Messages from 1998

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa09206; 2 Jan 98 9:50 CST
Received: from by
          id aa00773; 2 Jan 98 09:15 CST
Received: from by
          id aa00684; 2 Jan 98 09:03 CST
To: banach at
cc: drm at
Subject: Forthcoming changes
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 09:03:42 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Dear Banach space BBS subscribers,

There is a move to consolidate several of the preprint servers into one
mathematics server. Under this arrangement the current contents of the
Banach space archive will be included in the archive at Los Alamos,
The complete details are not yet available, but I intend to maintain an
interface as before with links into the new archive. Preprint submission
will change and preprints will be available in multiple forms, TeX, pdf,
and postscript. The archive will be mirrored and preprints will be more
widely circulated. When the details are more complete, I will send out
further information.

The target date for the change is February 1, 1998.


Dale Alspach
Email: alspach at
    Oklahoma State University
    Department of Mathematics
    401 Math Science
    Stillwater, OK 74078-1058 USA
Telephone: 405-744-5784
FAX:       405-744-8275

From alspach Fri Jan  2 11:41:31 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.A. Argyros and V. Felouzis
Content-Length: 775

This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolating hereditarily
indecomposable Banach spaces" by S.A. Argyros and V. Felouzis.  The
paper is typed in LaTeX2e. There are some problems with the laTeX so the
postscript file is also available. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the
     get banach argyrosfelouzisintrphi.latex
     get banach
 to: majordomo at
 Abstract:It is shown that every Banach space either contains $\ell ^1$
or it has an infinite dimensional closed subspace which is a quotient
of a H.I. Banach space.Further on, $L^p(\lambda )$, $1<p<\infty $,  is
a quotient of a H.I Banach space.
 File Length: 235187 bytes, 614948 bytes

From alspach Mon Jan 19 15:22:25 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Meyer and E. Werner
Content-Length: 648

This is the abstract of the paper "On the p-affine surface area" by M.
Meyer and E. Werner.  The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command
     get banach meyerwern2.latex
 to: majordomo at
 Abstract:We give geometric interpretations of certain affine
invariants of convex bodies.  The affine invariants are the p-affine
surface areas introduced by Lutwak.  The geometric interpretations
involve generalizations of the Santal${\mbox{\'o}}$-bodies introduced
by the authors in a previous paper.
 File Length: 112130 bytes

From alspach Tue Jan 27 15:28:28 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Denka Kutzarova
Content-Length: 607

This is the abstract of the paper "Remarks about Schlumprecht space" by
Denka Kutzarova.  The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	 get banach kutzarremschl.latex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:We prove that Schlumprecht space $S$ is isomorphic to $(
\sum_{k=1}^\infty \oplus \ell_infty ^{n_k} )_S $ for any sequence of
integers $(n_k)$. We also show that every complemented subspace of $S$
which has some subsymmetric basis, is isomorphic to $S$.

 File Length: 16803 bytes

From alspach Fri Feb  6 09:40:32 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by F. Barthe, M. Fradelizi and B. Maurey
Content-Length: 594

This is the abstract of the paper "Elementary solution to the
Busemann-Petty problem" by F. Barthe, M. Fradelizi and B. Maurey.  The
paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the

	 get banach barthefradmaureyBP.latex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:A unified analytic solution to the Busemann-Petty problem was
recently found by Gardner, Koldobsky and Schlumprecht.
 We give an elementary proof of their formulas for the inverse Radon

 File Length: 10193 bytes

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa14764; 9 Feb 98 15:24 CST
Received: from by
          id aa02973; 9 Feb 98 14:52 CST
Received: from by
          id aa00712; 9 Feb 98 14:37 CST
To: banach at
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 14:37:04 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk



This will be a special meeting, with an emphasis on 
Hypercyclic Operators and also, somewhat
prematurely, to celebrate  St. Patrick's Day. 
The following are among confirmed participants:

Juan Bes (Kent State), Kit Chan (Bowling Green), Per Enflo (Kent),
Eva Gallardo (Seville), Fernando Leon (Seville), Ali Mahvidi (Toronto), 
Chris Lennard (Pittsburgh), Victor Lomonosov (Kent), 
Len Miller (Mississippi State), Alfonso Montes (Seville),
Alfredo Peris (Valencia), Peter Rosenthal (Toronto),
Hector Salas (Puerto Rico), Joel Shapiro (Michigan State),
Angela Spalsbury (Kent State), and Ilya Spitkovsky (Williamsburg)\\

Information on this meeting can also be
found at our website:

From alspach Tue Feb 10 11:09:42 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by V. Farmaki
Content-Length: 2547

This is the abstract of the paper "Ramsey dichotomies with ordinal
index" by V. Farmaki.  The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may
be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	 get banach farmakirmsydichot.tex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:A system of uniform families on an infinite subset $M$ of
$\nn$ is a collection $(\cca_{\xi})_{\xi<\omega_1}$ of families of
finite subsets of $\nn$ (where, $\cca_k$ consists of all $k$--element
subset of $M$, for $k\in \nn$) with the properties that each
$\cca_{\xi}$ is thin (i.e. it does not contain proper initial segments
of any of its element) and the Cantor--Bendixson index, defined for
$\cca_{\xi}$, is equal to $\xi+1$ and stable when we restrict ourselves
to any subset of $M$. We indicate how to extend the generalized
Schreier families to a system of uniform families.

Using that notion we establish the correct (countable) ordinal index
generalization of the classical Ramsey theorem (which corresponds to
the finite ordinal indices). Indeed, for a family $\ccf$ of finite
subsets of $\nn$, we obtain the following:  \begin{enumerate} \item
[(i)] For every infinite subset $M$ of $\nn$ and every countable
ordinal $\xi$, there is an infinite subset $L$ of $M$ such that either
$\cca_{\xi}\cap [L]^{<\omega}\subseteq\ccf$ or $\cca_{\xi}\cap
[L]^{<\omega}\subseteq [\nn]^{<\omega}\smallsetminus\ccf$;\\ (where
$[L]^{<\omega}$ denotes the family of all finite subsets of $L$).
\item [(ii)] If, in addition $\ccf$ is hereditary and pointwise closed,
then for every infinite subset $M$ of $\nn$ there is a countable
ordinal number $\xi$ such that:  \begin{enumerate} \item [(a)] For
every ordinal number $\zeta$ with $\zeta+1<\xi$ there is an infinite
subset $L$ of $M$ such that $\cca_{\xi}\cap
[L]^{<\omega}\subseteq\ccf$.  \item [(b)] For every ordinal number
$\zeta$ with $\xi<\zeta+1$ there is an infinite subset $L$ of $M$ such
that $\ccf\cap [L]^{<\omega}\subseteq (\cca_{\zeta})^{*}\smallsetminus
\cca_{\zeta}$; which gives $\cca_{\xi}\cap [L]^{<\omega}\subseteq
[\nn]^{<\omega}\smallsetminus\ccf$;\\ (where generally $\cca^{*}$
denotes the family of all initial segments of elements of $\cca$).
\item [(c)] For $\zeta=\xi+1$, both alternatives ((a) and (b)) may
materialize.  \end{enumerate} \item [(iii)] If $\ccf$ is hereditary,
then $\ccf$ is not closed if and only if there is an infinite subset
$M$ of $\nn$ such that $[M]^{<\omega}\subseteq \ccf$.  \end{enumerate}

 File Length: 78546 bytes

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa19791; 25 Feb 98 15:10 CST
Received: from by
          id aa08166; 25 Feb 98 14:39 CST
Received: from by
          id aa07863; 25 Feb 98 14:28 CST
To: banach at
Subject: Address change for Frank Oertel
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:28:13 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Dear Colleagues,

Please note my new (university-)address which I am going to submit to you,
using the WWW-sheet of the BBS; I am no longer working at Swiss

Frank Oertel

##  Dr. Frank Oertel                           			    ##   
##  Department of Statistics                                        ##
##  University of Bonn          				    ##
##  Adenauerallee 24-42                                             ##
##  D-53113 Bonn                                                    ##
##  GERMANY                                                         ##
##                          e-mail: oertel at ##
##                          Tel.:   +49-228-739270                  ##  
##                          Fax.:   +49-228-735050                  ##

From alspach Mon Mar  9 12:57:24 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by  H. Rosenthal
Content-Length: 1510

This is the abstract of the paper "The complete separable extension
property" by H. Rosenthal.  The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	 get banach rosenthalcomplete.tex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:This work introduces operator space analogues of the
 Separable Extension Property (SEP) for Banach spaces; the Complete
Separable Extension Property (CSEP) and the Complete Separable
Complemention Property (CSCP).  The results use the technique of a new
proof of Sobczyk's Theorem, which also yields new results for the SEP
in the non-separable situation, e.g., $(\oplus_{n=1}^\infty Z_n)_{c_0}$
has the $(2+\ep)$-SEP for all $\ep>0$ if $Z_1,Z_2,\ldots$ have the
1-SEP; in particular, $c_0 (\ell^\infty)$ has the SEP.  It is proved
that e.g., $c_0(\bR\oplus\bC)$ has the CSEP (where $\bR$, $\bC$ denote
Row, Column space respectively) as a consequence of the general
principle: if $Z_1,Z_2,\ldots$ is a uniformly exact sequence of
injective operator spaces, then $(\oplus_{n=1}^\infty Z_n)_{c_0}$ has
the CSEP.  Similarly, e.g., $\bK_0 \defeq (\oplus_{n=1}^\infty
M_n)_{c_0}$ has the CSCP, due to the general principle:
$(\oplus_{n=1}^\infty Z_n)_{c_0}$ has the CSCP if $Z_1,Z_2,\ldots$ are
injective separable operator spaces.  Further structural results are
obtained for these properties, and several open problems and
conjectures are discussed.

