From alspach Thu Jan 2 10:57:52 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Saccone Content-Length: 1028
This is the abstract of the paper "The Pelczynski property for tight subspaces" by S. Saccone. The paper is typed in Plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach ssacconetight.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We show that if X is a tight subspace of C(K) then X has the Pelczynski property and X^* is weakly sequentially complete. We apply this result to the space U of uniformly convergent Taylor series on the unit circle and using a minimal amount of Fourier theory prove a theorem of Bourgain, namely that U has the Pelczynski property and U^* is weakly sequentially complete. Using separate methods, we prove U and U^* have the Dunford-Pettis property. Some results concerning pointwise bounded approximation are proved for tight uniform algebras. We use tightness and the Pelczynski property sto make a remark about inner functions on strictly pseudoconvex domains in C^n. File Length: 93444 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa07363; 13 Jan 97 17:20 CST Received: from by id aa26006; 13 Jan 97 16:47 CST Received: from by id aa24544; 13 Jan 97 16:25 CST To: banach at Subject: Spring School at Paseky Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 16:25:01 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Spring School 97 Boundaries and Convexity in Banach Spaces First Announcement Dear Colleague, Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, will organize a Spring School on Banach Spaces Theory. The School will be held at Paseky, in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains, April 20 -- 26, 1997. The program will consist of series of lectures on: Convergence Problems for Equicontinuous Sequences of Linear Operators on Banach Spaces delivered by: Francesco Altomare University of Bari Abstract Boundaries and Korovkin Theory for Function Spaces delivered by: Heinz Bauer University of Erlangen -- Nrnberg Education of Neurons and Education in Mathematics and Science delivered by: Gustave Choquet University of Paris VI Convergence, Minimax and Monotonicity delivered by: Stephen Simons University of Santa Barbara, California Boundaries and Smoothness in Banach Spaces delivered by: Vaclav Zizler University of Alberta, Edmonton & Charles University, Prague Short abstracts of these series of lectures are available on The purpose of this Meeting is to bring together adepts who share a common interest in the field. There will be opportunities for short communications and informal discussions. Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to participate. The conference fee will be 280,- US dollars. A reduced rate of 250,- US dollars will be offered, provided a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the organizers before February 15, 1997. The conference fee includes all local expenses (room and board) and transportation between Prague and Paseky. The fee is the same for accompanying persons. The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number of students. Applications must be sent before February 15, 1997. Payment of the fee should be made in cash at the registration desk in Paseky, or it may be remitted by a bank transfer to Komer\v cn\'\i banka, Praha 1, V\'aclavsk\'e n\'am. 42, account No. 38330--021/0100, v.s. 810 (a copy of the transfer should be presented at the registration desk at Paseky). Unfortunately, cheques cannot be used and will not be accepted. In case of any difficulty you should contact the organizers. The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkonose Mountains, in North Bohemia. Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three people. There are excellent facilities and conditions for sporting activities: hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and sauna. A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at 4 p.m. on April 20, 1997. The bus from Paseky will arrive in Prague on April 26, at 11.30 a.m. In case of interest please fill out the enclosed preliminary registration form and return it before February 15, 1997. A final announcement with further details will be mailed in due time. Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the organizers may be forced to decline registration. We look forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic. Jaroslav Lukes, Jiri Kottas Mailing address: Katedra matematick\'e anal\'yzy Matematicko-fyzik\'aln\'\i fakulta UK Sokolovsk\'a 83, 186 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic Phone/Fax: 42 -- 2 -- 232 3390 E-mail: paseky at WWW: Kindly inform colleagues interested in this field ! Preliminary registration form of Spring School: Functional Analysis, Paseky 1997 Name: Address: E-mail: Fax: Phone: I plan on attending the Spring School Yes No
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa11802; 21 Jan 97 13:54 CST Received: from by id aa19628; 21 Jan 97 13:00 CST Received: from by id aa12907; 21 Jan 97 10:13 CST To: banach at Subject: Conference on Logic and Analysis Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 10:13:41 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} %\setlength{\topmargin}{.25in} \setlength{\textheight}{8.5in} %\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{.375in} %\setlength{\evensidemargin}{.375in} \setlength{\textwidth}{5.85in} %\setlength{\textwidth}{5.88cm} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} \begin{document} %\scriptsize \footnotesize 25--29 August 1997 {\bf Analysis and Logic} \par {\bf Organizers:} Teams of Analysis and of Mathematical Logic of the University of Mons-Hainaut and team of Analysis of the University of Paris~6. \par {\bf Location:} University of Mons-Hainaut (Belgium). \par {\bf Subject:} Geometry of Banach Spaces, Non-Stan\-dard Analysis, Ramsey Theory, Descriptive Set Theory and their interactions. \par {\bf Program:} The program will include three mini-courses and ten plenary lectures. \par {\bf Mini-Courses}: C.W.~Henson (Urbana): Nonstandard Analysis and Ultraproducts in Banach Spaces and Functional Analysis, A.~Kechris (Caltech): On the Interactions between Descriptive Set Theory and Analysis, T.~Odell (Austin): State of the Art in Banach Spaces. \par {\bf Organizing Committee:} R.~Deville (Bordeaux), C.~Finet (Mons), J.P.~Gossez (Bruxelles), C.W.~Henson (Urbana), C.~Impens (Gent), J.~Jayne (London), A.~Louveau (Paris~6), C.~Michaux (Mons), A.~P\'etry (Li\`ege), G.~Pisier (Paris~6, Texas A~\& ~M), J.~Schmets (Li\`ege), J.~Van Casteren (Antwerpen). \par {\bf Scientific Committee:} M.~Boffa (Mons), G.~Gode\-froy (Paris~6, Columbia Missouri), T.~Gowers (Cambridge), B.S.~Kashin (Mos\-cow), A.~Macintyre (Oxford), A.~Pelczynski (Warsaw), F.~Point (Mons), A.A.~Razbo\-rov (Mos\-cow), S.~Troyanski (Sofia), L.~Tza\-fri\-ri (J\'erusalem). \par {\bf Registration Fee:} Bef 5.000 (\$160) \par {\bf Accomodation:} arranged in the university residence (single and double rooms with bathroom) for around Bef 6.000 (\$190) including breakfast and lunch. \par {\bf Contributed Papers:} Please contact the organizers. \par {\bf Informations:} Catherine Finet and Christian Michaux, UMH, Institut de Ma\-th\'e\-ma\-ti\-que et d'In\-for\-ma\-ti\-que, 15 Avenue Maistriau, B-7000 Mons (Belgique), e-mail~: \\{\tt analog at}, T\'el.~{\tt 32-65-373507}, {\tt 32-65-354706}, Fax~{\tt 32-65-373318/3054}, Website~: {\tt$\sim$boffa/logicumh.htm} \end{document}
From alspach Tue Jan 28 13:07:53 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Stanislaw J. Szarek Content-Length: 1418
This is the abstract of the paper "Metric entropy of homogeneous spaces and Finsler geometry of classical Lie groups" by Stanislaw J. Szarek. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach szarekentropy.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:For a (compact) subset $K$ of a metric space and $\varepsilon > 0$, the {\em covering number} $N(K , \varepsilon )$ is defined as the smallest number of balls of radius $\varepsilon$ whose union covers $K$. Knowledge of the {\em metric entropy}, i.e., the asymptotic behaviour of covering numbers for (families of) metric spaces is important in many areas of mathematics (geometry, functional analysis, probability, coding theory, to name a few). In this paper we give asymptotically correct estimates for covering numbers for a large class of homogeneous spaces of unitary (or orthogonal) groups with respect to some natural metrics, most notably the one induced by the operator norm. This generalizes earlier author's results concerning covering numbers of Grassmann manifolds; the generalization is motivated by applications to noncommutative probability and operator algebras. In the process we give a characterization of geodesics in $U(n)$ (or $SO(m)$) for a class of non-Riemannian metric structures. File Length: 68058 bytes
From alspach Tue Jan 28 15:42:06 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. J. Laustsen Content-Length: 819
This is the abstract of the paper "K-theory for algebras of operators on Banach spaces" by N. J. Laustsen. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach njlktheory.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:It is proved that, for each pair (m,n) of non-negative integers, there is a Banach space X for which the group K_0(B(X)) is isomorphic to m copies of the integers and the group K_1(B(X)) is isomorphic to n copies of the integers. Along the way we compute the K-groups of all closed ideals of operators contained in the ideal of strictly singular operators, and we derive some results about the existence of splittings of certain short exact sequences. File Length: 53590 bytes
From alspach Wed Feb 5 17:01:30 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by J. Lindenstrauss Content-Length: 476
This is the abstract of the paper "Uniform embeddings, homeomorphisms and quotient maps between Banach spaces (A short survey)" by J. Lindenstrauss. The paper is typed in Plain. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach lindenstraussnonlinearsurvey.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:This is a survey of the area mentioned in the title. File Length: 44514 bytes
From alspach Fri Feb 7 13:19:50 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Alexander Koldobsky Content-Length: 894
This is the abstract of the paper "Second derivative test for isometric embeddings in $L_p$" by Alexander Koldobsky. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach koldobskyisocharlp.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:An old problem of P. Levy is to characterize those Banach spaces which embed isometrically in $L_p.$ We show a new criterion in terms of the second derivative of the norm. As an application, we show that if $M$ is a twice differentiable Orlicz function with $M'(0)=M''(0)=0$ then the $n$-dimensional Orlicz space $\ell_M^n,\ n\ge 3,$ does not embed isometrically in $L_p$ with $0<p\le 2.$ These results generalize and clear up the recent solution to the 1938 Schoenberg's problem on positive definite functions. File Length: 30384 bytes
From alspach Mon Feb 17 10:17:58 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Cepedello Boiso Content-Length: 900
This is the abstract of the paper "Approximation of Lipschitz functions by $\Delta$-convex functions in Banach spaces" by M. Cepedello Boiso. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach MCBapproxLipsConv.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:In this paper we give some results about the approximation of a Lipschitz function on a Banach space by means of $\Delta$-convex functions. In particular, we prove that the density of $\Delta$-convex functions in the set of Lipschitz functions for the topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets characterizes the superreflexivity of the Banach space. We also show that Lipschitz functions on superreflexive Banach spaces are uniform limits on the whole space of $\Delta$-convex functions. File Length: 43570 bytes
From alspach Tue Feb 18 13:33:27 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Kamil John and Dirk Werner Content-Length: 586
This is the abstract of the paper "M-ideals of compact operators into $\ell_p$" by Kamil John and Dirk Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach johnwernerMidlscmpctops.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We show for $2\le p<\infty$ and subspaces $X$ of quotients of $L_{p}$ with a $1$-unconditional finite-dimensional Schauder decomposition that $K(X,\ell_{p})$ is an $M$-ideal in $L(X,\ell_{p})$. File Length: 26100 bytes
From alspach Mon Feb 24 16:10:51 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Beata Randrianantoanina Content-Length: 647
This is the abstract of the paper "One-complemented subspaces of real sequence spaces" by Beata Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach brandri1cmpsbspcseq.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Characterizations are given for 1-complemented hyperplanes of strictly monotone real Lorentz spaces and 1-complemented finite codimensional subspaces (which contain at least one basis element) of real Orlicz spaces equipped with either Luxemburg or Orlicz norm. File Length: 47739 bytes
