Messages from 1999

From alspach  Mon Jan  4 10:36:48 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id KAA14842;
	Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:36:48 -0600
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:36:48 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901041636.KAA14842 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.V. Astashkin
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Tensor product in symmetric
function spaces" by S.V. Astashkin.

Abstract: A concept of multiplicator of symmetric function space
concerning to projective tensor product is introduced and studied. This
allows to obtain some concrete results. In particular, the well-known
theorem of R. O'Neil about the boundedness of tensor product in the
Lorentz spaces L_{p,q} is discussed.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Classical Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B70 (Primary), 46B20, 48B40

Citation: Collectenea Math. 48(1997), 375 -- 391

Remarks: 17 pages

The source file, Multipl.tex, has length  31439 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812155.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 52kb.

Submitted from: astashkn at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812155

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812155

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Jan  4 10:38:35 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id KAA14904;
	Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:38:35 -0600
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:38:35 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901041638.KAA14904 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Classifying tight Weyl-Heisenberg
frames" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen.

Abstract: A Weyl-Heisenberg frame for L^2(R) is a frame consisting of
translates and modulates of a fixed function. In this paper we give
necessary and sufficient conditions for this family to form a tight
WH-frame. This allows us to write down explicitly all functions g for
which all translates and modulates of g form an orthonormal basis for
L^2(R). There are a number of consequences of this classification,
including a simple direct classification of the alternate dual frames
to a WH-frame (A result originally due to Janssen).

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B07; 46C05

Remarks: 11 pages

The source file, Submit.tex, has length  24292 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812159.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 50kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812159

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812159

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Jan  4 10:40:18 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id KAA14964;
	Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:40:18 -0600
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 10:40:18 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901041640.KAA14964 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and N.J. Nielsen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Embeddings of Banach spaces into
Banach lattices and the Gordon-Lewis property" by Peter G. Casazza and
N.J. Nielsen.

Abstract: In this paper we first show that if $X$ is a Banach space
and $\alpha$ is a left invariant crossnorm on $\ell_\infty\otimes
X$, then there is a Banach lattice $L$ and an isometric embedding
$J$ of $X$ into $L$, so that $I\otimes J$ becomes an isometry of
$\ell_\infty\otimes_\alpha X$ onto $\ell_\infty\otimes_m J(X)$. Here $I$
denotes the identity operator on $\ell_\infty$ and $\ell_\infty\otimes_m
J(X)$ the canonical lattice tensor product. This result is originally
due to G.\ Pisier (unpublished), but our proof is different. We then
use this to characterize the Gordon-Lewis property $\GL$ in terms of
embeddings into Banach lattices. Also other structures related to the
$\GL$ are investigated.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B40; 46B42

Remarks: 32 pages, latex2e

The source file, Niels.tex, has length  66750 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812160.gz with size 19kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 80kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812160

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812160

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Jan 29 08:43:59 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id IAA12182;
	Fri, 29 Jan 1999 08:43:59 -0600
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 08:43:59 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901291443.IAA12182 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by F. Chaatit and H. Rosenthal
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On differences of semi-continuous
functions" by F. Chaatit and H. Rosenthal.

Abstract: Extrinsic and intrinsic characterizations are given for the
class DSC$(K)$ of differences of semi-continuous functions on a Polish
space $K$, and also decomposition characterizations of DSC$(K)$ and the
class PS$(K)$ of pointwise stabilizing functions on $K$ are obtained
in terms of behavior restricted to ambiguous sets. The main, extrinsic
characterization is given in terms of behavior restricted to some subsets
of second category in any closed subset of $K$. The concept of a strong
continuity point is introduced, using the transfinite oscillations
osc$_\alpha f$ of a function $f$ previously defined by the second named
author. The main intrinsic characterization yields the following DSC
analogue of Baire's characterization of first Baire class functions:
a function belongs to DSC$(K)$ iff its restriction to any closed
non-empty set $L$ has a strong continuity point. The characterizations
yield as a corollary that a locally uniformly converging series $\sum
\varphi_j$ of DSC functions on $K$ converges to a DSC function provided
$\sum\hbox{osc}_\alpha \varphi_j$ converges locally uniformly for all
countable ordinals $\alpha$.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 26A21, 46B03; Secondary
03E15, 04A15

Report Number: ut-ma/99002

Remarks: 20 pages, AMSTeX

The source file, dsc.tex, has length  47767 bytes and is stored in gzipped
form as 9901134.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 64kb.

Submitted from: combs at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9901134

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9901134

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Feb  2 08:37:05 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id IAA18087;
	Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:37:05 -0600
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:37:05 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199902021437.IAA18087 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Godefroy, N. Kalton, and D. Li
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Operators between subspaces and
quotients of L1" by G. Godefroy, N. Kalton, and D. Li.

Abstract: We provide an unified approach of results of L. Dor on the
complementation of the range, and of D. Alspach on the nearness from
isometries, of small into isomorphisms of L1. We introduce the notion
of small subspace of L1 and show lifting theorems for operators between
quotients of L1 by small subspaces. We construct a subspace of L1 which
shows that extension of isometries from subspaces of L1 to the whole
space are no longer true for isomorphisms, and that nearly isometric
isomorphisms from subspaces of L1 into L1 need not be near from any

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46A22 - 46B20 - 46B25

Remarks: 35 pages

The source file, Gkl2.tex, has length  10679 bytes  and is stored
in gzipped form as 9902007.tar.gz with size 28kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 112kb.

Submitted from: at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9902007

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9902007

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Mar 18 09:01:21 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA08649;
	Thu, 18 Mar 1999 09:01:21 -0600
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 09:01:21 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199903181501.JAA08649 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Vershynin
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Subsequences of frames" by
R. Vershynin.

Abstract: Every frame in Hilbert space contains a subsequence equivalent
to an orthogonal basis. If a frame is n-dimensional then this subsequence
has length (1 - \epsilon) n. On the other hand, there is a frame which
does not contain bases with brackets.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46C05; 46B07

Remarks: 16 pages, LaTeX

The source file, frames.tex, has length  38647 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9902097.gz with size 12kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 64kb.

Submitted from: mathgr39 at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9902097

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9902097

 to: math at

From alspach at  Fri Mar 19 13:29:02 1999

Return-Path: owner-banach at
Delivery-Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:39:25 -0600
Received: (from majordomo at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id RAA06972
	for banach-list; Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:36:41 -0600
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Received: from (alspach at localhost [])
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id RAA06968
	for <banach>; Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:36:39 -0600
Message-Id: <199902162336.RAA06968 at>
X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2
Reply-to: "George Anastassiou" <ANASTASG at>
To: banach at
Subject: New Book Series
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Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 17:36:38 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Dear Colleaques Hi!
I,George Anastassiou,have been appointed a KLUWER/PLENUM publishers 
book series Editor for the new book series "Computational Mathematics
and Applications"(CMAA).
This series basically intends to publish high quality  
strictly refereed books in all of Mathematics and their applications 
including Probability,Stochastic Processes and Statistics,EXCEPT OF 
 The books we will consider should be in one of the following groups:
 upper level undergraduate,graduate level,research level.
 We intend to publish texts,monographs,proceedings of conferences,
 handbooks and compilations of papers.
 The published books will be suitable for 
 students,researchers,libraries in Mathematical 
Interested potential authors should send 3 hard copies of their book 
proposal(about 10 pages) or 2 hard copies of their book in final 
form(at least 125 printed pages),along with 2 discs with book content 
      Dr.George Anastassiou
      Department of Mathematical Sciences
      The University of Memphis
      Memphis,TN 38152
      Tel (901) 678-3144 office
          (901) 678-2482 secretary
          (901) 678-2480 FAX
          (901) 371-9752 home
      e-mail  anastasg at
Book manuscripts should be typed in any of the TEX,LATEX,AMS-TEX,AMS-
LATEX different versions.It would be much easier for the publishers 
and authors, if authors follow the Kluwer typing style file,which is 
among others Latex 2.09.To get it please write to

 editdept at    OR    Texhelp at

The authors should provide us a list of 6 possible referees to 
be used in case our long list of referees does not contain the 
appropriate persons to do the refereeing job of the particular 
  Strictly speaking: "Computational Mathematics identifies with 
the computational approach in solving mathematical problems within 
Mathematics or other Sciences,as well as in the real world.The 
solutions are given either constructively and concretely or 
algorithmically in forms that can be any of explicit,implicit,visual 
or approximate and numerical."

 Working computationally in Mathematical Sciences has become one of 
the main trends in the last fourty years internationally,so we can 
understand and solve the complex problems of our scientific and real
Next we provide a list of possible areas,meaning also their 
combinations,where submitted books can emphasise on.
However submitted books can be also on any other topic of NON-PURE
 The partial list of sample subjects follows:          
computational real and complex analysis,applied analysis,applied 
functional analysis,approximation theory,o.d.e,p.d.e,Toda-lattice 
theory,wavelet,neural networks,difference 
equations,summability,fractals,special functions,splines,asymptotic
analysis,inequalities,moment theory,numerical analysis,applied 
numerical analysis,numerical functional 
analysis,tomography,asymptotic expansions,Fourier analysis,integral 
equations,potential theory,sampling theory,signal analysis,graph 
theory and combinatorics,computational geometry,computational 
algebra,cryptography,coding,computational number theory,optimization,
operations research,mathematical programming,control theory,fuzzy 
theory,fluid dynamics,econometric theory,computer aided geometric 
design,functional equations,orthogonal polynomials,game 
theory,calculus of variations,systems theory,numerical Fourier 
analysis,computational complexity,etc.

  Developing software related to the book material is strongly 
encouraged  if applicable.
       Cordially yours
       George Anastassiou
       CMAA book series editor  

From alspach  Tue Feb 23 09:02:42 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA32600;
	Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:02:42 -0600
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 09:02:42 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199902231502.JAA32600 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by F. Oertel
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Extension of finite rank operators
and local structures in operator ideals" by F. Oertel.

Abstract: We develop general techniques and present an approach to solve
the problem of constructing a maximal Banach ideal $({\frak A},{\bf A)}$
which does {\it not} satisfy a transfer of the norm estimation in the
principle of local reflexivity to its norm ${\bf A}$. This approach leads
us to the investigation of product operator ideals containing ${\frak
L}_2$ (the collection of all Hilbertian operators) as a factor. Using the
local properties of such operator ideals -- which are typical examples
of ideals with property (I) and property (S) --, trace duality and an
extension of suitable finite rank operators even enable us to show that
${\frak L}_\infty $ cannot be totally accessible -- answering an open
question of Defant and Floret.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46M05, 47D50 (Primary) 47A80

Remarks: LaTeX 2e, 26 pages

The source file, pp5_math.tex, has length  94216 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9902135.gz with size 23kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 107kb.

Submitted from: oertel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9902135

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9902135

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Mar 16 04:05:22 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id EAA31736;
	Fri, 16 Mar 1999 04:05:22 -0500
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 1999 04:05:22 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904160905.EAA31736 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Shvidkoy
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Geometric aspects of the Daugavet
property" by R. Shvidkoy.

Abstract: Let X be a closed subspace of a Banach space Y and J be the
inclusion map. We say that the pair (X,Y) has the Daugavet property if
for every rank one bounded linear operator T from X to Y the following
equality \|J+T\|=1+\|T\| holds. A new characterization of the Daugavet
property in terms of weak open sets is given. It is shown that the
operators not fixing copies of l_1 on a Daugavet pair satisfy the
Daugavet equation.
 Some hereditary properties are found: if X is a Daugavet space and Y
 is its
subspace, then Y is also a Daugavet space provided X/Y has the
Radon-Nikodym property; if Y is reflexive then X/Y is a Daugavet
space. The renorming theorem is formulated and proved in the pair-oriented
case: if (X,Y) has the Daugavet property, Y\subset Z and Z/Y is separable,
then Z can be renormed so that (X,Z) possesses the Daugavet property and
the equivalent norm coincides with the original one on Y. The condition
``Z/Y is separable'' is shown to be essential.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

The source file, Shvidkoy1-1998.TEX, has length  42262 bytes and is
stored in gzipped form as 9903098.gz with size 13kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 69kb.

