From banach-request at Wed Jan 4 09:45:58 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by J.Bastero, J.Bernues, and A.Pena Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Wed, 4 Jan 95 9:34:05 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1181 X-Lines: 42 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "An extension of Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality" by J. Bastero, J. Bernues, and A. Pena. The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send basterobernuespena.tex end to: banach-files at Abstract:The classical Brunn-Minkowski inequality states that for $A_1,A_2\subset\R^n$ compact, $$ |A_1+A_2|^{1/n}\ge |A_1|^{1/n}+|A_2|^{1/n}\eqno(1) $$ where $|\cdot|$ denotes the Lebesgue measure on $\R^n$. In 1986 V. Milman {\bf [Mil 1]} discovered that if $B_1$ and $B_2$ are balls there is always a relative position of $B_1$ and $B_2$ for which a perturbed inverse of $(1)$ holds. More precisely:\lq\lq{\sl There exists a constant $C>0$ such that for all $n\in\N$ and any balls $B_1,B_2\subset\R^n$ we can find a linear transformation $u\colon\R^n\to\R^n$ with $|{\rm det}(u)|=1$ and $$|u(B_1)+B_2|^{1/n}\le C(|B_1|^{1/n}+|B_2|^{1/n})"$$} The aim of this paper is to extend this Milman's result to a larger class of sets. File length:27K
From banach-request at Tue Jan 10 15:05:39 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Tue, 10 Jan 95 14:55:36 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1156 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 38
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Analytic measures and Bochner measurability" by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send asmarmontsmithanal.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $\Sigma$\ be a $\sigma$-algebra over $\Omega$, and let $M(\Sigma)$\ denote the Banach space of complex measures. Consider a representation $T_t$\ for $t\in\Bbb R$\ acting on $M(\Sigma)$. We show that under certain, very weak hypotheses, that if for a given $\mu \in M(\Sigma)$\ and all $A \in \Sigma$\ the map $t \mapsto T_t \mu(A)$\ is in $H^\infty(\Bbb R)$, then it follows that the map $t \mapsto T_t \mu$\ is Bochner measurable. The proof is based upon the idea of the Analytic Radon Nikod\'ym Property. Straightforward applications yield a new and simpler proof of Forelli's main result concerning analytic measures ({\it Analytic and quasi-invariant measures}, Acta Math., {\bf 118} (1967), 33--59). File length:79K
From banach-request at Tue Jan 10 16:12:05 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.K. Lin Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Tue, 10 Jan 95 15:03:33 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 748 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 28
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "`On the extension of 2- polynomials" by P.K. Lin. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send pklin2poly.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $X$ be a three dimensional real Banach space. Ben\'itez and Otero \cite {BeO} showed that if the unit ball of $X$ is is an intersection of two ellipsoids, then every 2-polynomial defined in a linear subspace of $X$ can be extended to $X$ preserving the norm. In this article, we extend this result to any finite dimensional Banach space. File length:11K
From banach-request at Wed Jan 11 09:33:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: New email address for Yoav Benyamini Date: Wed, 11 Jan 95 9:20:36 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 132 X-Lines: 6 Status: RO
The new email address for Yoav Benyamini is yoavb at The old address will still be operative for some time.
From banach-request at Mon Jan 16 09:02:51 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by P. Mankiewicz and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Mon, 16 Jan 95 8:56:12 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 733 X-Lines: 26 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Structural properties of weak cotype 2 spaces" by P. Mankiewicz and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send mankiewicztomczakwkcotype.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Several characterizations of weak cotype 2 and weak Hilbert spaces are given in terms of basis constants and other structural invariants of Banach spaces. For finite-dimensional spaces, characterizations depending on subspaces of fixed proportional dimension are proved. File length:63K
From banach-request at Tue Jan 24 13:59:45 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Randrianantoanina Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 13:49:17 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2094 X-Lines: 78 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Some remarks on the Dunford-Pettis property" by N. Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in AMSLATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send nrandriDP.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $A$ be the disk algebra, $\Omega$ be a compact Hausdorff space and $\mu$ be a finite Borel measure in $\Omega$. It is shown that the dual of $C(\Omega,A)$ has the Dunford-Pettis Property. This proved in particular that the spaces $C(\Omega,A)$ and $L^1(\mu,A*)$ have the Dunford-Pettis property. File length:31K Date: Fri, 27 Jan 95 11:25:16 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1204 X-Lines: 35 Status: RO <<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A uniformly convex hereditarily indecomposable Banach space" by V. Ferenczi. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send ferencziucindecomp.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:A {\em hereditarily indecomposable (or H.I.)} Banach space is an infinite dimensional Banach space such that no subspace can be written as the topological sum of two infinite dimensional subspaces. As an easy consequence, no such space can contain an unconditional basic sequence. This notion was first introduced in 1993 by T.Gowers and B.Maurey, who constructed the first known example of a hereditarily indecomposable space. Gowers-Maurey space is reflexive, however it is not uniformly convex. In this article, we provide an example of a uniformly convex hereditarily indecomposable space, using similar methods as Gowers and Maurey, and using the theory of complex interpolation for a family of Banach spaces of Coifman, Cwikel, Rochberg, Sagher and Weiss. File length:58K
From alspach at Sun Feb 5 19:51:21 1995 Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 19:47:23 -0600 (CST) From: Dale Alspach <alspach at> Subject: Position at U. of Missouri To: banach-dist at MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: alspach at Status: RO X-Status: Content-Length: 1253 X-Lines: 30
================================================================= INSTITUTION: University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO DEPARTMENT: Mathematics CONTACT PERSON: Elias Saab E-MAIL ADDRESS: mathumc at DESCRIPTION: Applications are invited for a Technology Aided Instruction Coordinator beginning in August of 1995. The position requires a Ph.D. in Mathematics, quality teaching in a technology aided environment. Knowledge of Unix, NeXTStep and Mathematica are required. Familiarity with the Silicon Graphics and NeXT workstations, IBM PCs and Macintoshes is preferred. The person will be responsible for coordinating the integration of the use of the new technology in the Calculus sequence and other courses. The successful candidate will teach 6 hours each regular semester and 3 hours during the summer session. Send a curriculum vitae along with a letter of application (include e-mail address) and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Elias Saab (Attn:Technology Coordiantor position)at the address above(zip 65211). The application deadline is March 10, 1995, or until the position is filled thereafter. Applications received after March 31, 1995 cannot be guaranteed consideration. AA/EEO.
