size 27kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 107kb. Submitted from: gip at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0108205 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0108205 to: math at
From alspach Mon Feb 4 10:57:17 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g14GvGF05256; Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:57:16 -0600 Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 10:57:16 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202041657.g14GvGF05256 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by George Androulakis Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A note on the method of minimal vectors" by George Androulakis. Abstract: The methods of "minimal vectors" were introduced by Ansari and Enflo and strengthened by Pearcy, in order to prove the existence of hyperinvariant subspaces for certain operators on Hilbert space. In this note we present the method of minimal vectors for operators on super-reflexive Banach spaces and we give a new sufficient condition for the existence of hyperinvariant subspaces of certain operators on these spaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A15, 46B03 Remarks: Also available at The source file(s), minimalvectors.tex: 28461 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202003.gz with size 9kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 51kb. Submitted from: giorgis at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202003 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202003 to: math at
From alspach Wed Feb 13 11:22:41 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g1DHMfD01412; Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:22:41 -0600 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:22:41 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202131722.g1DHMfD01412 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by J Wenzel Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Uniformly convex operators and martingale type" by J Wenzel. Abstract: The concept of uniform convexity of a Banach space was generalized to linear operators between Banach spaces and studied by Beauzamy [1976]. Under this generalization, a Banach space X is uniformly convex if and only if its identity map I_X is. Pisier showed that uniformly convex Banach spaces have martingale type p for some p>1. We show that this fact is in general not true for linear operators. To remedy the situation, we introduce the new concept of martingale subtype and show, that it is equivalent, also in the operator case, to the existence of an equivalent uniformly convex norm on X. In the case of identity maps it is also equivalent to having martingale type p for some p>1. Our main method is to use sequences of ideal norms defined on the class of all linear operators and to study the factorization of the finite summation operators. There is a certain analogy with the theory of Rademacher type. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03; 47A30; 46B07 Remarks: 15 pages, to be published in Revista Matematica Iberoamericana The source file(s), ConvexOperators.RMI.tex: 45787 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202073.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 70kb. Submitted from: jwenzel at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202073 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202073 to: math at
From alspach Wed Feb 13 11:23:44 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g1DHNiM01456; Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:23:44 -0600 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:23:44 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202131723.g1DHNiM01456 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Aicke Hinrichs and J. Wenzel Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "The average distance property of classical Banach spaces II" by Aicke Hinrichs and J. Wenzel. Abstract: A Banach space X has the average distance property (ADP) if there exists a unique real number r such that for each positive integer n and all x_1,...,x_n in the unit sphere of X there is some x in the unit sphere of X such that 1/n \sum_{k=1}^n ||x_k-x|| = r. We show that l_p does not have the average distance property if p>2. This completes the study of the ADP for l_p spaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 51K99; 52A21 Remarks: 10 pages, to appear in Bull. Austr. Math. Soc The source file(s), adp.tex: 22065 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202093.gz with size 7kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 46kb. Submitted from: jwenzel at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202093 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202093 to: math at
From alspach Wed Feb 13 11:25:29 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g1DHPTv01518; Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:25:29 -0600 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:25:29 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202131725.g1DHPTv01518 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Youssef Jabri Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Nonsmooth critical point theorems without compactness" by Youssef Jabri. Abstract: We establish an abstract critical point theorem for locally Lipschitz functionals that does not require any compactness condition of Palais-Smale type. It generalizes and unifies three other critical point theorems established in [Jabri-Moussaoui] for $C^{1}$-functionals under slightly stronger assumptions. Our approach uses continuous selections of multivalued mappings. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Analysis of PDEs Mathematics Subject Classification: 58E05; 54C60; 49J35 The source file(s), Jabri4.tex: 25838 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202107.gz with size 9kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 48kb. Submitted from: jabri at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202107 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202107 to: math at
From alspach Wed Feb 13 11:26:46 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g1DHQkG01562; Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:26:46 -0600 Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 11:26:46 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202131726.g1DHQkG01562 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Youssef Jabri Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A nonsmooth variational approach to differential problems. A case study of nonresonance under the first eigenvalue for a strongly nonlinear elliptic problem" by Youssef Jabri. Abstract: We adapt a technique of nonsmooth critical point theory developed by Degiovanni-Zani for a semilinear problem involving the Laplacian to the the case of the $p$-Laplacian. We suppose only coercivity conditions on the potential and impose no growth condition of the nonlinearity. The coercivity is obtained using similar nonresonance conditions to [Mawhin-Ward-Willem] and to [Landesman-Lazer] in two different results and using some comparison functions and comparison spaces in a third one. It is also shown that neither of the three theorems implies the two others. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Analysis of PDEs Mathematics Subject Classification: 35D05; 58E05; 35A15 The source file(s), Jabri3.tex: 49485 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202106.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 70kb. Submitted from: jabri at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202106 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202106 to: math at
From alspach Wed Feb 27 10:57:10 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g1RGv9027147; Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:57:09 -0600 Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:57:09 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200202271657.g1RGv9027147 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Nik Weaver Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Set theory and cyclic vectors" by Nik Weaver. Abstract: Let H be a separable, infinite dimensional Hilbert space and let S be a countable subset of H. Then most positive operators on H have the property that every nonzero vector in the span of S is cyclic, in the sense that the set of operators in the positive part of the unit ball of B(H) with this property is comeager for the strong operator topology. Suppose \kappa is a regular cardinal such that \kappa \geq \omega_1 and 2^{<\kappa} = \kappa. Then it is relatively consistent with ZFC that 2^\omega = \kappa and for any subset S \subset H of cardinality less than \kappa the set of positive operators in the unit ball of B(H) for which every nonzero vector in the span of S is cyclic is comeager for the strong operator topology. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Logic Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E35, 03E50, 47A15, 47A16 Remarks: 6 pages The source file(s), cyclic.tex: 16541 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0202265.gz with size 6kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 30kb. Submitted from: nweaver at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0202265 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0202265 to: math at