Submitted from: mathgr31 at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903098

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903098

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Mar 17 03:25:45 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id DAA05947;
	Wed, 17 Mar 1999 03:25:45 -0500
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 03:25:45 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904170825.DAA05947 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Shvidkoy
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The largest linear space of
operators satisfying the Daugavet equation in L_1" by R. Shvidkoy.

Abstract: We find the largest linear space of bounded linear operators
on L_1(Omega), that being restricted to any L_1(A), A \subset Omega,
satisfy the Daugavet equation.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Remarks: 6 pages

The source file, largest.TEX, has length  13351 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9903102.gz with size 4kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 36kb.

Submitted from: mathgr31 at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903102

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903102

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Mar 17 03:27:54 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id DAA06008;
	Wed, 17 Mar 1999 03:27:54 -0500
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 03:27:54 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904170827.DAA06008 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by V Kadets, B. Shumyatskiy, R. Shvidkoy, L. Tseytlin and K. Zheltukhin
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Some remarks on vector-valued
integration" by V Kadets, B. Shumyatskiy, R. Shvidkoy, L. Tseytlin and
K. Zheltukhin.

Abstract: The article presents a new method of integration of functions
with values in Banach spaces. This integral and related notions prove
to be a useful tool in the study of Banach space geometry.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46G10; 46B20

Remarks: 21 pages

The source file, integral.tex, has length  51720 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9903103.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 74kb.

Submitted from: mathgr31 at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903103

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903103

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Mar 23 03:35:08 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id DAA22019;
	Tue, 23 Mar 1999 03:35:08 -0500
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 03:35:08 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904230835.DAA22019 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y.A.Abramovich, C.D.Aliprantis, O.Burkinshaw, and A.W.Wickstead
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "A characterization of
compact-friendly multiplication operators" by Y.A.Abramovich,
C.D.Aliprantis, O.Burkinshaw, and A.W.Wickstead.

Abstract: Answering in the affirmative a question posed in
[Y.A.Abramovich, C.D.Aliprantis and O.Burkinshaw, Multiplication and
compact-friendly operators, {\it Positivity\/ \bf 1}$\,$(1997), 171--180],
we prove that a positive multiplication operator on any $L_p$-space
(resp. on a $C(\Omega)$-space) is compact-friendly if and only if the
multiplier is constant on a set of positive measure (resp. on a non-empty
open set).
  In the process of establishing this result, we also prove that any
multiplication operator has a family of hyperinvariant bands -- a fact
that does not seem to have appeared in the literature before. This
provides useful information about the commutant of a multiplication

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B38; 46E30

Remarks: To appear in Indag. Math., 12 pages

The source file, AABW, has length  33865 bytes and is stored in gzipped
form as 9903139.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 57kb.

Submitted from: yabramovich at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903139

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903139

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Mar 24 05:40:26 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id FAA31504;
	Wed, 24 Mar 1999 05:40:26 -0500
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 05:40:26 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904241040.FAA31504 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y. A. Abramovich and A. K. Kitover
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "A characterization of operators
preserving disjointness in terms of   their inverse" by Y. A. Abramovich
and A. K. Kitover.

Abstract: The characterization mentioned in the title is found.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B60

Remarks: To appear in {\bf Positivity}, LaTeX, 10 pages

The source file, bt.cond, has length  24972 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9903142.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 37kb.

Submitted from: yabramovich at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903142

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903142

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Mar 29 03:21:45 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id DAA29312;
	Mon, 29 Mar 1999 03:21:45 -0500
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 03:21:45 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904280821.DAA29312 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y.A.Abramovich and A.K.Kitover
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "d-independence and d-bases in
vector lattices" by Y.A.Abramovich and A.K.Kitover.

Abstract: This article contains the results of two types. First we give
a complete characterization of band preserving projection operators on
Dedekind complete vector lattices. This is done in Theorem~3.4. Let us
mention also Theorem~3.2 that contains a description of such operators on
arbitrary laterally complete vector lattices. The central role in these
descriptions is played by d-bases, one of two principal tools utilized
in our work [{\it Inverses of Disjointness Preserving Operators}, Memoirs
of the Amer. Math. Soc., forthcoming]. The concept of a d-basis has been
applied so far only to vector lattices with a large amount of projection
bands. The absence of the projection bands has been the major obstacle for
extending, otherwise very useful concept of d-bases, to arbitrary vector
lattices. In Section~4 we overcome this obstacle by finding a new way to
introduce d-independence in an arbitrary vector lattice. This allows us to
produce a new definition of a d-basis which is free of the existence of
projection bands. We illustrate this by proving several results devoted
to cardinality of d-bases. Theorems~4.13 and~4.15 are the main of them
and they assert that, under very general conditions, a vector lattice
either has a singleton d-basis of else this d-basis must be infinite.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B60; 47B65; 46A40

Remarks: 15 pages, LaTeX

The source file, AK-d&d.tex, has length  48332 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9903156.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 58kb.

Submitted from: yabramovich at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903156

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903156

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Apr  1 02:46:27 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id CAA22313;
	Thu, 1 Apr 1999 02:46:27 -0500
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 02:46:27 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199905010746.CAA22313 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Youssef Jabri and Mimoun Moussaoui
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On the linking principle" by
Youssef Jabri and Mimoun Moussaoui.

Abstract: We give a linking theorem that strengthens and unifies some
many minimax theorems including Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz ``mountain pass
theorem'', Rabinowitz ``multidimensional mountain pass theorem'',
Rabinowitz ``saddle point theorem'' and Silva's variants of these results.
We focus our attention especially on ``the limiting case'', known to
be true for the mountain pass principle, where some information on the
location of the critical points is given. Two forms of this theorem are
given: the first one is established via a deformation lemma and we use
Ekeland's variational principle to get the second one.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Analysis of PDEs

Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A15

Remarks: 17 pages, part of the thesis of the first author (July 1995)

The source file, E-link.tex, has length  49144 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9903189.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 72kb.

Submitted from: jabri at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9903189

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9903189

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Apr 29 09:41:14 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA08412;
	Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:41:14 -0500
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:41:14 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904291441.JAA08412 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Andreas Defant and Carsten Michels
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Bennett-Carl inequalities for
symmetric Banach sequence spaces and unitary ideals" by Andreas Defant
and Carsten Michels.

Abstract: We prove an abstract interpolation theorem which interpolates
the (r,2)-summing and (s,2)-mixing norm of a fixed operator in the image
and the range space. Combined with interpolation formulas for spaces
of operators we obtain as an application the original Bennett-Carl
inequalities for identities acting between Minkowski spaces l_u as well
as their analogues for Schatten classes S_u. Furthermore, our techniques
motivate a study of Bennett-Carl inequalities within a more general
setting of symmetric Banach sequence spaces and unitary ideals.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B10 (primary), 47B37 (secondary)

Remarks: 17 pages

The source file, DM98A.TEX, has length  51134 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9904157.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 81kb.

Submitted from: michels at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9904157

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9904157

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Apr 30 09:55:59 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA26562;
	Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:55:59 -0500
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 09:55:59 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199904301455.JAA26562 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Andreas Defant and Carsten Michels
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "A complex interpolation formula
for tensor products of vector-valued  Banach function spaces" by Andreas
Defant and Carsten Michels.

Abstract: We prove a complex interpolation formula for the injective
tensor product of vector-valued Banach function spaces satisfying
certain geometric assumptions.  This result unifies results of Kouba, and
moreover, our approach offers an alternate proof of Kouba's interpolation
formula for scalar-valued Banach function spaces.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46M35 (primary), 46M05,46E40,46B70

Remarks: 12 pages

The source files, CATMAC.STY and DM99A.TEX have lengths 32784 bytes and 40742 bytes.

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9904165

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9904165

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon May  3 08:12:11 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id IAA03022;
	Mon, 3 May 1999 08:12:11 -0500
Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 08:12:11 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199905031312.IAA03022 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Carsten Michels
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "\Lambda(p)-sets and the limit
order of operator ideals" by Carsten Michels.

Abstract: Given an infinite set \Lambda of characters on a compact
abelian group we show that \Lambda is a \Lambda(p)-set for all p>2 if
and only if the limit order of the ideal of all \Lambda-summing operators
coincides with that of the ideal of all Gaussian-summing operators. This
is a natural counterpart to a recent result of Baur which says that
\Lambda is a Sidon set if and only if even the two operator ideals
from above coincide. Furthermore, our techniques, which are mainly
based on complex interpolation, lead us to exact asymptotic estimates
of the Gaussian-summing norm of identities between finite-dimensional
Schatten classes.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Classical Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B10,43A40,43A46 (primary), 46M35

Remarks: 6 pages

The source file(s), MICH99.TEX: 23111 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9904176.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 44kb.

Submitted from: michels at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9904176

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9904176

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed May  5 15:57:35 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id PAA24178;
	Wed, 5 May 1999 15:57:35 -0500
Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 15:57:35 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199905052057.PAA24178 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Timur Oikhberg and Haskell P. Rosenthal
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On certain extension properties
for the space of compact operators" by Timur Oikhberg and Haskell
P. Rosenthal.

Abstract: Let $Z$ be a fixed separable operator space, $X\subset Y$
general separable operator spaces, and $T:X\to Z$ a completely bounded
map. $Z$ is said to have the Complete Separable Extension Property (CSEP)
if every such map admits a completely bounded extension to $Y$; the Mixed
Separable Extension Property (MSEP) if every such $T$ admits a bounded
extension to $Y$. Finally, $Z$ is said to have the Complete Separable
Complementation Property (CSCP) if $Z$ is locally reflexive and $T$
admits a completely bounded extension to $Y$ provided $Y$ is locally
reflexive and $T$ is a complete surjective isomorphism. Let ${\bf K}$
denote the space of compact operators on separable Hilbert space and
${\bf K}_0$ the $c_0$ sum of ${\Cal M}_n$'s (the space of ``small compact
operators''). It is proved that ${\bf K}$ has the CSCP, using the second
author's previous result that ${\bf K}_0$ has this property. A new proof
is given for the result (due to E. Kirchberg) that ${\bf K}_0$ (and
hence ${\bf K}$) fails the CSEP. It remains an open question if ${\bf K}$
has the MSEP; it is proved this is equivalent to whether ${\bf K}_0$ has
this property. A new Banach space concept, Extendable Local Reflexivity
(ELR), is introduced to study this problem. Further complements and open
problems are discussed.

Archive classification: Operator Algebras

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B28, 47D25 (Primary) 47C15,
46L99 (Secondary)

Report Number: ut-ma/99004

Remarks: 71 pages, AMSTeX

The source files ORarc.tex: 146801 bytes, ORfig1.eps: 47668 bytes,
ORfig2.eps: 47572 bytes, ORfig3.eps: 87677 bytes, ORfig4.eps: 48144 bytes,
ORfig5.eps: 46673 bytes, are stored in gzipped form as 9905017.tar.gz
with size 112kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped size 220kb.

Submitted from: combs at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9905017

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9905017

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue May 11 23:12:55 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id XAA09088;
	Tue, 11 May 1999 23:12:54 -0500
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 23:12:54 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199905120412.XAA09088 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Carlos Ortiz
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Uniform versions of infinitary
properties in Banach spaces" by Carlos Ortiz.