 File Length: 118843 bytes

From alspach Mon Mar  9 13:08:08 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.G. Casazza and M.C. Lammers
Content-Length: 781

This is the abstract of the paper "Genus n Banach spaces" by P.G.
Casazza and M.C. Lammers.  The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may
be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	 get banach casazzalammersgen.latex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:We show that the classification problem for genus~$n$ Banach
spaces can be reduced to  the unconditionally primary case and that the
critical case there is $n=2$. It is further shown that a genus~$n$
Banach space  is unconditionally primary if and only if it contains a
complemented  subspace  of genus~$(n-1)$. We begin the process of
classifying the genus~2 spaces by showing they have a strong
decomposition property.

 File Length: 46421 bytes

From alspach Mon Mar  9 13:12:46 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Vershynin
Content-Length: 863

This is the abstract of the paper "On constructions of strong and
uniformly minimal M-bases in Banach spaces" by R. Vershynin.  The paper
is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	 get banach vershyninstrmbases.latex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:We find a natural class of transformations ("flattened
perturbations") of a norming M-basis in a Banach space $X$, which give
a strong norming M-basis in $X$.  This simplifies and generalizes the
positive answer to the "strong M-basis problem" solved by P.~Terenzi.
We also show that in general one cannot achieve uniformly minimality
applying standard transformations to a given norming M-basis, despite
of the existence in $X$ a uniformly minimal strong M-bases.

 File Length: 34685 bytes

From alspach Thu Mar 26 09:18:01 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by George Androulakis, Peter G. Casazza, and Denka N. Kutzarova
Content-Length: 448

This is the abstract of the paper "Some more weak Hilbert spaces" by
George Androulakis, Peter G. Casazza, and Denka N. Kutzarova.  The
paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the

	 get banach androulcaskutzwkhlbrt.latex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:We give new examples of weak Hilbert spaces.

 File Length: 30854 bytes

From alspach Thu Mar 26 09:45:58 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P. Hitczenko and S. Montgomery-Smith
Content-Length: 752

This is the abstract of the paper "A note on sums of independent random
variables" by P. Hitczenko and S. Montgomery-Smith.  The paper is typed
in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the command

	 get banach hitczmontsmithsumrand.tex

 to: majordomo at

 Abstract:In this note a two sided bound on the tail probability of
 sums of independent, and either symmetric or nonnegative, random
variables is obtained. We utilize  a recent result by Lata{\l}a on
bounds on moments of such sums. We also give a new proof of Lata{\l}a's
result for nonnegative random variables, and improve one of the
constants in his inequality.

 File Length: 15143 bytes

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa19403; 31 Mar 98 11:01 CST
Received: from by
          id aa03972; 31 Mar 98 09:45 CST
Received: from by
          id aa03933; 31 Mar 98 09:31 CST
To: banach at
Subject: Announcement from George Anastassiou of a new journal
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 09:31:36 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

A quarterly international publication of PLENUM publishing corporation.
  EDITOR IN-CHIEF: GEORGE A ANASTASSIOU,Department of Mathematical 
Sciences,The University of Memphis,Memphis,TN 38152,U.S.A.'s 901-678-3144(office),901-678-2482(secretary),901-371-
E-Mail:anastasg at

              SCOPE OF THE JOURNAL
   The main purpose of "Computational Analysis and Applications" is 
to publish high quality research articles from all subareas of 
Computational Mathematical Analysis and its many potential 
applications and connections to other areas of Mathematical Sciences.
Any paper whose approach and proofs are computational,using methods 
from Mathematical Analysis in the broadest sense is suitable and 
welcome for consideration in our journal,except from Applied Numerical
Analysis articles.The list of possibly connected mathematical areas    
with this publication includes and is not restricted to:Applied 
Analysis,Applied Functional Analysis,Approximation Theory,Asymptotic 
Analysis,Difference Equations,Differential Equations,Partial 
Differential Equations,Fourier Analysis,Fractals,Fuzzy Sets,Harmonic 
Analysis,Inequalities,Integral Equations,Measure Theory,Moment Theory,
Neural Networks,Numerical Functional Analysis,Potential 
Theory,Probability Theory,Real and Complex Analysis,Signal Analysis,
Special Functions,Splines,Stochastic Analysis,Stochastic Processes,
Summability,Tomography,Wavelets,any combination of the above,e.t.c.
Working Analytically and Computationally in Mathematical Sciences
has become a main trend in the last years,as well as mixing different 
branches,so we can understand better and deeper the important and 
complex problems of our real and scientific world.
"Computational Analysis and Applications" will be a peer-reviewed 
 We are calling for papers for possible publication.
 The contributor should send four copies of the contribution to the 
editor in-Chief typed in TEX,LATEX double space.
    Sincerely Yours
    George Anastassiou
 Computational Analysis And Applications
     Editorial Board(short list)
 G.Anastassiou(editor-in-chief and 
(Hanover,NH),Ding-Xuan Zhou(Hong Kong),S.Elaydi(San Antonio),
C.Houdre(Atlanta),M.Ismail(Tampa),J.Kemperman(New Brunswick,NJ),
B.Lenze(Dortmund,Germany),H.Mhaskar(Los Angeles),Z.Nashed
Germany),G.Walter(Milwaukee),H.White(San Diego),
Xin-long Zhou(Duisburg,Germany),X.M.Yu(Springfield,MO). 

Deadlines for Contributors:1st issue May 1st,2nd issue July 1st,
3rd issue September 1st,4rth issue November 1st,1998.

       Instructions to Contributors(subject to possible minor changes)
 1.Manuscripts,hard copies in quadruplicate and in English,should be 
submitted to the Editor-in-Chief:
      Prof.George A. Anastassiou
      Department of Mathematical Sciences
      The University of Memphis
      Memphis,TN 38152
 Authors may want to recommend an associate editor the most related
 to the submission to possibly handle it.   
 Also authors may want to submit a list of six possible referees, to 
be used in case we cannot find related referees by ourselves.

 2.Manuscripts should be typed using any of TEX,LaTEX,AMS-TEX,or AMS-
LaTEX.They should be carefully prepared in all respects.Submitted 
copies should be brightly printed(not dot-matrix) double space on one 
side high quality paper 8(1/2)x11 inch.Manuscripts should have 
generous margins on all sides and should not exceed 24 pages.
 3.Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been 
published previously in this or any other similar form and is not 
under consideration for publication elsewhere.A statement transferring
from the authors(or their employers,if they hold the copyright) to 
Plenum Publishing Corporation will be required before the manuscript 
can be accepted for publication.The Editor-in-Chief will supply the
necessary forms for this transfer.Such a written transfer of 
copyright,which previously was assumed to be implicit in the act of
submitting a manuscript,is necessary under the U.S.Copyright Law in
order for the publisher to carry through the dissemination of research
results and reviews as widely and effective as possible.
  4.A title page is to be provided and should include the title of 
the article,author's name(no degrees),author's 
affiliation,appropriate 1991  Mathematics Subject Classification 
numbers (as a first footnote),and suggested running head.The 
affiliation should comprise the department,institution(usually 
university or company),city,and state(or nation) and should be 
displayed directly under the author's name.The suggested running head 
should be less than 80 characters(including spaces) and should 
comprise the article title or an abbreviated version thereof.For 
office purposes,the title page should include the complete mailing 
address,telephone number,fax number,and e-mail address of the
"contact" author.

 5.An abstract is to be provided,preferably no longer than 150 words.
 6.A list of 5 key words is to be provided directly below the 
abstract.Key words should express the precise content of the 
manuscript,as they are used for indexing purposes.

 7.All sections should be numbered with Arabic numerals(such as 
1.INTRODUCTION).Subsections should be identified with section and 
subsection numbers(such as 6.1. Second-Value Subheading).If 
applicable,an independent single-number system(one for each category)
should be used to label all theorems,lemmas,propositions,corrolaries,
definitions,remarks,examples,etc.The label(such as Lemma 7) should be 
typed with paragraph indentation,followed by a period and the lemma 

 8.Mathematical notation should be typewritten wherever possible.
 If handwritten notation must be used,it should be clear and 
legible,with any necessary explanatory notes located in the margin.
Equations should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in 
parentheses placed flush right,and should be thusly referred to in the
text [such as Eqs.(2) and (5)]. 
 9.Illustrations (photographs,drawings,diagrams,and charts) are to be 
numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals.The captions for
illustrations should be typed on a separate sheet of paper.All 
illustrations must be complete and final,i.e.,camera ready.Photographs
should be large,glossy prints,showing high contrast.Drawings should 
be high-quality laser prints or should be prepared with india ink.
Either original drawings or good-quality photographic prints are 
acceptable.Artwork for each figure should be provided on a separate 
sheet of paper.Identify figures on the back with author's name and 
number of the illustration.

 10.Tables should be numbered(with Roman numerals) and referred to by 
number in the text.Each table should be typed on a separate sheet of 
paper.Center the title above the table,and type explanatory footnotes
(indicated by superscript lowercase letters) below the table. 

 11.List references alphabetically at the end of the paper and number 
them with numbers in square brackets, refer to them in the text by 
the square bracketted numbers in parentheses.References should 
include in the following order first name,middle name,last name of 
authors,title of article in italics,name of publication,volume number,
year of publication in parenthesis,and inclusive pages.Authors should 
follow the next examples:
  Journal Article
  [1] H.H.Gonska,"Degree of simultaneous approximation of bivariate
  functions by Gordon operators",J.Approx.Theory,62(1990),170-191.
  [2]G.G.Lorentz(1986),"Bernstein Polynomials"(2nd 
edition),Chelsea,New York.
  Contribution to a book
  [3]M.K.Khan,"Approximation properties of Beta operators",in:
  Progress in Approximation Theory ( P.Nevai and A.Pinkus),
  New York:Academic Press (1991),483-495. 
 12.All acknowledgements (including those for a grant and financial
 support)should be typed in one paragraph on a separate page that 
directly precedes the References section.