From alspach at Mon Mar 4 11:11:24 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 10:50:49 -0600 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g24Gonl04754 for <alspach at>; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:50:49 -0600 Received: from (smmsp at localhost []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g24GHAWZ005966 for <banach-list at>; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:17:10 -0600 (CST) Received: (from root at localhost) by (8.12.1/8.12.1/Submit) id g24GHAi6025871 for banach-list; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:17:10 -0600 (CST) Received: from ( []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g24GHAWZ027815 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:17:10 -0600 (CST) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id KAA14395 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:16:23 -0600 Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g24G6xV04426 for <banach at>; Mon, 4 Mar 2002 10:06:59 -0600 Message-Id: <200203041606.g24G6xV04426 at> X-Mailer: exmh version 2.4 06/23/2000 with nmh-1.0.4 To: banach at Subject: Conference Announcement Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 10:06:59 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Geometric and Topological Aspects of Functional Analysis 19-22 May, 2002 Haifa, Israel This conference will honor the memory of our friend and colleague Yaki Sternfeld, who passed away on March 24, 2001, after a long and heroic struggle. The conference is sponsored by the University of Haifa and the Center for Mathematical Sciences at the Technion, and will be held on both campuses during May 19-22, 2002. The conference will deal with geometric and topological aspects of functional analysis, including topics related to some (but certainly not all) of Yaki's research interests (dimension theory, fixed point theory, nonlinear functional analysis, spaces of continuous functions). Participants will include (as of January 31, 2002): Dale Alspach, Spiros Argyros, Keith Ball, Marianna Csornyei, Tadek Dobrowolski, Alexander Dranishnikov, Vladimir Fonf, Apostolos Giannopoulos, Jim Hagler, William Johnson, Nigel Kalton, Hermann Koenig, Michael Levin, Joram Lindenstrauss, Alexander Litvak, Eva Matouskova, Vitali Milman, Niels Nielsen, Edward Odell, Aleksander Pelczynski, David Preiss, Haskell Rosenthal, Mark Rudelson, Gideon Schechtman, Thomas Schlumpreccht, Carsten Schuett, Nicole Tomczak-Jaegerman, Henryk Torunczyk, Elisabeth Werner and Artem Zvavitch. Scientific Committee : Yoav Benyamini, Joram Lindenstrauss, Edward Odell, Aleksander Pelczynski, Shlomo Reisner, Haskell Rosenthal and Henryk Torunczyk. Organizing Committee : Jonathan Arazy, Yoav Benyamini, Yehoram Gordon, Victor Harnik, Simeon Reich and Shlomo Reisner. For further information : Sylvia Schur (Secretary) Department of Mathematics Technion-Israel Insitutute of Technology 32000 Haifa, Israel cms at fax: 972 4 832 4654 phone: 972 4 829 4278 REGISTRATION The deadline for registration is April 7, 2002. Please make every effort to mail/email your form in time to ensure that it reaches us before that date. The conference will commence on the morning of Sunday, May 19, 2002, so participants should reach Haifa by Saturday evening.
From alspach Fri Mar 8 10:30:00 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g28GU0P29741; Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:30:00 -0600 Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:30:00 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203081630.g28GU0P29741 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by M.I. Ostrovskii Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Hahn-Banach operators" by M.I. Ostrovskii. Abstract: We consider real spaces only. Definition. An operator $T:X\to Y$ between Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ is called a Hahn-Banach operator if for every isometric embedding of the space $X$ into a Banach space $Z$ there exists a norm-preserving extension $\tilde T$ of $T$ to $Z$. A geometric property of Hahn-Banach operators of finite rank acting between finite-dimensional normed spaces is found. This property is used to characterize pairs of finite-dimensional normed spaces $(X,Y)$ such that there exists a Hahn-Banach operator $T:X\to Y$ of rank $k$. The latter result is a generalization of a recent result due to B.L. Chalmers and B. Shekhtman. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 47A20 Citation: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 129 (2001), The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203055 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203055 to: math at
From alspach Tue Mar 12 09:40:52 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2CFeqX05291; Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:40:52 -0600 Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:40:52 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203121540.g2CFeqX05291 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. I. Ostrovskii Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Projections in normed linear spaces and sufficient enlargements" by M. I. Ostrovskii. Abstract: Definition. A symmetric with respect to 0 bounded closed convex set A in a finite dimensional normed space X is called a sufficient enlargement for X (or of B(X)) if for arbitrary isometric embedding of X into a Banach space Y there exists a projection P:Y\to X such that P(B(Y)) is a subset of A (by B(X) we denote the unit ball). The notion of sufficient enlargement is implicit in the paper: B.Grunbaum, Projection constants, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960) 451--465. It was explicilty introduced by the author in: M.I.Ostrovskii, Generalization of projection constants: sufficient enlargements, Extracta Math., 11 (1996), 466--474. The main purpose of the present paper is to continue investigation of sufficient enlargements started in the papers cited above. In particular the author investigate sufficient enlargements whose support functions are in some directions close to those of the unit ball of the space, sufficient enlargements of minimal volume, sufficient enlargements for euclidean spaces. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Metric Geometry Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B07, 52A21 Citation: Archiv der Mathematik, 71 (1998), 315-324 Remarks: Information on related research can be found on the author's web The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203085 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203085 to: math at
From alspach Wed Mar 20 08:52:47 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2KEqlh18306; Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:52:47 -0600 Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:52:47 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203201452.g2KEqlh18306 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. I. Ostrovskii Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Weak* sequential closures in Banach space theory and their applications" by M. I. Ostrovskii. Abstract: Let X be a Banach space. Given a subset A of the dual space X* denote by $A_{(1)}$ the weak* sequential closure of A, i.e., the set of all limits of weak*-convergent sequences in A. The study of weak* sequential closures of linear subspaces of the duals of separable Banach spaces was initiated by S.Banach. The first results of this study were presented in the appendix to his book "Theorie des operations lineaires" (1932). It is natural to suppose that the reason for studying weak* sequential closures by S. Banach and S. Mazurkiewicz was the lack of acquaintance of S. Banach and his school with concepts of general topology. Although the name "General topology" was introduced later, the subject did already existed. F. Hausdorff introduced topological spaces in his book published in 1914, Alexandroff-Urysohn (1924) studied compactness, and A.Tychonoff published his theorem on compactness of products in 1929. Also J.von Neumann introduced the notion of a weak topology in his paper published in 1929. Using the notions of a topological space and the Tychonoff theorem, more elegant treatment of weak and weak* topologies, and the duality of Banach spaces was developed by L.Alaoglu, N.Bourbaki and S.Kakutani (1938-1940). Nevertheless, an "old-fashioned" treatment of S.Banach still attracts attention. It happens because the "sequential" approach is very useful in several contexts. The main purpose of the paper is to describe the history of this direction of research and to give an up-to-date (1999) survey of the results on weak* sequential closures and their applications. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; General Topology Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B10, 46B03, 54A20, 47G10 Citation: in: "General Topology in Banach Spaces", ed. by T. Banakh and A. The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203139 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203139 to: math at