From banach-request at Thu Feb 23 08:23:45 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Workshop in Murcia Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 8:13:22 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 6757 X-Lines: 188 Status: RO
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **Speakers & Participants as 15 Febr. 1995 ** **Hotel request form included** WORKSHOP IN THE GEOMETRY OF BANACH SPACES 27,28,29 April 1995 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) at Departamento de Matematicas Facultad de Matematicas Universidad de Murcia 30.100 Espinardo Murcia, Spain Note: If you use Netscape or Mosaic you will find regularly updated information about the Workshop at URL or This workshop is part of the "Banach space network" supported by a grant from the European Economic Community programme of Human Capital and Mobility. In addition to the University of Murcia the network includes the Universities of Paris VI and VII, University College London, the University of Lancaster, the University of Mons, and the University of Marne-La-Vallee. Mathematicians from outside of the network are welcome to participate. We plan to have four talks of 40 minutes each on each of the three mornings. The afternoons on Thursday and Friday will be devoted to various topic sessions, that will be organised by the participants. Suggestions for topics that you would like to see included and/or to which you would like to contribute are welcome at this time. On Saturday afternoon we will have an excursion to the sea side for lunch. PROBABLE MORNING SPEAKERS: P. Casazza (University of Missouri) Complemented unconditional basic sequences in Banach lattices G. Debs (Universite de Paris VI) Descriptive complexity of the set of norm-attaining linear functionals R. Deville (Universite de Bordeaux) Analytic approximation in Banach spaces G. Godefroy (Universite de Paris VI) Smoothness and descriptive set theory T. Gowers (University College London) Ramsey theory and Banach spaces R. Haydon (Oxford University) Trees in renorming theory: the last chapter B. Maurey (Universite de Paris VII) The problem of distortion R. Paya (Universidad de Granada) To be announced G. Pisier (Universite de Paris VI) Recent results on operator spaces D. Preiss (University College London) Some conjectures on the differentiability of Lipschitz mappings S. Troyanski (Universidad de Valencia) To be announced M. Valdivia (Universidad de Valencia) Interpolation property and complemented subspaces in spaces of polynomials THOSE WHO HAVE TO DATE INDICATED THAT THEY WILL PROBABLY PARTICIPATE: F. Balibrea (Universidad de Murcia) M. Besbes (Universite de Paris VI) O. Blasco (Universidad de Valencia) B. Cascales (Universidad de Murcia) P. Casazza (University of Missouri) Cassier (Universite de Lyon I) F.Cobos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) J.M.F. Castillo (Universidad de Extremadura) J. Cerda (Universidad de Barcelona) G. Debs (Universite de Paris VI) R. Deville (Universite de Bordeaux) P. Fernandez (Universidad de Castilla-La-Mancha) C. Finet (Universite de Mons) V. Fonf (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) G. Godefroy (Universite de Paris VI) M. Gonzalez (Universidad de Santander) T. Gowers (University College London) S. Guerre-Delabriere (Universite de Paris VI) R. Haydon (Oxford University) F. Hernandez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) E. Indurain (Universidad de Navarra) J.E. Jayne (University College London and Universidad de Murcia) A. Leiderman (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) J.L. Llavona (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) G. Manjabacas (Universidad de Castilla-La-Mancha) B. Maurey (Universite de Paris VII) J.M. Mira (Universidad de Murcia) A. Molto (Universidad de Valencia) V. Montesinos (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia) L. Oncina (Universidad de Murcia) J. Orihuela (Universidad de Murcia) A. Pallares (Universidad de Murcia) R. Paya (Universidad de Granada) G. Pisier (Universite de Paris VI) D. Preiss (University College London) M. Raja (Universidad de Murcia) N. Ribarska (University of Sophia) B. Rodriguez-Salinas (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) C.A. Rogers (University College London) S. Sanchez-Pedren~o (Universidad de Murcia) J. Schmets (Universite de Liege) S. Troyanski (University of Sofia and Universidad de Valencia) M. Valdivia (Universidad de Valencia) G. Vera (Universidad de Murcia) Q. Xu (Universite de Paris VI) There will be no conference fee. There will be support for some research students, which will probably cover hotel accommodation and the mid day meal at the University on Thursday and Friday. Those interested in participating and those wishing to have their accommodation arranged for them are asked to return the form below, preferably by e-mail to <banach at>; or to the postal address given above. The airport that serves Murcia is in Alicante. In order to organise transport between Murcia and the airport in Alicante, please send us your flight numbers, arrival and departure times. IBERIA (the national airline of Spain) frequently offers attractive car rental prices with Avis, when booking your flight. ORGANIZING COMMITTE Bernardo Cascales Tel. +34-68-364174 John Jayne +44-71-3807322 Jose Orihuela +34-68-363539 Antonio Pallares (Secretary) +34-68-363559 Gabriel Vera +34-68-363538 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ FORM +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Date ____________ Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ e-mail ___________________________________________________ Accompanying person(s):___________________________________ Type of room desired: Single_____ Double_____ Other_____ Nights required: Wed._____ Thurs._____ Fri._____ Sat._____ Other__________________ Type of Hotel preferred (See hotels listed below): Very Good___ Extremely Good___ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Those who prefer to arrange their hotel accommodation directly may contact the hotel. The priced may be significantly higher, in this case, than the prices per night that they have offered us, that are listed below. HOTELS: TEL. SINGLE DOUBLE La Huertanica +34-68-217668 5.390 Ptas. 7.530 Ptas. (Very Good) (breakfast not included) Arco San Juan +34-68-210455 7.500 Ptas. 12.200 Ptas. (Extremely Good) (taxes included, but breakfast not included) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
From banach-request at Tue Feb 21 10:30:19 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by V. Ferenczi Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 10:19:04 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 806 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 25
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Operators on subspaces of hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces" by V.Ferenczi. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send ferencziherindecomp.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:A space $X$ is said to be hereditarily indecomposable if no two (infinite dimensional) subspaces of $X$ are in a direct sum. In this paper, we show that if $X$ is a complex hereditarily indecomposable Banach space, then every operator from a subspace $Y$ of $X$ to $X$ is of the form $\lambda I + S$, where $I$ is the inclusion map and $S$ is strictly singular. File length:16K
From banach-request at Wed Mar 1 08:38:25 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Call for papers Date: Wed, 1 Mar 95 8:31:23 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1193 X-Lines: 42 Status: RO
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CALL FOR PAPERS Dear Colleagues, as newly appointed member of the editorial board of ACTA MATHEMATICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE (published by Comenius university in Bratislava) I would like to draw your attention to this mathematical journal. The editors' policy is to strengthen and enlarge the amount of publications of first rate research papers in Modern Functional Analysis (with emphasis on Banach Space Theory and its interaction with Probability Harmonic Analysis and Complex Function Theory) . Due to substantial changes in the production methods the waiting time for publication is very short (usually less than one year). Papers can be sent to the managing editor J. SIRAN FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS COMENIUS UNIVERSITY MLYNSKA DOLINA SK 842 15 BRATISLAVA SLOVAKIA or to any member of the Editorial board. Sincerely yours Paul F.X. Muller /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ---------------------------- Paul F. X. Mueller paul.mueller at Institut fuer Mathematik J.Kepler Universitaet Linz A-4040 Linz, Austria.