From alspach Tue Feb 25 15:24:50 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Randrianantoanina Content-Length: 897
This is the abstract of the paper "Hilbert transform associated with finite maximal subdiagonal algebras" by N. Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach nrandriHilbertsubalg.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $M$ be a von Neumann algebra with a faithful normal finite trace $t$, and $H^\infty$ be a finite, maximal, subdiagonal of $M$. Fundamental theorems on conjugate functions for weak* Dirichlet algebras are shown to be a bounded linear map from $L^p(M,t)$ into $L^p(M,t)$ for $1<p<\infty$, and to be a continuous linear map from $L^1(M,t)$ into $L^{1,\infty}(M,t)$. We also obtain that if a positive operator $a$ is such that $a\log^{+}a \in L^1(M,t)$, then its conjugate belongs to $L^1(M,t)$. File Length: 50253 bytes
From alspach Wed Feb 26 13:40:08 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Randrianantoanina Content-Length: 1099
This is the abstract of the paper "Factorization of operators on $C^*$-algebras" by N. Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach nrandrifactoralgebra.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra. It is shown that every absolutely summing operator from $A$ into $\ell_2$ factors through a Hilbert space operator that belongs to the 4-Schatten- von Neumann class. We also provide finite dimensinal examples that show that one can not improve the 4-Schatten-von Neumann class to $p$-Schatten von Neumann class for any $p<4$. As application, we prove that there exists a modulus of capacity $\epsilon \to N(\epsilon)$ so that if $A$ is a $C^*$-algebra and $T \in \Pi_1(A,\ell_2)$ with $\pi_1(T)\leq 1$, then for every $\epsilon >0$, the $\epsilon$-capacity of the image of the unit ball of $A$ under $T$ does not exceed $N(\epsilon)$. This aswers positively a question raised by Pe\l czynski. File Length: 37227 bytes
From alspach Wed Feb 26 13:51:15 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Robert Judd Content-Length: 818
This is the abstract of the paper "A dichotomy on Schreier sets" by Robert Judd. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach judddichotschri.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We show that the Schreier sets $\mathcal{S}_{\alpha}\ (\alpha<\omega_1)$ satisfy the following dichotomy property. For every hereditary collection $\cf$ of finite subsets of $\N$, either there exists infinite $M=(m_i)_1^{\infty}\subseteq\N$ such that $\cs_{\alpha}(M)=\{\{m_i:i\in E\}:E\in\cs_{\alpha}\}\subseteq\cf$, or there exist infinite $M=(m_i)_1^{\infty},N\subseteq\N$ such that $\cf[N](M)=\{\{m_i:i\in F\}:F\in\cf \mbox{ and } F\subset N\}\subseteq\cs_{\alpha}$. File Length: 41926 bytes
From alspach Wed Feb 26 13:59:15 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Randrianantoanina, and E. Saab Content-Length: 610
This is the abstract of the paper "The near Radon-Nikodym property in Lebesgue-Bochner function spaces" by N. Randrianantoanina and E. Saab. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach nrandriesaabnrnp.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $X$ be a Banach space $E$ a K\"othe function space that does not contain $c_0$. It is shown that the vector valued function space $E(X)$ has the Near Radon Nikodym property if and only if $X$ does. File Length: 56634 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa20444; 27 Feb 97 13:33 CST Received: from by id aa05207; 27 Feb 97 12:30 CST Received: from by id aa04979; 27 Feb 97 12:14 CST To: banach at Subject: New Name for U. Missouri math. home page Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 12:14:33 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
The new homepage of the department of mathematics at the University of Missouri-Columbia is Elias Saab
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa27635; 28 Feb 97 10:02 CST Received: from by id aa26883; 28 Feb 97 08:57 CST Received: from by id aa26831; 28 Feb 97 08:50 CST Subject: Position in Galway, Ireland. To: BANACH at Reply-to: "RAY RYAN, GALWAY." <Ray.Ryan at> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 08:50:19 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE GALWAY. JUNIOR LECTURESHIP in MATHEMATICS. Applications are invited for a full-time permanent position as Junior Lecturer in the Mathematics Department of University College Galway. The closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 11 April. Full information may be obtained from: The Registrar, University College, Galway. Phone +353 91 524411 Ext 2121 or direct line +353 91 750369. Fax +353 750557 e-mail Registrar at For informal discussion contact Professor T. Hurley, Phone +353 91 750442; FAX +353 91 750542; e-mail Ted.Hurley at UCG.IE; WWW: http://www.tedser.UCG.IE
From alspach Fri Apr 4 09:50:56 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Pisier and Q. Xu Content-Length: 835
This is the abstract of the paper "Non-commutative martingale inequalities" by G. Pisier and Q. Xu. The paper is typed in Plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach pisierxunoncmmart.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We prove the analogue of the classical Burkholder-Gundy inequalites for non-commutative martingales. As applications we give a characterization for an Ito-Clifford integral to be an $L^p$-martingale via its integrand, and then extend the Ito-Clifford integral theory in $L^2$, developed by Barnett, Streater and Wilde, to $L^p$ for all $1<p<\infty$. We include an appendix on the non-commutative analogue of the classical Fefferman duality between $H^1$ and $BMO$. File Length: 86051 bytes
From alspach Fri Apr 4 15:35:29 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Timur Oikhberg and Gilles Pisier Content-Length: 1172
This is the abstract of the paper "The ``maximal" tensor product of operator spaces" by Timur Oikhberg and Gilles Pisier. The paper is typed in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach oikhbergpisiermaxten.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:In analogy with the maximal tensor product of $C^*$-algebras, we define the ``maximal" tensor product $E_1\otimes_\mu E_2$ of two operator spaces $E_1$ and $E_2$ and we show that it can be identified completely isometrically with the sum of the two Haagerup tensor products: \ $E_1\otimes_h E_2 + E_2\otimes_h E_1$. Let $E$ be an $n$-dimensional operator space. As an application, we show that the equality $E^* \otimes_\mu E=E^* \otimes_{\rm min} E$ holds isometrically iff $E = R_n$ or $E=C_n$ (the row or column $n$-dimensional Hilbert spaces). Moreover, we show that if an operator space $E$ is such that, for any operator space $F$, we have $F\otimes_{\min} E=F\otimes_{\mu} E$ isomorphically, then $E$ is completely isomorphic to either a row or a column Hilbert space. File Length: 52534 bytes
From alspach Wed Apr 9 10:12:56 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Franck Barthe Content-Length: 675
This is the abstract of the paper "Optimal Young's inequality and its converse:a simple proof" by Franck Barthe. The paper is typed in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach bartheoptyng.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We give a new proof of the sharp form of Young's inequality for convolutions, first proved by Beckner [Be] and Brascamp-Lieb [BL]. The latter also proved a sharp reverse inequality in the case of exponents less than $1$. Our proof is simpler and gives Young's inequality and its converse altogether. File Length: 22832 bytes
From alspach Wed Apr 9 10:27:45 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by E. Semenov and S. Montgomery-Smith Content-Length: 779
This is the abstract of the paper "Random rearrangements and operators" by E. Semenov and S. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach montsmithsemenovranre.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:Consider an n by n matrix x_ij, and consider the quantity || x_{i,pi(i)} ||_X where X is a symmetric sequence space as a random variable where the permutation pi is chosen randomly. This was considered by Kwapien and Schutt, and we extend their results to rearrangement invariant spaces. We also consider the property of D and D^* convexity for rearrangement invariant spaces. File Length: 65870 bytes
From alspach Wed Apr 9 14:46:31 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Montgomery-Smith Content-Length: 796
This is the abstract of the paper "Time decay for the bounded mean oscillation of solutions of the Schr\"odinger and wave equations" by S. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach montsmithschrodinger.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $u(x,t)$ be the solution of the Schr\"odinger or wave equation with $L_2$ initial data. We provide counterexamples to plausible conjectures involving the decay in $t$ of the $\BMO$ norm of $u(t,\cdot)$. The proofs make use of random methods, in particular, Brownian motion. Despite the applied sounding title, this really is a paper in harmonic analysis. File Length: 33702 bytes
From alspach Wed Apr 9 14:54:30 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by L. Grafakos, S. Montgomery-Smith, and O. Motrunich Content-Length: 809
This is the abstract of the paper "A sharp estimate for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function" by L. Grafakos, S. Montgomery-Smith, and O. Motrunich. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach grafakosmontsmithmotrunichhardy.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:The best constant in the usual $L^p$ norm inequality for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on $\Bbb R^1$ is obtained for the class of all ``bell-shaped'' functions. A positive function on the line is called ``bell-shaped'' if it is smooth and has only one hump. The techniques we use include convexity and an adaptation of the standard Euler-Langrange variational method. File Length: 30088 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa20490; 8 Apr 97 9:41 CDT Received: from by id aa00786; 8 Apr 97 08:46 CDT Received: from by id aa00744; 8 Apr 97 08:30 CDT To: banach at Reply-to: J R Partington <pmt6jrp at> Subject: Postdoctoral position available Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 08:30:20 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Contributed by Jonathan Partington <j.r.partington at> POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP A vacancy has arisen for a 3-year postdoctoral research assistant at the University of Leeds, Department of Pure Mathematics, to work with Dr J.R. Partington on an EPSRC-funded project entitled "Applications of operator theory to the modelling of linear systems". A starting date around October 1st 1997 is intended. Enquiries are welcome from people with experience in the areas of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Hardy Spaces or Harmonic Analysis. They should be directed to Dr Partington at J.R.Partington at, from whom further information is available. The closing date for applications is May 16th 1997. - -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dr Jonathan R. Partington, Tel: UK: (0113) 233 5123. Int: +44 113 233 5123.| | School of Mathematics, Fax: UK: (0113) 233 5145. Int: +44 113 233 5145.| | University of Leeds, | | Leeds LS2 9JT, U.K. Email: J.R.Partington at | | WWW: | ______________________________________________________________________________
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa20501; 11 Apr 97 10:19 CDT Received: from by id aa01210; 11 Apr 97 09:27 CDT Received: from by id aa01107; 11 Apr 97 09:17 CDT To: banach at Subject: Address change for V. Zizler Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 09:17:43 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
\magnification=\magstep1 \input amstex\documentstyle{amsppt} \parindent=0pt {\bf Change of address of V\'aclav Zizler:} \medskip I am taking the liberty to inform the Banach space community that I am returning home to Prague for good and my address is \medskip V\'aclav Zizler Department of Mathematical Analysis Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University, Prague Sokolovsk\'a 83, 18600, Prague 8 Czech Republic e-mail: vzizler\ at \rightline{Sincerely, V\'aclav Zizler}
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa21835; 11 Apr 97 12:23 CDT Received: from by id aa04898; 11 Apr 97 11:32 CDT Received: from by id aa01374; 11 Apr 97 09:24 CDT To: banach at Subject: Book by M. Fabian Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 09:24:03 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