From alspach Wed Mar 20 08:56:37 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2KEubQ18367; Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:56:37 -0600 Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:56:37 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203201456.g2KEubQ18367 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Oleg I. Reinov Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On Banach spaces without the approximation property" by Oleg I. Reinov. Abstract: A. Szankowski's example is used to construct a Banach space similar to that of "An example of an asymptotically Hilbertian space which fails the approximation property", P.G. Casazza, C.L. Garc\'{\i}a, W.B. Johnson [math.FA/0006134 (math at]. (Translation of Russian original.) Archive classification: Functional Analysis Citation: Funkts. analiz i ego prilozhen. (1982), v. 16, vyp. 4, p. 84-85 The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203146 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203146 to: math at
From alspach Wed Mar 20 08:58:03 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2KEw3s18411; Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:58:03 -0600 Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:58:03 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203201458.g2KEw3s18411 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by V. NguyenKhac and K. NguyenVan Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A characterization of extremal sets in Hilbert spaces" by V. NguyenKhac and K. NguyenVan. Abstract: We give a characterization of extremal sets in Hilbert spaces that generalizes a classical theorem of H. W. E. Jung. We investigate also the behaviour of points near to the circumsphere of such a set with respect to the Kuratowski and Hausdorff measures of non-compactness. Archive classification: Metric Geometry; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20, 46E30 Remarks: 10 pages The source file(s), nkk.tex: 23534 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0203190.gz with size 7kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 49kb. Submitted from: nkviet at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203190 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203190 to: math at
From alspach Tue Mar 26 10:20:26 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2QGKPC28344; Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:20:25 -0600 Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 10:20:25 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203261620.g2QGKPC28344 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Daniel Azagra and Manuel Cepedello Boiso Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Uniform approximation of continuous mappings by smooth mappings with no critical points on Hilbert manifolds" by Daniel Azagra and Manuel Cepedello Boiso. Abstract: We prove that every continuous mapping from a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $X$ into $\mathbb{R}^{m}$ can be uniformly approximated by $C^\infty$ smooth mappings {\em with no critical points}. This kind of result can be regarded as a sort of very strong approximate version of the Morse-Sard theorem. Some consequences of the main theorem are as follows. Every two disjoint closed subsets of $X$ can be separated by a one-codimensional smooth manifold which is a level set of a smooth function with no critical points; this fact may be viewed as a nonlinear analogue of the geometrical version of the Hahn-Banach theorem. In particular, every closed set in $X$ can be uniformly approximated by open sets whose boundaries are $C^\infty$ smooth one-codimensional submanifolds of $X$. Finally, since every Hilbert manifold is diffeomorphic to an open subset of the Hilbert space, all of these results still hold if one replaces the Hilbert space $X$ with any smooth manifold $M$ modelled on $X$. Archive classification: Differential Geometry; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 58A05, 58B99, 57R12, 46T05 Remarks: 23 pages, improved version of a previous preprint The source file(s), ac220302.tex: 77109 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0203237.gz with size 21kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 89kb. Submitted from: daniel at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203237 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203237 to: math at
From alspach Thu Mar 28 17:44:49 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g2SNinA07873; Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:44:49 -0600 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 17:44:49 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200203282344.g2SNinA07873 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Mendelson and R. Vershynin Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Entropy and the combinatorial dimension" by S. Mendelson and R. Vershynin. Abstract: We solve Talagrand's entropy problem: the L_2-covering numbers of every uniformly bounded class of functions are sub-exponential in the combinatorial dimension of the class. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Remarks: 14 pages The source file(s), edim.tex: 35515 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0203275.gz with size 12kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 57kb. Submitted from: rvershynin at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0203275 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0203275 to: math at
From alspach Tue Apr 23 09:36:57 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g3NEav129521; Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:36:57 -0500 Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:36:57 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200204231436.g3NEav129521 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Bo\'az Klartag Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "5n Minkowski symmetrizations suffice to arrive at an approximate Euclidean ball" by Bo'az Klartag. Abstract: This paper proves that for every convex body in R^n there exist 5n-4 Minkowski symmetrizations, which transform the body into an approximate Euclidean ball. This result complements the sharp c n log n upper estimate by J. Bourgain, J. Lindenstrauss and V.D. Milman, of the number of random Minkowski symmetrizations sufficient for approaching an approximate Euclidean ball. Archive classification: Functional Analysis The source file(s), minkowski_symmetrization.tex: 36659 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0204212.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 61kb. Submitted from: klartagb at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0204212 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0204212 to: math at
From alspach Thu May 9 10:30:10 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g49FUAM30575; Thu, 9 May 2002 10:30:10 -0500 Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 10:30:10 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200205091530.g49FUAM30575 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Beata Randrianantoanina Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Contractive projections in Orlicz sequence spaces" by Beata Randrianantoanina. Abstract: We characterize norm one complemented subspaces of Orlicz sequence spaces $\ell_M$ equipped with either Luxemburg or Orlicz norm, provided that the Orlicz function $M$ is sufficiently smooth and sufficiently different from the square function. This paper concentrates on the more difficult real case, the complex case follows from previously known results. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20,46B45,46B04 Remarks: 14 pages The source file(s), propd.tex: 43813 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0205082.gz with size 14kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 63kb. Submitted from: randrib at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0205082 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0205082 to: math at
From alspach at Sat May 11 19:30:35 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 17:24:55 -0500 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g4BMOtl29253 for <alspach at>; Sat, 11 May 2002 17:24:55 -0500 Received: from (smmsp at localhost []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g4BLwn5u007939 for <banach-list at>; Sat, 11 May 2002 16:58:49 -0500 (CDT) Received: (from root at localhost) by (8.12.1/8.12.1/Submit) id g4BLwnmS028821 for banach-list; Sat, 11 May 2002 16:58:49 -0500 (CDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g4BLwm5u023191 for <banach at>; Sat, 11 May 2002 16:58:48 -0500 (CDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id QAA15629 for <banach at>; Sat, 11 May 2002 16:57:43 -0500 Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g4BLjDH28993 for <banach at>; Sat, 11 May 2002 16:45:13 -0500 Message-Id: <200205112145.g4BLjDH28993 at> Reply-to: fremdh at To: banach at Subject: Volume 3 of Measure Theory Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 16:45:13 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