From banach-request at Thu Mar 2 14:21:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Visiting position Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 14:10:40 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1460 X-Lines: 37 Status: RO
------------ VISITING POSITION FOR FALL 1995 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Bowling Green State University has an opening for a Visiting Professor for Fall semester, 1995. The position carries a salary of $20,000 (or thereabouts) and has _no_ teaching responsibilities, although our visitors are expected to participate in departmental seminars and colloquia. The Department would prefer senior candidates (Full Professors or Associates with several years experience) specializing in an area compatible with the current research interests of the Department (Banach spaces, operator theory, function theory, PDE's). This is an ideal opportunity for someone on sabbatical leave in Fall '95. Interested parties should contact me _immediately_! We have less than ten days to make our decision (it's a long story!), so time is precious. Send vita and 3 letters of reference to our chair: Prof. John Hayden, Chair Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 USA and direct questions, comments, and e-mail to me at: Neal Carothers carother at (preferred -- if your vita is written in TeX, please feel free to use e-mail instead of snail-mail!) (includes both mailto: and mail form) (419) 372-8317 (office) (419) 353-0590 (home) (You can leave a message at either number if I'm not in.) (419) 372-6092 FAX (if necessary) -- Neal Carothers
From banach-request at Fri Mar 3 09:27:43 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Visiting position at BGSU correction Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Fri, 3 Mar 95 9:19:44 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2011 Status: RO X-Lines: 60
I made a mistake in yesterday's announcement: The visiting position at BGSU is for ONE SEMESTER ONLY -- it is currently setup for Fall, but could be moved to Spring. Sorry for the confusion! -- Neal Carothers carother at ----- Begin Included Message ----- >From banach-request at Thu Mar 2 14:21:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Visiting position Date: Thu, 2 Mar 95 14:10:40 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1460
------------ VISITING POSITION FOR FALL 1995 The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Bowling Green State University has an opening for a Visiting Professor for Fall semester, 1995. The position carries a salary of $20,000 (or thereabouts) and has _no_ teaching responsibilities, although our visitors are expected to participate in departmental seminars and colloquia. The Department would prefer senior candidates (Full Professors or Associates with several years experience) specializing in an area compatible with the current research interests of the Department (Banach spaces, operator theory, function theory, PDE's). This is an ideal opportunity for someone on sabbatical leave in Fall '95. Interested parties should contact me _immediately_! We have less than ten days to make our decision (it's a long story!), so time is precious. Send vita and 3 letters of reference to our chair: Prof. John Hayden, Chair Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 USA and direct questions, comments, and e-mail to me at: Neal Carothers carother at (preferred -- if your vita is written in TeX, please feel free to use e-mail instead of snail-mail!) (includes both mailto: and mail form) (419) 372-8317 (office) (419) 353-0590 (home) (You can leave a message at either number if I'm not in.) (419) 372-6092 FAX (if necessary) -- Neal Carothers ----- End Included Message -----
From banach-request at Mon Mar 13 09:20:54 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by F. Hernandez and N. Kalton Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 9:11:49 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1371 Status: RO X-Lines: 38
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Subspaces of rearrangement-invariant spaces" by F. L. Hernandez and N. J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send hernandezkaltonsbspri.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove a number of results concerning the embedding of a Banach lattice $X$ into an r.i. space $Y$. For example we show that if $Y$ is an r.i. space on $[0,\infty)$ which is $p$-convex for some $p>2$ and has nontrivial concavity then any Banach lattice $X$ which is $r$-convex for some $r>2$ and embeds into $Y$ must embed as a sublattice. Similar conclusions can be drawn under a variety of hypotheses on $Y$; if $X$ is an r.i. space on $[0,1]$ one can replace the hypotheses of $r$-convexity for some $r>2$ by $X\neq L_2.$ We also show that if $Y$ is an order-continuous Banach lattice which contains no complemented sublattice lattice-isomorphic to $\ell_2,$ $X$ is an order-continuous Banach lattice so that $\ell_2$ is not complementably lattice finitely representable in $X$ and $X$ is isomorphic to a complemented subpace of $Y$ then $X$ is isomorphic to a complemented sublattice of $Y^N$ for some integer $N.$ File length:111K
From banach-request at Mon Mar 13 11:19:24 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. L. Koldobsky and S. J. Montgomery-Smith Reply-To: banach-files at Date: Mon, 13 Mar 95 9:19:07 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1241 Status: RO X-Lines: 39
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Inequalities of correlation type for symmetric stable random vectors" by A. L. Koldobsky and S. J. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send koldobskymontsmithcorstblrv.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove that, for any jointly stable random variables $X_1, \dots, X_k$ with zero mean, any $m<k,$ and any even continuous positive definite functions $f$ and $g$ on $\Bbb R^m$ and $\Bbb R^{k-m},$ the random variables $f(X_1,\dots,X_m)$ and $g(X_{m+1}, \dots,X_k)$ are non-negatively correlated. We also show another result that is related to an old question of whether $$P(\max_{1\le i\le k} |X_i|<t) \ge P(\max_{1\le i\le m} |X_i|<t) \ P(\max_{m+1\le i\le k} |X_i|<t)$$ where $X_1,\dots,X_k$ are jointly Gaussian random variables with zero mean, and $m<k.$ We show that the quantity in the left-hand side has a local minimum at the point where the random variables $X_i$ and $X_j$ are independent for any choice of $1\le i\le m$ and $m+1\le j\le k.$ File length:18K
From banach-request at Wed Mar 15 14:15:54 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Position at University College London Date: Wed, 15 Mar 95 14:07:58 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 725 X-Lines: 26 Status: RO
LECTURESHIP/READERSHIP IN PURE MATHEMATICS Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Pure Mathematics, tenable at UCL after 25 September 1995. The position will be upgraded to a Readership if there is a suitably qualified candidate. Applicants should have an excellent record in research and expect to contribute to graduate supervision and undergraduate teaching. Applications, including the names of three referees, should be sent to Professor David Larman, Head of the Department of Mathematics, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, England. Tel. +44-171-387-7050 ext. 2855 FAX +44-171-383-5519 e-mail: ucahoff at Closing date for applications is 1st May 1995.
From banach-request at Thu Mar 16 10:15:27 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Positions at Kent State, Regional Campuses Date: Thu, 16 Mar 95 10:09:06 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 906 X-Lines: 24 Status: RO
There are several Tenure Track Assistant Professorships available on some Regional Campuses of the Kent State University System. To quote from the announcement, ``This is a tenure-track appointment available Fall 1995 with responsibilities for teaching a wide range of undergraduate courses from Developmental Math to Calculus. A strong interest in teaching undergraduates is essential.... To apply, please send a letter of application, vita, transcripts, and names and addresses of three references Dr. Alan C. Coe, Dean for Academic Affairs, Regional Campuses, Kent State University, P.O. Box 51909, Kent, OH 44242-0001.'' Additional information may be obtained from Prof. Olaf P. Stackelberg, Chair, Mathematics (stack at It must be emphasized that it is essential that applications are received extremely soon! R. M. Aron (aron at ----- End Included Message -----
From banach-request at Thu Mar 16 12:10:21 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith Date: Thu, 16 Mar 95 11:13:09 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 739 X-Lines: 32 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Hardy martingales and Jensen's Inequality" by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send asmarmontsmithhrdy.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We extend ideas of Garling to consider the so called Hardy martingales in a more general setting of H^p theory of compact abelian groups with ordered dual. As a consequence, we obtain a new proof of a result of Helson and Lowdenslager which generalizes Jensen's Inequality for H^1 functions. File length:22K