Abstract: In functional analysis it is of interest to study the following
general question:
  Is the uniform version of a property that holds in all Banach spaces
also valid in all Banach spaces?

  Examples of affirmative answers to the above question are the host
of proofs of almost-isometric versions of well known isometric
theorems. Another example is Rosenthal's uniform version of Krivine's
Theorem. Using an extended version of Henson's Compactness result for
positive bounded formulas in normed structures, we show that the answer
of the above question is in fact yes for every property that can be
expressed in a particular infinitary language.

Archive classification: Logic; Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 03C65 (Primary) 46B08, 46B20

Remarks: Latex2e, 27 pages

The source file(s), submission.tex.tex: 54177 bytes, is(are) stored in
gzipped form as 9905061.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 66kb.

Submitted from: ortiz at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9905061

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	 get 9905061

 to: math at

From alspach at  Fri May 28 16:25:12 1999

Return-Path: <alspach at>
Received: from (mail at [])
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id QAA02875
	for <alspach at>; Fri, 28 May 1999 16:25:12 -0500
Received: (from mail at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id QAA07661
	for <alspach at>; Fri, 28 May 1999 16:28:20 -0500
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Received: from localhost( by via smap (V2.1)
	id xmaa07653; Fri, 28 May 99 16:27:53 -0500
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 16:27:52 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Subject: Death of Ptak
Status: R

``We regret to inform Banach space people that on May 9, 1999
Professor Vlastimil Pt'ak of Prague passed away at the age
of 73. ''

Marian Fabian, Kamil John, Vladislav M\"uller, and V. Zizler

From alspach  Mon Jun 21 10:53:48 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA01774;
	Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:53:48 -0500
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 10:53:48 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199906211553.KAA01774 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter Saveliev
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Fixed points and selections of
multifunctions on spaces with convexity" by Peter Saveliev.

Abstract: We provide theorems containnig both Kakutani and Browder fixed
points theorems as immediate corollaries, as well as Michael and Browder
selection theorems. For this purpose we introduce convex structures more
general than those of locally convex and non-locally convex topological
vector spaces or generalized convexity structures due to Michael, Van
de Vel and Horvath.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; General Topology

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H04, 47H10, 52A01, 54C65, 54H25

Remarks: 17 pages

The source file(s), conv-short.tex: 59850 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9906128.gz with size 17kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 71kb.

Submitted from: saveliev at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9906128

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9906128

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Jun 23 11:44:08 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA14250;
	Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:44:08 -0500
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 11:44:08 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199906231644.LAA14250 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Marc A. Rieffel
Status: RO

This is an announcement for the paper "Metrics on state spaces" by Marc
A. Rieffel.

Abstract: In contrast to the usual Lipschitz seminorms associated to
ordinary metrics on compact spaces, we show by examples that Lipschitz
seminorms on possibly non-commutative compact spaces are usually not
determined by the restriction of the metric they define on the state
space, to the extreme points of the state space. We characterize the
Lipschitz norms which are determined by their metric on the whole state
space as being those which are lower semicontinuous. We show that their
domain of Lipschitz elements can be enlarged so as to form a dual Banach
space, which generalizes the situation for ordinary Lipschitz seminorms.
We give a characterization of the metrics on state spaces which come
from Lipschitz seminorms. The natural (broader) setting for these results
is provided by the ``function spaces'' of Kadison. A variety of methods
for constructing Lipschitz seminorms is indicated.

Archive classification: Operator Algebras

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L87; 58B30, 60B10

Remarks: 41 pages, AMS-TEX

The source file(s), state.tex: 115068 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9906151.gz with size 35kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 113kb.

Submitted from: rieffel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9906151

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9906151

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Jun 30 11:26:46 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA12542;
	Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:26:46 -0500
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:26:46 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199906301626.LAA12542 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Juan P. Bes
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Invariant manifolds of hypercyclic
vectors for the real scalar case" by Juan P. Bes.

Abstract: We show that every hypercyclic operator on a real locally convex
space admits a dense, invariant linear manifold of hypercyclic vectors.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A15; 47A99

Citation: Proc. A.M.S. 127 (1999) pp 1801-1804

Remarks: 4 pages

The source file(s), articproceedings.tex: 11472 bytes, is(are) stored
in gzipped form as 9906196.gz with size 4kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 25kb.

Submitted from: jbes at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9906196

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9906196

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Jun 30 11:28:53 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA12593;
	Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:28:53 -0500
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 11:28:53 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199906301628.LAA12593 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Richard M. Aron and Juan P. Bes
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Hypercyclic differentiation
operators" by Richard M. Aron and Juan P. Bes.

Abstract: A classical theorem due to G.D. Birkhoff states that there
exists an entire function whose translates approximate any given entire
function, as accurately as desired, over any ball of the complex plane. We
show this result may be generalized to the space of entire functions of
compact bounded type defined on a Banach space with separable dual.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46G20; 47B99 (Primary) 30D05

Citation: Contemporary Mathematics 232 (1998), pp 39-47

Remarks: 8 pages

The source file(s), HypDifOp.tex: 26225 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9906199.gz with size 9kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 47kb.

Submitted from: jbes at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9906199

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9906199

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Jul 13 09:52:10 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA26476;
	Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:52:10 -0500
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:52:10 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199907131452.JAA26476 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The similarity degree of an
operator algebra II" by Gilles Pisier.

Abstract: For every integer $d\ge 1$, there is a unital closed subalgebra
$A_d\subset B(H)$ with similarity degree equal precisely to $d$, in the
sense of our previous paper. This means that for any unital homomorphism
$u\colon \ A_d\to B(H)$ we have $\|u\|_{cb} \le K\|u\|^d$ with $K>0$
independent of $u$, and the exponent $d$ in this estimate cannot be
improved. The proof that the degree is larger than $d-1$ crucially uses
an upper bound for the norms of certain Gaussian random matrices due to
Haagerup and Thorbj\o rnsen. We also include several complements to our
previous publications on the same subject.

Archive classification: Operator Algebras, Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47D25

Remarks: plain TeX, 33 pages, To appear in Math. Z

The source file(s), simdeg2: 69433 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9907062.gz with size 23kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 90kb.

Submitted from: gip at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9907062

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9907062

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Jul 13 09:53:35 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA26525;
	Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:53:35 -0500
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 09:53:35 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199907131453.JAA26525 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "An inequality for $p$-orthogonal
sums in non-commutative ${\bf L_p}$" by Gilles Pisier.

Abstract: We give an alternate proof of one of the inequalities
proved recently for martingales (=sums of martingale differences) in a
non-commutative $L_p$-space, with
  $1<p<\infty$, by Q. Xu and the author. This new approach is restricted
  to $p$
an even integer, but it yields a constant which is $O(p)$ when $p\to
\infty$ and it applies to a much more general kind of sums which we
call $p$-orthogonal.

Archive classification: Operator Algebras, Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 60B99

Remarks: plain TeX, 29 pages, submitted to Illinois J. Math

The source file(s), psums: 51844 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as
9907063.gz with size 18kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped
size 75kb.

Submitted from: gip at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9907063

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9907063

 to: math at

From alspach 21 Jul 1999 14:40:08 -0500
To: banach at
Subject: SUMIRFAS'99
Reply-to: Bill Johnson <Bill.Johnson at>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 14:40:08 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk


	   The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	 will meet  August 6-8 at Texas A&M in College Station.

SCHEDULE (tentative):  The first talk will be at 1:30 pm on Friday, 
August 6. All talks will be in Blocker 120.  Refreshments will be 
available in Blocker 112 at 1:00 Friday.  SUMIRFAS will end in the 
early afternoon on Sunday. The schedule will be posted and updated 
periodically on the Home Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis 
and Probability, whose new URL is 
The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, 
including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars.  

HOUSING:  Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, 
(409) 845-5-4412, (409) 845-6028  FaX) for help with housing.  
Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or 
nonsmoking),  which night(s) you need the room, and give her a 
roommate preference.  

We expect to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for 
some participants.  Preference will be given to participants 
who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored 
research grants.  When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell 
her if you are requesting support.  Rooms in CS may be tight the 
weekend of SUMIRFAS, so please act ASAP.

W. Johnson,  johnson at
D. Larson,   larson at
G. Pisier,  pisier at
J. Zinn,    jzinn at

From alspach
Message-Id: <199907301521.KAA30156 at>
Received: from localhost( by via smap (V2.1)
	id xma030146; Fri, 30 Jul 99 10:20:46 -0500
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To: banach at
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 10:20:46 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk


	   The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	 will meet  August 6-8 at Texas A&M in College Station.

SCHEDULE :  The schedule, given below, is also posted on the Home 
Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis 
and Probability, whose URL is 
The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, 
including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars.  
Last minute adjustments to the schedule will be posted to 
the Home Page but not mailed out.

HOUSING:  Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, 
(409) 845-4412, (409) 845-6028  FaX) for help with housing.  
Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire 
(smoking or nonsmoking),  which night(s) you need the 
room, and give her a roommate preference.  

DINNER: There will be a dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 7, 
at Imperial Chinese Restaurant, 2232 S. Texas Ave. in College 
Station. The charge for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for 
faculty and $10 per person for students.  Please tell Judy Gloyna if 
you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend.  Checks 
should be made out to Dept. Math., TAMU.  RESERVATIONS SHOULD 
BE MADE BY AUGUST 3 and payment made by August 6.

We expect to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for 
some participants.  Preference will be given to participants 
who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored 
research grants.  When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell 
her if you are requesting support.  

W. Johnson,  johnson at
D. Larson,   larson at
G. Pisier,  pisier at
J. Zinn,    jzinn at


Friday, August 6   Blocker 120

1:00-1:30  Coffee, Blocker 112
1:30-2:20   Thomas Schlumprecht, Asymptotic structures in Banach 
2:30-3:30   Bill Johnson, Affine approximation of Lipschitz functions 
                  between infinite dimensional spaces         
3:30-3:50   Coffee Break
3:50-4:40    Marius Stefan, Indecomposition properties for the free 
                  group factors
4:50-5:30    Timur Oikhberg, Homogeneous Hilbertian subspaces of 
                   L_p spaces
5:40-6:10    Rob Judd, Mutually disjoint Schreier sets

Saturday, August 7    Blocker 120

  9:30-10:00 Coffee & Donuts, Blocker 112
10:00-11:00 Stephen Semmes,  Lipschitz mappings between spaces of 
                    different dimension
11:10-12:10 Gideon Schechtman, Uniform quotient mappings between 
                     Euclidean spaces
12:10-2:00   BREAK FOR LUNCH
  1:45-2:00   Coffee, Blocker 112
  2:00-2:50   Ken Dykema, Exactness of reduced free product 
  3:00-3:50   David Blecher, The noncommutative Shilov boundary 
                     and multipliers of operator spaces
  3:50-4:10   Coffee Break
  4:10-4:50    George Androulakis, Candidates for prime Banach spaces
  5:00-5:40    Ching-Yun Suen, An extension theorem for W2 completely 
                     bounded maps and Wp completely bounded norms
  6:30-          Dinner at Imperial Chinese Restaurant, 2232 S. Texas Ave. 

Sunday, August 8    Blocker 120

  9:00-9:30    Coffee & Donuts, Blocker 112
  9:30-10:20   Gadadhar Misra, A rigidity theorem for invariant 
10:30-11:10  Narutaka Ozawa, A short proof of the Oikhberg-Rosenthal 
11:20-12:00  Alvaro Arias, Approximate identities for complete 

From alspach at  Tue Aug 10 09:30:37 1999

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	Mon, 2 Aug 1999 19:03:32 -0500
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	id xma010821; Mon, 2 Aug 99 19:03:21 -0500
To: banach at, alspach at
Reply-to: Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann <nicole at>
Subject: change of address Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 19:03:21 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

CHANGE of ADDRESS for Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann:

My  present e-mail address is:
   nicole at

I have been  using  this address  already  for a couple of years,
along  with the old address:  ntomczak at

Please NOTE that the last month the old address ceased to exist, 
and the messages sent to it  do no reach me anymore. 