I am pleased to announce that Volume 3 of my treatise "Measure Theory" is now available. Chapter headings are Boolean Algebras Measure algebras Maharam's theorem Liftings Riesz spaces Function spaces Linear operators between function spaces Automorphism groups Measurable algebras For full contents, see For prices and how to buy it, see David Fremlin
From alspach Sat Jun 8 17:38:46 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g58Mcku18545; Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:38:46 -0500 Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:38:46 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206082238.g58Mcku18545 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by A.R.Alimov Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On strict suns in $\ell^\infty(3)$" by A.R.Alimov. Abstract: A subset $M$ of a normed linear space $X$ is said to be a {\it strict sun\/} if, for every point $x\in X\setminus M$, the set of its nearest points from~$M$ is non-empty and if $y\in M$ is a nearest point from~$M$ to ~$x$, then $y$ is a nearest point from~$M$ to all points from the ray $\{\lambda x+(1- \lambda)y\,|\, \lambda>0\}$. In the paper there obtained a geometrical characterisation of strict suns in $\ell^\infty(3)$. Archive classification: Classical Analysis; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A65 The source file(s), aaa_e3.tex: 19973 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0205280.gz with size 7kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 38kb. Submitted from: alimov at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0205280 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0205280 to: math at
From alspach Sat Jun 8 17:39:46 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g58MdkX18590; Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:39:46 -0500 Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:39:46 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206082239.g58MdkX18590 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A solution of one J. Bourgain's problem" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: It is proved that there exists a separable reflexive Banach space W that contains an isomorphic image of every separable superreflexive Banach space. This gives the affirmative answer on one J. Bourgain's question Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 14B20 (Primary) 46A20, 46B03, 46B07, 46B10 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e, 12 pages The source file(s), Bourgain.tex: 40773 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206010.gz with size 12kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 58kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206010 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206010 to: math at
From alspach Sat Jun 8 17:41:51 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g58Mfpn18651; Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:41:51 -0500 Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 17:41:51 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206082241.g58Mfpn18651 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A solution of one problem of Lindenstrauss and Rosenthal on subspace homogeneous and quotient homogeneous Banach spaces with application to the approximation problem and to the Schroeder - Bernstein problem" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: In article is constructed a wide couple of pairwice non-isomorphic separable superreflexive Banach spaces E that are subspace homogeneous. Their conjugates are quotient homogeneous. None of this couple neither isomorphic to its Cartesian square nor has the approximation property. At the same time, any such E is isomorphic to E+ E+ W for some Banach space W and, hence, solves the Schroeder - Bernstein problem. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B10 (Primary) 46A20, 46B07, 46B20, 46B28 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), qclasses.tex: 57299 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206013.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 72kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206013 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206013 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:14:13 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDEDL30329; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:14:13 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:14:13 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121314.g5CDEDL30329 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On Banach spaces of large density character and unconditional sequences" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: It is shown that any Banach space X of sufficiently large density contains an (infinite) unconditional sequence and a separable quotient. If a density of X is a weakly compact cardinal, then X contains an unconditional sequence of cardinality that is equal to the density of X Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B26 (Primary) 46B03, 46B04, 46B07, 46B20 03C65, 03C75 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), largecard.tex: 55404 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206106.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 68kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206106 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206106 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:16:30 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDGUo30390; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:16:30 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:16:30 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121316.g5CDGUo30390 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On sub B-convex Banach spaces" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: In the article is introduced a new class of Banach spaces that are called sub B-convex. Namely, a Banach space X is said to be sub B-convex if it may be represented as a direct sum l_1+ W, where W is B-convex. It will be shown that any separable sub B-convex Banach space X may be almost isometrically embedded in a separable Banach space G(X) of the same cotype as X, which has a series of properties. Namely, G(X) is an approximate envelope, i.e. any separable Banach space which is finitely representable in G(X) may be almost isometrically embedded into G(X); G(X)is almost isotropic; G(X) is existentially closed in a class of all spaces that are finitely equivalent to it; the conjugate space to G(X) is of cotype 2; every operator from its conjugate into the Hilbert space is absolutely summing; every projection P in G(X) of finite rank has a norm that infinitely growth with the dimension of its range. If, in addition, X is of cotype 2, then G(X) has more impressive properties: every operator from G(X) into the Hilbert space is absolutely summing; the injective and projective tensor products of G(X) by itself are identical. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 (Primary) Secondary 46A32, 46B07, 46B10, 46B25, 46D28 The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206107 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206107 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:18:33 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDIXY30434; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:18:33 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:18:33 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121318.g5CDIXY30434 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "An example of a Banach space with a subsymmetric basis, which has the hereditarily approximation property" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: W.B. Johnson has constructed a series of Banach spaces non isomorphic to the Hilbert one that have the hereditarily approximation property (shortly hereditarily AP): all their subspaces also have the AP. All these examples were ''sufficiently'' non-symmetric and this fact allows Johnson to ask: whether there exists any Banach space $X$ with symmetric (or, at least, subsymmetric) basis, distinct from the Hilbert space such that each its subspace has the AP? In this paper is shown that there is a Banach space with a subsymmetric basis (non-equivalent to any symmetric one), which enjoys the hereditarily AP. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28 (Primary) 46B07, 46B08, 46B20, 46B45 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), johnsos.tex: 39229 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206108.