\magnification=1200 \centerline{\bf A NEW BOOK:} \medskip \centerline{\bf G\^ateaux Differentiability of Convex Functions and Topology --} \centerline{\bf Weak Asplund Spaces} \bigskip \centerline{by} \bigskip \centerline{\it Mari\'an Fabian} \bigskip This book deals with the G\^ateaux differentiability of convex functions and its relationship to the structure of Banach spaces. In particular, Banach spaces, for which every convex continuous function is G\^ateaux differentiable at the points of a $G_{\delta}$ dense subset -- called weak Asplund spaces -- are investigated here. In the first chapter examples of such spaces -- Asplund (generated) spaces and weakly compactly generated spaces, and their topological counterparts -- Radon-Nikod\'ym and Eberlein compacta are studied. In Chapter two we discuss properties of the weak Asplund spaces. The largest subclass of the weak Asplund spaces, and their topological counterpart - -- Stegall's classes are -- studied in the next chapter. In Chapter 4 we will show that weakly $\cal K$-analytic and G\^ateaux smooth spaces are weak Asplund spaces. The next chapter is devoted to the study of fragmentable topological spaces and its relationship to weak Asplundness and Stegall's class. Chapter 6 deals with the so called projectional resolutions of the identity. This powerful tool is then used in the last two chapters. In chapter 7 a theory of Va\v s\'ak (i.e. weakly countably determined) spaces is built together with its topological counterpart -- Gu'lko compacta. In the last chapter a relationship between Va\v s\'ak, weakly Lindel\"of determined, weakly compactly generated and Asplund spaces is studied. A topological counterpart is also discussed there, namely a connection between Talagrand, Gul'ko, Corson, Radon-Nikod\'ym, and Eberlein compacta. The book contains several counterexamples, due to Talagrand, Rezni\v cenko, Argyros, etc placing the weak Asplund spaces among other important classes of nonseparable Banach spaces. Each chapter is completed by an exhaustive "Notes and remarks" section. The book ends with the discussion on the main open problems in the theory of the weak Asplund spaces. A list of references contains about 150 papers and books. The text is addressed to all graduate students and researchers working in Banach spaces and topology who want to study the topic of generic G\^ateaux differentiability of convex functions and its relationship to the structure of Banach spaces.. \bigskip \settabs 2 \columns \+ \it USA Customers: & \it European Customers: \cr \+ & \cr \+ \rm John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. & John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. \cr \+ Distribution Center & Distribution Centre \cr \+ 1 Wiley Drive & Souther Cross Trading Estate \cr \+ Somerset, NJ 08875-1272 & 1 Oldlands Way \cr \+ telephone: (908) 469-4400 & Bognor Regis \cr \+ fax: (908) 302-2300 & Sussex PO 22 9SA \cr \+ e-mail: custserv at & England \cr \+ & telephone: 44 0243 779777 \cr \+ & fax: 44 0243 820250 \cr\bigskip\bigskip \medskip {\it Price: US dollars: 64.95} \bigskip \rightline{Mari\'a=A0n Fabian} \rightline{Mathematical Institue} \rightline{Czech Academy of Sciences} \rightline{\v Zitn\'a 25, 11 567 Prague 1} \rightline{Czech Republic} \rightline{e-mail: fabian at} \bye
From alspach Tue Apr 22 12:25:42 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. A. Argyros, I. Deliyanni, D. Kutzarova, and A. Manoussakis Content-Length: 1480
This is the abstract of the paper "Modified mixed Tsirelson spaces" by S. A. Argyros, I. Deliyanni, D. Kutzarova, and A. Manoussakis. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach argdelkutzmanmodmxdtsrlsn.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We study the modified and boundedly modified mixed Tsirelson spaces $T_M[({\cal F}_{k_n},\theta_n)_{n=1}^{\infty }]$ and $T_{M(s)}[({\cal F}_{k_n},\theta_n)_{n=1}^{\infty }]$ respectively, defined by a subsequence $({\cal F}_{k_n})$ of the sequence of Schreier families $({\cal F}_n)$. These are reflexive asymptotic $\ell_1$ spaces with an unconditio- nal basis $(e_i)_i$ having the property that every sequence $\{ x_i\}_{i=1}^n$ of normalized disjointly supported vectors contained in $\langle e_i\rangle_{i=n}^{\infty }$ is equivalent to the basis of $\ell_1^n$. We show that if $\lim\theta_n^{1/n}=1$ then the space $T[({\cal F}_n,\theta_n) _{n=1}^{\infty }]$ and its modified variations are totally incomparable by proving that $c_0$ is finitely disjointly representable in every block subspace of $T[({\cal F}_n, \theta_n)_{n=1}^{\infty }]$. Next, we present an example of a boundedly modified mixed Tsirelson space $X_{M(1),u}$ which is arbitrarily distortable. Finally, we construct a variation of the space $X_{M(1),u}$ which is hereditarily indecomposable. File Length: 161092 bytes
From alspach Fri Apr 25 10:12:14 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vania Mascioni and Lajos Molnar Content-Length: 762
This is the abstract of the paper "Linear maps on factors which preserve the extreme points of the unit ball" by Vania Mascioni and Lajos Molnar. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach mascionimolnar.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:The aim of this paper is to characterize those linear maps from a von Neumann factor $\A$ into itself which preserve the extreme points of the unit ball of $\A$. For example, we show that if $\A$ is infinite, then every such linear preserver can be written as a fixed unitary operator times either a unital *-homomorphism or a unital *-antihomomorphism. File Length: 23534 bytes
From alspach Fri Jun 6 13:31:52 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Franck Barthe Content-Length: 573
This is the abstract of the paper "On a reverse form of the Brascamp-Lieb inequality" by Franck Barthe. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach bartherevBLineq.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We prove a reverse form of the multidimensional Brascamp-Lieb inequality. Our method also gives a new way to derive the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and is rather convenient for the study of equality cases. File Length: 74930 bytes
From alspach Fri Jun 6 13:43:53 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Gilles Pisier Content-Length: 1514
This is the abstract of the paper "The similarity degree of an operator algebra" by Gilles Pisier. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach pisiersimdegopalg.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $A$ be a unital operator algebra. Let us assume that every {\it bounded\/} unital homomorphism $u\colon \ A\to B(H)$ is similar to a {\it contractive\/} one. Let $\text{\rm Sim}(u) = \inf\{\|S\|\, \|S^{-1}\|\}$ where the infimum runs over all invertible operators $S\colon \ H\to H$ such that the ``conjugate'' homomorphism $a\to S^{-1}u(a)S$ is contractive. Now for all $c>1$, let $\Phi(c) = \sup\text{\rm Sim}(u)$ where the supremum runs over all unital homomorphism $u\colon\ A\to B(H)$ with $\|u\|\le c$. Then, there is $\alpha\ge 0$ such that for some constant $K$ we have: $$\Phi(c) \le Kc^\alpha.\leqno (*)\qquad \forall c>1$$ Moreover, the smallest $\alpha$ for which this holds is an integer, denoted by $d(A)$ (called the similarity degree of $A$) and $(*)$ still holds for some $K$ when $\alpha=d(A)$. Among the applications of these results, we give new characterizations of proper uniform algebras on one hand, and of nuclear $C^*$-algebras on the other. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of amenable groups which answers (at least partially) a question on group representations going back to a 1950 paper of Dixmier. File Length: 141532 bytes
From alspach Fri Jun 6 14:11:17 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by L. Molnar Content-Length: 950
This is the abstract of the paper "Reflexivity of the automorphism and isometry groups of some standard operator algebras" by L. Molnar. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach molnarrefautopalg.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:In this paper we give an example of a proper standard C*-algebra (a proper C*-subalgebra of B(H) containing C(H)) whose automorphism and isometry groups are topologically reflexive. Furthermore, we prove that in the case of extensions of C(H) by separable commutative C*-algebras, these groups are algebraically reflexive. Concerning the most well-known extensions of C(H) by the algebra of all continuous complex valued functions on the perimeter of the unit disc, we show that the automorphism and isometry groups are topologically nonreflexive. File Length: 47528 bytes
From alspach Fri Jun 6 14:20:19 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by H. Pfitzner and G. Schluechtermann Content-Length: 741
This is the abstract of the paper "Factorization of completely bounded weakly compact operators" by H. Pfitzner and G. Schluechtermann. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach pfitznerschluechtermannfactwcp.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We prove that in the setting of operator spaces the result of Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pelczynski on factoring weakly compact operators holds accordingly. Though not related directly to the main theorem we add a remark on the description of weakly compact subsets in the dual of noncommutative vector valued ${\rm L}_1$. File Length: 26579 bytes
From alspach Thu Jun 12 11:46:35 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by L. Molnar Content-Length: 676
This is the abstract of the paper "The automorphism and isometry groups of $l_\infty(N, B(H))$ are topologically reflexive" by L. Molnar. The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach molnarreflinfty.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:The aim of this note is to show that the automorphism and isometry groups of the C*-algebra $\l_\infty(N,B(H))$ of all bounded sequences in $B(H)$ are topologically reflexive which, as one of our former results shows, is not the case with the "scalar algebra" $l_\infty$. File Length: 23356 bytes
From alspach Thu Jun 12 11:53:39 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Cepedello Boiso Content-Length: 1232
This is the abstract of the paper "On regularization in superreflexive Banach spaces by infimal convolution formulas" by M. Cepedello Boiso. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach cepedboisoregsuprefcnvltn.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We present here a new method for approximating functions defined on superreflexive Banach spaces by differentiable functions with $\alpha$-H\"older derivatives (for some $0<\alpha\leq 1$). The smooth approximation is given by means of an explicit formula enjoying good properties from the minimization point of view. For instance, for any function $f$ which is bounded below and uniformly continuous on bounded sets this formula gives a sequence of $\Delta$-convex ${\Cal{C}}^{1,\alpha}$ functions converging uniformly on bounded sets to $f$ and preserving the infimum and the set of minimizers of $f$. The techniques we develop are based on the use of {\sl extended inf-convolution} formulas and convexity properties such as the preservation of smoothness for the convex envelope of certain differentiable functions. File Length: 59624 bytes
From alspach Thu Jun 12 11:57:06 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y. Gordon, M. Junge and N. J. Nielsen Content-Length: 670
This is the abstract of the paper "The relations between volume ratios and new concepts of gl constants" by Y. Gordon, M. Junge and N. J. Nielsen. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach gjnvolratiogl.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:In this paper we investigate a property named GL(p,q) which is closely related to the Gordon-Lewis property. Our results on GL(p,q) are then used to estimate volume ratios relative to $\ell_p$, $1<p \le\infty$, of unconditional direct sums of Banach spaces. File Length: 52046 bytes
From alspach Tue Jul 1 10:27:11 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by E. Werner Content-Length: 863
This is the abstract of the paper "A general geometric construction for affine surface area" by E. Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach ewernergeoconafnsrf.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Let $K$ be a convex body in ${\bf R}^n$ and $B$ be the Euclidean unit ball in ${\bf R}^n$. We show that $$\mbox{lim}_{t\rightarrow 0} \frac{|K| -|K_t|}{|B| - |B_t|}= \frac{as(K)}{as(B)},$$ where $as(K)$ respectively $as(B)$ is the affine surface area of $K$ respectively $B$ and $\{K_t\}_{t\geq 0}$, $\{B_t\}_{t\geq 0}$ are general families of convex bodies constructed from $K$, $B$ satifying certain conditions. As a corollary we get results obtained in [M-W], [Schm],[S-W] and[W]. File Length: 29644 bytes
From alspach Wed Jul 9 14:36:33 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Gyory and L. Molnar Content-Length: 859
This is the abstract of the paper "Diameter preserving linear bijections of $C(X)$" by M. Gyory and L. Molnar. The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach gyormoldiampres.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:The aim of this paper is to solve a linear preserver problem on the function algebra $C(X)$. We show that in case $X$ is a first countable compact Hausdorff space, every linear bijection $\phi:C(X)\to C(X)$ having the property that $diam(\phi(f)(X))=diam(f(X))$ $(f\in C(X))$ is of the form \[ \phi(f)=\tau \cdot f\circ \varphi +t(f)1 \qquad (f\in C(X)) \] where $\tau$ is a complex number of modulus 1, $\varphi:X\to X$ is a homeomorphism and $t$ is a linear functional on $C(X)$. File Length: 30538 bytes