 13.Footnotes should be avoided.When their use is absolutely 
necessary,footnotes should be numbered consecutively using Arabic 
numerals and should be typed at the bottom of the page to which they 
refer.Place a line above the footnote,so that it is set off from the 
text.Use the appropriate superscript numeral for citation in the text.

 14.After each revision is made please again submit four hard 
copies of the revised manuscript,including in the final one.And after 
a manuscript has been accepted for publication and with all revisions 
incorporated,manuscripts should be submitted to the 
Editor's Office also on  personal-computer disks,3.5 inch size,in 
dublicate.Label the disks with clearly written identifying 
information such as:your 
name,title of article,kind of computer used,kind of software and 
version number,disk format and files names of article,as well as 
abbreviated journal name.Package the disks in a disk mailer or 
protective cardboard.Make sure contents of disks are identical
with the ones of final hard copies submitted!The Editor's Office 
cannot accept the disks without the accompanying matching hard copies 
of manuscript.No e-mail submissions are allowed!Disks will be used on 
a case by case basis where efficient and feasible.
 All the above described rules will be strictly applied to the 
benefit of authors and journal.

 15.The journal makes no page charges. Reprints are available to 
authors,and order forms with the current price schedule are sent by 
the Editor-in-Chief to the "contact" author of accepted papers. 

 16.This journal will consider for publication only papers that 
contain proofs for their listed results.

  Computational Analysis and Applications
       Editorial Board
       Editor -in-Chief
    George A.Anastassiou
    Mepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    The University of Memphis
    Memphis,TN 38152,U.S.A
    e-mail: anastasg at
         Associate Editors
  1) George A.Anastassiou
  Approximations,Real Analysis,Wavelets,Neural Networks,Probability,
  2) Ioannis Argyros
    Department of Mathematical Sciences
    Cameron University
    Lawton,OK 73505
    ioannisa at
    Applied Functional Analysis,Fixed point Theory,Numerical
    Functional Analysis.
  3) Marshall J.Ash
   Department of Mathematics
   De Paul University
   2219 North Kenmore Ave.
   Chicago,IL 60614-3504
   312-362-8000,ext 4216
   mash at
   Real and Harmonic Analysis
   4)Mark J.Balas
   AES Department
   University of Colorado
   Boulder,CO 80309
   balas at
   Control Theory,Nonlinear Systems,Neural Networks,Ordinary and 
Partial Differential Equations,Functional Analysis and Operator Theory

  5)Jerry L.Bona
  Department of Mathematics
  The University of Texas at Austin
  Austin,Texas 78712-1082
  bona at math.utexas,edu,bona at
  Partial Differential Equations,Fluid Dynamics
 6)Paul L.Butzer
  Lehrstuhl A fur Mathematik
    RWTH Aachen
   52056 Aachen,Germany
   Butzer at
   Approximation Theory,Sampling Theory,Semigroups of Operators,
   Signal Theory
  7)Luis A.Caffarelli
  Department of Mathematics
  The University of Texas at Austin
  Austin,Texas 78712-1082
  caffareli at
  Partial Differential Equations
  8)Valentina Corradi
  Department of Economics
  University of Pennsylvania
  Philadelphia,PA 19104
  corradi at
  Econometric Theory,Neural Networks and Approximation 
Theory,Stochastic Processes

  9)George Cybenko
  Thayer School of Engineering
  Dartmouth College
  8000 Cummings Hall,
  Hanover,NH 03755-8000
  gvc at witness.dartmouth.EDU
  Approximation Theory and Neural Networks
  10)Ding-Xuan Zhou
  Department Of Mathematics
  City University of Hong Kong
  83 Tat Chee Avenue
  Kowloon,Hong Kong
  mazhou at
  Approximation Theory,Spline functions,Wavelets
  11)Saber N.Elaydi
  Department Of Mathematics
  Trinity University
  715 Stadium Dr.
  San Antonio,TX 78212-7200
  selaydi at
  Ordinary Differential Equations,Difference Equations
  12)Augustine O.Esogbue
  School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
  Georgia Institute of Technology
  Atlanta,GA 30332
  augustine.esogbue at
  Control Theory,Fuzzy sets,Mathematical Programming,Dynamic 
  13)Christodoulos A.Floudas
  Department of Chemical Engineering
  Princeton University
  Princeton,NJ 08544-5263
  609-258-4595(x4619 assistant)
  floudas at
  Optimization Theory & Applications,Global Optimization
  Department of Mathematical Sciences
  The University of Memphis
  Memphis,TN 38152
  goldstej at
  Partial Differential Equations,Semigroups of Operators
  Department of Mathematics
  University of Duisburg
  gonska at
  Approximation Theory,Computer Aided Geometric Design
  16)John R.Higgins
  Department of Mathematics
  Anglia Polytechnic University
  Rosemead,105 Caxton End,
  rhiggins at
  Fourier Analysis,Sampling Theory,Signal Theory
  17)Christian Houdre
  School of Mathematics
  Georgia Institute of Technology
  Atlanta,Georgia 30332
  houdre at
  Probability,Mathematical Statistics,Wavelets
  18)Mourad E.H.Ismail
  Department of Mathematics
  University of South Florida
  Tampa,FL 33620-5700
  ismail at
  Approximation Theory,Polynomials,Special Functions
  Department of Statistics
  Rutgers University
  New Brunswick,NJ 08903
  jkemperman at
  Probability,Math.Statistics,Stochastic Processes,Tomography,
  Functional Equations    
  20)Burkhard Lenze
  Fachbereich Informatik
  University of Applied Sciences(FH)
  Postfach 105018
  D-44047 Dortmund
  lenze at
  Real Analysis,Neural Networks,Fourier Analysis,Approximation Theory
  21)Hrushikesh N.Mhaskar
  Department Of Mathematics
  California State University
  Los Angeles,CA 90032
  hmhaska at
  Orthogonal Polynomials,Approximation Theory,Splines,Wavelets,
  Neural Networks
  22)Zuhair M.Nashed
  Department Of Mathematics
  University of Delaware
  Newark,DE 19716-0001
  nashed at
  Inverse problems,Signal Analysis
  23)Mubenga N.Nkashama
  Department OF Mathematics
  University of Alabama at Birmingham
  Birmingham,AL 35294-1170
  nkashama at
  Ordinary Differential Equations,Partial Differential Equations
  24)Charles E.M.Pearce
  Applied Mathematics Department
  University of Adelaide
  Adelaide 5005,
  cpearce at
  Stochastic Processes,Probability Theory,Harmonic Analysis,Measure 
Theory,Special Functions,Inequalities

  25)Josip Pecaric
  Faculty of Textile Technology
  University of Zagreb
  Pierottijeva 6,11000
  pecaric at
  26)Ervin Y.Rodin
  Department of Systems Science and Applied Mathematics
  Washington University,Campus Box 1040
  One Brookings Drive,St.Louis,MO 63130-4899
  rodin at
  Systems Theory,Control,Partial Differential Equations,Calculus of 
Variations,Optimal Control,Computer Science,Economics,Operations

  27)Manfred Tasche
  Department of Mathematics
  University of Rostock
  D-18051 Rostock,Germany
  manfred.tasche at
  Numerical Fourier Analysis,Fourier Analysis,Harmonic Analysis,Signal 
Analysis,  Spectral Methods,Wavelets,Splines,Approximation Theory
  28)Gilbert G.Walter
  Department Of Mathematical Sciences
  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,Box 415,
  Milwaukee,WI 53201-0413
  ggw at
  Distribution Functions,Generalised Functions,Wavelets
  29)Halbert White
  Department of Economics
  University of California at San Diego
  La Jolla,CA 92093-0508
  hwhite at
  Economic Theory,Approximation Theory,Neural Networks
  30)Xin-long Zhou
  Fachbereich Mathematik,Fachgebiet Informatik
  Gerhard-Mercator-Universitat Duisburg
  Lotharstr.65,D-47048 Duisburg,Germany
  Xzhou at
  Fourier Analysis,Computer-Aided Geometric Design,
  Computational Complexity,Multivariate Approximation Theory,
  Approximation and Interpolation Theory
  31)Xiang Ming Yu
  Department of Mathematical Sciences
  Southwest Missouri State University
  Springfield,MO 65804-0094
  xmy944f at
  Classical Approximation Theory,Wavelets

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa00870; 2 Apr 98 11:14 CST
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          id aa15338; 2 Apr 98 10:14 CST
Reply-To: math at
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Deville, R. Gonzalo, and J.A. Jaramillo
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 10:14:37 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Dear Subscribers,

This is the first posting to the merged archive. Older papers should be
available at in the near future. There are some instructions
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Functional Analysis
Operator Algebras
 received from  Wed  1 Apr 98 01:00:02 GMT  to  Thu  2 Apr 98 01:00:01 GMT
Paper: math.FA/9804002
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs_Angel_Jaramillo?= <jaramil at>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 1998 15:57:54 GMT   (14kb)

Title: Renormings of $L^p(L^q)$
Authors: R. Deville (Univ. Bordeaux), R. Gonzalo (Univ. Complutense) and J.A.
  Jaramillo (Univ. Complutense)
Comments: 18 pages; AMS-Tex
Subj-class: Functional Analysis
  We investigate the best order of smoothness of $L^p(L^q)$. We prove in
particular that there exists a $C^\infty$-smooth bump function on $L^p(L^q)$ if
and only if $p$ and $q$ are both even integers and $p$ is a multiple of $q$.
\\ ( ,  14kb)
For general information on the new math archive (partitioned by
keyword subject classification), see
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e-mail To: math at, Subject: subscribe

Instructions for Retrieving Papers

Below "number" should be replaced by the paper number, 9804002.

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send a message with subject line

>     Subject: get number

to: math at
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Mac see

To retrieve the file by email in unpacked form use subject line

>     Subject: uget number

To retrieve the file by using a web browser go to

Anonymous ftp access is possible but not recommended.


cd to math/papers/first_four_digits_of_number

The files have names of the form number.gz, number.tar.gz, number.abs.