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 56kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206108 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206108 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:20:20 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDKKa30495; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:20:20 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:20:20 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121320.g5CDKKa30495 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On P. Levy's stable laws and reflexive subspaces of the Banach space L of Lebesgue summable functions on [0,1]" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: To describe a set of functions, which forms a reflexive subspace B of the classical Banach space L a special function that characterizes their average integral growth is introduced. It is shown that this function essentially depends on the geometry of B. By the way, one question of la Vallee Poussin is answered. Also a short proof of the known result about the existence of an uncomplemented subspace isomorphic to the Hilbert space in every Lebesgue - Riesz space Lp (1<p<2) is obtained. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B09, 46B25 (Primary) 46E30, 46B20 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), levylaw.tex: 35129 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206109.gz with size 10kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 54kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206109 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206109 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:26:07 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDQ7k30556; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:26:07 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:26:07 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121326.g5CDQ7k30556 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On the Banach problem on surjections" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: Is shown that any separable superreflexive Banach space X may be isometrically embedded in a separable superreflexive Banach space Z=Z(X) (which, in addition, is of the same type and cotype as X) such that its conjugate admits a continuous surjection on each its subspace. This gives an affirmative answer on S. Banach problem: Whether there exists a Banach space X, non isomorphic to a Hilbert space, which admits a continuous linear surjection on each its subspace and is essentially different from l_1? Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B10 (Primary) 46A20, 46B07, 46B20 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), surjections.tex: 49818 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206110.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 65kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206110 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206110 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:27:12 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDRCL30600; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:27:12 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:27:12 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121327.g5CDRCL30600 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On the embedding of nonseparable space lp in Banach spaces with uncountable symmetric bases" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: It is shown that if a nonseparable space lp is isomorphic to a subspace of a Banach space X with an uncountable symmetric basis then X is also isomorphic to some lp. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B25 (Primary) 46B15, 46B20, 46B26, 46B45 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), nonseplp.tex: 14084 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206111.gz with size 5kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 33kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206111 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206111 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 12 08:27:49 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5CDRnd30645; Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:27:49 -0500 Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 08:27:49 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206121327.g5CDRnd30645 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On factorization of operators between Banach spaces" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: A finite-dimensional analogue of the known Gordon-Lewis constant of a Banach space X is introduced; in its definition are used only finite rank operators. It is shown that there exist Banach spaces such that the standard Gordon-Lewis constant of X is finite and its finite-dimensional analogue GLfin(X) is infinite. Moreover, for any Banach space X of cotype 2 its finite-dimensional constant GLfin(X) is finite too. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A68, 47B10 (Primary) 46B07, 46B20 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), fun.tex: 13653 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206112.gz with size 5kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 33kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206112 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206112 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 19 09:14:08 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5JEE8P22944; Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:14:08 -0500 Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:14:08 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206191414.g5JEE8P22944 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On Banach spaces with the Tsirelson property" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: A Banach space X is said to have the Tsirelson property if it does not contain subspaces that are isomorphic to l_{p}, p in [1,infty ) or c_{0}. The article contains a quite simple method to producing Banach spaces with the Tsirelson property. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 (Primary) 46B25 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), tsirelson.tex: 71159 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206181.gz with size 19kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 81kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206181 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206181 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 19 09:16:13 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5JEGDg23005; Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:16:13 -0500 Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:16:13 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206191416.g5JEGDg23005 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "The amalgamation property in classical Lebesgue-Riesz spaces and Banach spaces with transitive and almost transitive norms" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: In the article is shown that classes of finite equivalence that are generated by Lebesgue-Riesz spaces Lp have the amalgamation property if and only if p is not equal to an even natural number that is strongly large then 2. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 (Primary) 46A20, 46B03, 46B07 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), amalgamation.tex: 74839 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206182.gz with size 20kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 83kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206182 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206182 to: math at
From alspach Wed Jun 19 09:17:53 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g5JEHre23049; Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:17:53 -0500 Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 09:17:53 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200206191417.g5JEHre23049 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Eugene Tokarev Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On properties of symmetric Banach function spaces and Peetre's interpolation spaces" by Eugene Tokarev. Abstract: A set of all symmetric Banach function spaces defined on [0,1] is equipped with the partial order by the relation of continuous inclusion. Properties of symmetric spaces, which do not depend of their position in the ordered structure, are studied. With the help of the J. Peetre's interpolation scheme it is shown that for any pair of symmetric spaces E, F such that F is absolutely continuously included in E there exists an intermediate (so called, Peetre's) space K(E,F;W), where W is a space with an unconditional basis, that is reflexive or, respectively, weakly sequentially complete provided W also is reflexive or, respectively, weakly sequentially complete. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46E30, 46B70 (Primary) 46B10, 46B20 (Secondary) Remarks: Latex2e The source file(s), peetre.tex: 16941 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0206183.gz with size 6kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 36kb. Submitted from: tokarev at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0206183 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0206183 to: math at