From alspach Mon Jul 14 11:12:53 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Mathieu Meyer and Elisabeth Werner Content-Length: 688
This is the abstract of the paper "The Santalo-regions of a convex body" by Mathieu Meyer and Elisabeth Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach meyerwernersanta.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:Motivated by the Blaschke-Santal${\mbox{\'o}}$ inequality, we define for a convex body K in ${\bf R}^n$ and for $t \in {\bf R}$ the Santal${\mbox{\'o}}$-regions S(K,t) of K. We investigate properties of these sets and relate them to a concept of Affine Differential Geometry, the affine surface area of K. File Length: 116578 bytes
From ownwer-banach at To: banach at Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Androulakis, C. D. Cazacu, and N. J. Kalton Content-Length: 811 Date: Mon, 14 Jul 97 11:19:04 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at
This is the abstract of the paper "Twisted sums, Fenchel-Orlicz spaces and property (M)" by G. Androulakis, C. D. Cazacu, and N. J. Kalton. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach androulakiscazacukaltontsFOM.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We study certain twisted sums of Orlicz spaces with non-trivial type which can be viewed as Fenchel-Orlicz spaces on ${\rm {\bf R}}^2$. We then show that a large class of Fenchel-Orlicz spaces on ${\rm {\bf R}}^n$ can be renormed to have property (M). In particular this gives a new construction of the twisted Hilbert space $Z_2$ and shows it has property (M), after an appropriate renorming. File Length: 56344 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa13297; 15 Jul 97 14:13 CDT Received: from by id aa18818; 15 Jul 97 13:40 CDT Received: from by id aa18390; 15 Jul 97 13:27 CDT Reply-to: Bill Johnson <Bill.Johnson at> To: banach at Subject: PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS'97 Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 13:27:35 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS'97 The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet August 8 - 10 at Texas A&M in College Station. SCHEDULE (tentative): The first talk will be in the early afternoon on Friday in Blocker 457. The talks on Saturday and Sunday will be in Blocker 120. SUMIRFAS will end in the early afternoon on Sunday. The schedule will be posted and updated periodically on the Home Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability, The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars. HOUSING: Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, (409) 845- 5-4412, (409) 845-6028 FaX) for help with housing. Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference. DINNER: There will be a dinner at the A&M Faculty Club at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 9. The charge for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for faculty and $10 per person for students. Please tell Judy Gloyna if you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend. Checks should be made out to Dept. Math., TAMU. Reservations should be made by August 4 and payment made by August 7. Judy Gloyna Department of Mathematics Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3368. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants, from support the National Science Foundation has provided the Workshop. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell her if you are requesting support. W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at Talks: Below are some of the invited 50 minute talks. There will also be several shorter talks. Pete Casazza, Complemented Subspaces of Banach Lattices with Unconditional Bases Ed Effros, On the notion of local reflexivity for operator spaces Alex Koldobsky, Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty problem Rafal Latala, Tails and moment estimates for some types of chaos Mark Rudelson, On the Local Theory of non-symmetric convex bodies Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, Best asymptotic constants in Khintchine's inequality
From alspach Tue Jul 29 10:05:08 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Neuwirth Content-Length: 1338
This is the abstract of the paper "Metric unconditionality and Fourier analysis" by S. Neuwirth. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach neuwirthumapFourier.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We investigate several aspects of almost $1$-unconditionality. We characterize the metric unconditional approximation property UMAP in terms of ``block unconditionality''. Then we focus on translation invariant subspaces $L^p_E(T)$ and $C_E(T)$ of functions on the circle and express block unconditionality as arithmetical conditions on $E$. Our work shows that the spaces $L^p_E(T)$, $p$ an even integer, have a singular behaviour from the almost isometric point of view: property UMAP does not interpolate between spaces $L^p_E(T)$ and $L^{p+2}_E(T)$. These arithmetical conditions are used to construct counterexamples for several natural questions and to investigate the maximal density of such sets $E$. We also prove that if $E=\{n_k\}_{k\ge1}$ with $|n_{k+1}/n_k|\to\infty$, then $C_E(T)$ has UMAP and we get a sharp estimate of the Sidon constant of Hadamard sets. Finally, we investigate the relationship of metric unconditionality and probability theory. File Length: 126738 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa29787; 30 Jul 97 10:56 CDT Received: from by id aa05036; 30 Jul 97 10:03 CDT Received: from by id aa04912; 30 Jul 97 09:51 CDT Reply-to: Bill Johnson <Bill.Johnson at> To: banach at Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 09:51:41 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS'97 The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet August 8 - 10 at Texas A&M in College Station. SCHEDULE (tentative): The talks on Friday will be in Blocker 457. The talks on Saturday and Sunday will be in Blocker 120. The schedule will be posted and updated periodically on the Home Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability, The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars. HOUSING: Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, (409) 845-4412, (409) 845-6028 FaX) for help with housing. Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference. DINNER: There will be a dinner at the A&M Faculty Club at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE FROM THE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. The charge for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for faculty and $10 per person for students. Please tell Judy Gloyna if you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend. Checks should be made out to Dept. Math., TAMU. Reservations MUST be made by August 4 and payment should be made by August 7. To help our planning, please make your reservation ASAP with Judy by email, phone, fax, or snailMail. Judy Gloyna Department of Mathematics Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3368. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants, from support the National Science Foundation has provided the Workshop. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell her if you are requesting support. W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at SCHEDULE SUMIRFAS-97 Friday, August 8 1:20-1:40 Coffee, Blocker 457 1:40-2:40 Ed Effros, On the notion of local reflexivity for operator spaces 2:50-3:50 Pete Casazza, Complemented Subspaces of Banach Lattices with Unconditional Bases 3:50-4:10 Coffee Break 4:10-4:40 Yossi Lonke, On Isometric embeddings into L_1 5:00-6:00 Rafal Latala, Tails & moment estimates for some types of chaos 6:30-7:00 Reception at the Faculty Club 7:00-9:00 Dinner at the Faculty Club Saturday, August 9 9:30-10:00 Coffee & Donuts, Blocker 119 10:00-11:00 Alex Koldobsky, Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty problem 11:10-12:10 Bojan Magajna, On operator modules 12:10-2:00 BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:45-2:00 Coffee, Blocker 119 2:00-3:00 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, Best asymptotic constants in Khintchine's inequality 3:10-3:40 Dan Cazacu, Twisted sums and Fenchel-Orlicz spaces over the real plane 3:50-4:20 Qing Gu, Questions concerning the phase of wavelets 4:20-4:50 COFFEE BREAK 4:50-5:50 Mark Rudelson, On the Local Theory of non-symmetric convex bodies Sunday, August 10 9:10-9:40 Coffee & Donuts 9:40-10:40 Valentin Ferenczi, Hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces and duality 10:50-11:20 Beata Randriantoanina, On isometric stability of complemented subspaces of L_p 11:30-12:30 Erik Christensen, Invertibility preserving linear mappings
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa13915; Tue, 05 Aug 1997 10:53 -0500 (CDT) Received: from by id aa13664; Tue, 05 Aug 1997 10:37 -0500 (CDT) Date: Tue, 05 Aug 1997 10:37:32 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at To: banach at Reply-to: Bill Johnson <Bill.Johnson at> Message-id: <01IM2XAPCN1E000LL3 at> Precedence: bulk THIRD ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS'97 The Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet August 8 - 10 at Texas A&M in College Station. SCHEDULE (tentative): The talks on Friday will be in Blocker 457. The talks on Saturday and Sunday will be in Blocker 120. The schedule will be posted and updated periodically on the Home Page of the Workshop in Linear Analysis and Probability, The Home Page also contains other information about the Workshop, including a list of participants and a schedule of seminars. NOTE CHANGES ON SUNDAY FROM SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT. HOUSING: Contact Judy Gloyna, (judyg at, (409) 845-4412, (409) 845-6028 FaX) for help with housing. Please tell Judy the type of accommodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference. DINNER: There will be a buffet dinner at the A&M Faculty Club at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8. NOTE THE DATE CHANGE FROM THE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. The charge for the subsidized dinner is $15 per person for faculty and $10 per person for students, including beverages. Please tell Judy Gloyna if you (and spouse or companion, if applicable) will attend. Checks should be made out to Dept. Math., TAMU. Reservations MUST be made by August 4 and payment should be made by August 7. To help our planning, please make your reservation ASAP with Judy by email, phone, fax, or snailMail. Judy Gloyna Department of Mathematics Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3368. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants, from support the National Science Foundation has provided the Workshop. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. When you ask Judy to book your room, please tell her if you are requesting support. W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at SCHEDULE SUMIRFAS-97 Friday, August 8 1:20-1:40 Coffee, Blocker 457 1:40-2:40 Ed Effros, On the notion of local reflexivity for operator spaces 2:50-3:50 Pete Casazza, Complemented subspaces of Banach lattices with unconditional bases 3:50-4:10 Coffee Break 4:10-4:40 Yossi Lonke, On Isometric embeddings into L_1 5:00-6:00 Rafal Latala, Tails & moment estimates for some types of chaos 6:30-7:00 Reception at the Faculty Club 7:00-9:00 Dinner at the Faculty Club Saturday, August 9 9:30-10:00 Coffee & Donuts, Blocker 119 10:00-11:00 Alex Koldobsky, Intersection bodies and the Busemann-Petty problem 11:10-12:10 Bojan Magajna, On operator modules 12:10-2:00 BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:45-2:00 Coffee, Blocker 119 2:00-3:00 Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann, Best asymptotic constants in Khintchine's inequality 3:10-3:40 Dan Cazacu, Twisted sums and Fenchel-Orlicz spaces over the real plane 3:50-4:20 Qing Gu, Questions concerning the phase of wavelets 4:20-4:50 COFFEE BREAK 4:50-5:50 Mark Rudelson, On the local theory of non-symmetric convex bodies Sunday, August 10 8:45-9:10 Coffee & Donuts 9:10-10:10 Erik Christensen, Invertibility preserving linear mappings 10:20-10:50 Beata Randrianantoanina, On isometric stability of complemented subspaces of L_p 11:00-12:00 Valentin Ferenczi, Hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces and duality
From alspach Tue Aug 12 11:47:21 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Nakhle Asmar and Stephen Montgomery-Smith Content-Length: 688
This is the abstract of the paper "Transference in spaces of analytic measures" by Nakhle Asmar and Stephen Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach asmarmontsmithtransmeas.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We prove results that transfer multipliers on $H_1$ to spaces of measures that have certain spectral properties. We announce that these may be used to present a unified approach to proving F&M Riesz type results, and as an example, give a new proof of a result of Forelli. File Length: 106228 bytes