From banach-request at Mon Mar 20 09:38:32 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by W. Banaszczyk and S. Szarek Date: Mon, 20 Mar 95 9:27:04 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1055 X-Lines: 37 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Lattice coverings and gaussian measures of n-dimensional convex bodies" by W. Banaszczyk and S. Szarek. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send banaszczykszarek.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $\| \cdot \|$ be the euclidean norm on ${\bf R}^n$ and $\gamma_n$ the (standard) Gaussian measure on ${\bf R}^n$ with density $(2 \pi )^{-n/2} e^{- \| x\|^2 /2}$. Let $\vartheta$ ($ \simeq 1.3489795$) be defined by $\gamma_1 ([ - \vartheta /2, \vartheta /2]) = 1/2$ and let $L$ be a lattice in ${\bf R}^n$ generated by vectors of norm $\leq \vartheta$. Then, for any closed convex set $V$ in ${\bf R}^n$ with $\gamma_n (V) \geq \frac{1}{2}$ and for any $a \in {\bf R}^n$, $(a +L) \cap V \neq \phi$. The above statement can be viewed as a ``nonsymmetric'' version of Minkowski Theorem. File length:11K
From banach-request at Tue Apr 11 13:31:35 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Workshop in the Geometry of Banach Spaces Date: Tue, 11 Apr 95 13:22:12 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 6280 X-Lines: 195 Status: RO
*Speakers and participants as of 11 April 1995. WORKSHOP IN THE GEOMETRY OF BANACH SPACES 27,28,29 April 1995 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) at Departamento de Matematicas Facultad de Matematicas Universidad de Murcia 30.100 Espinardo Murcia, Spain In this message you will find the following information: 1.- Morning speakers 2.- Open seminars 3.- How to get to the "Facultad de Matematicas" 4.- List of participants 5.- List of Hotels
From today forward all new hotel reservations must be made by participants directly with the hotels. A list is given below. Fortunately, we have been able to distribute all of the money available for participants. No additional funds will be available. **************************************************** 1.- MORNING SPEAKERS P.Casazza (University of Missouri) Complemented unconditional basic sequences in Banach lattices G.Debs (Universite de Paris VI) Descriptive complexity of the set of norm-attaining linear functionals R.Deville (Universite de Bordeaux) Analytic approximation in Banach spaces G.Godefroy (Universite de Paris VI) Smoothness and descriptive set theory T.Gowers (University College London) Spaces containing \ell_p R.Haydon (Oxford University) Trees in renorming theory: The Last Chapter B.Maurey (Universite de Paris VII) Some exotic Banach spaces R.Paya (Universidad de Granada) Some results related to the Bishop-Phelps theorem D.Preiss (University College London) Some conjectures on the differentiability of Lipschitz mappings N.Tomczak-Jaegermann (University of Alberta) Bounded distortions and unconditional basic sequences S.Troyanski (Universidad de Valencia/University of Sofia) On sigma-uniformly rotund Banach spaces M.Valdivia (Universidad de Valencia) Interpolation property and complemented subspaces in spaces of polynomials 2.- OPEN SEMINARS The afternoon seminars will be organized upon arrival of the participants. On Wednesday evening and Thursday morning a list of seminars will be drawn up and posted, each with the name of a proposer/coordinator. Those interested in one or more of these seminars will be invited to offer to speak or otherwise participate. Since this is a "Workshop", a typical "talk" will consist of a presentation and discussion of open problems and possible directions for future development. Formal lectures, such as given in the morning, will not be appropriate. Anyone may propose and/or organize additional seminars on any topic what-so-ever. We expect to have a sufficient number of class rooms. 3.- HOW TO GET TO THE "FACULTAD DE MATEMATICAS" The Workshop will take place at the "Facultad de Matematicas" at the new Campus outside the city. - THE WORKSHOP BUS This bus will take people from the hotels to the University (Workshop) in the morning and take them back to the centre of the city at the end of the day. MORNING: The workshop bus will leave from "Jardin de Floridablanca" across the street from Hotel Casa Emilio and very near to Hotel Pacoche at 9.20 a.m. and then will pass by "Plaza de Cetina" very near to Hotel Rincon de Pepe and Hotel Huertanica. EVENING: the bus will return to the center of Murcia at the end of the day, at a time to be specified. - PUBLIC BUSES Bus number 39 goes directly from the city to the University. It leaves from "Plaza Fuensanta" across the street from the main entrance to the department store "El Corte Ingles" every 15 minutes between 7.45 a.m. and 10 a.m. and then every 30 minutes. Buses return at the same intervals with the last bus leaving the Campus at 21.00. Between 18.30 and 20.30 the intervals are 15 minutes. - PEOPLE USING THEIR OWN CARS People who wish to use their own car should take motorway A-7 (E-15) in the direction to Alicante and exit at "Universidad". The Campus is about 5 kilometers from the centre of Murcia. 4.- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Acosta Vigil, Maria Dolores; Aguirre Bago, Fco.; Alamino Prats, Jeronimo; Azagra, Daniel; Benitez, Julio; Bernues Pardo, Julio; Besbes, Mourad; Blasco de la Cruz, Oscar; Bombal, Fernando; Cabello Pinar, Juan C.; Cascales, Bernardo; Casazza, Pete; Cassier, Gilles; Castillo, Jesus M.F.; Cerda, Joan; Contreras Marquez, Manuel; Debs, Gabriel; Delabriere, Sylvie; Deville, Robert; Diaz Madrigal, Santiago; Fabian, Marian; Fernandez Carrion, Antonio; Fernandez, Pedro; Ferrer Llopis, Jesus; Finet, Catherine; Fonf, Vladimir; Garcia Castejon, Felicisimo; Garcia Del Amo, Alejandro; Godefroy, Gilles; Gonzalez, Manuel; Gonalez, Raquel; Gowers,Tim; Haydon, Richard; Hensgen, Wolfgang; Hernandez, Francisco; Hernando, Beatriz; Indurain Eraso, Esteban; Jaramillo, Jesus; Jayne, John; Jimenez Vargas, Antonio ;Jorda, Enrique ;Kutzarova Denka; Lacien, Gilles; Leiderman, Arkady; Llanova, Jose G.; Manjabacas, Guillermo; Martinez, Abejon, Antonio; Maurey, Bernard; Mena Jurado, Juan Fco.; Molto, Anibal; Montesinos, Vicente; Moreno, Jose Pedro; Munoz, Gustavo; Navarro Pascual, Juan C.; Orihuela, Jose; Pallares, Antonio; Papini, Pier Luigi; Paya, Rafael; Plans, Antonio; Preiss, David; Ribarska, Nadya; Rodriguez, Baltasar; Rodriguez-Piazza, Luis; Rogers, C.A.; Sanchez Fernandez, Fernando; Schmets, Jean; Signes, Teresa; Suarez Granero, Antonio; Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole; Troyanski, Stanimir; Valdivia, Manuel; Vera, Gabriel; Vidal Vazquez, Ricardo 5.- LIST OF HOTELS HOTEL TEL. ADDRESS PRICE La Huertanica +34-68-217668; Infante, 3-5; 5.390 Ptas. 7.530 Ptas.(double) Casa Emilio +34-68-220631; Alameda Colon, 9; 4.280 Ptas. 6.420 Ptas.(double) Rincon de Pepe +34-68-212239; Apostoles, 34; 8.025 Ptas. 10.700 Ptas.(double) Pacoche +34-68-213385; Cartagena, 30; 5.489 Ptas.(double for individual use) 7.222 Ptas.(double) 9.951 Ptas.(triple) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ORGANIZING COMMITTE Bernardo Cascales Tel. +34-68-364174 John Jayne +34-68-363583 Jose Orihuela +34-68-363539 Antonio Pallares (Secretary) +34-68-363559 Gabriel Vera +34-68-363538
From banach-request at Thu Apr 13 10:53:27 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Regional meeting of the AMS at Kent State Date: Thu, 13 Apr 95 10:44:32 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 622 X-Lines: 19 Status: RO
Call for participants A regional meeting of the AMS will be held at Kent State University on Friday-Saturday, November 3-4, 1995. Among the planned special sessions is one on FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPERATOR THEORY. We are planning on having a necessarily limited number of half hour talks. Readers of the Banach Space Bulletin Board are cordially invited to participate in this special session. For further information, please contact any of the following as soon as possible, and in any case by the end of May: Richard Aron (aron at Per Enflo (enflo at Andrew Tonge (tonge at
From banach-request at Mon Apr 17 09:39:22 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Faber Date: Mon, 17 Apr 95 9:33:33 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 899 X-Lines: 31 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A Lifting Theorem for Locally Convex Subspaces of Lo" by R. G. Faber. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send faberlift.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove that for every closed locally convex subspace $E$ of $L_0$ and for any continuous linear operator $T$ from $L_0$ to $L_0/E$ there is a continuous linear operator $S$ from $L_0$ to $L_0$ such that $T = QS$ where $Q$ is the quotient map from $L_0$ to $L_0/E$. File length:34K Note: This paper requires cdlms.tex (also on the Banach BBS) and Spivak's LAMSTeX fonts to produce one commutative diagram. Without the fonts the diagram will be missing a diagonal arrow and some arrow heads.