From alspach at Wed Jun 26 08:39:59 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:45:43 -0500 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g5Q1jhl32426 for <alspach at>; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:45:43 -0500 Received: from (smmsp at localhost []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g5Q1QNpG000721 for <banach-list at>; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:26:24 -0500 (CDT) Received: (from root at localhost) by (8.12.1/8.12.1/Submit) id g5Q1QNoI023976 for banach-list; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:26:23 -0500 (CDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.12.1/8.12.1) with ESMTP id g5Q1QNpG018198 for <banach at>; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:26:23 -0500 (CDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id UAA00774 for <banach at>; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:26:23 -0500 Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g5Q1BmG32157 for <banach at>; Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:11:48 -0500 Message-Id: <200206260111.g5Q1BmG32157 at> Reply-to: Bill Johnson <johnson at> To: banach at Subject: SUMIRFAS announcement MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:11:48 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS 2002 The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar July 12-14 Texas A&M University, College Station Schedule: Talks for SUMIRFAS will be posted on the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability page, URL Below is a list of speakers, current as of June 24. The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars. David Larson is organizing a Concentration Week on "Frames, Wavelets and Operator Theory" July 15 - 19. Contact him if you are interested in participating. Housing: Contact Cheryl Dorn, (cherylr at; 979/845-2915, office; 979/ 845-6028, fax) for help with housing. Please tell Cheryl the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference, if applicable. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants, from support the National Science Foundation has provided for the Workshop. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. When you ask Cheryl to book your room, please tell her if you are requesting support. Dinner: There will be a dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, at Imperial Chinese Restaurant, 2232 S. Texas Ave. in College Station. The cost for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for faculty and $10 per person for students. Please tell Cheryl Dorn if you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend. Checks should be made out to Math. Dept., TAMU. ** DINNER RESERVATIONS SHOULD BE MADE BY July 10 and PAYMENT MADE BY July 12. ** W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier,pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at SUMIRFAS talks (as of June 24) David Blecher, University of Houston Recent contributions to the general theory of operator algebras Ron Douglas, Texas A&M University Resolutions of Hilbert modules Ken Dykema, Texas A&M University DT-operators Xiang Fang, Texas A&M University Marius Junge, University of Illinois Why the 'little Grothendieck inequality' fails for operator spaces Palle Jorgensen, University of Iowa Some themes from operator theory, harmonic analysis, and probability,-- which have their origin in wavelet analysis Ted Odell, University of Texas Gestur Olafsson, Louisiana State University Some generalizations of the Segal-Bargmann Transform Eric Ricard, Universite Paris VI Eric Weber, Texas A&M University Nahum Zobin, William and Mary ------- End of Forwarded Message
From alspach Thu Aug 1 19:50:48 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g720om804638; Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:50:48 -0500 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:50:48 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200208020050.g720om804638 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Viet NguyenKhac and Khiem NguyenVan Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A geometric characterization of extremal sets in $\ell_p$ spaces" by Viet NguyenKhac and Khiem NguyenVan. Abstract: We give a geometric characterization of extremal sets in $\ell_p$ spaces that generalizes our previous result for such sets in Hilbert spaces. Archive classification: Metric Geometry; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20, 46E30 Remarks: 14 pages The source file(s), extremal2.tex: 31389 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0207304.gz with size 9kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 57kb. Submitted from: nkviet at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0207304 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0207304 to: math at
From alspach Fri Aug 9 11:23:14 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g79GNE208588; Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:23:14 -0500 Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:23:14 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200208091623.g79GNE208588 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Th. Schlumprecht Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "How many operators do there exist on a Banach space?" by Th. Schlumprecht. Abstract: We present partial results to the following question: Does every infinite dimensional Banach space have an infinite dimensional subspace on which one can define an operator which is not a compact perturbation of a scalar multiplication? Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B20 The source file(s), oponbs.tex: 141743 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0208055.gz with size 39kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 163kb. Submitted from: schlump at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0208055 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0208055 to: math at
From alspach Mon Aug 26 21:33:32 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g7R2XWJ29222; Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:33:32 -0500 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:33:32 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200208270233.g7R2XWJ29222 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Daniel Azagra and Alejandro Montesinos Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On diffeomorphisms deleting weakly compacta in Banach spaces" by Daniel Azagra and Alejandro Montesinos. Abstract: We prove that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space with C^p smooth partitions of unity, then X and X\K are C^p diffeomorphic, for every weakly compact subset K of X. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Differential Geometry Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 57R50 Remarks: 18 pages The source file(s), azamonte.tex: 62820 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0208160.gz with size 18kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 75kb. Submitted from: daniel_azagra at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0208160 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0208160 to: math at
From alspach Mon Aug 26 21:37:45 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g7R2bjO29494; Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:37:45 -0500 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:37:45 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200208270237.g7R2bjO29494 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Dilworth and Vladimir G. Troitsky Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Spectrum of a weakly hypercyclic operator meets the unit circle" by S. J. Dilworth and Vladimir G. Troitsky. Abstract: It is shown that every component of the spectrum of a weakly hypercyclic operator meets the unit circle. The proof is based on the lemma that a sequence of vectors in a Banach space whose norms grow at geometrical rate doesn't have zero in its weak closure. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A16; 47A10; 47A25 Remarks: 3 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the Conference "Trends in Banach The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0208193 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0208193 to: math at
From alspach at Tue Aug 27 07:15:25 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g7RCFPJ04689 for <alspach at>; Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:15:25 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (8.12.2/8.12.2) with ESMTP id g7RCGUk4003086 for <alspach at>; Tue, 27 Aug 2002 07:16:30 -0500 (CDT) Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id g7RBvvB04166; Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:57:57 -0500 Message-Id: <200208271157.g7RBvvB04166 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Dilworth and Vladimir G. Troitsky Approved: eladrd Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 06:57:57 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Spectrum of a weakly hypercyclic operator meets the unit circle" by S. J. Dilworth and Vladimir G. Troitsky. Abstract: It is shown that every component of the spectrum of a weakly hypercyclic operator meets the unit circle. The proof is based on the lemma that a sequence of vectors in a Banach space whose norms grow at geometrical rate doesn't have zero in its weak closure. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A16; 47A10; 47A25 Remarks: 3 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the Conference "Trends in Banach The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0208193 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0208193 to: math at