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa09147; 21 Aug 97 18:08 CDT Received: from by id aa09599; 21 Aug 97 17:33 CDT Received: from by id aa09183; 21 Aug 97 17:20 CDT Subject: ICM98-CL15: First Announcement Reply-To: Martin Groetschel <groetschel at> To: banach at Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:19:39 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
TO ALL MATHEMATICIANS WHO HAVE PRELIMINARILY PREREGISTERED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN Fifteenth Circular Letter, August 18, 1997 Subject ICM98-CL15: First Announcement Dear colleague: Imagine, at this moment in exactly one year, you are sitting in the great lecture hall of the International Congress Center in Berlin and you are watching the Opening Ceremony of ICM'98 progress. You will be - listening to words of welcome from the IMU President, the President and the Honorary President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee, - hearing greetings by a representative of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany (who is the protector of the Congress), and welcome speeches of the Federal Minister of Science and Technology and the Governing Mayor of Berlin (the two most important financial sponsors of ICM'98), - watching a short movie about Berlin, getting a glimpse of the VideoMath Festival, and listening to music interludes, - and, finally, you will be seeing the winners of the Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize enter the stage. A modern version of Grimm's "Tischlein deck dich" will link this event to the afternoon session with the laudationes on the prize winners and a Plenary Lecture delivered by one of the leading mathematicians of the world. Wouldn't you want to tell your friends and colleagues about this event? There has been a long tradition that the organizers of an International Congress send out a so-called First Announcement to as many mathematicians as possible about one year before the Congress. We are following this tradition. The main aim of the First Announcement is to collect the addresses of those mathematicians who are seriously interested in participating in ICM'98. These are asked to request the Second Announcement in the way described in the First Announcement (below). The Second Announcement will contain all the details about ICM'98 that you would like to know. (These can, of course, also be found on the ICM'98 server.) Those who provide an e-mail address with their request will also receive the circular letters from the ICM'98 e-mail service. IMPORTANT: ========== The persons who have submitted the request form for the Second Announcement (AND ONLY THESE) will receive the Second Announcement in January 1998 by ordinary mail. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: ==================== If you have preliminarily preregistered for ICM'98 before (this is the case if you obtained the present circular letter from the ICM'98 E-Mail Server) you should not do anything at present. You will automatically receive a personal e-mail request form for the Second Announcement within the next week. This way you can check the data we have in our data base and you may correct your mailing address if necessary. If you have not received the request form by August 26, 1997 something went wrong and we have to ask you to follow the procedure described in the First Announcement. With this First Announcement we try to reach, in particular, those mathematicians who are not yet using electronic media intensively. We have therefore asked all Mathematical Societies in the world (that we know of), all Adhering Organizations of IMU and all National Committees of Mathematics to distribute the First Announcement by mail or through their newsletters. We are grateful for the support of many of these institutions but quite a number did not react, unfortunately. That is why we ask you for support. - Could you please forward this First Announcement to your friends and colleagues who might be interested in ICM'98? - If you have relations to a Mathematical Society, please ask the editor in charge of the newsletter to print the First Announcement in the next issue. - Print the First Announcement and post it in your institute. To make all this easy for you, we have produced a simple two-page First Announcement without any fancy graphics etc. We provide it in various versions. Below you will find the ASCII version suitable for e-mail distribution. If you call the URL you will find - three postscript versions (two pages) of size about 300 Kb each - with color ICM'98 logo, - with grey-scale ICM'98 logo, - with black-white ICM'98 logo, - a LATEX version (without ICM'98 Logo) - three WORD versions (two pages) of size about 170 Kb each - with color ICM'98 logo, - with grey-scale ICM'98 logo, - with black-white ICM'98 logo, - the ASCII version, - and the corresponding logos in postscript format of size about 94 Kb. You should be able to print one of these on your printer. It is also possible to obtain the files by anonymous ftp from in the subdirectory pub/IMU/HTML/ICM98/First_Announcement. The files of interest are Announcement Postscript color grey-scale black-white anc_col.doc Word color anc_grey.doc grey-scale anc_bw.doc black-white anc_la.tex LaTeX (no logo) anc.asc ASCII (no logo) Logo encapsulated Postscript color grey-scale black-white If you want to help us by mailing First Announcements to some of your colleagues we are also ready to mail any (reasonable) number of printed Announcements to you. Just send me an e-mail with your mailing address and the requested number of First Announcements. Thanks for your help! Martin Groetschel President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee ================================================================= International Congress MCM of Mathematicians XCV Berlin, Germany III August 18-27, 1998 ICM _________________________________________________________________ First Announcement _________________________________________________________________ The Organizing Committee is pleased to announce that the next International Congress of Mathematicians will take place in Berlin, Germany, from Tuesday, August 18, through Thursday, August 27, 1998. It will be held under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and sponsored by many other institutions. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mathematical Program ----------------------------------------------------------------- Responsibility for the scientific program lies with the Program Committee appointed by IMU. There will be about twenty one-hour Plenary Lectures covering recent developments in the major areas of mathematics and about 170 forty-five-minute Invited Lectures in nineteen sections. The sections are as follows: 1. Logic 2. Algebra 3. Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry 4. Algebraic Geometry 5. Differential Geometry and Global Analysis 6. Topology 7. Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 8. Analysis 9. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 10. Partial Differential Equations 11. Mathematical Physics 12. Probability and Statistics 13. Combinatorics 14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science 15. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing 16. Applications 17. Control Theory and Optimization 18. Teaching and Popularization of Mathematics 19. History of Mathematics Every registered participant (traditionally called Ordinary Member) of the Congress will have the opportunity to give a short presentation, either during a poster session or in the form of a fifteen-minute lecture. A formal call for such presentations will be issued in the Second Announcement. Informal mathematical seminars may be organized at the initiative of groups of participants. English, French, German, and Russian are the official languages of the Congress. All Plenary and Invited Lectures will be published in the Proceedings of ICM'98; after the Congress, a complimentary copy of these Proceedings will be sent to each Ordinary Member. Abstracts of all lectures and of all short presentations will be distributed free of charge to Ordinary Members at Congress check-in. The Fields Medals and the Nevanlinna Prize will be awarded during the Opening Ceremony on the first day of the Congress. This will take place in the International Congress Center Berlin (ICC); all other scientific events will be held at Technische Universitaet Berlin. No scientific activities are scheduled for Sunday, August 23. In an effort to reach out to a wider audience, the ICM'98 organizers have initiated several cultural activities related to mathematics that are attractive to the general public. In particular, there will be a VideoMath Festival, software demonstrations, talks about mathematics and its relations to other subjects, several exhibitions (`Mathematics in the Arts', etc.), and other events (`Mathematics and Music', etc.). Special consideration will be given to the impact of the Nazi regime on mathematics in Berlin and Germany. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Social Events ----------------------------------------------------------------- On August 18, a buffet-banquet for all registered participants will be held at noon directly after the Opening Ceremony in the ICC. During the Congress, a number of guided tours of Berlin, visits to museums, and walking tours will be offered. On Sunday, August 23, it will be possible to choose from several excursions. For that evening, tickets have been reserved for the opera `The Magic Flute' at the Deutsche Oper. Registered participants may purchase tickets in advance for these events as well as for many day trips and pre- or post-congress tours to places of interest in the vicinity of Berlin. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- Up-to-date information about all aspects of ICM'98 is available on the following website: This includes information about registration, abstract submission, etc. Correspondence should be directed to icm98 at It will be forwarded to an appropriate member of the Organizing Committee. If electronic communication is not available you may also write to ICM'98 c/o Prof.Dr. J. Winkler TU Berlin, MA 8-2 Strasse des 17. Juni 135 D-10623 Berlin, Germany FAX: +49/30/314-21604 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration and Accommodation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DER-CONGRESS, a professional congress and tour organizer, has been appointed by the Organizing Committee to handle all non-scientific matters for individual participants: registration to the Congress and the social events, hotel reservation, tourist program, collection of registration fees, etc. The formal registration procedure for the Congress will be described in the Second Announcement (see below). Participants will be housed in a variety of hotels in Berlin; the necessary reservations have already been made by DER-CONGRESS. In addition, DER-CONGRESS will make student residences available and will provide a certain amount of private accommodation at a cheap rate for participants willing to accept less comfort. Detailed information on locations and rates will be provided in the Second Announcement. Forms for registration and accommodation requests will be made available on the ICM'98 server in January 1998. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Announcement ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Second Announcement of ICM'98 will describe the activities of the Congress in more detail and give instructions on how to complete the registration process and obtain accommodation. It will provide more, although not complete, information on the scientific program, contain a call for contributed short presentations, and give instructions regarding the submission of abstracts. The Second Announcement will also include advice on how to proceed upon arrival at airports and train stations, and it will be accompanied by a brochure describing the day trips and tours organized by DER-CONGRESS. Several conferences of a more specialized nature are scheduled immediately before or after ICM'98. The Second Announcement will also contain a list of such `satellite conferences'. To receive the Second Announcement, fill out the form on the ICM'98 server ( Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98 at with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. If this is not possible for you, please fill out the form below and send it to the ICM'98 Secretary Prof. Winkler (see address above). The Second Announcement will be mailed from Berlin at the beginning of 1998. _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive the Second Announcement of ICM'98. _______________________________________________________________________ Name: last/family/surname: first/given name: middle name/initial: Address: institution: street and number: postal code: city: country: E-mail: ************************************************************************* This is a message from the ICM'98 e-mail server distributing information about ICM'98 and the International Mathematical Union to all persons who have electronically preregistered for the INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MATHEMATICIANS 1998 IN BERLIN. More information about ICM'98 can be found on the ICM'98 WWW-server. Its master site in Berlin has the URL: To subscribe to this e-mail service and to obtain the Second Announcement of ICM'98, fill out the request form on the ICM'98 server. Alternatively, send an empty e-mail to icm98 at with `Second Announcement' in the `SUBJECT' line to receive an e-mail form. ************************************************************************* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electronic Information on ICM'98 at URL:| | (with request form for Second Announcement) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | ICM'98 General E-mail Address: icm98 at | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Address for ICM'98 ICM'98 | | General Correspondence: c/o Prof. Dr. J. Winkler | | TU Berlin, MA 8-2 | | Str. des 17. Juni 135 | | D-10623 Berlin, Germany | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Winkler's personal | Phone: +49/30/314-24105 | | phone, fax, e-mail: | Fax: +49/30/314-21604 | | | E-mail: winkler at | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | President of the ICM'98 Organizing Committee: | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Prof. Dr. M. Groetschel | E-mail: groetschel at | | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer | Phone: +49/30/84185-210 | | Informationstechnik (ZIB) | FAX: +49/30/84185-269 | | Takustrasse 7 | Secretary: Sybille Mattrisch | | D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem | Phone: +49/30/84185-208 | | Germany | ZIB-URL: | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