From banach-request at Fri May 5 09:00:26 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Girardi and W. Johnson Date: Fri, 5 May 95 8:52:40 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1188 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 33
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Universal Non-Completely-Continuous Operators" by M. Girardi and W.B. Johnson. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send girardijohnsonuop.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:A bounded linear operator between Banach spaces is called {\it completely continuous} if it carries weakly convergent sequences into norm convergent sequences. Isolated is a universal operator for the class of non-completely-continuous operators from $L_1$ into an arbitrary Banach space, namely, the operator from $L_1$ into $\ell_\infty$ defined by $$ T_0 (f) =\left( \int r_n f \, d\mu \right)_{n\ge 0} \ , $$ where $r_n$ is the $n^{\text{th}}$ Rademacher function. It is also shown that there does not exist a universal operator for the class of non-completely-continuous operators between two arbitrary Banach space. The proof uses the factorization theorem for weakly compact operators and a Tsirelson-like space. File length:36K
From banach-request at Thu Jun 1 09:38:57 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Workshop:Function Spaces, Interpolation Spaces.... Date: Thu, 1 Jun 95 9:28:34 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 7449 X-Lines: 237 Status: RO
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FUNCTION SPACES, INTERPOLATION SPACES AND RELATED TOPICS JUNE 7-13 1995, TECHNION, ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HAIFA, ISRAEL PROGRAM (All lectures will be held in Room 232, Amado building. Please check the notice board outside Room 232 each day for possible revisions.) WEDNESDAY, 7 JUNE 09:00-10:45 Registration 10:45-11:00 Opening remarks 11:00-11:30 Coffee 11:30-12:30 Elias M. Stein (Princeton University, U.S.A.) Spectral multipliers and multiple-parameter structure on the Heisenberg group. 14:00-14:30 Oleg REINOV (St. Petersburg University, Russia) Approximation of operators/On spaces of operators not containing $\ell^1$ 14:30-15:00 Pavel SHVARTSMAN (Technion) The $K$-functional of the pair $(L_{\infty}, BMO)$ and extensions of $BMO$ functions 15:00-15:30 Mario MILMAN (Florida Atlantic University, U.S.A.) On the role of cancellation in interpolation theory 15:30-16:30 Guido WEISS (Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.) On several methods for constructing new wavelets 16:30-17:00 Coffee 17:00-18:00 Session in memory of Iosif Shneiberg, including a lecture on his work. THURSDAY, 8 JUNE 09:30-10:30 Joram LINDENSTRAUSS (Hebrew University) The Uniform Structure of Banach Spaces 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 Vladimir OVCHINNIKOV (Voronezh State University, Russia) Noncommutative analogs of smooth function spaces and interpolation 11:30-12:00 Natan KRUGLJAK (Yaroslavl State University, Russia) Rearrangements of maximal functions, real interpolation and quantitative covering theorems 12:00-12:30 Alexander BUKHVALOV (St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, Russia) Interpolation of the spaces of Sobolev Type. Traces Problems and Implications for the Geometry of Function Spaces 14:00-14:30 Isaac PESENSON (Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A.) A New Wavelet Basis on $R^3$ 14:30-15:00 Michael SOLOMYAK (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot) Interpolation techniques in the investigation of eigenvalue behaviour for differential operators on $R^d$ 15:00-15:30 Elijah LIFLYAND (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan) A family of function spaces and multipliers 15:30-16:00 Quanhua XU (Universit\'e Paris VI, France) Fourier multipliers for $L_p(\real ^n)$ via $q$-variation 16:00-16:30 Vladimir GOL'DSHTEIN (Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva) On the critical embedding exponent. 16:30-17:00 Coffee 17:00-18:00 DISCUSSION AND PROBLEM SESSION IN INTERPOLATION THEORY FRIDAY, 9 JUNE 09:30-10:30 Yuri BRUDNYI (Technion) Local approximation and spaces of functions of several variables 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 Vladimir PELLER (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, U.S.A.) The operator of superoptimal approximation by analytic matrix functions on spaces of smooth functions 11:30-12:00 Evgueni M. SEMENOV (Voronezh State University, Russia) Some applications of interpolation theory 12:00-12:30 Mark BERKOLAIKO (Voronezh State University, Russia) Wavelet Bases and Linear Operators on Anisotropic Lizorkin-Triebel Spaces 12:30-13:00 Victor OLEVSKII (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot) A connection between Fourier and Schur multipliers THE AFTERNOON WILL BE FREE SATURDAY, 10 JUNE There will be a tour to various sites in northern Israel. SUNDAY, 11 JUNE 09:30-10:30 Vitali MILMAN (Tel Aviv University) Positions and Ellipsoids in Convex Geometry 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 Serguei KISLIAKOV (St. Petersburg branch of Steklov Institute, Russia) A sharp correction theorem 11:30-12:30 Lidia VESELOVA (Kazan State Technological University, Russia) On the uniqueness of the solution to inverse interpolation problems. 12:00-12:30 Sten KAIJSER (Uppsala University, Sweden) Interpolation of spaces of analytic functions 14:00-14:30 Yuri LYUBICH (Technion) The nonsolvability of a homology equation in measurable functions 14:30-15:00 Amos NEVO (University of Chicago, U.S.A. and Technion) Pointwise Ergodic Theorems For Radial Averages On Simple Lie Groups. 15:00-15:30 Yoram SAGHER (University of Illinois, Chicago, U.S.A.) On the Kahane-Khinchin Theorem, and series with the Stein Property 15:30-16:30 Charles FEFFERMAN (Princeton University, U.S.A.) Protons and electrons in magnetic fields 16:30-17:00 Coffee 17:00-17:30 Peter WINGREN (Umea University, Sweden) Lipschitz and Zygmund spaces on subsets. A comparison with respect to Baire category. 17:30-18:00 Eugeny I. SMIRNOV (Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Russia) H - limits of Hausdorff spectra MONDAY, 12 JUNE 09:30-10:00 Evgeniy PUSTYLNIK (Technion) Weak-type interpolation in Orlicz spaces 10:00-10:30 Jonathan ARAZY (University of Haifa) Invariant Besov Spaces on Bounded Symmetric Domains 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 John McCARTHY (Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.) Boundary values in holomorphic Hilbert spaces 11:30-12:00 Ronald KERMAN (Brock University, St. Catharines, Canada) Extrapolation from a modular inequality. 12:00-12:30 Jesus BASTERO (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Calder\'on weights, real interpolation method. 14:00-14:30 Evsey DYN'KIN (Technion) Cauchy Integral Decomposition for Harmonic Vector Fields 14:30-15:30 Charles FEFFERMAN (Princeton University, U.S.A.) Bernstein inequalities (Should any lectures be cancelled, the following two will probably be moved to other times.) 15:30-16:00 Maria J. CARRO (University of Barcelona, Spain) Commutators, Interpolation and Vector Valued Function Spaces. 16:00-16:30 Javier SORIA (University of Barcelona, Spain) Fatou's Theorem on General Approach Regions. THERE WILL BE A TRIP TO CAESAREA INCLUDING DINNER. TUESDAY, 13 JUNE 09:30-10:30 Lars-Erik PERSSON (Lulea University, Sweden) On some new real interpolation methods for families of Banach spaces 10:00-10:30 Ludmila NIKOLOVA (University of Sofia, Bulgaria) Real interpolation for families of Banach spaces - convexity and smoothness. 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-11:30 Leonid HANIN (Michigan Technological University, Houghton, U.S.A.) Closed ideals in classical algebras of smooth functions 11:30-12:00 Irina ASEKRITOVA (Yaroslavl State University, Russia) On the equivalence of K- and J-methods for (n+1)-tuples of Banach spaces 12:00-12:30 Lech MALIGRANDA (Lulea University, Sweden) Complexification and vector-valued estimates of operators between $L_p$-spaces 14:00-14:30 Mitchell TAIBLESON (Washington University, St. Louis, U.S.A.) A Hardy space and BMO space of functions defined on a tree 14:30-15:00 Oleg TIKHONOV (Kazan State University, Russia) On the Lozanovskii class of condensing operators 15:00-15:30 Mieczyslaw MASTYLO (University of Poznan, Poland) On interpolation spaces containing copies of $c_0$ and $\ell_{\infty}$. 15:30-16:30 Nigel KALTON (University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A.) Complex interpolation of function spaces 16:30-17:00 Coffee 17:00-17:30 Lubos PICK (Czech Academy of Sciences) Interpolation of integral operators on the scales of generalized Lorentz-Zygmund spaces. (We have just learned that we will have to move this lecture to an earlier time.) 17:30-18:00 Arcadii M. MINKIN (Saratov State University, Russia) The necessity of Muckenhoupt's condition for unconditional basicity of reproducing kernels =-=-=-=-=-=-=- For additional information please contact Sylvia Schur (04-294278, iasm at or Michael Cwikel (04-294179, mcwikel at ) (A TeX file of abstracts is also available.)