From alspach Thu Sep 5 07:15:34 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g85CFYr03546; Thu, 5 Sep 2002 07:15:34 -0500 Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 07:15:34 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200209051215.g85CFYr03546 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Paul Beneker and Jan Wiegerinck Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Strongly exposed points in the ball of the Bergman space" by Paul Beneker and Jan Wiegerinck. Abstract: We investigate which boundary points in the closed unit ball of the Bergman space of integrable holomorphic functions on the unit disc are strongly exposed. This requires study of the Bergman projection and its kernel, the annihilator of Bergman space. We show that all polynomials in the boundary of the unit ball are strongly exposed. Archive classification: Complex Variables; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 30A78; 46E15 Remarks: 15 pages The source file(s), bergman.tex: 47549 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0208234.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 71kb. Submitted from: janwieg at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0208234 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0208234 to: math at
From alspach Thu Sep 5 07:18:06 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.2/8.8.7) id g85CI6003599; Thu, 5 Sep 2002 07:18:06 -0500 Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 07:18:06 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200209051218.g85CI6003599 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "The operator Hilbert space $OH$ and type III von Neumann algebras" by Gilles Pisier. Abstract: We prove that the operator Hilbert space $OH$ does not embed completely isomorphically into the predual of a semi-finite von~Neumann algebra. This complements Junge's recent result that it admits such an embedding in the non semi-finite case. Archive classification: Operator Algebras; Algebraic Topology; Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L50 The source file(s), OH3: 11437 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0209019.gz with size 5kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 26kb. Submitted from: gip at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0209019 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0209019 to: math at
From alspach Tue Sep 24 07:34:12 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id g8OCYC603088; Tue, 24 Sep 2002 07:34:12 -0500 Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 07:34:12 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200209241234.g8OCYC603088 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Marius Junge Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "The optimal order for the p-th moment of sums of independent random variables with respect to symmetric norms and related combinatorial estimates" by Marius Junge. Abstract: We calculate the p-the moment of the sum of n independent random variables with respect to symmetric norm in R^n. The order of growth for upper bound p/ln p obtained in ths estimate is optimal. The result extends to generalized Lorentz spaces l_{f,w} under mild assumptions on f. Indeed, the key combinatorial estimate is obtained for the weak l_1 (l_{1,infinity})-norm. Similar results have been obtained independently by Montgomery-Smith using different techniques and avoiding the combinatorial estimate. Archive classification: Probability Theory; Operator Algebras Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B09,60G50, 60C05, 47L20 The source file(s), driver55.tex: 67890 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0209278.gz with size 22kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 108kb. Submitted from: junge at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0209278 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0209278 to: math at
From alspach Sun Oct 6 22:16:30 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id g973GUv15838; Sun, 6 Oct 2002 22:16:30 -0500 Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 22:16:30 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200210070316.g973GUv15838 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Timur Oikhberg and Vladimir G. Troitsky Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "A theorem of Krein revisited" by Timur Oikhberg and Vladimir G. Troitsky. Abstract: M. Krein proved in 1948 that if T is a continuous operator on a normed space leaving invariant an open cone, then its adjoint T* has an eigenvector. We present generalizations of this result as well as some applications to C*-algebras, operators on l_1, operators with invariant sets, contractions on Banach lattices, the Invariant Subspace Problem, and von Neumann algebras. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B40, 47B60, 47B65 Remarks: To appear in Rocky Mountain J. Math The source file(s), krein.tex: 38594 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0209331.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 63kb. Submitted from: vtroitsky at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0209331 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0209331 to: math at
From alspach Tue Oct 8 20:48:15 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id g991mFr19462; Tue, 8 Oct 2002 20:48:15 -0500 Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 20:48:15 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200210090148.g991mFr19462 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vladimir G. Troitsky Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Measures of non-compactness of operators on Banach lattices" by Vladimir G. Troitsky. Abstract: Andreu et al [2] and Sadovskii [11] used representation spaces to study measures of non-compactness and spectral radii of operators on Banach lattices. In this paper, we develop representation spaces based on the nonstandard hull construction (which is equivalent to the ultrapower construction). As a particular application, we present a simple proof and some extensions of the main result of de Pagter and Schep [6] on the monotonicity of the measure of non-compactness and the spectral radius of AM-compact operators. We also use the representation spaces to characterize d-convergence and discuss the relationship between d-convergence and the measures of non-compactness. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B06, 47B60, 47B65, 47A10, 47B10, 46B08, 46B42, 46B50, 26E35, 46S20 Remarks: To appear in Positivity The source file(s), noncomp-arXiv.tex: 51160 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0210088.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 69kb. Submitted from: vtroitsky at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0210088 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0210088 to: math at
From alspach Fri Oct 18 13:12:48 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id g9IICmK10015; Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:12:48 -0500 Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:12:48 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200210181812.g9IICmK10015 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Dale Alspach and Simei Tong Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Complemented subspaces of L_p determined by partitions and weights" by Dale Alspach and Simei Tong. Abstract: Many of the known complemented subspaces of L_p have realizations as sequence spaces. In this paper a systematic approach to defining these spaces which uses partitions and weights is introduced. This approach gives a unified description of many well-known complemented subspaces of L_p. It is proved that the class of spaces with such norms is stable under (p,2) sums. By introducing the notion of an envelope norm, we obtain a necessary condition for a Banach sequence space with norm given by partitions and weights to be isomorphic to a subspace of L_p. Using this we define a space Y_n with norm given by partitions and weights with distance to any subspace of L_p growing with n. This allows us to construct an example of a Banach space with norm given by partitions and weights which is not isomorphic to a subspace of L_p. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 Primary 46E30 Secondary The source file(s), alsptong.tex: 61584 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0210228.gz with size 17kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 89kb. Submitted from: alspach at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0210228 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0210228 to: math at