From alspach Tue Aug 26 14:42:28 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by H. Rosenthal Content-Length: 811
This is the abstract of the paper "On an inequality of A.~Grothendieck concerning operators on $L^1$" by H. Rosenthal. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach rosenthalgroth.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:In 1955, A.~Grothendieck proved a basic inequality which shows that any bounded linear operator between $L^1(\mu)$-spaces maps (Lebesgue-) dominated sequences to dominated sequences. An elementary proof of this inequality is obtained via a new decomposition principle for the lattice of measurable functions. An exposition is also given of the M.~L\'evy extension theorem for operators defined on subspaces of $L^1(\mu)$-spaces. File Length: 32083 bytes
From alspach Fri Sep 5 17:59:52 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton Content-Length: 408
This is the abstract of the paper "A note on pairs of projections" by N.J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kaltonproj.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We give a brief proof of a recent result of Avron, Seiler and Simon. File Length: 8317 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:21:26 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.G. Casazza and N.J. Kalton Content-Length: 535
This is the abstract of the paper "Generalizing the Paley-Wiener perturbation theory for Banach spaces" by P.G. Casazza and N.J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach casazzakaltonpaley.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We extend the Paley-Wiener pertubation theory to linear operators mapping a subspace of one Banach space into another Banach space. File Length: 26704 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:25:06 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton Content-Length: 1084
This is the abstract of the paper "Spectral characterization of sums of commutators I" by N.J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kaltoncommut.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:Suppose $\Cal J$ is a two-sided quasi-Banach ideal of compact operators on a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $\Cal H$. We show that an operator $T\in\Cal J$ can be expressed as finite linear combination of commutators $[A,B]$ where $A\in\Cal J$ and $B\in\Cal B(\Cal H)$ if and only its eigenvalues $(\lambda_n)$ (arranged in decreasing order of absolute value, repeated according to algebraic multiplicity and augmented by zeros if necessary) satisfy the condition that the diagonal operator $\diag\{\frac1n(\lambda_1+\cdots +\lambda_n)\}$ is a member of $\Cal J.$ This answers (for quasi-Banach ideals) a question raised by Dykema, Figiel, Weiss and Wodzicki. File Length: 27873 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:33:54 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and M. Mitrea Content-Length: 622
This is the abstract of the paper "Stability results on interpolation scales of quasi-Banach spaces and applications" by N.J. Kalton and M. Mitrea. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kaltonmitreastable.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We investigate stability of Fredholm properties on interpolation scales of quasi-Banach spaces. This analysis is motivated by problems arising in PDE's and several applications are presented. File Length: 71681 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:38:57 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and M.I. Ostrovskii Content-Length: 1088
This is the abstract of the paper "Distances between Banach spaces" by N.J. Kalton and M.I. Ostrovskii. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kaltonostrovdist.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:The main object of the paper is to study the distance between Banach spaces introduced by Kadets. For Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$, the Kadets distance is defined to be the infimum of the Hausdorff distance $d(B_X,B_Y)$ between the respective closed unit balls over all isometric linear embeddings of $X$ and $Y$ into a common Banach space $Z.$ This is compared with the Gromov-Hausdorff distance which is defined to be the infimum of $d(B_X,B_Y)$ over all isometric embeddings into a common metric space $Z$. We prove continuity type results for the Kadets distance including a result that shows that this notion of distance has applications to the theory of complex interpolation. File Length: 79013 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:44:00 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and I.E. Verbitsky Content-Length: 2067
This is the abstract of the paper "Nonlinear equations and weighted norm inequalities" by N.J. Kalton and I.E. Verbitsky. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kaltonverbitsknonlinear.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We study connections between the problem of the existence of positive solutions for certain nonlinear equations and weighted norm inequalities. In particular, we obtain explicit criteria for the solvability of the Dirichlet problem $$\aligned -& \Delta u = v \, u^q + w, \quad u \ge 0 \quad \text {on} \quad \Omega, \\ &u = 0 \quad \text {on} \quad \partial \Omega, \endaligned $$ on a regular domain $\Omega$ in $\bold R^n$ in the ``superlinear case'' $q > 1$. The coefficients $v, w$ are arbitrary positive measurable functions (or measures) on $\Omega$. We also consider more general nonlinear differential and integral equations, and study the spaces of coefficients and solutions naturally associated with these problems, as well as the corresponding capacities. Our characterizations of the existence of positive solutions take into account the interplay between $v$, $w$, and the corresponding Green's kernel. They are not only sufficient, but also necessary, and are established without any a priori regularity assumptions on $v$ and $w$; we also obtain sharp two-sided estimates of solutions up to the boundary. Some of our results are new even if $v \equiv 1$ and $\Omega$ is a ball or half-space. The corresponding weighted norm inequalities are proved for integral operators with kernels satisfying a refined version of the so-called $3 G$-inequality by an elementary ``integration by parts'' argument. This also gives a new unified proof for some classical inequalities including the Carleson measure theorem for Poisson integrals and trace inequalities for Riesz potentials and Green potentials. File Length: 171823 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 9 09:47:16 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by K.J. Dykema and N.J. Kalton Content-Length: 856
This is the abstract of the paper "Spectral characterization of sums of commutators II" by K.J. Dykema and N.J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach dykemakaltoncommut.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:For countably generated ideals, $\Jc$, of $B(\Hil)$, geometric stability is necessary for the canonical spectral characterization of sums of $(\Jc,B(\Hil))$--commutators to hold. This answers a question raised by Dykema, Figiel, Weiss and Wodzicki. There are some ideals, $\Jc$, having quasi--nilpotent elements that are not sums of $(\Jc,B(\Hil))$--commutators. Also, every trace on every geometrically stable ideal is a spectral trace. File Length: 48103 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 16 13:26:36 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Beata Randrianantoanina Content-Length: 795
This is the abstract of the paper "On isometric stability of complemented subspaces of ${L_p}$" by Beata Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach brandriisomstabLp.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We show that Rudin-Plotkin isometry extension theorem in $L_p$ implies that when $X$ and $Y$ are isometric subspaces of $L_p$ and $p$ is not an even integer, $1 \leq p < \infty$, then $X$ is complemented in $L_p$ if and only if $Y$ is; moreover the constants of complementation of $X$ and $Y$ are equal. We provide examples demonstrating that this fact fails when $p$ is an even integer larger than 2. File Length: 42751 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 16 13:30:54 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Alvaro Arias and Gelu Popescu Content-Length: 1187
This is the abstract of the paper "Noncommutative interpolation and Poisson transforms" by Alvaro Arias and Gelu Popescu. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach ariaspopescuinterpolation.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:General results of interpolation (eg. Nevanlinna-Pick) by elements in the noncommutative analytic Toeplitz algebra $F^\infty$ (resp. noncommutative disc algebra $A_n$) with consequences to the interpolation by bounded operator-valued analytic functions in the unit ball of ${\bf C}^n$ are obtained. Non-commutative Poisson transforms are used to provide new von Neumann type inequalities. Completely isometric representations of the quotient algebra $F^\infty/J$ on Hilbert spaces, where $J$ is any $w^*$-closed, 2-sided ideal of $F^\infty$, are obtained and used to construct a $w^*$-continuous, $F^\infty/J$--functional calculus associated to row contractions $T=[T_1,\dots, T_n]$ when $f(T_1,\dots,T_n)=0$ for any $f\in J$. Other properties of the dual algebra $F^\infty/J$ are considered. File Length: 85698 bytes
From alspach Tue Sep 16 13:35:22 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Al Baernstein II and Stephen Montgomery-Smith Content-Length: 719
This is the abstract of the paper "Some conjectures about integral means of $\partial f$ and $\overline{\partial} f$ " by Al Baernstein II and Stephen Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach baernsteinmontsmithconj.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:We discuss some conjectural inequalities that are related to singular integrals, martingales, quasiconformal mappings, and the calculus of variations. Specifically, we present evidence for a conjecture of Iwaniec concerning the best constant for the Beurling-Ahlfors Operator. File Length: 48471 bytes
From alspach Fri Sep 19 12:58:49 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Vladimir Kadets, Roman Shvidkoy, Gleb Sirotkin and Dirk Werner Content-Length: 1206
This is the abstract of the paper "Banach spaces with the Daugavet property" by Vladimir Kadets, Roman Shvidkoy, Gleb Sirotkin and Dirk Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2.09. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach kadetsshvidsirotwernerdaug.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:A Banach space $X$ is said to have the Daugavet property if every operator $T: X\to X$ of rank~$1$ satisfies $\|Id+T\| = 1+\|T\|$. We show that then every weakly compact operator satisfies this equation as well and that $X$ contains a copy of $\ell_{1}$. However, $X$ need not contain a copy of $L_{1}$. We also study pairs of spaces $X\subset Y$ and operators $T: X\to Y$ satisfying $\|J+T\|=1+\|T\|$, where $J: X\to Y$ is the natural embedding. This leads to the result that a Banach space with the Daugavet property does not embed into a space with an unconditional basis. In another direction, we investigate spaces where the set of operators with $\|Id+T\|=1+\|T\|$ is as small as possible and give characterisations in terms of a smoothness condition. File Length: 69353 bytes From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Received: from by id aa19192; 27 Sep 97 21:00 CDT Received: from by id aa17391; 27 Sep 97 20:30 CDT Received: from by id aa17382; 27 Sep 97 20:20 CDT To: banach at Subject: Position in Crete Reply-to: DELIGIA at Date: Sat, 27 Sep 1997 20:20:46 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