From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>

Return-Path: owner-banach at
Delivery-Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:27:18 -0500
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	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id KAA20013
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	id xma019996; Tue, 10 Aug 99 10:22:39 -0500
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Subject: New Email address for Alex Koldobsky
Reply-to: Alexander Koldobski <koldobsk at>
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Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 10:22:39 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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The new email address  for Alex Koldobsky is

koldobsk at
koldobsk at

From alspach  Mon Aug 16 16:03:47 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id QAA06203;
	Mon, 16 Aug 1999 16:03:47 -0500
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 16:03:47 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908162103.QAA06203 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On a question of Niels Gr\o nbaek"
by Gilles Pisier.

Abstract: Let $F(X)$ denote the norm closure of the space of all finite
rank operators on a Banach space $X$. We show that there are Banach
spaces $X$ for which the product map $a\otimes b\to ab$ does not define
a surjective map from the projective tensor product $F(X) \widehat\otimes
F(X)$ onto $F(X)$.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28,46M05

Remarks: plain TeX file

The source file(s), 11016 bytes, is(are) stored in
gzipped form as 9908049.gz with size 5kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 29kb.

Submitted from: gip at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908049

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908049

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Aug 16 16:05:10 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id QAA06304;
	Mon, 16 Aug 1999 16:05:10 -0500
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 16:05:10 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908162105.QAA06304 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Alex Chigogidze
Status: RO

This is an announcement for the paper "Continuous homomorphisms of
Arens-Michael algebras" by Alex Chigogidze.

Abstract: It is shown (Theorem \ref{T:spectral}) that every continuous
homomorphism of Arens-Michael algebras can be obtained as the limit
of a morphism of certain projective systems consisting of Fr\'{e}chet
algebras. Based on this we prove (Theorem \ref{T:complementedpro})
that a complemented subalgebra of an uncountable product of Fr\'{e}chet
algebras is topologically isomorphic to the product of Fr\'{e}chet
algebras. These results are used to characterize injective objects
of the category of locally convex topological vector spaces.  Dually,
it is shown that a complemented subspace of an uncountable direct sum
of Banach spaces is topologically isomorphic to the direct sum of ({\bf
LB})-spaces. This result is used to characterize (Theorem \ref{T:proj})
projective objects of the above category.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46H05; 46M10

Remarks: 25 pages, submitted

The source file(s), Ampi.tex: 81786 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9908077.gz with size 19kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 91kb.

Submitted from: chigogid at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908077

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908077

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Aug 18 09:25:38 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA20530;
	Wed, 18 Aug 1999 09:25:38 -0500
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 09:25:38 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908181425.JAA20530 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, and James W. Roberts
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On the size of approximately
convex sets in normed spaces" by S. J. Dilworth, Ralph Howard, and James
W. Roberts.

Abstract: Let $X$ be a normed space. A subset $A$ of X$ is approximately
convex if $d(ta+(1-t)b,A) \le 1$ for all $a,b \in A$ and $t \in
[0,1]$ where $d(x,A)$ is the distance of $x$ to $A$. Let $\Co(A)$
be the convex hull and $\diam(A)$ the diameter of $A$. We prove that
every $n$-dimensional normed space contains approximately convex
sets $A$ with $\mathcal{H}(A,\Co(A))\ge \log_2n-1$ and $\diam(A)
\le C\sqrt n(\ln n)^2$, where $\mathcal{H}$ denotes the Hausdorff
distance. These estimates are reasonably sharp. For every $D>0$, we
construct worst possible approximately convex sets in $C[0,1]$ such that
$\mathcal{H}(A,\Co(A))=\diam(A)=D$. Several results pertaining to the
Hyers-Ulam stability theorem are also proved.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Metric Geometry

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20(primary) 52A21 52A27 (secondary)

Remarks: 32 pages. See also

The source file(s), diameter.tex: 73286 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9908086.gz with size 22kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 103kb.

Submitted from: howard at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908086

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908086

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Aug 20 08:31:17 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA03932;
	Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:31:17 -0500
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 08:31:17 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908201331.IAA03932 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Andreas Defant and Carsten Michels
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Complex interpolation of spaces
of operators on l_1" by Andreas Defant and Carsten Michels.

Abstract: Within the theory of complex interpolation and theta-Hilbert
spaces we extend classical results of Kwapien on absolutely (r,1)-summing
operators on l_1 with values in l_p as well as their natural extensions
for mixing operators invented by Maurey. Furthermore, we show that
for 1<p<2 every operator T on l_1 with values in theta-type 2 spaces,
theta=2/p', is Rademacher p-summing. This is another extension of
Kwapien's results, and by an extrapolation procedure a natural supplement
to a statement of Pisier.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B10 (primary), 46M35 (secondary)

Remarks: 15 pages

The source file(s), DEMI99.TEX: 50406 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9908096.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 77kb.

Submitted from: michels at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908096

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908096

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Aug 25 08:31:07 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA13181;
	Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:31:07 -0500
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:31:07 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908251331.IAA13181 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Andreas Defant
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Variants of the Maurey-Rosenthal
theorem for quasi K"othe function   spaces" by Andreas Defant.

Abstract: The Maurey-Rosenthal theorem states that each bounded and
linear operator T from a quasi normed space E into some L_p(\nu) which
satisfies a certain vector-valued inequality even allows a weighted norm
inequality. Continuing the work of Garcia Cuerva and Rubio de Francia we
give several scalar and vector-valued variants of this fundamental result
within the framework of quasi K"othe function spaces over measure spaces.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

The source file(s), a10-s0-2.tex: 25941 bytes, a10-s3-4.tex: 31716 bytes,
root-a10.tex: 8540 bytes, stmaryrd.sty: 10534 bytes, is(are) stored
in gzipped form as 9908111.tar.gz with size 22kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 90kb.

Submitted from: defant at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908111

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908111

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Aug 25 08:32:14 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA13230;
	Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:32:14 -0500
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:32:14 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199908251332.IAA13230 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Jose Bonet and Andreas Defant
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The Levy-Steinitz rearrangement
theorem for duals of metrizable spaces" by Jose Bonet and Andreas Defant.

Abstract: Extending the classical Levy-Steinitz rearrangement theorem,
which in turn extended Riemann's theorem, Banaszczyk proved in 1990/93
that a metrizable, locally convex space is nuclear if and only if the
domain of sums of every convergent series (i.e. the set of all elements
in the space which are sums of a convergent rearrangement of the series)
is a translate of a closed subspace of a special form. In this paper
we present an apparently complete analysis of the domains of convergent
series in duals of metrizable spaces or, more generally, in (DF)-spaces
in the sense of Grothendieck.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

The source file(s), arbeit-8.tex: 61613 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9908112.gz with size 19kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 85kb.

Submitted from: defant at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9908112

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9908112

 to: math at

Return-Path: owner-banach at
Delivery-Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 08:06:33 -0500
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	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id IAA25570
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	id xma025551; Wed, 1 Sep 99 08:01:57 -0500
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To: banach at
Reply-to: Carl Cowen <cowen at>
Subject: Wabash Modern Analysis Miniconference 
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Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 08:01:57 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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The Wabash Modern Analysis Miniconference will be held October 30 and 31
at Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis.  The invited
speakers include A. Aleman, R. Aliprantis, J. Goldstein, M. Junge, 
A. Koldobsky, B. MacCluer, and S. Richter.  In addition, there will be
a number of contributed 20 minute talks.  An announcement including a 
pre-registration form and a form to offer a 20 minute contributed paper
at the conference will sent to those on the mailing list in mid-September.  
To be put on the mailing list, send email to  cowen at
For up-to-date information on speakers, abstracts, hotel, etc.,
check the Wabash Web site:

From alspach  Fri Sep 10 08:40:39 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA28844;
	Fri, 10 Sep 1999 08:40:39 -0500
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 08:40:39 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199909101340.IAA28844 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Pawel Hitczenko and Stephen Montgomery-Smith
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Measuring the magnitude of
sums of independent random variables" by Pawel Hitczenko and Stephen

Abstract: This paper considers how to measure the magnitude of the sum
of independent random variables in several ways. We give a formula
for the tail distribution for sequences that satisfy the so called
Levy property. We then give a connection between the tail distribution
and the pth moment, and between the pth moment and the rearrangement
invariant norms.

Archive classification: Probability Theory; Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60G50, 60E15, 46E30;
Secondary 46B09

Remarks: Also available at

The source file(s), disttail9.tex: 50854 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9909054.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 79kb.

Submitted from: stephen at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9909054

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9909054

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Sep 22 08:32:34 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA26685;
	Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:32:34 -0500
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:32:34 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199909221332.IAA26685 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Vershynin
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "John decompositions: selecting
a large part" by R. Vershynin.

Abstract: We extend the invertibility principle of J. Bourgain and
L. Tzafriri to operators acting on arbitrary decompositions id = \sum x_j
\otimes x_j, rather than on the coordinate one. The John's decomposition
brings this result to the local theory of Banach spaces. As a consequence,
we get a new lemma of Dvoretzky-Rogers type, where the contact points of
the unit ball with its maximal volume ellipsoid play a crucial role. This
is applied to embeddings of l_\infty^k into finite dimensional spaces.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B07; 46C05

The source file(s), john.TEX: 58553 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9909110.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 84kb.

Submitted from: vershynin at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9909110

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9909110

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Sep 22 08:43:16 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA26892;
	Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:43:16 -0500
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 08:43:16 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199909221343.IAA26892 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Ibragimov, Sh. Sharakhmetov and A. Cecen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Exact estimates for moments of
random bilinear forms" by R. Ibragimov, Sh. Sharakhmetov and A. Cecen.

Abstract: The present paper concentrates on the analogues of Rosenthal's
inequalities for ordinary and decoupled bilinear forms in symmetric random
variables. More specifically, we prove the exact moment inequalities for
these objects in terms of moments of their individual components. As a
corollary of these results we obtain the explicit expressions for the
best constant in the analogues of Rosenthal's inequality for ordinary
and decoupled bilinear forms in identically distributed symmetric random
variables in the case of the fixed number of random variables.

Archive classification: Probability Theory; Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60E15, 60F25, 60G50

Remarks: 26 pages; To be published in the Journal of Theoretical

The source file(s), Image1.gif-Image209.gif,
bilinear.htm: 38458 bytes, are stored in gzipped form
as 9909111.tar.gz with size 123kb.

Submitted from: ibrag1r at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9909111

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9909111

 to: math at

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Delivery-Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 08:50:39 -0500

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Subject: job announcement
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Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 08:42:19 -0500
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

- --------

Assistant Professorships in Algebra, Analysis, and  Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Bowling Green State
University invites applications for three tenure-track positions at 
the rank of Assistant Professor in the areas of Algebra, Analysis, 
and Statistics starting August, 2000.  Preference will be given to
candidates who can contribute to our doctoral and master's programs and
broaden or complement current faculty research.  Usual duties consist of
teaching two courses each semester, conducting scholarly research and
participating in service activities.  The successful candidate will 
have a doctorate in mathematics or statistics, have a strong research
record and demonstrate potential for continued research and external
funding, and be committed to outstanding teaching at all levels of
undergraduate and graduate study.  For further information see the
Department's homepage:

BGSU is an AA/EEO employer and strongly encourages applications from
women, minorities, veterans, and persons with disabilities.  To apply,
send a cover sheet, letter of application, vita, three current letters
of recommendation (one addressing teaching), and official transcripts
showing the highest degree earned to

Search Committee
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH  43403-0221.  