From alspach Tue Oct 22 07:31:52 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id g9MCVqm21539; Tue, 22 Oct 2002 07:31:52 -0500 Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2002 07:31:52 -0500 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200210221231.g9MCVqm21539 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vladimir Kadets, Nigel Kalton, and Dirk Werner Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Remarks on rich subspaces of Banach spaces" by Vladimir Kadets, Nigel Kalton, and Dirk Werner. Abstract: We investigate rich subspaces of $L_1$ and deduce an interpolation property of Sidon sets. We also present examples of rich separable subspaces of nonseparable Banach spaces and we study the Daugavet property of tensor products. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 46B04; 46M05; 47B38 Remarks: 12 pages The source file(s), dauga7.tex: 38914 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0210287.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 60kb. Submitted from: werner at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0210287 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0210287 to: math at
From alspach Thu Nov 7 07:38:46 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id gA7DckL07109; Thu, 7 Nov 2002 07:38:46 -0600 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 07:38:46 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200211071338.gA7DckL07109 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by David P. Blecher and Damon M. Hay Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Complete isometries - an illustration of noncommutative functional analysis" by David P. Blecher and Damon M. Hay. Abstract: This article, addressed to a general audience of functional analysts, is intended to be an illustration of a few basic principles from `noncommutative functional analysis', more specifically the new field of {\em operator spaces.} In our illustration we show how the classical characterization of (possibly non-surjective) isometries between function algebras generalizes to operator algebras. We give some variants of this characterization, and a new proof which has some advantages. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Operator Algebras Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46L07, 46L05, 47L30; Secondary 46J10 Remarks: 12 pages - Intended for Conference Proceedings The source file(s), subci.tex: 49405 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0211098.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 60kb. Submitted from: dblecher at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0211098 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0211098 to: math at
From alspach at Fri Nov 8 09:21:20 2002 Return-Path: owner-banach at Delivery-Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 08:46:24 -0600 Return-Path: <owner-banach at> Received: from (root at []) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id gA8EkNN18118 for <alspach at>; Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:46:23 -0600 Received: from (majordom at localhost []) by (8.12.2/8.12.2) with ESMTP id gA8EUso5032511 for <banach-list at>; Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:30:54 -0600 (CST) Received: (from majordom at localhost) by (8.12.2/8.12.2/Submit) id gA8EUst5019878 for banach-list; Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:30:54 -0600 (CST) X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to owner-banach at using -f Received: from ( []) by (8.12.2/8.12.2) with ESMTP id gA8EUro5009797 for <banach at>; Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:30:53 -0600 (CST) Received: from (alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) with ESMTP id gA8E8sp17804 for <banach at>; Fri, 8 Nov 2002 08:08:54 -0600 Message-Id: <200211081408.gA8E8sp17804 at> X-Mailer: exmh version 2.4 06/23/2000 with nmh-1.0.4 To: banach at Subject: Rainwater biography Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 08:08:53 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Bob Phelps has written a biography of John Rainwater There is also a link off the Banach Space Bulletin Board home page Dale Alspach
From alspach Mon Nov 18 22:03:16 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id gAJ43G708290; Mon, 18 Nov 2002 22:03:16 -0600 Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 22:03:16 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200211190403.gAJ43G708290 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Nigel Kalton, Stephen Montgomery-Smith, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz and Yuri Tomilov Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Power-bounded operators and related norm estimates" by Nigel Kalton, Stephen Montgomery-Smith, Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz and Yuri Tomilov. Abstract: We consider whether L = limsup_{n to infty} n ||T^{n+1}-T^n|| < infty implies that the operator T is power bounded. We show that this is so if L<1/e, but it does not necessarily hold if L=1/e. As part of our methods, we improve a result of Esterle, showing that if sigma(T) = {1} and T != I, then liminf_{n to infty} n ||T^{n+1}-T^n|| >= 1/e. The constant 1/e is sharp. Finally we describe a way to create many generalizations of Esterle's result, and also give many conditions on an operator which imply that its norm is equal to its spectral radius. Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Operator Algebras Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47A30, 47A10; Secondary 33E20, 42A45, 46B15 Remarks: Also available at The source file(s), t_pow_n7.tex: 41141 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0211254.gz with size 14kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 70kb. Submitted from: stephen at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0211254 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0211254 to: math at
From alspach Wed Dec 4 08:49:17 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id gB4EnGU22621; Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:49:16 -0600 Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:49:16 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200212041449.gB4EnGU22621 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Kang-Tae Kim and Steven Krantz Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "Quantum normal families: normal families of holomorphic functions and mappings on a Banach space" by Kang-Tae Kim and Steven Krantz. Abstract: The authors lay the foundations for the study of normal families of holomorphic functions and mappings on an infinite-dimensional normed linear space. Characterizations of normal families, in terms of value distribution, spherical derivatives, and other geometric properties are derived. Montel-type theorems are established. A number of different topologies on spaces of holomorphic mappings are considered. Theorems about normal families are formulated and proved in the language of these various topologies. Normal functions are also introduced. Characterizations in terms of automorphisms and also in terms of invariant derivatives are presented. Archive classification: Complex Variables; Functional Analysis Report Number: AIM 2002-16 Remarks: 35 pages The source file(s), KimKrantz.tex: 79328 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0212034.gz with size 26kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 90kb. Submitted from: sk at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0212034 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0212034 to: math at
From alspach Mon Dec 16 07:56:22 2002 Return-Path: <alspach at> Received: (from alspach at localhost) by (8.11.6/8.8.7) id gBGDuMk11514; Mon, 16 Dec 2002 07:56:22 -0600 Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 07:56:22 -0600 From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Message-Id: <200212161356.gBGDuMk11514 at> To: alspach at, banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Valentin Ferenczi, Anna Maria Pelczar and Christian Rosendal Status: R
This is an announcement for the paper "On a question of Haskell P. Rosenthal" by Valentin Ferenczi, Anna Maria Pelczar and Christian Rosendal. Abstract: We consider a normalized basis in a Banach space with the following property: any normalized block sequence of the basis has a subsequence equivalent to the basis. We show that under uniformity or other natural assumptions, a basis with this property is equivalent to the unit vector basis of $c_0$ or $\ell_p$. We also address an analogous problem for spreading models. Archive classification: Functional Analysis Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 46B15 Remarks: 14 pages The source file(s), fpr.tex: 35810 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as 0212166.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 53kb. Submitted from: apelczar at The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL or or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with subject line uget 0212166 or in gzipped form by using subject line get 0212166 to: math at