"CAREER AWARDING IN GREECE TO GREEK-SPEAKING RESEARCHERS LIVING ABROAD" PROGRAMME September 24, 1997 Dear Colleague: The Analysis and Logic group at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Crete, Greece, is seeking candidates for a 3-4 year research position funded jointly by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) and the European Union. Funding is confirmed only after the candidate's name is specified, hence we are looking for an exceptionally good person in order to strengthen the chances of success of our application to the GSRT (the announcement of the GSRT itself follows at the end of this message). The candidates should * be able to speak Greek * reside currently outside Greece * work in the general area of Analysis or Logic (this should be interpreted broadly) * have a minimum of two years of postdoctoral experience. There are no teaching requirements and the salary is slightly less than that of an Assistant Professor. Funding for supporting one graduate student will also be available. In very exceptional cases we might consider hiring a more senior person (at a higher salary). The succesful candidate will be able to conduct independent research in one of the most dynamic universities in Greece, located on the beautiful island of Crete. Although the department is relatively new (20 years old) it has been succesful in sustaining significant research activity (weekly seminars, graduate program, organizing several conferences, and a steady stream of visitors throughout the year), maintaining a good library and computational facilities. In the School of Sciences there is also a very good Physics department as well as departments of Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. Our department has close to 30 faculty members. The deadline for submitting the proposal to the GSRT is November 10, 1997, and our Department requires that all candidates notify us before October 25, 1997. Arrange for three (3) letters of recommendation, an up-to-date CV and any supporting material to arrive by that date (25/10) at the address: Prof. Souzana Papadopoulou, Analysis and Logic Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, 714 09 Iraklio, Crete, GREECE E-mail (souzana at and FAX (+30-81-234516) are preferred because of the tight timing. Address all questions to Prof Papadopoulou or myself (kolount at Faculty members of the Analysis and Logic Group at the U of Crete: - ------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Deliyanni (Visiting Assist. Professor/ banach spaces) A. Giannopoulos (Assist. Professor/ convexity) E. Katsoprinakis (Assist. Professor/ harmonic analysis) M. Kolountzakis (Visiting Assist. Professor/ harmonic analysis, number theory) M. Lambrou (Assoc. Professor/ operator theory, history of mathematics) M. Papadimitrakis (Assoc. Professor/ harmonic analysis, convexity) S. Papadopoulou (Professor/ convexity) T. Pheidas (Assoc. Professor/ logic) K. Skandalis (Assist. Professor/ logic, set theory) N. Spanoudakis (Visiting Assist. Professor/ operator theory) - -------------------GSRT Announcement----------------------- >CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR >" CAREER AWARDING IN GREECE TO GREEK -SPEAKING >RESEARCHERS LIVING ABROAD " PROGRAMME > >* GSRT launches the new "Career Awarding in >Greek universities, research centers and institutes" >Programme, which will be financed by EU as well as > Greek state funds, under the Operational Programme > for Research and Technology (EPET II). >It is reserved for Greek-speaking researchers >living and working abroad at the time of the call >for proposals, for a period not less than two years. >* The Career Awarding Programme aims at attracting >distinguished young researchers, having at least >a two-years post-doctoral research experience abroad, > in order to join research teams in GreeK universities, > research centers or institutes and carry out specific > and well-defined research, technology and training > activities. >* The knowledge of the Greek language is considered >as a strong cultural link between those scientists >and Greece. Thus it is expected that Greek-speaking >researchers will be interested in moving to Greece >for a rather long stay (three years) with a view >to contribute to the upgrading or further development >of the research and technology activities >of the Greek research teams. >* The proposal for a Career Awarding project >must be submitted to the GSRT by a research unit >attached to a university or a public research >establishment in Greece which consists the Host >Research Unit. The selection of the "foreign" >researcher is left to the responsibility of the >Host Research Unit upon criteria of scientific >excellence and through transparent procedures. >Particular attention will be given on that each >interested research unit gives the widest possible >publicity to its intention to host a "foreign" >researcher. > >DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS IS : > NOVEMBER 10 1997
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa28028; 21 Oct 97 17:04 CDT Received: from by id aa26188; 21 Oct 97 15:53 CDT Received: from by id aa25152; 21 Oct 97 15:28 CDT To: banach at Reply-to: conf98 at Subject: Meeting in Kiel Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 15:28:34 -0500 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
%format latex \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \textwidth16cm \textheight24cm \voffset-1in \hoffset-0,8in \pagestyle{empty} \parindent0pt \begin{document} \begin{center} {\bf FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT} GEOMETRIC ASPECTS OF FOURIER AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS August 10 - 14, 1998 University of Kiel, Germany \end{center} The aim of this ''Satellite Conference'' before the ICM 1998 in Berlin (August 18-27, 1998) is to bring together mathematicians working in Harmonic Analysis and/or Banach Space Theory and to enhance the interaction between both areas of research. Young scientists should benefit from the possibility to meet many leading experts in Fourier and Functional Analysis. It is planned to have survey lectures of general interest to all participants in the morning and a limited number of talks in parallel sessions in the afternoon. \bigskip The organizers: \medskip \begin{tabular}{ll} H. K\"onig (Kiel) & D. M\"uller (Kiel)\\ J. Lindenstrauss (Jerusalem) & E.M. Stein (Princeton) \end{tabular} \bigskip The list of speakers will include: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{llll} K. Ball& A. Carbery& R. Coifman& M. Cowling\\ M. Christ& C. Fefferman& T. Gowers& W. Hebisch\\ A. Hulanicki& W.B. Johnson& N. Kalton& B. Kashin\\ C. Kenig& J. Lindenstrauss& B. Maurey& V. Milman\\ A. Pe{\l}czy\'{n}ski& A. Pietsch& G. Pisier& D. Preiss\\ T. Schlumprecht& A. Seeger& P. Sj\"ogren& E.M. Stein\\ N. Tomczak-Jaegermann& L. Tzafriri& A.L. Volberg& T. Wolff \end{tabular} \end{center} \bigskip The conference is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the University of Kiel. Funds, however, are limited, and there will be a small registration fee. We encourage all participants to ask for support from their home university or other institutions. \medskip Everybody interested in the topics of the conference is warmly invited to attend. Please let us know about your intention to participate by January 31, 1998. A second announcement with further information, in particular, concerning hotel accommodation, will be distributed in February 1998. \medskip For further information, please contact: \medskip H. K\"onig / D. M\"uller, Mathematisches Seminar, Universit\"at Kiel, 24098 Kiel, Germany E-Mail: conf98 at www-site: \bigskip %\hrule \newpage If you intend to participate, please return the following form, preferably by e-mail: \bigskip \begin{tabular}{ll} E-Mail:& conf98 at\\[2mm] or& H. K\"onig / D. M\"uller\\ &Mathematisches Seminar\\ & Universit\"at Kiel\\ &24098 Kiel\\ &Germany \end{tabular} \bigskip In case you are interested to give a lecture, please send us a title and a short abstract at the latest by May 15, 1998. We ask you to understand that the number of lectures in the parallel sessions is limited, so that we may not be able to accommodate every proposed lecture in these sessions. However, additional conference rooms for informal talks and discussions will be provided. %\bigskip \vspace{4cm} \centerline{Cut here} \vspace{1mm} \hrule \vspace{1mm} \hrule \vspace{2cm} \begin{enumerate} \item[$\Box$] I intend to participate in the conference on Geometric Aspects of Fourier and Functional Analysis. \item[$\Box$] I propose to give a lecture. \item[$\Box$] Title and abstract are attached. \item[$\Box$] Titel and abstract will be submitted until May 15, 1998. \end{enumerate} \bigskip {\bf Name:} \dotfill \medskip {\bf Institution:}\dotfill \medskip {\bf Address:}\dotfill \medskip .\dotfill \medskip {\bf Electronic mail:}\dotfill \medskip {\bf Phone:}\dotfill \medskip {\bf Fax:}\dotfill \end{document} \end{document}
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa09404; 30 Oct 97 14:20 CST Received: from DIRECTORY-DAEMON by (PMDF V5.1-7 #25499) id <01IPF5TW3W4G000SAJ at> for alspach at; Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:20:27 CDT Received: from by (PMDF V5.1-7 #25499) with SMTP id <01IPF5TVLX2O000TVE at> for alspach at; Thu, 30 Oct 1997 14:20:21 -0500 (CDT) Received: from by id aa16110; Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:09 -0600 (CST) Received: from by id aa14607; Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:50 -0600 (CST) Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 11:50:10 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Subject: Spring School at Paseky Sender: owner-banach at To: banach at Message-id: <01IPF5TVMHSI000TVE at> Precedence: bulk
What am I if I will not participate ? Antoine de Saint-Exup'ery Spring School on Functional Analysis First Announcement Dear Colleague, Following a longstanding tradition, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University, will organize a Spring School on Functional Analysis. The School will be held at Paseky, in a chalet in the Krkonose Mountains, April 19 - 25, 1998. The program will consist of series of lectures on: Recent Trends in Banach Spaces delivered by: Joram Lindenstrauss The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Gilles Godefroy Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France Jos Orihuela Calatayud University of Murcia, Spain Rafael Paya University of Granada, Spain Short abstract of a series of lectures will be available on The purpose of this Meeting is to bring together adepts who share a common interest in the field. There will be opportunities for short communications and informal discussions. Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career are encouraged to participate. The conference fee will be 300,- US dollars. A reduced rate of 250,- US dollars will be offered, provided a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the organizers before January 15, 1998. The conference fee includes all local expenses (room and board) and transportation between Prague and Paseky. The fee is the same for accompanying persons. The organizers may provide financial support to a limited number of students. Applications must be sent before January 15, 1998. Payment of the fee should be made in cash at the registration desk in Paseky, or it may be remitted by a bank transfer to Komer\v cn\'\i banka, Praha 1, V\'aclavsk\'e n\'am. 42, account No. 38330-021/0100, v.s. 810 (a copy of the transfer should be presented at the registration desk at Paseky). Unfortunately, cheques cannot be used and will not be accepted. In case of any difficulty you should contact the organizers. The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkonose Mountains, in North Bohemia. Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three people. There are excellent facilities and conditions for sporting activities: hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and sauna. A special bus from Prague to Paseky will leave at 4 p.m. on April, 1998. The bus from Paseky will arrive in Prague on April 25, at 11.30 a. m. In case of interest please fill out the enclosed preliminary registration form and return it before January 15, 1998. A final announcement with further details will be mailed in due time. Due to the limited capacity of accommodation facilities the organizers may be forced to decline registration. We look forward to meeting you in the Czech Republic. Jaroslav Lukes, Jiri Kottas Mailing address: Katedra matematick\'e anal\'yzy Matematicko-fyzik\'aln\'\i fakulta UK Sokolovsk\'a 83, 186 75 Praha 8 Czech Republic Phone/Fax: 420 - 2 - 232 3390 E-mail: paseky at Kindly inform colleagues interested in this field ! ************************************************************************* Preliminary registration form Spring School on Functional Analysis, Paseky 1998 Name: Address: E-mail: Fax: Phone: I plan on attending the Spring School: Yes No