Applications must be postmarked by January 15, 2000. 

From alspach  Tue Oct 12 10:01:10 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA16386;
	Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:01:10 -0500
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 10:01:10 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199910121501.KAA16386 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Michael Lacey
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On the Hilbert transform and $C^2$
families of lines" by Michael Lacey.

Abstract: For a continuous map, $v$ from $R^2$ to the unit circle in
the plane, that is a vector field, and a Schwartz function $f$ on $R^2$,
 $$ This is a truncated Hilbert transform performed on the line segment
 $\{x+tv(x)\mid |t|<1\}$. We prove norm inequalities for $H_v$, requiring
smoothness conditions on $v$, beginning at the level of $3/2$
derivatives. And if $v$ has two continuous derivatives, $H_v$ maps $L^p$
into itself for all $2<p<\zI$.
 For $3/2<\alpha\le2$, let $v$ be $C^{\alpha}$ map. Then $H_v$
   maps $L^p(R^2)$ into itself for $2<p<(2-\alpha)^{-1}$. The norm of the
transform is at most
 $$ C_{p,\alpha}\bigl[1+{\log (\| v\|_{C^\alpha}}\bigr]^{1/2} . $$

Archive classification: Classical Analysis; Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42

The source file(s), htvf: 121770 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as
9910042.gz with size 40kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped
size 141kb.

Submitted from: lacey at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910042

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910042

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Oct 15 08:35:55 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA11993;
	Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:35:55 -0500
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 08:35:55 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199910151335.IAA11993 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and  Niels Jorgen Nielsen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The solution to the Maurey
extension problem for Banach spaces with the Gordon Lewis property
and related structures" by Peter G. Casazza and  Niels Jorgen Nielsen.

Abstract: The main result of this paper states that if a Banach space $X$
has the property that every bounded operator from an arbitrary subspace
of $X$ into an arbitrary Banach space of cotype 2 extends to a bounded
operator on $X$, then $B(\ell_{\infty},X^*)=\Pi_2(\ell_{\infty},X^*)$. If
in addition $X$ has the Gaussian average property, then it is of
type 2. This implies that the same conclusion holds if $X$ has the
Gordon-Lewis property (in particular $X$ could be a Banach lattice) or
if $X$ is isomorphic to a subspace of a Banach lattice of finite cotype,
thus solving the Maurey extension property for these classes of spaces.
  The paper also contains a detailed study of the property of extending
operators with values in $\ell_p$-spaces, $1\le p<\infty$.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20, 46B42

Remarks: 26 pages, latex2e

The source file(s), september2299.tex: 55102 bytes, is(are) stored in
gzipped form as 9910073.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 66kb.

Submitted from: njn at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910073

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910073

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Oct 25 09:44:59 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA03905;
	Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:44:59 -0500
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 09:44:59 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199910251444.JAA03905 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. J. Kalton and G. Lancien
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "A solution to the problem of
$L^p-$maximal regularity" by N. J. Kalton and G. Lancien.

Abstract: We give a negative solution to the problem of the $L^p$-maximal
regularity on various classes of Banach spaces including $L^q$-spaces
with $1<q \neq 2<+\infty$.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47D06

Remarks: 9 pages

The source file(s), RM.tex: 25083 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form
as 9910122.gz with size 9kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped
size 54kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910122

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 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Oct 29 08:19:18 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA10198;
	Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:19:18 -0500
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:19:18 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199910291319.IAA10198 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y. Brudnyi and N.J. Kalton
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Polynomial approximation on convex
subsets of $\mathbb R^n" by Y. Brudnyi and N.J. Kalton.

Abstract: Let $K$ be a closed bounded convex subset of $\Bbb R^n$; then by
a result of the first author, which extends a classical theorem of Whitney
there is a constant $w_m(K)$ so that for every continuous function $f$
on $K$ there is a polynomial $\varphi$ of degree at most $m-1$ so that
$$ |f(x)-\varphi(x)|\le w_m(K)\sup_{x,x+mh\in K} |\Delta_h^m(f;x)|.$$
The aim of this paper is to study the constant $w_m(K)$ in terms of the
dimension $n$ and the geometry of $K.$ For example we show that $w_2(K)\le
\frac12[\log_2n]+\frac54$ and that for suitable $K$ this bound is almost
attained. We place special emphasis on the case when $K$ is symmetric
and so can be identified as the unit ball of finite-dimensional Banach
space; then there are connections between the behavior of $w_m(K)$
and the geometry (particularly the Rademacher type) of the underlying
Banach space. It is shown for example that if $K$ is an ellipsoid then
$w_2(K)$ is bounded, independent of dimension, and $w_3(K)\sim \log n.$
We also give estimates for $w_2$ and $w_3$ for the unit ball of the
spaces $\ell_p^n$ where $1\le p\le \infty.$

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Classical Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A10

Remarks: 36 pages

The source file(s), brudkal.tex: 94046 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9910160.gz with size 30kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 137kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910160

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910160

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Oct 29 08:20:33 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA10267;
	Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:20:33 -0500
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 08:20:33 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199910291320.IAA10267 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and C. Le Merdy
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Solution of a problem of Peller
concerning similarity" by N.J. Kalton and C. Le Merdy.

Abstract: We answer a question of Peller by showing that for any $c>1$
there exists a power-bounded operator $T$ on a Hilbert space with the
property that any operator $S$ similar to $T$ satisfies $\sup_n\|S^n\|>c.$

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A65; 42A50

Remarks: 9 pages

The source file(s), peller.tex: 22259 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9910163.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 51kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910163

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910163

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Nov  1 09:43:18 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA06172;
	Mon, 1 Nov 1999 09:43:18 -0600
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 09:43:18 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911011543.JAA06172 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The art of frame theory" by Peter
G. Casazza.

Abstract: The theory of frames for a Hilbert space plays a fundamental
role in signal processing, image processing, data compression, sampling
theory and much more, as well as being a fruitful area of research in
abstract mathematics. In this ``tutorial'' on abstract frame theory,
we will try to point out the major directions of research in abstract
frame theory and give some sample techniques from each of the areas. We
will also bring out some of the important open questions, discuss some of
the limitations of the existing theory, and point to some new directions
for research.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42C15; 42A38

Remarks: 67 pages

The source file(s), Art.pdf: 511397 bytes (looks big), is(are) stored in
gzipped form as 9910168.pdf with size 499kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size .

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910168

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910168

 to: math at

From alspach  Mon Nov  1 09:57:29 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA06349;
	Mon, 1 Nov 1999 09:57:29 -0600
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1999 09:57:29 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911011557.JAA06349 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza, Ole Christensen, and A.J.E.M. Janssen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Weyl-Heisenberg frames, translation
invariant systems and the Walnut representation" by Peter G. Casazza, Ole Christensen, and A.J.E.M. Janssen.

Abstract: We present a comprehensive analysis of the convergence
properties of the frame operators of Weyl-Heisenberg systems and
shift-invariant systems, and relate these to the convergence of the
Walnut representation. We give a deep analysis of necessary conditions
and sufficient conditions for convergence of the frame operator. We
show that symmetric, norm and unconditional convergence of the Walnut
series are all different, but that weak and norm convergence are the
same, while there are WH-systems for which the Walnut representation
has none of these convergence properties. We make a detailed study of
the CC-Condition (a sufficient condition for WH-systems to have finite
upper frame bounds), and show that (for ab rational) a uniform version
of this passes to the Wexler-Raz dual. We also show that a condition of
Tolimieri and Orr implies the uniform CC-Condition. We obtain stronger
results in the case when (g,a,b) is a WH-system and ab is rational. For
example, if ab is rational, then the CC-Condition becomes equivalent
to the unconditional convergence of the Walnut representation - even
in a more general setting. Many of the results are generalized to
shift-invariant systems. We give classifications for numerous important
classes of WH-systems including: (1) The WH-systems for which the frame
operator extends to a bounded operator on L^p(R), 1\leq p; (2) The
WH-systems for which the frame operator extends to a bounded operator
on the Wiener amalgam space; (3) The families of frames which have the
same frame operator.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42C15; 42A38

Remarks: 67 PAGES

The source file(s), CCJ2.pdf: 410243 bytes (looks big), is(are) stored in
gzipped form as 9910169.pdf with size 401kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size .

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9910169

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9910169

 to: math at

From: alspach at
Received: from by 
via smap (V2.1)
	id xma010359; Tue, 2 Nov 99 12:06:52 -0600
Received: from (localhost [])
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id MAA12625
	for <banach at>; Tue, 2 Nov 1999 12:02:02 -0600
Message-Id: <199911021802.MAA12625 at>
X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2
To: banach at
Subject: Spring School on Analysis
Reply-to: paseky at
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 12:02:02 -0600
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

          Spring School on Analysis
               First Announcement

      Dear Colleague,

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
of Charles University will organize a Spring School on Analysis. The
School will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the Krkonose
Mountains, April 23-29, 2000. The program will consist of series of
lectures on

          (Non)smooth Analysis in Banach Spaces

delivered by:

  Alexander Ioffe (Dept. of Math., Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 
Haifa, Israel):
        Title will be announced later,

  Terry Rockafellar (University of Washington, Seattle, USA):
        Integral Functionals, Subgradients and Duality,         
  Philip Loewen (Dept. of Math., UBC, Vancouver, Canada):
         Title will be announced later,

  Robert Deville (Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France):
        Smooth Functions on Banach Spaces.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together adepts with common
interest in the field.  There will be opportunities for informal
discussions. Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical
career are encouraged to participate.

The conference fee will be USD 320. A reduced rate of USD 270 will be
offered, provided that a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the
organizers before January 15, 2000.  The conference fee includes all
local expenses (room and board) and transportation between Prague and
Paseky. The fee for accompanying persons is the same.

The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number of students.
Applications must be sent before January 15, 2000. 

Payment of the fee should be made in cash at the registration desk in
Paseky, or it may be remitted by a bank transfer to

      Komercni banka, Praha 1, Vaclavske nam. 42
      account No. 38330-021/0100, v.s. 810 

(a copy of the transfer slip should be presented at the registration
desk at Paseky).  Unfortunately, cheques cannot be used and will not
be accepted.

In case of any difficulty please contact the organizers. 

The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkonose Mountains
in North Bohemia.  Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three
people. There are excellent facilities and conditions for sporting
activities: hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and sauna.

A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at 4 p.m. on April
23, 2000. The bus from Paseky will arrive in Prague on April 29, at 11.30 a.m. 

In case of interest please fill in the enclosed preliminary registration
form. A final announcement with further details will be distributed in
due time.

Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the organizers may be
forced to decline registration. 

We look forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic. 

                          Jaroslav Lukes, Jakub Duda, Jan Rychtar

Mailing address:

      Katedra matematicke analyzy
      Matematicko-fyzikalni fakulta UK
      Sokolovska 83
      186 75 Praha 8
      Czech Republic

Phone/Fax: +420 - 2 - 232 3390
E-mail: paseky at

Please inform colleagues and students interested in this field. 


Preliminary registration form of Spring School on Analysis, 1999 

 Name : 

 Adress : 

 E-mail : 

 Fax : 

 Phone : 


Bellow is the TeX version of a previous text.