From owner-banach at
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To: banach at
Subject: Old papers
Date: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 13:37:28 -0600
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Most of the papers from the Banach archive are now available at The ones missing are from the transition period of
February and March 1998. These will be added shortly. If there are
others missing let me know. Note that papers from the years before 1992
are archived in the 1992 section.  No new papers will be added at the
old site.

Note that the new archive uses gzipped files. This is not a proprietary
format and is distributed for many machines as part of the GNU project.
(see This is not the same format as
pkzip files. The Infozip unzip will also unzip these files and is
available for many operating systems.  UNIX systems usually have
gunzip, WinZip works on windows machines and MacGzip works for Macs.
There are probably many other unarchivers which will work.

Below is a list of mirrors of the archive. If you experience problems or
you have suggestions, let me know. I am adding some web pages about the new
archive and links to help.


Mirrors of the Los Alamos Preprint Archive

If you are not in the United States you may want to substitute one of the
mirror sites for If you are using the
friendly interface at UC Davis, you can set the location for download from
the preferences page. 

    Augsburg, Germany 
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    Sao Paulo, Brazil 
    Trieste, Italy 
    Hsinchu, Taiwan 
    Southampton, UK 
    Moscow, Russia 
    Seoul, South Korea 
    Zaragoza, Spain 
    Tel Aviv, Israel 
    Adelaide, Australia 
    Paris, France 
    Chennai, India 
    Kyoto, Japan 

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa02978; 9 Apr 98 9:31 CDT
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          id aa28209; 9 Apr 98 08:40 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Papers in Banach space added to the archive on April 8, 1998
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 08:40:05 -0500
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

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 Submissions to:
Functional Analysis
 received from  Wed  8 Apr 98 00:00:03 GMT  to  Thu  9 Apr 98 00:00:01 GMT
Paper: math.FA/9804044
From: Roman Vershynin <roman at>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 1998 14:25:12 GMT   (11kb)

Title: Absolutely representing systems, uniform smoothness, and type
Authors: R. Vershynin
Comments: 15 pages
Subj-class: Functional Analysis
MSC-class: 46B03; 46B07; 52A21
  Absolutely representing system (ARS) in a Banach space $X$ is a set $D
\subset X$ such that every vector $x$ in $X$ admits a representation by an
absolutely convergent series $x = \sum_i a_i x_i$ with $(a_i)$ reals and $(x_i)
\subset D$. We investigate some general properties of ARS. In particular, ARS
in uniformly smooth and in B-convex Banach spaces are characterized via
$\epsilon$-nets of the unit balls. Every ARS in a B-convex Banach space is
quick, i.e. in the representation above one can achieve $\|a_i x_i\| <
cq^i\|x\|$, $i=1,2,...$ for some constants $c>0$ and $q \in (0,1)$.
\\ ( ,  11kb)
For general information on the new math archive (partitioned by
keyword subject classification), see
For subscribe options to combined math archives,
e-mail To: math at, Subject: subscribe

Instructions for Retrieving Papers

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If you click on Source, you get a gzip compressed file of the TeX. 
If you would prefer a different resolution of postscript, pdf or dvi format,
click on other.

To retrieve the file by email in unzipped form send a message with subject line

>          Subject: uget number

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(suitable for unpacking on UNIX machines and others)
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>          Subject: get number

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Mac see

Anonymous ftp access is possible but not recommended.

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The files have names of the form number.gz, number.tar.gz, number.abs

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa04464; 9 Apr 98 14:06 CDT
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Subject: which abstracts
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 1998 13:25:55 -0500
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

Dear Subscribers,

In the merged archive at Banach spaces is in the larger
category functional analysis (FA). As a result I am filtering the
postings and crosslistings to FA and forwarding only those that seem to
fit within the general area of Banach spaces. Because I am doing the
filtering, my ignorance and prejudices may cause me to eliminate some
postings that you might feel really should be forwarded. 

Postings with MSC-class 46A-E will almost always be forwarded. Also
postings to MG (metric geometry) and OA (operator algebras) which are
crosslisted to FA will get serious consideration. However if one of
these is your main area of interest you should consider subscribing
directly to

You can help alleviate problems caused by my filtering by alerting me to
omissions and if you submit a paper to the archive that you want advertised
on this list which you think I might not forward, send me a note.

As with anything new there will no doubt be some problems. Feel free to
make suggestions.

Dale Alspach
alspach at

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa09937; 10 Apr 98 14:29 CDT
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          id aa18795; 10 Apr 98 13:59 CDT
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To: banach at
Subject: Papers in Banach spaces added to the archive on April 9, 1998
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 1998 13:45:12 -0500
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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 Submissions to:
Functional Analysis
 received from  Thu  9 Apr 98 00:00:01 GMT  to  Fri 10 Apr 98 00:00:03 GMT
Paper: math.FA/9804057
From: combs at
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 1998 16:06:22 GMT   (17kb)

Title: On certain equivalent norms on Tsirelson's space
Authors: Edward Odell and Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
Comments: 19 pp., LaTeX
Report-no: ut-ma/980006
Subj-class: Functional Analysis
MSC-class: 46B03
  Tsirelson's space $T$ is known to be distortable but it is open as to
or not $T$ is arbitrarily distortable. For $n\in {\Bbb N}$ the norm
$\|\cdot\|_n$ of the Tsirelson space $T(S_n,2^{-n})$ is equivalent to the
standard norm on $T$. We prove there exists $K<\infty$ so that for all $n$,
$\|\cdot\|_n$ does not $K$ distort any subspace $Y$ of $T$.
\\ ( ,  17kb)
For general information on the new math archive (partitioned by
keyword subject classification), see
For subscribe options to combined math archives,
e-mail To: math at, Subject: subscribe

Instructions for Retrieving Papers

Below "number" should be replaced by the paper number, e.g., 9804057.
The instructions below are for the main site sustitute mirror sites as

To retrieve the file by using a web browser go to

If you click on Source, you get a gzip compressed file of the TeX. 
If you would prefer a different resolution of postscript, pdf or dvi format,
click on other.

To retrieve the file by email in unzipped form send a message with subject line

>       Subject: uget number

to:math at

To retrieve the TeX file for this paper by email in uuencoded gz compressed form
(suitable for unpacking on UNIX machines and others)
send a message with subject line

>        Subject: get number

to: math at
If you need the utilities for unpacking files on UNIX, VMS, DOS, Windows, or
Mac see

Anonymous ftp access is possible but not recommended.

cd to math/papers/first_four_digits_of_number

The files have names of the form number.gz, number.tar.gz, number.abs

From alspach Tue Apr 21 10:43:55 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Corran Webster
Content-Length: 1551

This is an announcement for the paper "Matrix compact sets and operator
approximation properties" by Corran Webster.

Abstract: The relationship between the operator approximation property
and the strong operator approximation property has deep significance in
the theory of operator algebras. The original definitions of Effros and
Ruan, unlike the classical analogues, make no mention of compact
operators or compact sets. In this paper we introduce ``compact matrix
sets'' which correspond to the two different operator approximation
properties, and show that a space has the operator approximation
property if and only if the ``operator compact'' operators are
contained in the closure of the finite rank operators. We also
investigate when the two types of compactness agree, and introduce a
natural condition which guarantees that they do.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Operator Algebras

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28; 47B07; 47D15

Remarks: 37 pages

The source file, opapproxlanl.tex, has length  96518 bytes and is
stored in gzipped form as 9804093.gz with size 26kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 96kb.

Submitted from: corran.webster at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9804093

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9804093

 to: math at

From alspach Tue May 19 09:31:36 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Dale Alspach
Content-Length: 1189

This is an announcement for the paper "The dual of the Bourgain-Delbaen
space" by Dale Alspach.

Abstract: It is shown that a script L_infty-space with separable dual
constructed by Bourgain and Delbaen has small Szlenk index and thus
does not have a quotient isomorphic to C(omega^omega). It follows that
this is a script L_infty-space which is the same size as c_0 in the
sense of the Szlenk index but does not contain c_0. This has some
consequences in the theory of uniform homeomorphism of Banach spaces.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20

Remarks: 18 pages, LaTeX2e

The source file, bdspace, has length  49584 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9805081.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 76kb.

Submitted from: alspach at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9805081

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9805081

 to: math at

From alspach Wed Jun  3 13:47:43 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vladimir G. Troitsky
Content-Length: 1128

This is an announcement for the paper "On the modulus of C. J. Read's
operator" by Vladimir G. Troitsky.

Abstract: Let T be the quasinilpotent operator on ell_1 without an
invariant subspace constructed by C. J. Read in [R3]. We prove that the
modulus of this operator has an invariant subspace (and even an
eigenvector). This answers a question posed by Y. Abramovich, C.
Aliprantis and O. Burkinshaw in [AAB1,AAB3]

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A15, 47B60, 47B65

Remarks: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, to appear in Positivity

The source file, read-modul.ltx, has length  24009 bytes and is stored
in gzipped form as 9805124.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 49kb.

Submitted from: vladimir at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9805124

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9805124

 to: math at

From alspach Wed Jun  3 13:51:50 1998
To: banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Denny H. Leung
Content-Length: 1430

This is an announcement for the paper "The normed and Banach envelopes
of Weak L^1" by Denny H. Leung.

Abstract: The space Weak L^1 consists of all measurable functions on
[0,1] such that
  q(f) = sup_{c>0} c \lambda{t : |f(t)| > c} is finite, where \lambda
  denotes Lebesgue measure. Let \rho be the gauge functional of the
unit ball {f : q(f) \leq 1} of the quasi- norm q, and let N be the null
space of \rho. The normed envelope of Weak L^1, which we denote by W,
is the space (Weak L^1/N, \rho). The Banach envelope of Weak L^1,
\overline{W}, is the completion of W. We show that \overline{W} is
isometrically lattice isomorphic to a sublattice of W. It is also shown
that all rearrangement invariant Banach function spaces are
isometrically isomorphic to a sublattice of W.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46E30, 46B42, 46B40

The source file, wl1,3.TEX, has length  57461 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9806009.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 80kb.