From banach-request at Mon Jun 5 10:39:27 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by F. Chaatit Date: Mon, 5 Jun 95 10:20:03 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 672 X-Lines: 26 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A Representation of Stable Banach Spaces" by Fouad Chaatit. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send chaatitrepstbl.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We show that any separable stable Banach space can be represented as a group of isometries on a separable reflexive Banach space, which extends a result of S. Guerre and M. Levy. As a consequence, we can then represent homeomorphically its space of types. File length:34K
From banach-request at Mon Jun 5 12:11:55 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.G. Casazza and N.J. Kalton Date: Mon, 5 Jun 95 11:02:10 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 863 X-Lines: 32 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Uniqueness of unconditional bases in Banach spaces" by P.G. Casazza and N.J. Kalton. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send casazzakaltonunqunc.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove a general result on complemented unconditional basic sequences in Banach lattices and apply it to give some new examples of spaces with unique unconditional basis. We show that Tsirelson space and certain Nakano spaces have the unique unconditional bases. We also construct an example of a space with a unique unconditional basis with a complemented subspace failing to have a unique unconditional basis. File length:76K
From banach-request at Fri Jul 21 15:37:08 1995 From: Thomas Schlumprecht <Thomas.Schlumprecht at> Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 15:24:47 -0500 To: banach-dist at X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII Content-Length: 3538 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 56 --------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS The 1995 Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet meet Friday, Saturday, and Sunday August 11-13 in 317 Milner Hall at Texas A&M in College Station. SCHEDULE: This will be announced in the third SUMIRFAS announcement, about one week before the conference. The first talk on Friday will be at 11 a.m. and the last talk on Sunday will end at 4 p.m. Most participants will be arriving thursday and leaving monday. SPEAKERS: The main speakers will include Hari Bercovici, Evareste Gine, Vladimir Koltchinskii, Joram Lindenstrauss, Ted Odell, Vern Paulsen, Norberto Salinas, and Gideon Schechtman. There will also be a number of 20 minute talks. HOUSING: Since this is summer graduation weekend at A&M, you will probably have difficulty making reservations directly. We have reserved a bloc of rooms at Hampton Inn, which is close to campus. You will need to go through Jan Want, (jan.want at, (409) 845-3261, FaX (409) 845-6028 ) to get one of these rooms. Please tell Jan whether you are requesting support, the type of accomodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. IMPORTANT: Our reserved block of rooms at the Hampton Inn will expire on July 28 in the sense that any rooms left that have not been booked for a workshop participant by that time will be released to the general public. Those were the terms they gave us. So if you wait, you may have a great deal of difficulty getting a room. Contact Dave Larson ( larson at ) about this if you have trouble, and he or Jan Want will try to assist you. Apart from graduation, there is also another large convention in town during this time, so rooms are scarce. BANQUET: Srdjan Petrovic (PETROVIC at IU-MATH.MATH.INDIANA.EDU) and Hari Bercovici of Indiana University will be organizing a Banquet on Saturday, Aug 12 in honor of Carl Pearcys 60th birthday. They will provide you with additional information about this. WORKSHOP: A number of participants in our Informal Summer Workshop on Linear Analysis and Probability will be present at A&M for varying periods of time during the summer preceeding and following SUMIRFAS. W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at -----------------------------------------------------------------------
From banach-request at Mon Jul 24 09:18:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Wabash Modern Analysis Seminar Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 9:07:04 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 4110 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 116
The Wabash Modern Analysis Seminar meets about 4 times a year at Wabash College (Crawfordsville, IN on I-74 about 50 miles west of Indianapolis and 100 miles east of Urbana) for two talks on Saturday afternoons and holds one larger "Mini-conference" on a weekend in the fall at a nearby institution. This year, the miniconference is at IUPUI on September 9 and 10. Current information on the Wabash Seminar, including the latest additions to the program of the conference, is available on the World Wide Web at WABASH EXTRAMURAL MODERN ANALYSIS MINICONFERENCE September 9 and 10, 1995 AT Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis The Wabash Miniconference, an event coordinated with the Wabash Extramural Modern Analysis Seminar, will be held Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10 at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Activities will be centered around the IUPUI Mathematics Department located in Science-Engineering-Technology Building 3 (SET 3) at 402 N. Blackford St. The organizing committee for the miniconference consists of H. Bercovici of Indiana U., E. Berkson of the U. of Illinois, C. Cowen of Purdue U., and R. Aliprantis and J. Kaminker of IUPUI. Invited Speakers RAUL CURTO, University of Iowa PER ENFLO, Kent State University ROBERT FEFFERMAN, University of Chicago TED GAMELIN, University of California, Los Angeles MARIA GIRARDI, University of South Carolina BRAD LUCIER, Purdue University In addition, sessions for contributed talks will be organized. There will be a registration fee of $30 for faculty, $10 for students. The Final Announcement, including a tentative schedule for the conference, will be mailed late August to those participants who have pre-registered by August 11. For more information, contact Carl Cowen: 317-494-1943 or cowen at or on the World Wide Web at ALL participants are asked to make their own hotel arrangements. Roko Aliprantis has negotiated special rates for conference participants with University Place, a hotel on the IUPUI campus, for the nights of September 8 and 9. To receive the reduced rate, you should reserve your room before August 8 and mention "WABASH MATHEMATICS CONFERENCE." University Place, 850 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-269-9000 or 800-627-2700 Single: $79 Double: $94 Downtown hotels are about a mile from the IUPUI campus; no conference rates have been negotiated with them, but many have weekend rates of about $75-$110. Some downtown hotels are Ramada Plaza, 31 W. Ohio St., 800-228-2828; Westin Hotel, 50 S. Capitol Ave., 800-228-3000; Embassy Suites, 110 W. Washington St., 800-362-2779; Hyatt Regency, 1 S. Capitol Ave., 800-233-1234. Pre-registration forms due by August 11! PRE-REGISTRATION: Participants who pre-register by August 11 will receive the final announcement. Send a check for $30 (students $10) (payable to CARL COWEN) to: Carl Cowen, Dept of Math, Purdue Univ, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1395 NAME: ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ____________________________________________________________ CONTRIBUTED TALKS: If you wish to contribute a 20 minute talk, please complete the following, or send the information by e-mail to cowen at (Receipt of e-mail submissions will be acknowledged). AFFILIATION: ______________________________________________________ TITLE: ____________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________
From banach-request at Fri Jul 7 11:24:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar at Texas A&M Date: Fri, 7 Jul 95 11:16:16 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1691 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 39