\input amstex
\font\bff=cmbx10 scaled\magstep1
\font\tls=cmbx10 scaled\magstep2
\font\rmm=cmr10 scaled\magstep2
\font\ssb=cmss10 scaled\magstep1
\font\ssa=cmss10 scaled\magstep2
\def\folio{}   %\NoPageNumbers
\define\vs{\vskip 1mm}
\define\ws{\vskip 3mm}

\cl{\tls  Spring School on Functional Analysis}
\centerline{\tls First Announcement}

Dear Colleague,


Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
of Charles University will organize a Spring School on Analysis.
 The School will be held at Paseky nad Jizerou, in a chalet in the
Krkono\v se Mountains, April 23-29, 2000.

Program will consist of series of lectures on:

\vskip 3mm

\cl{\ssb (Non)smooth Analysis in Banach Spaces}
delivered by:

\vskip 3mm
\cl{\ssb  Alexander Ioffe }
\cl{ (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
                     Haifa, Israel)
\cl{        Title will be announced later,}

\vskip 2mm
\cl{\ssb Terry Rockafellar  }
\cl{(University of Washington, Seattle, USA)      }
\cl{      Integral Functionals, Subgradients and Duality,}

\vskip 2mm
\cl{\ssb Philip Loewen }
\cl{(Dept. of Math., UBC, Vancouver, Canada)     }
\cl{Title will be announced later,}

\vskip 2mm
\cl{\ssb Robert Deville}
\cl{(Universit\`e de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France)}
\cl{Smooth Functions on Banach Spaces.}

\vskip 3mm
The purpose of this meeting is to bring together adepts with common interest
 in the field.
There will be opportunities for informal discussions. Graduate students
 and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to participate.

\vskip  2mm
The conference fee will be USD 320. A reduced rate of USD 270 will be
offered, provided
that a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the organizers before
{\bf January 15, 2000.}
The conference fee includes all local expenses (room and board) and
 transportation between Prague and Paseky. The fee for accompanying
persons is the same.

The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number of students.
Applications must be sent before January 15, 2000.


    Payment of  fees should be made in {\bf cash} at the registration
desk in Paseky, or it may be remitted by a {\bf bank  transfer} to
\centerline{Komer\v cn\'\i{}  banka,  Praha 1,  V\'aclavsk\'e n\'am. 42,}
\centerline{account  No. 38330--021/0100,  v.s. 810}
(a copy  of the  transfer
should be presented at the registration desk at Paseky).
Unfortunately, cheques cannot be used and will not be accepted.


In case of any difficulty please contact the organizers.

The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkono\v se Mountains in North 
Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three people. There are excellent 
and conditions for sporting activities: hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and 

A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at 4 p.m. on April
23, 2000. The bus from Paseky will arrive in Prague on April 29, at 11.30 a.m.

In case of interest please fill in the enclosed preliminary registration form. 
A fina\
announcement with further details will be distributed in due time.

Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the organizers may be
forced to decline registration.

Please inform colleagues and students interested in this field.

\vskip 2mm

\cl{We look forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic.}
\rightline{Jaroslav Luke\v s, Jakub Duda, Jan Rycht\'a\v r}

\vskip 5mm

\hbox to 12.5truecm{\hbox to 3.3truecm{\bf Mailing address:\hfil}
Katedra matematick\'e anal\'yzy \newline
Matematicko-fyzik\'aln\'\i{} fakulta UK \newline
Sokolovsk\'a 83, 186 75 Praha 8\newline
Czech Republic
\vskip 1mm
Phone/Fax: 420 -- 2  -- 232 3390\newline
E-mail: {\tt paseky\ at}}}


\vskip 3mm
Preliminary registration form of Spring School on Analysis, 1999
 Name : \newline
 Adress :\newline
 E-mail :\newline
 Fax :\newline
 Phone :\newline


From alspach  Wed Nov  3 09:05:43 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA25519;
	Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:05:43 -0600
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:05:43 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911031505.JAA25519 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by I. Gasparis and D.H. Leung
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On the complemented subspaces of
the Schreier spaces" by I. Gasparis and D.H. Leung.

Abstract: It is shown that the Schreier space X admits a set of continuum
cardinality whose elements are mutually incomparable complemented
subspaces spanned by subsequences of the natural Schauder basis of X.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03

Remarks: 26 pages, AMS-LaTeX

The source file(s), schr.tex: 89400 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911013.gz with size 23kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 117kb.

Submitted from: ioagaspa at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911013

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911013

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Nov  3 09:06:46 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA25571;
	Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:06:46 -0600
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:06:46 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911031506.JAA25571 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Godefroy, N.J. Kalton and G. Lancien
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Subspaces of $c_0$ and Lipschitz
isomorphisms" by G. Godefroy, N.J. Kalton and G. Lancien.

Abstract: We show that the class of subspaces of $c_0$ is stable under
Lipschitz isomorphisms. The main corollary is that any Banach space
which is Lipschitz isomorphic to $c_0$ is linearly isomorphic to $c_0.$

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B20

Remarks: 22 pages

The source file(s), gkl.tex: 63834 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911016.gz with size 20kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 78kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911016

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911016

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Nov  3 09:07:43 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id JAA25620;
	Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:07:43 -0600
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1999 09:07:43 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911031507.JAA25620 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Godefroy, N.J. Kalton and G. Lancien
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Szlenk indices and uniform
homeomorphisms" by G. Godefroy, N.J. Kalton and G. Lancien.

Abstract: We prove some rather precise renorming theorems for Banach
spaces with Szlenk index $\omega_0$. We use these theorems to show the
invariance of certain quantitative Szlenk-type indices under uniform

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B20

Remarks: 28 pages

The source file(s), uh.tex: 69108 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as
9911017.gz with size 21kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped
size 100kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911017

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911017

 to: math at

From alspach at  Wed Nov  3 11:34:44 1999
Message-Id: <199911031729.LAA15477 at>
X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2
Reply-to: Gilles PISIER <gip at>
To: banach at
Subject: "Lp spaces and related topics" - Announcement 
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 1999 11:29:51 -0600
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

The Equipe d'Analyse of the university of Paris 6 is proud to announce
in conjunction with the semester on Free probability and Operator
spaces held currently at the IHP-Centre Emile Borel

LOCATION: IHP  11 rue P. et M. Curie, Paris 5eme
(Amphi Darboux)

Date november 18 and 19.

Tentative list of participants and speakers:

 U. Haagerup, H.P. Rosenthal, M. Junge, E. Effros, B. De Pagter,
 F. Sukochev, Q. Xu, P. Dodds, A. Arias, F. Lust-Piquard, H.  Pfitzner,
 Y. Raynaud, A. Buchholz, M. Bozejko, S. Thorbjoernsen, S. Goldstein,
 G. Fendler, J.D. Maitland Wright, N. Ozawa, C. Le Merdy.

 Contact G. Pisier GIP at CCR.JUSSIEU.FR  for more information.

Please circulate

- --
Contact: probalib at
         Phone: +33 1 44 27 67 75

From alspach  Thu Nov  4 12:52:51 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id MAA04556;
	Thu, 4 Nov 1999 12:52:51 -0600
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 12:52:51 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911041852.MAA04556 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Olav Nygaard and Dirk Werner
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Slices in the unit ball of a
uniform algebra" by Olav Nygaard and Dirk Werner.

Abstract: We show that every nonvoid relatively weakly open subset,
in particular every slice, of the unit ball of an infinite-dimensional
uniform algebra has diameter~$2$.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20

Remarks: 3 pages, LaTeX2e

The source file(s), olavb.tex: 9437 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911021.gz with size 4kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 31kb.

Submitted from: werner at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911021

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911021

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Nov  4 13:05:17 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id NAA04751;
	Thu, 4 Nov 1999 13:05:17 -0600
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 13:05:17 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911041905.NAA04751 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.A. Argyros and I. Gasparis
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Unconditional structures of weakly
null sequences" by S.A. Argyros and I. Gasparis.

Abstract: The following dichotomy is established for a normalized
weakly null sequence in a Banach space: Either every subsequence admits
a convex block subsequence equivalent to the unit vector basis of c,
the Banach space of null sequences under the supremum norm, or there
exists a subsequence which is boundedly convexly complete. This result
generalizes J. Elton's dichotomy on weakly null sequences.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03

Remarks: 44 pages, AMS-LaTex

The source file(s), driver3.tex: 133688 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911019.gz with size 32kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 148kb.

Submitted from: ioagaspa at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911019

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911019

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov  5 08:25:08 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA12631;
	Fri, 5 Nov 1999 08:25:08 -0600
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 08:25:08 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911051425.IAA12631 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and M. C. Lammers
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Bracket products for
Weyl-Heisenberg frames" by Peter G. Casazza and M. C. Lammers.

Abstract: We provide a detailed development of a function valued inner
product known as the bracket product and used effectively by de Boor,
 Devore, Ron and Shen to study translation invariant systems. We develop a
version of the bracket product specifically geared to
 Weyl-Heisenberg frames. This bracket product has all the properties of a
standard inner product including Bessel's inequality, a Riesz
Representation Theorem, and a Gram-Schmidt process which turns a sequence
of functions $(g_{n})$ into a sequence $(e_{n})$ with the property
that $(E_{mb}e_{n})_{m,n\in \Bbb Z}$ is orthonormal in $L^{2}(\Bbb
R)$. Armed with this inner product, we obtain several results concerning
Weyl-Heisenberg frames. First we see that fiberization in this setting
takes on a particularly simple form and we use it to obtain a compressed
representation of the frame operator. Next, we write down explicitly
all those functions $g\in
 L^{2}(\Bbb R)$ and $ab=1$ so that the family $(E_{mb}T_{na}g)$ is
 complete in
$L^{2}(\Bbb R)$. One consequence of this is that for functions $g$
supported on a half-line $[{\alpha},\infty)$ (in particular, for compactly
supported $g$), $(g,1,1)$ is complete if and only if $\text{sup}_{0\le t<
a}|g(t-n)|\not= 0$ a.e. Finally, we give a direct proof of a result hidden
in the literature by proving: For any $g\in L^{2}(\Bbb R)$, $A\le \sum_{n}
 |g(t-na)|^{2}\le B$ is equivalent to $(E_{m/a}g)$ being a Riesz basic

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Remarks: 37 pages

The source file(s), bracket.tex: 80888 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911026.gz with size 23kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 110kb.

Submitted from: lammers at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911026

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911026

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov  5 08:40:50 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA12820;
	Fri, 5 Nov 1999 08:40:50 -0600
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 08:40:50 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911051440.IAA12820 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and M. C. Lammers
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Analyzing the Weyl-Heisenberg
frame identity" by Peter G. Casazza and M. C. Lammers.

Abstract: In 1990, Daubechies proved a fundamental identity for
Weyl-Heisenberg systems which is now called the Weyl-Heisenberg
Frame Identity. WH-Frame Identity: If $g\in W(L^{\infty},L^{1})$,
then for all continuous, compactly supported functions $f$ we have:
\[\sum_{m,n}|<f,E_{mb}T_{na}g>|^{2} = \frac{1}{b}\sum_{k}\int_{\Bbb
R}\overline{f(t)}f(t-k/b)\sum_{n} g(t-na)\overline{g(t-na-k/b)}\ dt.\]
It has been folklore that the identity will not hold universally. We make
a detailed study of the WH-Frame Identity and show: (1) The identity
does not require any assumptions on $ab$ (such as the requirement that
$ab\le 1$ to have a frame); (2) As stated above, the identity holds
for all $f\in L^{2}(\Bbb R)$; (3) The identity holds for all bounded,
compactly supported functions if and only if $g\in L^{2}(\Bbb R)$;
(4) The identity holds for all compactly supported functions if and
only if $\sum_{n}|g(x-na)|^{2}\le B$ a.e.; Moreover, in (2)-(4) above,
the series on the right converges unconditionally; (5) In general, there
are WH-frames and functions $f\in L^{2}(\Bbb R)$ so that the series on
the right does not converge (even symmetrically). We give necessary and
sufficient conditions for it to converge symmetrically; (6) There are
WH-frames for which the series on the right always converges symmetrically
to give the WH-Frame Identity, but there are functions for which the
series does not converge and we classify when the series converges for all
functions $f\in \L$; (7) There are WH-frames for which the series always
converges, but it does not converge unconditionally for some functions,
and we classify when we have unconditional convergence for all functions
$f$; and (8) We show that the series converges unconditionally for all
$f\in L^{2}(\Bbb R)$ if $g$ satisfies the CC-condition.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Remarks: 17 pages

The source file(s), whframe.tex: 35498 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911027.gz with size 10kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 62kb.