Submitted from: matlhh at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9806009

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9806009

 to: math at

From  owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa23211; 8 Jul 98 9:13 CDT
Received: from by
          id aa08184; 8 Jul 98 08:31 CDT
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          id aa08168; 8 Jul 98 08:23 CDT
To: banach at
Reply-to: judyg at
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 1998 08:23:51 -0500
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk


	   The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	 will meet  July 24-26 at Texas A&M in College Station.

SCHEDULE (tentative):  The first talk will be at 1:30 pm on Friday, 
July 24. All talks will be in Blocker 120.  Refreshments will be 
available in Blocker 112 at 1:00 Friday.  SUMIRFAS will end in the 
early afternoon on Sunday. The schedule will be posted and updated 
periodically on the Home Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis 
and Probability, whose new URL is 
The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, 
including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars.  

HOUSING:  Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, 
(409) 845-5-4412, (409) 845-6028  FaX) for help with housing.  
Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or 
nonsmoking),  which night(s) you need the room, and give her a 
roommate preference.  

DINNER: There will be a 10 course dinner at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, 
July 25, at Imperial Chinese Restaurant, 2232 S. Texas Ave. in College 
Station. The charge for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for 
faculty and $10 per person for students.  Please tell Judy Gloyna if 
you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend.  Checks 
should be made out to Dept. Math., TAMU.  Reservations should be 
made by July 20 and payment made by July 24.
Judy Gloyna
Department of Mathematics
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3368.

We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for 
most participants, from support the National Science Foundation has 
provided the Workshop.  Preference will be given to participants 
who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored 
research grants.  When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell 
her if you are requesting support.  Rooms in CS are tight the 
weekend of SUMIRFAS, so please act ASAP.

W. Johnson,  johnson at
D. Larson,   larson at
G. Pisier,  pisier at
J. Zinn,    jzinn at

Talks:  Below are some of the talks. 

Petr Hajek,           Smooth nonlinear operators on C(K) spaces
Maria Girardi,      Banach spaces whose duals contain L_1(0,1) isometrically
Yehoram Gordon, The relations between volume formulas, 
                            ideal norms and local theory
Denka Kutzarova, TBA
David Larson,       Operators, wavelets and frames
Timur Oikhberg,  TBA
Alain Pajor,         The isotropy constants of the Schatten classes
Gilles Pisier,         Martingales and Lambda(p) sets in 
                            non-commutative L_p spaces
Haskell Rosenthal, On certain extension properties of the space K(H)
Dmitri Shlyakhtenko, Free entropy with respect to a 
                             completely-positive map
Darrin Speegle,     TBA
George Willis,        Convexity techniques in abstract harmonic analysis

From owner-banach at
Received: from by
          id aa12515; 28 Jul 98 14:30 CDT
Received: from by
          id aa29021; 28 Jul 98 13:43 CDT
Received: from by
          id aa28624; 28 Jul 98 13:18 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Dilworth, Howard and Roberts
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 13:18:37 -0500
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

This is an announcement for the paper "Extremal Approximately Convex
Functions and Estimating the Size of Convex Hulls" by S. J. Dilworth,
Ralph Howard, and James W. Roberts.

Abstract: A real valued function $f$ defined on a convex $K$ is an
approximately convex function iff it satisfies
f((x+y)/2) \le (f(x)+f(y))/2 + 1.
A thorough study of approximately convex functions is made.  The
principal results are a sharp universal upper bound for lower
semi-continuous approximately convex functions that vanish on the
vertices of a simplex and an explicit description of the unique
largest bounded approximately convex function~$E$ vanishing on the
vertices of a simplex.

A set $A$ in a normed space is an approximately convex set iff for all
$a,b\in A$ the distance of the midpoint $(a+b)/2$ to $A$ is $\le 1$.
The bounds on approximately convex functions are used to show that in
$\R^n$ with the Euclidean norm, for any approximately convex set $A$,
any point $z$ of the convex hull of $A$ is at a distance of at most
$[\log_2(n-1)]+1+(n-1)/2^{[\log_2(n-1)]}$ from $A$.  Examples are
given to show this is the sharp bound.  Bounds for general norms on
$R^n$ are also given.

Remarks: 39 pages LaTeX2e with two postscript figures 

Archive classification: Metric Geometry

Mathematics Subject Classification: 26B25 52A27 (primary), 39B72 41A44
51M16 52A21 52A40 (secondary) 

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL



- -- 
Ralph Howard                    Phone:  (803) 777-2913 
Department of Mathematics       Fax:    (803) 777-3783 
University of South Carolina    e-mail: howard at
Columbia, SC 29208 USA

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Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:24:49 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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The list software has been down for the last few weeks due to local system
changes. Email file retrieval is still not functional from this list server
however all papers are available from the Los Alamos archive or by using
the web interface at

I will be distributing some messages that were held while the sytem was
down. There has been a slight change in the addresses. To send a message to
the subscribers to the list, send it to banach at just as before.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, retrieve a file by email (when it is working
again), etc., use majordomo at

Because of all the system changes I had to reconfigure many things. If you
find that something about majordomo or the banach web pages is not working,
send me a message. Remember that all new papers will only be stored at the
Los Alamos archive and its mirrors.

Dale Alspach

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To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by V. Troitsky
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 1998 21:08:34 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
Precedence: bulk

This is an announcement for the paper "Lomonosov's theorem cannot be
extended to chains of four operators" by Vladimir G.Troitsky.

Abstract: We show that the celebrated Lomonosov theorem cannot be improved
  by increasing the number of commuting operators. Specifically, we prove
  that if T is the operator on l_1 without a non-trivial closed invariant
  subspace constructed by C.J.Read, then there are three operators S_1,
  S_2 and K (non-multiples of the identity) such that T commutes with
  S_1, S_1 commutes with S_2, S_2 commutes with K, and K is compact. It
  is also shown that the commutant of T contains only series of T.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 47A15

Remarks: 5 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AMS

The source file, lom-thm.ltx, has length  14884 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9809100.gz with size 5kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 39kb.

Submitted from: vladimir at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9809100

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9809100

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To: banach at
Subject: International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and  its Applications
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Date: Thu, 22 Oct 1998 11:26:15 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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We are organizing the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and  
its Applications, 2000 (ICMAA2000).  It is scheduled to be held in the  
National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan for Jan. 17 - 21,  
2000.  Currently, we have arranged

Keynote and invited speakers: L. de Branges,  P. Cohen\footnote{to be  
confirmed}, A. Friedman, G. Pisier, and  R. T. Rockafellar, L. G. Brown, P.  
G. Casazza , J. Chabrowski , M. D. Choi, C. C. Cowen,  B. D. Craven, N. J.  
Kalton, W. A. Kirk, A. Kaminska, C. K. Li, P. K. Lin, K. Mizukami, F. Moricz,  
W. Oettli, W. Takahashi, S. L. Troyanski, G. X. Z. Yuan, Zhongrui Shi.

Please visit our www homepage at
There will be a mirror site very soon at
One can email to
	Ngai-Ching Wong at wong at or
	Borluh Lin at bllin at
for more information.

Ngai-Ching Wong

-------------latex file-first announcement and registration form--------





\underline{\sc  FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT (Oct., 98)}

2000 (ICMAA2000)

                         January 17 - 21, 2000

                    National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.



The aim of  ICMAA2000 is to bring together mathematicians working in  
Abstract and Applied Analysis to enhance the interaction among areas of  
Currently, we have arranged:

\noindent{\sc Keynote speakers}:\\
{\bf L. de Branges} (Purdue), {\bf P. Cohen}\footnote{to be confirmed} (Stanford),
{\bf A. Friedman} (Minnesota),\\
{\bf G. Pisier} (Texas A\&M and Paris VI), and {\bf R. T. Rockafellar}  

\noindent{\sc Invited speakers}:\\
L. G. Brown (Purdue), %Wong, NC
P. G. Casazza (Missouri-Columbia), %Lin, BL
J. Chabrowski (Queensland, Australia),\\ %Wang, HC
M. D. Choi (Toronto), %Wu, PY
C. C. Cowen (Purdue), %Ho, M.
B. D. Craven (Melbourne, Australia),\\ %Lai, HC
N. J. Kalton (Missouri-Columbia), %Lin, BL
W. A. Kirk (Iowa), %Lin, LJ
% A. Kaminska (Memphis),
C. K. Li (College of William and Mary), \\%Wu, PY
P. K. Lin (Memphis), %Lin, BL
K. Mizukami (Hiroshima, Japan), %Lai, HC
F. Moricz (Szeged, Hungary), \\%Chen, CP
W. Oettli (Mannheim, Germany), %Lin, LJ
W. Takahashi (Tokyo Inst.\ of Tech.), %Lin, LJ
S. L. Troyanski (Sofia, Bulgaria), %Lin, BL
G. X. Z. Yuan (Queensland, Australia), %Lin, LJ
Zhongrui Shi (Harbin Univ.\ of Sci.\ and Tech.). %Lin, BL

Anybody interested in  the conference is warmly invited to attend and to  
give a talk.  Please contact any one of the following organizing committee  
for further information:


	{\bf Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions} & Mark C. Ho  
(hom at\\
	{\bf Banach Space Theory} & Borluh Lin (bllin at\\
%	{\bf Cone Theory} & Bit-Shun Tam (bsm01 at\\
	{\bf Convex Analysis} & Jen-Chih Yao (yaojc at\\
	{\bf Fourier Analysis} & Chang-Pao Chen (cpchen at\\
	{\bf KKM and Fixed Point Theory} & Lai-Jiu Lin (Maljlin at\\
	{\bf Matrix Analysis} & Mau-Hsiang Shih (mhshih at\\
	{\bf Nonlinear Analysis} & Hwai-Chiuan Wang (hwang at\\
	{\bf Nonlinear PDEs} & Jong-Shenq Guo (jsguo at\\       
	{\bf Numerical Ranges} & Pei-Yuan Wu (pywu at\\
	{\bf Operator Algebras} & Ngai-Ching Wong (wong at\\
	{\bf Operator Semigroups} & Sen-Yen Shaw (shaw at\\  
{\hspace{1cm}\bf and Evolution Equations} & \\
	{\bf Optimization Theory} & Hang-Chin Lai (hclai at\\
	{\bf Stochastic Analysis} & Yuh-Jia Lee (yjlee at\\
	{\bf Value distribution theory} & Chung-chun Yang  
(mayang at\\ {\hspace{1cm}\bf and complex dynamics} &


The Proceedings of ICMAA2000 will be published as a special issue of the  
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics.  All speakers are invited to contribute  
their papers to the Proceedings while all submitted manuscripts will be  
refereed just as other submissions to the Journal.