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS The 1995 Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet meet Friday, Saturday, and Sunday August 11-13 in 317 Milner Hall at Texas A&M in College Station. SCHEDULE: TBA. The first talk on Friday will be at 11 a.m. and the last talk on Sunday will end at 4 p.m. SPEAKERS: TBA HOUSING: Since this is summer graduation weekend at A&M, you will probably have difficulty making reservations directly. We have reserved a bloc of rooms at Hampton Inn, which is close to campus. You will need to go through Jan Want, (jan.want at, (409) 845-3261, FaX (409) 845-6028 ) to get one of these rooms. Please tell Jan whether you are requesting support, the type of accomodation you desire (smoking or nonsmoking), which night(s) you need the room, and give her a roommate preference. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. BANQUET: Srdjan Petrovic (PETROVIC at IU-MATH.MATH.INDIANA.EDU) and Hari Bercovici of Indiana University will be organizing a Banquet on Saturday, Aug 12 in honor of Carl Pearcys 60th birthday. They will provide you with additional information about this. WORKSHOP: A number of participants in our Informal Summer Workshop on Linear Analysis and Probability will be present at A&M for varying periods of time during the summer preceeding and following SUMIRFAS. W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at
From banach-request at Fri Jul 7 11:24:25 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Position at Kent State at East Liverpool Date: Fri, 7 Jul 95 11:19:10 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 815 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 21
There is a tenure-track appointment for Assistant Professor at the East Liverpool Campus of Kent State University, available Fall, 1995, with responsibilities for teaching a wide range of undergraduate courses from Developmental Math to Calculus. A strong interest in teaching undergraduate students in essential. A tenure-track appointment carries the expectations of teaching excellence, scholarship and professional activity. A PhD in Mathematics and teaching experience are required; evidence of scholarship is preferred. Application deadline: July 15, 1995. To apply, please send letter of application, vitae, transcripts, and names and addresses of three references by this date to: Dr. Alan Coe Dean for Academic Affairs Regional Campuses Kent State University P.O. Box 5190 Kent, Ohio 44242-0001
From banach-request at Fri Jul 28 10:59:42 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Werner Date: Fri, 28 Jul 95 10:50:25 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 761 Status: RO X-Lines: 25
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "The Daugavet equation for operators on function spaces" by D. Werner. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send wernerdaugavet.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract: We prove the norm identity $\|\Id+T\| =1+\|T\|$, which is known as the Daugavet equation, for weakly compact operators $T$ on natural function spaces such as function algebras and $L^{1}$-predual spaces, provided a non-discreteness assumption is met. We also consider $c_{0}$-factorable operators and operators on $C_{\Lambda}$-spaces. File length:42K
From banach-request at Wed Aug 9 12:00:35 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS Date: Wed, 9 Aug 95 11:46:24 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 5666 X-Lines: 160 Status: RO
FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUMIRFAS *****Note the BUILDING CHANGE to Blocker Hall***** (You may wish to park in the North Side Parking Garage on campus, which is just across the street from Blocker) The 1995 Summer Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet Friday, Saturday, and Sunday August 11-13 in 120 BLOCKER HALL at Texas A&M University in College Station. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCHEDULE SUMIRFAS-95 Friday, August 11 10:30-11:00 Coffee & Donuts 11:00-11:50 Gideon Schechtman, Weizmann Institute, A peculiar rearrangement of the Haar system 11:50-2:00 BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:45-2:00 Coffee & Cookies 2:00-2:50 Hari Bercovici, Indiana Univ., Non-commutative probability theory and analytic functions 3:00-3:50 Palle Jorgensen, Univ. of Iowa, Use of non-commutative harmonic analysis in operator theory 3:50-4:20 COFFEE BREAK 4:20-4:40 Srdjan Petrovic, Indiana Univ., Some remarks on the operator of Foias and Williams 4:50-5:10 Wing-Suet Li, Georgia Tech., On generalized wavelets and unitary systems 5:20-5:40 Lifeng Ding, Georgia State Univ., The local property and the reflexivity of operator spaces 5:50-6:10 Alan Lambert, Univ. North Carolina-Charlotte, Measurable majorants in L^1 6:10-7:10 BARBEQUE IN BLOCKER 7:10-7:30 Adrian Ionescu, Texas Lutheran Univ., On pairs of commuting operators and invariant subspaces 7:40-8:00 Alfredo Octavio, Inst. Venezuela de Invest Cient, Representations of H^infty(D^n) generated by n-tuples of commuting contractions 8:10-8:30 Michael Marsalli, Illinois State Univ., Noncommutative H^p spaces 8:30-8:50 20 MIN BREAK 8:50-9:10 Sarah Ferguson, Univ. of Houston, Invariant operator ranges and reproducing kernels 9:20-9:40 Larry Fialkow, SUNY-New Paltz, The multivariate truncated moment problem 9:50-10:10 Gelu Popescu, Univ. of Texas-San Antonio, Positive definite functions on free semigroups 10:10-10:30 20 MIN BREAK 10:30-10:50 George Exner and Il Bong Jung, Bucknell Univ. and Coll. Nat. Sci.-Korea, Some multiplicities for contractions with Hilbert-Schmidt defect 11:00-11:20 Bernard Chevreau, Univ. Bordeaux, On boundary sets for contractions Saturday, August 12 9:30-10:00 Coffee & Donuts 10:00-10:50 Norberto Salinas, Univ. of Kansas, A model for joint hyponormality 11:00-11:50 Ted Odell, Univ. of Texas, The distortion problem 11:50-2:00 BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:45-2:00 Coffee & Cookies 2:00-2:50 Ronald Douglas, SUNY-Stony Brook, Invariants for Hilbert modules 3:00-3:50 Vladimir Koltchinskii, Univ. New Mexico, Spatial quantiles and convexity 3:50-4:20 COFFEE BREAK 4:20-4:40 Alexandru Nica, Fields Institute, Combinatorial methods for studying free random variables 4:50-5:10 Beata Randrianatonina, Univ. of Texas, Isometries and 1-unconditional bases of sequence spaces 5:20-5:40 Tim Hudson, East Carolina Univ., Extreme points in TUHF algebras 5:50-6:10 Maria Girardi, Completely continuous operators on L_1 6:30-7:15 Cash Bar at the Faculty Club 7:30- Banquet at the Faculty Club * See Carl Pearcy or Jan Want if you would like to attend the banquet but have not yet purchased a ticket.. ** The Faculty Club is at the top of Rudder Tower on campus Sunday, August 13 9:30-10:00 Coffee & Donuts 10:00-10:50 Joram Lindenstrauss, Univ. of Jerusalem, The uniform structure of Banach spaces 11:00-11:20 David Blecher, Univ. of Houston, Closure of a certain gap in the circle of ideas in the theory of C*-modules and Morita equivalence 11:30-11:50 Alvaro Arias, Univ. of Texas-San Antonio, Complete isomorphisms of the von Neumann group algebras 11:50-2:00 BREAK FOR LUNCH 1:45-2:00 Coffee & Cookies 2:00-2:50 Evarest Gine, Univ. of Connecticut, On the LIL for U-statistics 3:00-3:50 Vern Paulsen, Univ. of Houston, TBA END OF SUMIRFAS-95 --------------------------------------------------------- HOUSING: Since this is summer graduation weekend at A&M, if you have not already made reservations you will probably have difficulty making reservations directly. Contact Jan Want (jan.want at, (409) 845-3261, FaX (409) 845-6028 ) about your housing needs. We expect to be able to cover housing, possibly in a double room, for most participants. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. BANQUET: Srdjan Petrovic (PETROVIC at IU-MATH.MATH.INDIANA.EDU) and Hari Bercovici of Indiana University will be organizing a Banquet on Saturday, Aug 12 in honor of Carl Pearcys 60th birthday. They will provide you with additional information about this. TALKS: Transparencies, blackboard & chalk, or a combination. The 50 min talks, especially, should be in the style of a functional analysis/probability colloquium lecture, accessable to a somewhat wider audience than would be a technical seminar. --------------------------------------------------------- W. Johnson, johnson at D. Larson, larson at G. Pisier, pisier at J. Zinn, jzinn at
From banach-request at Fri Aug 4 10:39:48 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by J. Wenzel Date: Fri, 4 Aug 95 10:29:24 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1143 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 41