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa10027; 30 Oct 97 15:17 CST Received: from by id aa10740; 30 Oct 97 14:28 CST Received: from by id aa20587; 30 Oct 97 12:26 CST To: banach at Subject: INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR at KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Date: Thu, 30 Oct 1997 12:26:45 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
INFORMAL ANALYSIS SEMINAR KENT STATE UNIVERSITY Saturday, November 15, 1997 We will begin at NOON in the Mathematics Department Building, with an elaborately catered lunch (well, sort of). Then, around 1 PM: Denka Kutzarova (Oxford, OH) ``Modified mixed Tsirelson spaces and applications to weak Hilbert spaces'' Berit Stensones (Ann Arbor, MI) ``Fatou-Bieberbach domains and the Michael conjecture'' Hector N. Salas (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and East Lansing, MI) ``Hypercyclic and supercyclic operators'' Seasonal refreshments and beverages will be available during and after each talk. ALL ARE WELCOME Richard Aron, Joe Diestel, Per Enflo, Vladimir Gurariy, Bob Lohman, Victor Lomonosov, Andrew Tonge (organizers)
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa14330; 4 Nov 97 12:26 CST Received: from by id aa28570; 4 Nov 97 11:10 CST Received: from by id aa28132; 4 Nov 97 10:57 CST Reply-to: Aristides Katavolos <akatavol at> Subject: Position in Athens To: banach at Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 10:57:27 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
"CAREER AWARDING IN GREECE TO GREEK-SPEAKING RESEARCHERS LIVING ABROAD" PROGRAMME November 4, 1997 Dear Colleague: The Analysis Section of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Athens, Greece, is seeking candidates for a 3-4 year research position funded jointly by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) and the European Union. Funding is confirmed only after the candidate's name is specified, hence we are looking for an exceptionally good person in order to strengthen the chances of success of our application to the GSRT (the announcement of the GSRT itself follows at the end of this message). The candidates should * be able to speak Greek * reside currently outside Greece * work in the general area of Pure or Applied Analysis (this should be interpreted broadly) * have a minimum of two years of postdoctoral experience (this should be interpreted broadly). There are no teaching requirements and the salary is slightly less than that of an Assistant Professor. Funding for supporting one graduate student will also be available. In very exceptional cases we might consider hiring a more senior person (at a higher salary). The deadline for submitting the proposal to the GSRT is November 28, 1997, and our Department requires that all candidates notify us before November 20, 1997. Arrange for an up-to-date CV, a brief research proposal and any supporting material to arrive by that date (20/11) at the address: Prof. Leonidas Tsitsas, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, 157 84 Athens, GREECE E-mail : akatavol at ldalla at FAX (+30-1-7243502) are preferred because of the tight timing. Other information can be found at http: // - -------------------GSRT Announcement----------------------- >CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR >" CAREER AWARDING IN GREECE TO GREEK -SPEAKING >RESEARCHERS LIVING ABROAD " PROGRAMME > >* GSRT launches the new "Career Awarding in >Greek universities, research centers and institutes" >Programme, which will be financed by EU as well as > Greek state funds, under the Operational Programme > for Research and Technology (EPET II). >It is reserved for Greek-speaking researchers >living and working abroad at the time of the call >for proposals, for a period not less than two years. >* The Career Awarding Programme aims at attracting >distinguished young researchers, having at least >a two-years post-doctoral research experience abroad, > in order to join research teams in GreeK universities, > research centers or institutes and carry out specific > and well-defined research, technology and training > activities. >* The knowledge of the Greek language is considered >as a strong cultural link between those scientists >and Greece. Thus it is expected that Greek-speaking >researchers will be interested in moving to Greece >for a rather long stay (three years) with a view >to contribute to the upgrading or further development >of the research and technology activities >of the Greek research teams. >* The proposal for a Career Awarding project >must be submitted to the GSRT by a research unit >attached to a university or a public research >establishment in Greece which consists the Host >Research Unit. The selection of the "foreign" >researcher is left to the responsibility of the >Host Research Unit upon criteria of scientific >excellence and through transparent procedures. >Particular attention will be given on that each >interested research unit gives the widest possible >publicity to its intention to host a "foreign" >researcher. > >DEADLINE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS IS : > NOVEMBER 28 1997
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa15774; 4 Nov 97 15:24 CST Received: from by id aa06660; 4 Nov 97 14:46 CST Received: from by id aa04303; 4 Nov 97 14:35 CST To: banach at Subject: Show-Me Seminar (Columbia, Missouri) Reply-to: Stephen Montgomery-Smith <stephen at> Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 14:35:34 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Announcing: The Fall 1997 Show-Me Meeting December 5 1997 University of Missouri-Columbia Physics Building 114 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. Main Speakers: Michael Lacey: On the role of Carleson's Theorem in Analysis Alan McIntosh: Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis There will be a dinner afterwards at 6:00p.m. for a reasonable charge. Contact stephen at for more information and dinner reservations (please inform me if you have any special dietary requirements.) Abstracts: Michael Lacey, Georgia Tech. On the role of Carleson's Theorem in Analysis Lennart Carleson's theorem of 1965 asserts that the Fourier series of a square integrable function converges pointwise. The theorem requires sophisticated methods of decomposition of functions in ways that are sensitive to time and frequency behavior. I will describe those aspects of harmonic analysis that are known to be related to Carleson's Theorem, and expose elements of a new proof of Carleson's Theorem. Much of the material of this lecture is joint work with Christoph Thiele. Alan McIntosh, Macquarie University, Sydney and University of Missouri, Columbia. Spectral Theory and Harmonic Analysis I shall explore some connections between harmonic analysis and the spectral theory of operators in Banach spaces, such as the relationship between quadratic estimates and the boundedness of a holomorphic functional calculus.
From owner-banach at Received: from by id aa14717; 17 Nov 97 11:43 CST Received: from by id aa22514; 17 Nov 97 10:02 CST Received: from by id aa20703; 17 Nov 97 09:41 CST To: banach at Subject: Graduate Study at U. of Missouri Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 09:41:02 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Dear Colleague, ============================================================================== Department of Mathematics University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, Missouri 65211 Homepage Graduate Studies in Mathematics at MU Ph.D., M.A. and M.S.T. in Mathematics M.S. in Applied Mathematics ($10,000-$20,000 plus tuition ) Nearly all of the graduate students in the department receive some form of financial support. Departmental fellowships with or without teaching of $13,000 to $20,000 as well as graduate teaching assistantships of $10,000 to $16,000 are available to support new students. Summer session support is additional. Tuition and academic fees are waived. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. To learn more about the exciting recent developments of our department and see why you should apply and join this successful department please visit: Dual Masters in Mathematics & Economics We offer qualified students the option of obtaining both an M.S. degree in applied mathematics and an M.A. degree in economics within an integrated program that may be completed within two years. After completion of the masters degree, the student has the option to continue in the Ph.D. program in either department. Special fellowship support for the dual degree is available through the Department of Mathematics. Exceptional students may receive stipend payments of up to $14,000 plus tuition in the first year of study with no teaching obligations, and $14,000 plus tuition in the second and third years with minimal teaching requirements (usually, three hours per week). Request An Application Package from: Or print one yourself(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01) Download Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 from: For more information, please write or e-mail Professor Nakhle Asmar, Director of Graduate Studies, nakhle at, or visit our home page, AA/EOE Elias Saab, Chair Department of Mathematics 202 Math Science Building University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573-882-0635 (Office) 573-445-5449 (Home) Fax: 573-882-1869 e-mail elias at
From alspach Wed Nov 19 09:39:42 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. B. Ruskai and E. Werner Content-Length: 792
This is the abstract of the paper "A pair of optimal inequalities related to the error function" by M. B. Ruskai and E. Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach ruskwernerrfun.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:The Error Function \begin{eqnarray} V(x) & \equiv & \sqrt{\pi} e^{x^2} [1 - \hbox{erf}(x)] \\ & = & \int_0^\infty \frac{ e^{-u} }{\sqrt{x^2 + u}} du = 2 e^{x^2}\int_x^\infty e^{-t^2} dt \nonumber \end{eqnarray} arises in many contexts, from probability to mathematical physics. We give estimates for the Error Function from above and below which are optimal within a certain class of functions. File Length: 8903 bytes
From alspach Wed Nov 19 09:49:04 1997 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Bates, W. B. Johnson, J. Lindenstrauss, D. Preiss, and G. Schechtman Content-Length: 868
This is the abstract of the paper "Nonlinear quotients" by S. Bates, W. B. Johnson, J. Lindenstrauss, D. Preiss, and G. Schechtman. The paper is typed in Plain_TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach batjohlinpreschquotients.tex to: majordomo at Abstract:Lipschitz quotient mappings and uniform quotient mappings between Banach spaces are introduced and investigated. In particular, it is shown that if a Banach space is a uniform quotient of $L_p$, $1<p<\infty$, then it is isomorphic to a linear quotient of $L_p$. For the purpose of studying quotient mappings and also for their own interest, new concepts related to approximating general Lipschitz functions by affine functions are introduced and characterized. File Length: 135810 bytes
From alspach at Received: from by id aa04500; 28 Dec 97 16:43 CST Received: from by id aa18748; 28 Dec 97 16:13 CST Received: from by id aa18456; 28 Dec 97 16:06 CST To: banach at Subject: System downtime at Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 16:06:16 -0600 From: Alspach Dale <alspach at> Sender: owner-banach at Precedence: bulk
Our computer systems will be down due to a schedule power outage Dec 29 and 30. Dale Alspach
From alspach Fri Jan 2 11:41:31 1998 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.A. Argyros and V. Felouzis Content-Length: 775
This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolating hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces" by S.A. Argyros and V. Felouzis. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. There are some problems with the laTeX so the postscript file is also available. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach argyrosfelouzisintrphi.latex or get banach to: majordomo at Abstract:It is shown that every Banach space either contains $\ell ^1$ or it has an infinite dimensional closed subspace which is a quotient of a H.I. Banach space.Further on, $L^p(\lambda )$, $1<p<\infty $, is a quotient of a H.I Banach space. File Length: 235187 bytes, 614948 bytes
From alspach Mon Jan 19 15:22:25 1998 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Meyer and E. Werner Content-Length: 648
This is the abstract of the paper "On the p-affine surface area" by M. Meyer and E. Werner. The paper is typed in LaTeX2e. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command get banach meyerwern2.latex to: majordomo at Abstract:We give geometric interpretations of certain affine invariants of convex bodies. The affine invariants are the p-affine surface areas introduced by Lutwak. The geometric interpretations involve generalizations of the Santal${\mbox{\'o}}$-bodies introduced by the authors in a previous paper. File Length: 112130 bytes