Submitted from: lammers at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911027

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911027

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Nov  9 11:12:19 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA16259;
	Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:12:19 -0600
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 11:12:19 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911091712.LAA16259 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Denka Kutzarova and Denny H. Leung
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "An asymptotic property of
Schachermayer's space under renorming" by Denka Kutzarova and Denny
H. Leung.

Abstract: A Banach space X with closed unit ball B is said to have
property 2-beta, repsectively 2-NUC if for every \ep > 0, there exists
\delta > 0 such that for every \ep-separated sequence (x_n) in the unit
ball B, and every x in B, there are distinct indices m and n such that
||x + x_m + x_n|| < 3(1 - \delta), respectively, ||x_m + x_n|| < 2(1 -
\delta). It is shown that a Banach space constructed by Schachermayer
has property 2-beta but cannot be renormed to have property 2-NUC.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03, 46B20

The source file(s), schach.TEX: 32183 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911037.gz with size 10kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 58kb.

Submitted from: matlhh at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911037

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911037

 to: math at

From: alspach at
Received: from by 
via smap (V2.1)
	id xma030192; Mon, 15 Nov 99 08:28:58 -0600
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	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id IAA04770
	for <banach at>; Mon, 15 Nov 1999 08:22:44 -0600
Message-Id: <199911151422.IAA04770 at>
X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2
To: banach at
Reply-to: Daniel LI < at>
Subject: mars2000 a Lille
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 08:22:44 -0600
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

(first announcement)

Lille University will organize jointly with Artois University in march 2000
a spring school and a conference in Functional Analysis. The school will
take place from 20 to 25 march 2000, and
the conference will be held on 27-28-29 march 2000. The wednesday 29 march
will be shared
with the Conference on Probabilities which will go on until the 1srt april,
and hence will be most
specifically devoted to probabilistic aspects of Functional Analysis and to
Probabilities in
Banach spaces.
Other informations will be given later. Interested people may  contact D.
Li or H. Queffelec from
now at the following e-mail address: af2000.banach at
The program will be the following:

SPRING SCHOOL (20-25 march 2000)
This school will be devoted firstly to post graduate students and the
courses will start at a
smooth level. Each course will consist of 5 sessions each of one hour. The
schedule is:

The space $L^1$ and its subspaces.
The space $L^1$ has a central place in harmonic analysis and in probability
theory, and its
study allows to use tools from the geometry of Banach spaces in these
fields. More specifically,
we will give some application to harmonic analysis and to some problems
about lacunarity
in the set $\bb Z$ of the integers. We will study and use the
representation of operators on
$L^1$. We will also study the subspaces of $L^1$ which have an almost
discrete structure,
i.e. which are arbitrarily close to subspaces of $\ell_1$, and this will
lead us to use probabilistic
tools. Some open problems, of various difficulty, will be discussed.

N. KALTON (Missouri-Columbia)
Title: Banach spaces and analytic semigroups.
Abstract:  We will give an overview of the theory of sectorial operators
and operators with an $H^{\infty}-$calculus, leading up to recent work of
the author, G. Lancien and L. Weis.  Our aim will be to show how modern
concepts in Banach space theory can be applied successfully in this area
to yield new illuminating results.

T. KORNER (Cambridge)
Title: Applications of Probability to Harmonic Analysis,
       First Steps.
Abstract The course will not assume much knowledge of
either harmonic analysis or probability. The contents
are not fixed but may include.
 (1) Sphere packing and Shannon's Theorem
 (2) Fourier transforms and normal approximations
 (3) Rearranged Haar series and the reflection principle
 (4) The zero-one law and natural boundaries
 (5) The decay of familly names and Brownian motion

Titre: Produits de Riesz en th=E9orie ergodique.
%&Plain TeX
\magnification 1200
\parindent 0pt \parskip .5ex
\centerline{\bf Produits de Riesz en th\'eorie ergodique.\/}
\vskip 3ex
{\sl But~:\/} \`A travers des calculs explicites
sur une classe de constructions, on montrera des relations \'etroites
 entre certains probl\`emes de th\'eorie ergodique et des
probl\`emes d'analyse harmonique des mesures, et on essaiera de
pr\'esenter quelques r\'esultats r\'ecents.
Introduction:  Syst\`emes dynamiques mesurables, type spectral et
notions de m\'elange. Multiplicit\'e spectrale.
Des produits de Riesz comme mesures spectrales : constructions
par d\'ecoupage et empilement (syst\`emes de ``rang un"), \'etude
spectrale~;  extensions simples, exemples classiques.
M\'elange faible, fonctions propres et translations des produits
de Riesz.
Crit\`eres de singularit\'e ou de singularit\'e mutuelle des
produits de Riesz. Probl\`eme du spectre simple de Lebesgue et
polyn\^omes trigonom\'etriques ``plats".
Quelques autres questions de th\'eorie ergodique li\'ees aux
propri\'et\'es du type spectral et de ses puissances de convolution.
Exemples obtenus par construction de syst\`emes de rang un.

CONFERENCE (27-28-29 march 2000)
The following speakers are announced:

F. BARTHE (Marne-la-Vallee).
A. BORITCHEV (Bordeaux). Two results on weighted polynomial approximation
on the real line.
R. DEVILLE (Bordeaux). Uniform sequential continuity.
G. GODEFROY (Paris VI). Best approximation in Banach spaces. Stongly
proximinal subspaces.
Y. HEURTEAUX (Paris-Sud). How to compute or estimate the dimension of
B. HOST (Marne-la-Vallee).
H. JARCHOW (Zurich). Nevanlinna algebras.
J.-P. KAHANE (Paris-Sud). Constructions Salem sets by probabilistic and
Baire first category methods.
N. KALTON (Missouri-Columbia).
K. KELLAY (Marseille). Inner functions and bicyclic vectors.
C. LEMERDY (Besancon). Matrix space factorizations for mappings on operator
A. OLEVSKI (Tel-Aviv).
D. WERNER(Berlin).
Q. XU (Besancon).

W. LINDE will speak on wednesday 29th in the Probability conference.

Daniel Li
Universite d'Artois
Faculte des Sciences Jean Perrin
rue Jean Souvraz
SP 18
62307 LENS Cedex
Tel 03 21 79 17 22
Fax 03 21 79 17 29 at

From alspach  Mon Nov 15 11:15:25 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id LAA05297;
	Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:15:25 -0600
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:15:25 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911151715.LAA05297 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Martin A. Stanev
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Weighted Banach spaces of
holomorphic functions in the upper half plane" by Martin A. Stanev.

Abstract: We consider weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic
functions on the upper half plane that are determined by $$
\|f\|=\sup_{y>0,-\infty<x<\infty}p(y)|f(x+iy)|<\infty $$ for a very
large class of weight functions $p$. We completely solve the problem
whether such Banach spaces are trivial or not by giving necessary and
sufficient conditions stated in terms of some simple properties of the
weight function. Further, we investigate the behaviour at infinity of some
functions that belong to some of the Banach spaces under consideration.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Remarks: AMS Latex, 9 pages

The source file(s), text: 23750 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped form as
9911082.gz with size 7kb. The corresponding postcript file has gzipped
size 40kb.

Submitted from: stanevm at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911082

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911082

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Nov 16 08:17:32 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA14180;
	Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:17:32 -0600
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:17:32 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911161417.IAA14180 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Arias and Haskell P. Rosenthal
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "$M$-Complete approximate identities
in operator spaces" by A. Arias and Haskell P. Rosenthal.

Abstract: This work introduces the concept of an $M$-complete approximate
identity (M-cai) for a given operator subspace $X$ of an operator space
$Y$. M-cai's generalize central approximate identities in ideals in
$C^*$-algebras, for it is proved that if $X$ admits an M-cai in $Y$,
then $X$ is a complete $M$-ideal in $Y$. It is proved, using ``special''
M-cai's, that if $\cal J$ is a nuclear ideal in a $C^*$-algebra $\cal A$,
then $\cal J$ is completely complemented in $Y$ for any (isomorphically)
locally reflexive operator space $Y$ with $\cal J \subset Y \subset
\cal A$ and $Y/\cal J$ separable. (This generalizes the previously
known special case where $Y=\cal A$, due to Effros-Haagerup.) In turn,
this yields a new proof of the Oikhberg-Rosenthal Theorem that $\cal K$
is completely complemented in any separable locally reflexive operator
superspace, $\cal K$ the $C^*$-algebra of compact operators on $\ell^2$.
M-cai's are also used in obtaining some special affirmative answers to
the open problem of whether $\cal K$ is Banach-complemented in $\cal A$
for any separable $C^*$-algebra $\cal A$ with $\cal K\subset\cal A\subset
B(\ell^2)$.  It is shown that if conversely $X$ is a complete $M$-ideal
in $Y$, then $X$ admits an M-cai in $Y$ in the following situations:
(i) $Y$ has the (Banach) bounded approximation property; (ii) $Y$
is 1-locally reflexive and $X$ is $\lambda$-nuclear for some $\lambda
\ge1$; (iii) $X$ is a closed 2-sided ideal in an operator algebra $Y$
(via the Effros-Ruan result that then $X$ has a contractive algebraic
approximate identity). However it is shown that there exists a separable
Banach space $X$ which is an $M$-ideal in $Y=X^{**}$, yet $X$ admits no
$M$-approximate identity in $Y$.

Archive classification: Operator Algebras

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47L25, 46B20 (Primary) 46B28, 46L05

Report Number: ut-ma/99005

Remarks: 55 pages, AMSTeX, inc. eps figures

The source file(s), R-TT-arrows.eps: 147745 bytes, R-li-arrows.eps: 147441
bytes, complete4.tex: 160192 bytes, complete_fig1.eps: 147739 bytes,
complete_fig2.eps: 150409 bytes, epsf.tex: 8344 bytes, is(are) stored
in gzipped form as 9911110.tar.gz with size 216kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 416kb.

Submitted from: combs at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911110

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911110

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 19 13:00:07 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id NAA16311;
	Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:00:07 -0600
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:00:07 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911191900.NAA16311 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "On subspaces of $c_0$ and extension
of operators into $C(K)$-spaces" by N.J. Kalton.

Abstract: Johnson and Zippin recently showed that if $X$ is a
weak$^*$-closed subspace of $\ell_1$ and $T:X\to C(K)$ is any bounded
operator then $T$ can extended to a bounded operator $\tilde T:\ell_1\to
C(K).$ We give a converse result: if $X$ is a subspace of $\ell_1$ so
that $\ell_1/X$ has a (UFDD) and every operator $T:X\to C(K)$ can be
extended to $\ell_1$ then there is an automorphism $\tau$ of $\ell_1$
so that $\tau(X)$ is weak$^*$-closed. This result is proved by studying
subspaces of $c_0$ and several different characterizations of such
subspaces are given.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B03

Remarks: 18 pages

The source file(s), zippin.tex: 47111 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911144.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 77kb.