The Conference will be held mainly at National Sun Yat-sen University,  
Kaohsiung.  Parts of the program may be held at National Cheng Kung  
University, Tainan, and I-Shou University, Kaohsiung.  Social events are  
under planning.


The Organizing Committee of ICMAA2000 is seeking supports from the  
Mathematics Development and Promotion Center, National Science Council of  
Republic of China, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China,  
National Sun Yat-sen University, National Cheng Kung University, I-Shou  
University, and other sources.
Funds, however, are limited, and there will be a small registration fee  
(US\$100, subject to change, and no charge for students) which covers  
essentially all meals during the Conference. We encourage all participants to  
ask for support from their home universities or other institutions.

For further information, please contact

Ngai-Ching Wong, Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen  
University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan, R.O.C.


Borluh Lin, Department of Mathematics, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA  
52242, U.S.A.


E-Mail: icmaa2000 at \hspace{1cm}
Fax: 886-7-5253809\\

In case you are interested to give a lecture in ICMAA2000, please send us  
({\em and} also the corresponding organizing committee member) a title and a  
short abstract at the latest by September 30, 1999. We ask you to understand  
that the number of lectures in the parallel sessions is limited, so that we  
may not be able to accommodate every proposed lecture in these sessions.


Please return the following form to, preferably by e-mail:  
icmaa2000 at,
or by Fax: 886-7-5253809,
or via regular mail to


Ngai-Ching Wong & Borluh Lin\\
Department of Applied Mathematics & Department of Mathematics\\
National Sun Yat-sen University & The University of Iowa\\
 Kaohsiung 80424 & Iowa City, IA 52242\\
 Taiwan, R.O.C. & U.S.A.


You can also
fill in the form at our www homepage at\\


\hspace{0.5cm}\indent$\Box$ I intend to participate in the International
Conference on Mathematical Analysis

\hspace{0.5cm}\hspace{0.5cm}\hspace{0.5cm} and its Applications, 2000.

\hspace{0.5cm}\indent$\Box$ I propose to give a lecture.

\hspace{0.5cm}\hspace{0.5cm}\indent$\Box$ Title and abstract are attached.

\hspace{0.5cm}\hspace{0.5cm}\indent$\Box$ Title and abstract will be  
submitted no later than September 30, 1999.


{\bf Name:} \dotfill

{\bf Institution:}\dotfill

{\bf Address:}\dotfill


{\bf Electronic mail:}\dotfill

{\bf Phone:}\dotfill

{\bf Fax:}\dotfill


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Subject: Ad for a book by Albrecht Pietsch and J"org Wenzel
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New book:

Orthonormal Systems and Banach Space Geometry
Albrecht Pietsch & Jörg Wenzel
Hardback        0521624622      55.00 sterling/$85.00
1998   234 x 156 mm   563pp      11 line diagrams   11 tables
Encyclopedia of Maths and its Applications 70
Published: 10th September 1998
Cambridge University Press

This book is concerned with the interplay between harmonic and
functional analysis.  Besides trigonometric functions, orthogonal
systems formed by Haar, Walsh and Rademacher functions as well as by
Gaussian random variables are treated.  The main feature, however, is
the consideration of functions taking their values in a Banach space.
The reader will learn that some well-known classical theorems extend
to the vector-valued case and some not.  This fact is used to create
special classes of operators which turn out to be ideals.  In the
setting of spaces, the text provides a unified approach to such famous
concepts like Rademacher type and cotype, B-convexity,
superreflexivity and the UMD-property.  Large parts of the
presentation are understandable for graduate students of mathematics
with a basic knowledge in Banach space theory.  A long list of
unsolved problems may serve as a starting point for own research.

Here is the table of contents:

       Preface                                                    v
       Introduction                                               1
0      Preliminaries                                              4
0.1    Banach spaces and operators                                4
0.2    Finite dimensional spaces and operators                    7
0.3    Classical sequence spaces                                  8
0.4    Classical function spaces                                  9
0.5    Lorentz spaces                                            13
0.6    Interpolation methods                                     18
0.7    Summation operators                                       19
0.8    Finite representability and ultrapowers                   20
0.9    Extreme points                                            21
0.10   Various tools                                             23
1      Ideal norms and operator ideals                           25
1.1    Ideal norms                                               25
1.2    Operator ideals                                           28
1.3    Classes of Banach spaces                                  32
2      Ideal norms associated with matrices                      35
2.1    Matrices                                                  35
2.2    Parseval ideal norms and 2-summing operators              38
2.3    Kwapien ideal norms and Hilbertian operators              47
2.4    Ideal norms associated with Hilbert matrices              58
3      Ideal norms associated with orthonormal systems           65
3.1    Orthonormal systems                                       66
3.2    Khintchine constants                                      70
3.3    Riemann ideal norms                                       72
3.4    Dirichlet ideal norms                                     76
3.5    Orthonormal systems with special properties               85
3.6    Tensor products of orthonormal systems                    86
3.7    Type and cotype ideal norms                               89
3.8    Characters on compact Abelian groups                      98
3.9    Discrete orthonormal systems                             111
3.10   Some universal ideal norms                               115
3.11   Parseval ideal norms                                     123
4      Rademacher and Gauss ideal norms                         126
4.1    Rademacher functions                                     127
4.2    Rademacher type and cotype ideal norms                   131
4.3    Operators of Rademacher type                             136
4.4    B-convexity                                              143
4.5    Operators of Rademacher cotype                           152
4.6    MP-convexity                                             159
4.7    Gaussian random variables                                164
4.8    Gauss versus Rademacher                                  172
4.9    Gauss type and cotype ideal norms                        185
4.10   Operators of Gauss type and cotype                       190
4.11   Sidon constants                                          196
4.12   The Dirichlet ideal norms d(R_n, R_n) and d(G_n, G_n)    207
4.13   Inequalities between d(R_n, R_n) and r(R_n, I_n)         212
4.14   The vector-valued Rademacher projection                  222
4.15   Parseval ideal norms and gamma-summing operators         226
4.16   The Maurey--Pisier theorem                               233
5      Trigonometric ideal norms                                235
5.1    Trigonometric functions                                  236
5.2    The Dirichlet ideal norms d(E_n, E_n)                    241
5.3    Hilbert matrices and trigonometric systems               264
5.4    The vector-valued Hilbert transform                      269
5.5    Fourier type and cotype ideal norms                      281
5.6    Operators of Fourier type                                288
5.7    Operators of Fourier cotype                              304
5.8    The vector-valued Fourier transform                      305
5.9    Fourier versus Gauss and Rademacher                      313
6      Walsh ideal norms                                        321
6.1    Walsh functions                                          322
6.2    Walsh type and cotype ideal norms                        323
6.3    Operators of Walsh type                                  325
6.4    Walsh versus Rademacher                                  331
6.5    Walsh versus Fourier                                     341
7      Haar ideal norms                                         344
7.1    Martingales                                              345
7.2    Dyadic martingales                                       347
7.3    Haar functions                                           353
7.4    Haar type and cotype ideal norms                         355
7.5    Operators of Haar type                                   364
7.6    Super weakly compact operators                           373
7.7    Martingale type ideal norms                              380
7.8    J-convexity                                              390
7.9    Uniform q-convexity and uniform p-smoothness             399
7.10   Uniform convexity and uniform smoothness                 412
8      Unconditionality                                         429
8.1    Unconditional Riemann ideal norms                        429
8.2    Unconditional Dirichlet ideal norms                      430
8.3    Random unconditionality                                  431
8.4    Fourier unconditionality                                 432
8.5    Haar unconditionality/UMD                                436
8.6    Random Haar unconditionality                             443
8.7    The Dirichlet ideal norms d(W_n, W_n)                    456
8.8    The Burkholder--Bourgain theorem                         459
9      Miscellaneous                                            461
9.1    Interpolation                                            461
9.2    Schatten--von Neumann spaces                             469
9.3    Ideal norms of finite rank operators                     475
9.4    Orthogonal polynomials                                   480
9.5    History                                                  489
9.6    Epilogue                                                 502
       Summaries                                                509
       List of symbols                                          514
       Bibliography                                             523
       Index                                                    546

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To: banach at
Subject: Ad for a new book by Bob Megginson
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Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 20:43:41 -0500
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
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New book:

An Introduction to Banach Space Theory
Robert E. Megginson
Hardback      ISBN 0-387-98431-3      $64.95
1998   616pp  
Graduate Texts in Mathematics 183
Published: October 1998
Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

A detailed description of this book, including a section-by-section
synopsis, can be found on the web at

The purpose of this book is to serve as a text for a graduate course
in functional analysis emphasizing Banach space theory. Its intended
audience is graduate students who have had the standard courses in
analysis and measure theory up to and including elementary properties
of the L_p spaces, but who may not yet have seen any of the basic
results from a first course in functional analysis, such as the
uniform boundedness principle and the various forms of the Hahn-Banach
theorem. See the Table of Contents below for an outline of the
material presented, and the web address given above for a far more
detailed description of the contents.

The book is sprinkled liberally with examples, both to show the theory
at work and to illustrate why certain hypotheses in theorems are
necessary. The book is also sprinkled liberally with historical notes
and citations of original sources, with special attention given to
mentioning dates within the body of the text so that the reader can
get a feeling for the time frame within which the different parts of
Banach space theory evolved.

Over 450 exercises provide supplementary examples and counterexamples
and give students practice in the use of the results developed in the

Table of Contents

(Two asterisks preceding a section name indicates a section that is
optional in the sense that no non-optional section depends on it.)


   1 Basic Concepts
         First Properties of Normed Spaces 
         Linear Operators Between Normed Spaces 
         Baire Category 
         Three Fundamental Theorems 
         Quotient Spaces 
         Direct Sums 
         The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorems 
         Dual Spaces 
         The Second Dual and Reflexivity 
         **Characterizations of Reflexivity

   2 The Weak and Weak* Topologies 
         Topology and Nets 
         Vector Topologies 
         **Metrizable Vector Topologies 
         Topologies Induced by Families of Functions 
         The Weak Topology 
         The Weak* Topology 
         The Bounded Weak* Topology 
         Weak Compactness 
         **James's Weak Compactness Theorem 
         Extreme Points 
         **Support Points and Subreflexivity 

   3 Linear Operators 
         Adjoint Operators 
         Projections and Complemented Subspaces 
         Banach Algebras and Spectra 
         Compact Operators 
         Weakly Compact Operators 

   4 Schauder Bases 
         First Properties of Schauder Bases 
         Unconditional Bases 
         Equivalent Bases 
         Bases and Duality 
         **James's Space J 

   5 Rotundity and Smoothness 
         Uniform Rotundity 
         Generalizations of Uniform Rotundity 
         Uniform Smoothness 
         Generalizations of Uniform Smoothness


   A Prerequisites 
   B Metric Spaces 
   C The Spaces \ell_p and \ell_p^n, 1 \le p \le \infty. 
   D Ultranets 

     List of Symbols 

From alspach Thu Oct 29 11:54:08 1998
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vladimir Pestov

This is an announcement for the paper "Amenable groups and measure
concentration on spheres" by Vladimir Pestov.

Abstract: It is proved that a discrete group $G$ is amenable if and only
if for every unitary representation of $G$ in an infinite-dimensional
Hilbert space $\cal H$ the maximal uniform compactification of
the unit sphere $\s_{\cal H}$ has a $G$-fixed point, that is,
the pair $(\s_{\cal H},G)$ has the concentration property in the
sense of Milman. Consequently, the maximal $U({\cal H})$-equivariant
compactification of the sphere in a Hilbert space $\cal H$ has no fixed
points, which answers a 1987 question by Milman.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46C05, 43A07, 54H20

Report Number: Research Report 98-27, School of Math & Comp Sci, Victoria
Univ of Wellington

Remarks: 17 pages, LaTeX 2e

The source file, conc.tex, has length  59397 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9810168.gz with size 19kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 92kb.

Submitted from: vova at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9810168

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9810168

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Subject: Job announcement
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Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 13:05:18 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Sender: owner-banach at
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Division of Mathematics and Statistics

Faculty Positions in Mathematics

Applications are invited for three tenure-track faculty 
positions in Mathematics at the assistant professor level 
pending budget approval.  Applicants are required to have 
a Ph.D. in Mathematics prior to September 1, 1999, and to 
demonstrate strong potential for excellence in research and 
teaching.  Responsibilities include research, teaching, 
direction of graduate students and program development.  
The salary for the positions will be competitive.  Applicants 
who are not U.S. citizens must state their current visa and 
residency status.  Applicants must submit a letter of 
application, a resume, and arrange to have three current 
letters of recommendation sent to:

	Chair, Mathematics Faculty Search Committee
	Division of Mathematics and Statistics
	The University of Texas at San Antonio
	6900 North Loop 1604 West
	San Antonio, Texas 78249-0664

The position has a starting date of September 1, 1999. All 
application materials (in signed original), including the 
letters of recommendation, must be postmarked no later than 
January 11, 1999.  The University of Texas at San 
Antonio is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer.  Women and Minorities are encouraged to apply.

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Subject: Postdoctoral positions
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Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 10:40:21 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
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Several Postdoctoral fellowships will be offered at the Technion for the
academic year 1999/2000, including the Lady Davis Postdoctoral fellowship
and the Anna Erdos Postdoctoral Fellowship which was established by
Professor Paul Erdos in memory of his late mother.

The fellowships are intended as an opportunity for a recent recipient of a
doctoral degree to pursue his/her research in pure or applied mathematics.

The fellowships are for one academic year, starting October 1, 1999.  Some
of the fellowships can be extended for one additional year.  Stipend is
commensurate with local academic salaries, and includes round trip
travel. Some fellowships will also include partial housing support.

Applications should include curriculum vitae, statement of research

interests and activities, and any relevant publications.

Applications should be sent by regular mail to the Chairman, Department of
Mathematics, by December 20, 1998.

Applicants should arrange  for three letters of recommendation to

be forwarded to the same address.

Professor  Ron Aharoni
Chairman,  Dept. of Mathematics

Technion,  Haifa  32000, Israel

fax: 972 4 8324 654     e-mail: mathapl at

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Reply-to: Konference na Pasekach <paseky at>
Subject: Spring School on FA - Paseky 99
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Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 10:27:31 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
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		What am I if I will not participate ?
		      Antoine de Saint-Exup'ery

		 Spring School on Functional Analysis

			  First Announcement

Dear Colleague,

Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics 
and Physics of Charles University, will organize a Spring School 
on Functional Analysis. The School will be held at Paseky, 
in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains,  April 18 - 24, 1999. 
The program will consist of series of lectures on:

		    Recent Trends in Banach Spaces

delivered by:

Isaac I. Namioka  (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) 
      Fragmentability in Banach Spaces: Interactions of Topologies 
Nigel Kalton  (University of Missouri, Columbia, USA) 
      title to be announced later 
Vladimir Fonf  (Ben-Gurion University, Negev, Israel) 
      Polyhedral Banach Spaces 
Jesus M.F. Castillo  (Universidad de Extremadura, Spain) 
      The structure that subspaces and quotients of Banach spaces may have 

Short abstract of a series of lectures will be available on

The purpose of this Meeting is to bring together adepts who
share a common interest in the field. There will be opportunities 
for short communications and informal discussions. Graduate students 
and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to

The conference fee will be 300,- US dollars (appr.).
A reduced rate of 250,- US dollars (appr.) will be offered, provided
a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the organizers
before January 15, 1999. The conference fee includes all local
expenses (room and board) and transportation between Prague and Paseky.
The fee is the same for accompanying persons.  

The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number 
of students. Applications must be sent before March 1, 1999.

Payment of the fee should be made in  cash at the registration 
desk in Paseky, or it may be remitted by a  bank  transfer to

Komer\v cn\'\i  banka,  Praha 1,  V\'aclavsk\'e n\'am. 42,
account  No. 38330-021/0100,  v.s. 810

(a copy  of the  transfer should be presented at the registration 
desk at Paseky).
Unfortunately, cheques cannot be used and will not be accepted.

In case of any difficulty you should contact the organizers.

The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of
the Krkonose Mountains, in North Bohemia. Accommodation
consists of rooms for two or three people. There are excellent
facilities and conditions for sporting activities:
hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and sauna.
A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at  4 p.m. on
April 18, 1999. The bus from Paseky will arrive
in Prague on April 24, at 11.30 a. m.

In case of interest please fill out the enclosed preliminary 
registration form and return it before  January 15, 1999.
A final announcement with further details will be mailed in due time.

Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the
organizers may be forced to decline registration.

We look forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic.

Jaroslav Lukes, Jan Kolar

Mailing address:
Katedra matematick\'e anal\'yzy 
Matematicko-fyzik\'aln\'\i fakulta UK 
Sokolovsk\'a 83
186 75 Praha 8
Czech Republic

Phone/Fax: 420 - 2  - 232 3390
E-mail: paseky at

   Kindly inform colleagues and students interested in this field !

                Preliminary registration form

    Spring School on Functional Analysis, Paseky 1999



I plan on attending the Spring School:     Yes    No

From alspach  Sun Nov 20 02:28:33 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id CAA10577;
	Sun, 20 Nov 1998 02:28:32 -0600
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1998 02:28:32 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812200828.CAA10577 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Greg Kuperberg
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "The bottleneck conjecture" by
Greg Kuperberg.

Abstract: The Mahler volume of a centrally symmetric convex body K is
defined as
  M(K) = (Vol K)(Vol K^o), where K^o is the polar body of K. Mahler
  conjectured that this volume is
minimized when K is a cube. We introduce the bottleneck conjecture,
which stipulates that a certain convex body K^diamond in K x K^o has
least volume when K is an ellipsoid. If true, the bottleneck conjecture
would strengthen the best current lower bound on the Mahler volume due
to Bourgain and Milman. We also generalize the bottleneck conjecture
in the context of indefinite orthogonal geometry and prove some special
cases of the generalization.

Archive classification: Metric Geometry; Differential Geometry;
Functional Analysis

Report Number: UC Davis Math 1998-14

Remarks: 7 pages, 2 figures

The source file, bottleneck.tex, has length  35971 bytes and is stored
in gzipped form as 9811119.gz with size 12kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 51kb.

Submitted from: greg at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811119

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811119

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 07:37:03 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id HAA12102;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 07:37:03 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 07:37:03 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251337.HAA12102 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza, Ole Christensen, and Nigel J. Kalton
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "frames of translates" by Peter
G. Casazza, Ole Christensen, and Nigel J. Kalton.