Submitted from: nigel at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911144

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911144

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Nov 23 10:05:48 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id KAA17738;
	Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:05:48 -0600
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:05:48 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199911231605.KAA17738 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Dilworth, Maria Girardi and W. B. Johnson
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Geometry of Banach spaces and
biorthogonal systems" by S. J. Dilworth, Maria Girardi and W. B. Johnson.

Abstract: A separable Banach space $X$ contains $\ell_1$ isomorphically
if and only if $X$ has a bounded $wc_0^*$-stable biorthogonal system. The
dual of a separable Banach space $X$ fails the Schur property if and
only if $X$ has a bounded $wc_0^*$-biorthogonal system.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20 (primary) 46B25, 46B99

The source file(s), dgj.tex: 91526 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9911156.gz with size 26kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 113kb.

Submitted from: dilworth at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9911156

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9911156

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Dec  2 08:46:21 1999

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.9.3/8.9.3) id IAA00438;
	Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:46:21 -0600
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:46:21 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199912021446.IAA00438 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Terence Tao
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "A converse extrapolation theorem
for translation invariant operators" by Terence Tao.

Abstract: We prove the converse of Yano's extrapolation theorem for
translation invariant operators.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Classical Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B35, 46B70

Remarks: 7 pages, no figures, submitted J. Funct. Anal

The source file(s), Factor.tex: 19154 bytes, is(are) stored in gzipped
form as 9912001.gz with size 7kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 38kb.

Submitted from: tao at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9912001

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9912001

 to: math at

From alspach
Message-Id: <199912142107.PAA28684 at>
X-Mailer: exmh version 2.1.1 10/15/1999
To: banach at
Subject: Math position Posting
Reply-to: Shirley Sommers <sommers at>
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Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:07:59 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

                   Kent State University
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
                      Kent, OH 44242 

Tenure-Track Positions

We invite applications for a tenure-track position
in analysis in the broadest since of the word, including
areas such as probability.  The position will be filled
at the beginning Assistant Professor level, effective August 2000.

The Kent Campus is a spacious, residential campus serving more than
20,000 students.  It is situated in a small university town within 30
miles of the major metropolitan area of Cleveland.  The Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science is in the College of
Arts and Sciences and houses programs through the doctoral level in
applied mathematics, computer science, pure mathematics, and statistics.
It currently consists of 24 faculty in the mathematical sciences
and 14 in computer science.  The department recently moved to a
new building and has an extensive network of computers and 
work stations for faculty and student use.

Candidates with record of excellence in research and teaching
are invited to apply.  Applicants should send a cover letter and
a curriculum vitae with names of at least three references to the
Mathematics Search Committee at the above address.
Further, applicants are requested to use the AMS standardized application 
format; forms are available through the American Mathematical Society.
Applications may be submitted via email to math-pos at
Screening of applicants will begin immediately, and will
continue until the position is filled.  

Kent State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.

From alspach at  Mon Dec 20 08:48:15 1999

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Subject: Lille Conference(2nd announcement)
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(second announcement)


	Lille University will organize jointly with Artois University in march
2000 a spring school and a conference in Functional Analysis. The school
will take place from 20 to 25 march 2000, and=20

the conference will be held on 27-28-29 march 2000. The wednesday 29
march will be shared=20

with the Conference on Probabilities which will go on until the 1srt
april, and hence will be most=20

specifically devoted to probabilistic aspects of Functional Analysis and
to Probabilities in=20

Banach spaces.

	Interested people should register before 15 february 2000 (one may fill
the attached form in plain Tex), preferably by e-mail to :=20

<center>af2000.banach at

</center>or, failing that, by ordinary mail, to:


</center>Herve Queffelec=20

Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille

UFR de Mathematiques=20



or to:

Daniel Li

Universite d'Artois

Pole de Lens, Faculte Jean Perrin

rue Jean Souvraz, SP 18

62307 LENS Cedex




</center>	The spring school will begin on monday 20 march 2000 at 10
o'clock. The reception of the participants will begin at 9 o'clock. The
spring school will end on saturday 25 march at twelve noon.

	The conference will begin on monday 27 march at 10 (welcoming from 9
o'clock), and will end by the common day with the conference on
Probability on wednesday 29 march. Tuesday 28 march will take place in
Lens, Faculte Jean Perrin (a coach bus will be provided).


	There is no fee for the school, nor for the conference, but no support
is available for the participants.

	About twenty rooms in the student residence will be available. They cost
approximatively 7$ per night. We can support this cost for students which
do not have their own support (or low support). Please contact us if you
need this.

	There is many hotels in Lille (about 30 to 50$ per night). Informations
can be get on:



	There is an hotel near Lille university (Ascotel), but with a limitated
number of rooms. Informations can be obtained on: =09



	Anyone who wishes that we make a reservation is invitated to precise
this in the attached registration form. However, this should be asked
before 15 february 2000.


	The easiest way to come in Lille is to go in Paris, and then to go in
Lille by train (Gare du Nord station). The journey takes 1 hour. Then
subway (Metro) will bring you at Lille university (Villeneuve d'Ascq) in
1/4 hour. School and conferences will take place in building M1 or M2.

	Please, contact the organizers for any other additional information.

	Happy new year 2000 (with plenty of theorems)!




<center>SPRING SCHOOL (20-25 march 2000)

</center>	This school will be devoted firstly to post graduate students
and the courses will start at a smooth level. Each course will consist of
5 sessions each of one hour. The schedule is:

**G. GODEFROY (Paris VI): The space $L^1$ and its subspaces.

Schedule : The space $L^1$ has a central place in harmonic analysis and
in probability theory, and its study allows to use tools from the
geometry of Banach spaces in these fields. More specifically, we will
give some application to harmonic analysis and to some problems about
lacunarity in the set $\bb Z$ of the integers. We will study and use the
representation of operators on $L^1$. We will also study the subspaces of
$L^1$ which have an almost discrete structure, i.e. which are arbitrarily
close to subspaces of $\ell_1$, and this will lead us to use
probabilistic tools. Some open problems, of various difficulty, will be

**N. KALTON (Missouri-Columbia): Banach spaces and analytic semigroups.

Schedule:  We will give an overview of the theory of sectorial operators
and operators with an $H^{\infty}-$calculus, leading up to recent work of
the author, G. Lancien and L. Weis.  Our aim will be to show how modern
concepts in Banach space theory can be applied successfully in this area
to yield new illuminating results.=20

**T. KORNER (Cambridge): Applications of Probability to Harmonic
Analysis, First Steps.

Schedule : The course will not assume much knowledge of either harmonic
analysis or probability. The contents are not fixed but may include:

 (1) Sphere packing and Shannon's Theorem

 (2) Fourier transforms and normal approximations=20

 (3) Rearranged Haar series and the reflection principle=20

 (4) The zero-one law and natural boundaries

 (5) The decay of familly names and Brownian motion

**F. PARREAU (Paris XIII): Riesz products in ergodic theory.

Goal : through explicit computations on a class of constructions, we will
show connections between problems in ergodic theory and problems in
harmonic analysis of measures, and we shall try to present some recent

Schedule : measurable dynamical systems, spectral type and different
notions of mixing. Spectral multiplicity. Riesz products as spectral
measures: construction by cutting and stacking ("rank-one" systems).
Spectral analysis. Extensions and classical examples. Conditions of weak
mixing. Eigenfunctions and translates of Riesz products. Criteria of
singularity or mutual singularity of Riesz products. The problem of
simple Lebesgue spectrum and flat trigonometric polynomials. Some other
questions of ergodic theory related to harmonic properties of the
spectral type and its convolution powers. Examples obtained by
construction of rank-one systems.


<center>CONFERENCE (27-28-29 march 2000)

</center>	The speakers will be:

**F. BARTHE (Marne-la-Vallee): Functional approaches of isoperimetry.

**A. BORITCHEV (Bordeaux): Two results on weighted polynomial
approximation on the real line.

**R. DEVILLE (Bordeaux): Strong sequential continuity.

**G. GODEFROY (Paris VI): Best approximation in Banach spaces. Stongly
proximinal subspaces.

**Y. HEURTEAUX (Paris-Sud): How to compute or estimate the dimension of

**B. HOST (Marne-la-Vallee): Affine cocycles.

**H. JARCHOW (Zurich): Nevanlinna algebras.

**J.-P. KAHANE (Paris-Sud): Constructions Salem sets by probabilistic and
Baire first category methods.

**N. KALTON (Missouri-Columbia): Boundedness of bilinear multipliers.

**K. KELLAY (Marseille): Inner functions and bicyclic vectors.

**C. LEMERDY (Besancon): Matrix space factorizations for mappings on
operator spaces.

**A. OLEVSKI (Tel-Aviv): Sparse spectra: approximations and expansions.

**L. RODRIGUEZ-PIAZZA (Seville): Some new examples of lacunary sets.

**D. WERNER(Berlin): Banach spaces with the Daugavet property.

**Q. XU (Besancon):  On Arveson's factorization theorem.

	W. LINDE will speak on wednesday 29th in the Probability conference.


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\noindent Herv\'e Queff\'elec,
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\noindent Daniel Li,
Universit\'e d'Artois,
P\^ole de Lens, Facult\'e Jean Perrin,
rue Jean Souvraz, SP 18,
62307 LENS Cedex


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Daniel Li

Universite d'Artois

Faculte des Sciences Jean Perrin

rue Jean Souvraz=20

SP 18

62307 LENS Cedex

Tel +33 (0)3 21 79 17 22

Fax +33 (0)3 21 79 17 29 at
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From alspach at  Tue Dec 21 11:43:47 1999

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Subject: Program for  Operator Space Conference Jan. 5-7, 2000
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\overfullrule = 0pt
\bigskip\bigskip\centerline{\bf CENTRE EMILE
IHP , PARIS (11 rue P. 
et M. Curie), January 5-7 , 2000}

 \bigskip  \centerline{\bf January 5}\bigskip

\centerline{\bf Morning}

10-10.50 {\bf W. Arveson:} Curvature in
multivariable operator theory: progress and

11.10-12 {\bf D. Blecher:} Injectivity and 
actions on
operator spaces

\centerline{\bf Afternoon}

14.30-15.20 {\bf Z.J. Ruan:} On the operator duals of

15.45-16.15 {\bf A. Buchholz  :} Khintchine
inequalities for Wick-Gaussian families
- - - optimal constants for Fermions
and Rademachers

16.40-17.30 {\bf C. Le Merdy:} Extension and
factorization problems concerning decomposable

\bigskip  \centerline{\bf January 6}\bigskip 

\centerline{\bf Morning}

10-10.50 {\bf V. Paulsen:} Operator Algebras
and Interpolation 

11.10-12 {\bf G. Popescu:} Structure and entropy for
positive-definite Toeplitz kernels on free

\centerline{\bf Afternoon}
14.30-15.20 {\bf M. Junge:} A first attempt to
the little Grothendieck inequality and related

15.40-16.30 {\bf S. Wassermann:} Exact
C*-algebras and the Archbold-Batty conditions

17-17.50 {\bf N. Ozawa:} Local Theory and
Local Reflexivity

\bigskip  \centerline{\bf January 7}\bigskip
\centerline{\bf Morning}
 10-10.50 {\bf E. Effros:} Aspects of Operator
Space Theory

11.10-12 {\bf R. Smith:} Norming subalgebras of

\centerline{\bf Afternoon}

14.30-15.20 {\bf E. Kirchberg:} M-ideal spaces of
separable C*-spaces

15.45-16.15 {\bf A. Arias:} 
M-complete approximate identities in operator
spaces (with Haskell Rosenthal)

16.30-17 {\bf C. Pop :} Relative tensor
products and infinite C*-algebras

17.10-18 {\bf T. Oikhberg:} The Daugavet
property of C*-algebras and their duals


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