Abstract: We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a subfamily
of regularly spaced translates of a function to form a frame (resp. a
Riesz basis) for its span. One consequence is that if the translates are
taken only from a subset of the natural numbers, then this family is
a frame if and only if it is a Riesz basis. We also consider arbitrary
sequences of translates and show that for sparse sets, having an upper
frame bound is equivalent to the family being a frame sequence. Finally,
we use the fractional Hausdorff dimension to identify classes of exact
frame sequences.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46C05; 46B20

Remarks: 23 pages

The source file, CCKTranslates, has length  44065 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9811144.gz with size 14kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 74kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811144

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811144

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 08:50:32 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id IAA12459;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 08:50:32 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 08:50:32 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251450.IAA12459 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and Nigel J. Kalton
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "uniqueness of unconditional bases
in c_0-products" by Peter G. Casazza and Nigel J. Kalton.

Abstract: We give counterexamples to a conjecture of Bourgain, Casazza,
Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri that if X has a unique unconditional basis
(up to permutation) then so does c_0(X). In particular, we show that
for Tsirelson's space T, every unconditional basis of c_0(T) must be
equivalent to a subsequence of the canonical basis but c_0(T) still fails
to have a unique unconditional basis. We also give some positive results
including a simpler proof that c_0(l_1)has a unique unconditional basis.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B15; 46B07

Remarks: 23 pages; to appear: Studia Math

The source file, CProducts, has length  49849 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9811145.gz with size 16kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 79kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811145

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811145

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 09:01:12 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA12592;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:01:12 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:01:12 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251501.JAA12592 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Weyl-Heisenberg frames for
subspaces of L^2(R)" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen.

Abstract: We give sufficient conditions for translates and modulates of
a function g in L^2(R) to be a frame for its closed linear span. Even
in the case where this family spans all of L^2(R), wou conditions are
significantly weaker than the previous known conditions.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42C15; 46C05; 46B20

Remarks: 13 pages

The source file, WHSequences, has length  23391 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9811146.gz with size 8kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 56kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811146

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811146

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 09:02:35 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA12652;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:02:35 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:02:35 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251502.JAA12652 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Local theory of frames and Schauder
bases for Hilbert space" by Peter G. Casazza.

Abstract: We develope a local theory for frames on finite dimensional
Hilbert spaces.  In particular, a bounded frame on a finite dimensional
Hilbert space contains a subset which is a good Riesz basis for a
percentage (arbitrarily close to one) of the space. We also construct
a normalized frame for a Hilbert space which contains a subset which is
a Schauder basis for H but does not contain any subset which is a Riesz
basis for H.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46C05; 46B07

Remarks: 15 pages; to appear: Illinois J. Math

The source file, LocalFrames, has length  38159 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9811147.gz with size 11kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 62kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811147

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811147

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 09:04:13 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA12712;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:04:13 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:04:13 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251504.JAA12712 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G. Casazza
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Every frame is a sum of three
(but not two) orthonormal bases, and other   frame representations"
by Peter G. Casazza.

Abstract: We show that every frame for a Hilbert space H can be written
as a (multiple of a) sum of three orthonormal bases for H. A result of
N.J. Kalton is included which shows that this is best possible in that: A
frame can be represented as a linear combination of two orthonormal bases
if and only if it is a Riesz basis.  We further show that every frame
can be written as a (multiple of a) sum of two normalized tight frames
or as a sum of an orthonormal basis and a Riesz basis for H. Finally,
every frame can be represented as a (multiple of a) average of two
orthonormal bases for a larger Hilbert space.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20; 46C05

Remarks: to appear: J. of Fourier Anal. and Appl's

The source file, SumONB, has length  17498 bytes and is stored in gzipped
form as 9811148.gz with size 6kb. The corresponding postcript file has
gzipped size 38kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811148

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811148

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Nov 25 09:06:07 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id JAA12787;
	Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:06:07 -0600
Date: Fri, 25 Nov 1998 09:06:07 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199812251506.JAA12787 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Peter G.Casazza
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Characterizing Hilbert space
frames with the subframe property" by Peter G.Casazza.

Abstract: We characterize Riesz frames and frames with the subframe
property and use this to answer most of the questions from the literature
concerning these properties and their relationships to the projection
methods etc.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46C05; 46B03; 46N99

Citation: 41 No. 4 (1997) Illinois J. Math, p 648-666

The source file, SubframeProperty, has length  48728 bytes and is stored
in gzipped form as 9811149.gz with size 12kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 73kb.

Submitted from: pete at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9811149

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9811149

 to: math at

From alspach  Fri Dec 1 02:54:27 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id CAA21014;
	Fri, 1 Dec 1998 02:54:27 -0600
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1998 02:54:27 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901010854.CAA21014 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Rudelson
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Sections of the difference body"
by M. Rudelson.

Abstract: Let $K$ be an $n$-dimensional convex body. Define the difference
body by $$ K-K= \{ x-y \mid x,y \in K \}. $$ We estimate the volume of
the section of $K-K$ by a linear subspace $F$ via the maximal volume of
sections of $K$ parallel to $F$. We prove that for any $m$-dimensional
subspace $F$ there exists $x \in R^n$, such that $$ vol ((K-K) \cap F)
\le C^m ( \min ( n/m, \sqrt{m} ) )^m \cdot vol (K \cap (F+x)), $$ for
some absolute constant $C$. We show that for small dimensions of $F$
this estimate is exact up to a multiplicative constant.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Metric Geometry

Mathematics Subject Classification: 52A20, 52A39 (Primary), 46B07

Remarks: 10 pages, AMSTeX

The source file, vol.tex, has length  17417 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812008.gz with size 6kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 44kb.

Submitted from: rudelson at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812008

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812008

 to: math at

From alspach  Tue Dec  1 02:57:57 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id CAA21110;
	Tue, 1 Dec 1998 02:57:57 -0600
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 1998 02:57:57 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901010857.CAA21110 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Rudelson
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Distances between non--symmetric
convex bodies and the $MM^*$-estimate" by M. Rudelson.

Abstract: Let $K, D$ be $n$-dimensional convex bodes. Define the distance
between $K$ and $D$ as $$ d(K,D) = \inf \{ \lambda \ | \ T K \subset
D+x \subset \lambda \cdot TK \}, $$ where the infimum is taken over
all $x \in R^n$ and all invertible linear operators $T$. Assume that
$0$ is an interior point of $K$ and define $$ M(K) =\int_{S^{n-1}} \|
\omega \|_K d \mu (\omega), $$ where $\mu$ is the uniform measure on the
sphere. Let $K^{\circ}$ be the polar body of $K$. We use the difference
body estimate to prove that $K$ can be embedded into $R^n$ so that $$
M(K) \cdot M(K^{\circ}) \le C n^{1/3} \log^a n $$ for some absolute
constants $C$ and $a$. We apply this result to show that the distance
between two $n$-dimensional convex bodies does not exceed $n^{4/3}$
up to a logarithmic factor.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis; Metric Geometry

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B07, 46B09 52A20

Remarks: 15 pages, AMSTeX

The source file, distance.tex, has length  32556 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812010.gz with size 10kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 60kb       *** WARNING: PS CHECK ABORTED after
60s ***.

Submitted from: rudelson at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812010

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812010

 to: math at

From alspach  Wed Dec  9 04:29:41 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id EAA03702;
	Wed, 9 Dec 1998 04:29:41 -0600
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 04:29:41 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901081029.EAA03702 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Frank, V. I. Paulsen and T. R. Tiballi 
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Symmetric approximation of
frames and bases in Hilbert spaces" by M. Frank, V. I. Paulsen and
T. R. Tiballi .

Abstract: We consider existence and uniqueness of symmetric approximation
of frames by normalized tight frames and of symmetric orthogonalization
of bases by orthonormal bases in Hilbert spaces H . More precisely,
we determine whether a given frame or basis possesses a normalized
tight frame or orthonormal basis that is quadratically closest to it,
if there exists such frames or bases at all. A crucial role is played by
the Hilbert-Schmidt property of the operator (P-|F|) , where F is the
adjoint operator of the frame transform F*: H --> l_2 of the initial
frame or basis and (1-P) is the projection onto the kernel of F . The
result is useful in wavelet theory.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Remarks: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, no macros, no figures, submitted

The source file, frankpaulsentiballi.tex, has length  58792 bytes and is
stored in gzipped form as 9812052.gz with size 15kb. The corresponding
postcript file has gzipped size 78kb.

Submitted from: frank at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812052

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812052

 to: math at

From alspach  Thu Dec 10 02:49:33 1998

Return-Path: <alspach>
Received: (from alspach at localhost)
	by (8.8.7/8.8.7) id CAA09382;
	Thu, 10 Dec 1998 02:49:33 -0600
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 02:49:33 -0600
From: Dale Alspach <alspach at>
Message-Id: <199901090849.CAA09382 at>
To: alspach at, banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Beata Randrianantoanina
Status: R

This is an announcement for the paper "Injective isometries in Orlicz
spaces" by Beata Randrianantoanina.

Abstract: We show that injective isometries in Orlicz space $L_M$ have
to preserve disjointness, provided that Orlicz function $M$ satisfies
$\Delta_2$-condition, has a continuous second derivative $M''$, satisfies
another ``smoothness type'' condition and either
  $\lim_{t\to0} M''(t) = \infty$ or $M''(0) = 0$ and $M''(t)>0$ for
  all $t>0$.
The fact that surjective isometries of any rearrangement-invariant
function space have to preserve disjointness has been determined
before. However dropping the assumption of surjectivity invalidates the
general method. In this paper we use a differential technique.

Archive classification: Functional Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B

Remarks: 20 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the
Third Conference on Function Spaces held in Edwardsville in May 1998,
Contemporary Math

The source file, orlicz6.tex, has length  62187 bytes and is stored in
gzipped form as 9812062.gz with size 18kb. The corresponding postcript
file has gzipped size 89kb.

Submitted from: randrib at

The paper may be downloaded from the archive by web browser from URL


or by email in unzipped form by transmitting an empty message with
subject line

	 uget 9812062

or in gzipped form by using subject line

	 get 9812062

 to: math at

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