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Vector-valued Walsh-Paley martingales and geometry of Banach spaces" by Joerg Wenzel. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send wenzelwpmart.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:The concept of Rademacher type $p$ ($1\leq p\leq2$) plays an important role in the local theory of Banach spaces. In \cite{mas88} Mascioni considers a weakening of this concept and shows that for a Banach space $X$ weak Rademacher type $p$ implies Rademacher type $r$ for all $r<p$. As with Rademacher type $p$ and weak Rademacher type $p$, we introduce the concept of Haar type $p$ and weak Haar type $p$ by replacing the Rademacher functions by the Haar functions in the respective definitions. We show that weak Haar type $p$ implies Haar type $r$ for all $r<p$. This solves a problem left open by Pisier \cite{pis75}. The method is to compare Haar type ideal norms related to different index sets. File length:46K
From banach-request at Tue Aug 15 09:18:07 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: New email address for T. Gowers Date: Tue, 15 Aug 95 9:07:35 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 158 X-Lines: 10 Status: RO
The system where I receive much of my email is closing down at the end of August. My new address (valid already) is wtg10 at Tim Gowers
From banach-request at Mon Aug 21 09:02:55 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Wabash Announcement Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 8:52:06 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 3671 X-Lines: 96 Status: RO
Final Announcement WABASH EXTRAMURAL MODERN ANALYSIS MINICONFERENCE September 9 and 10, 1995 at Indiana U.-Purdue U. at Indianapolis Invited lectures Saturday will be in LE 101 of the Lecture Hall at IUPUI and registration will be in the lobby adjacent to LE 101. Contributed talks will be in the Business School nearby. Friday: 7:00-11:00 Conversation and Cash Bar Indiana Room, University Place Hotel Saturday: 8:30 Registration, coffee, and donuts 9:00-9:10 Welcome to Indiana Univ - Purdue Univ at Indianapolis 9:10-10:00 SASHA VOLBERG, Michigan State University Matrix Muckenhaupt Weights 10:10-10:30 Session for Contributed Papers DAVID CRUZ-URIBE, SFO, Purdue University, West Lafayette Two-weight Norm Inequalities for the One-sided Fractional Maximal Operator ALAN PATERSON, University of Mississippi Sheaf Groupoids and Kumjian's Localization C*-algebra Break 11:00-11:20 Session for Contributed Papers JOANNE DOMBROWSKI, Wright State University Spectral Measures and Jacobi Matrices Related to Laguerre Type Systems of Orthogonal Polynomials MARIUS DADARLAT, Purdue University, West Lafayette Universal Coefficient Theorems for KK Theory 11:30-12:20 PER ENFLO, Kent State University To Be Announced Lunch 1:40-2:30 BRAD LUCIER, Purdue University, West Lafayette Nonlinear Approximation, Wavelets, and Partial Differential Equations 2:40-3:30 TED GAMELIN, University of California, Los Angeles Compactness of Hankel Operators on H^\infty(D) Break 4:10-4:30 Session for Contributed Papers SARAH FERGUSON, University of Houston Invariant Operator Ranges and Reproducing Kernels SONG-YING LI, Washington University On the Characterization of a Family of Commutators in L^p XIAN-JIN LI, Purdue University, West Lafayette On Discrete Spectrum of the Beltrami-Laplace Operator 4:40-5:00 Session for Contributed Papers DARRIN SPEEGLE, Texas A\&M University Elementary Wavelets LIBIN MOU, Bradley University Curves on Riemannian Manifolds of Minimal Tensions ALEXANDER KOLDOBSKY, University of Texas at San Antonio Convolution and Fourier Transform in Infinite Dimen'l Spaces 5:10-5:30 Session for Contributed Papers MARK HO, Purdue University, West Lafayette Spectra of Slant Toeplitz Operators VICTOR OLESEN, Purdue University, West Lafayette Convergence of Convolution Operators XIAO-XIONG GAN, Morgan State University Reconstruction Problems 5:40-6:00 Session for Contributed Papers GABOR ELEK, Purdue University, West Lafayette The Cheeger-Gromov Cohomology of a Group Is Quasi-isometry Invariant 7:00-11:00 Conversation and Cash Bar Indiana Room, University Place Hotel Sunday: Invited lectures Sunday will be in the basement of the Math/Science Building LD in room LD 010 and the contributed talks in rooms nearby. 8:30 Coffee and donuts 9:00-9:50 RAUL CURTO, University of Iowa An Operator-Theoretic Approach to the Truncated Complex Moment Problem 10:00-10:50 MARIA GIRARDI, University of South Carolina Universal Non-Completely-Continuous Operators Break 11:30-11:50 Session for Contributed Papers SRDJAN PETROVIC, Indiana University, Bloomington Generalized Scalar Operators as Dilations BRUCE REZNICK, University of Illinois L_\infty Bounds on the Laplacian, Riesz Interpolation, and Some Trigonometric Identities 12:00-12:50 ROBERT FEFFERMAN, University of Chicago To Be Announced
From banach-request at Fri Sep 8 09:15:17 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Change of email addresses at Missouri Date: Fri, 8 Sep 95 9:05:26 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 239 X-Lines: 14 Status: RO
All e-mail addresses in our department that used to be like has been changed to Replace .cs. by .math. For example Pete Casazza's address is now pete at Thanks Elias
From banach-request at Wed Sep 13 12:24:42 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y.Abramovich and M. Zaidenberg Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 12:15:29 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 840 X-Lines: 31 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A rearrangement invariant space isometric to $L_p$ coincides with $L_p$" by Yuri Abramovich and Mikhail Zaidenberg. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send abramovichzaidenbergLp.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:The following theorem is the main result of this note. Theorem 1. Let $(E, \|\cdot\|_E) $ be a rearrangement invariant Banach function space on the interval $[0, 1]$. If $E$ is isometric to $\L_p [0, 1]$ for some $1\le p<\infty$, then $E$ coincides with $\L_p [0, 1]$ and furthermore $\|\cdot\|_E = \lambda\|\cdot\|_{\L_p}$, where $\lambda = \|{\bf 1}\|_E$. File length:16K
From banach-request at Mon Sep 25 16:50:01 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstracts of two papers by P.Casazza and O.Christiansen Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 16:38:30 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2267 X-Lines: 69 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper " Hilbert space frames containing a Riesz basis and Banach spaces which have no subspace isomorphic to $c_0$" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send casazzachristiansenfrm.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove that a Hilbert space frame $\fti$ contains a Riesz basis if every subfamily $\ftj , J \subseteq I ,$ is a frame for its closed span. Secondly we give a new characterization of Banach spaces which do not have any subspace isomorphic to $c_0$. This result immediately leads to an improvement of a recent theorem of Holub concerning frames consisting of a Riesz basis plus finitely many elements. File length:27K ---------------------------------------------------- This is the abstract of the paper "Frames containing a Riesz basis and preservation of this property under perturbation" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send casazzachristiansenfrmp.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Aldroubi has shown how one can construct any frame $\gtu$ starting with one frame $\ftu $,using a bounded operator $U$ on $l^2(N)$. We study the overcompleteness of the frames in terms of properties of $U$. We also discuss perturbation of frames in the sense that two frames are ``close'' if a certain operator is compact. In this way we obtain an equivalence relation with the property that members of the same equivalence class have the same overcompleteness. On the other hand we show that perturbation in the Paley-Wiener sense does not have this property. \\ Finally we construct a frame which is norm-bounded below, but which does not contain a Riesz basis.The construction is based on the delicate difference between the unconditional convergence of the frame representation, and the fact that a convergent series in the frame elements need not converge unconditionally. File length:37K
From banach-request at Fri Oct 13 08:59:50 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Positions at MU-Math Department Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 8:49:18 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1252 Status: RO X-Lines: 30
University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Mathematics 202 Math Sciences Building Columbia, MO 65211 CONTACT PERSON: Elias Saab E-MAIL ADDRESS: mathumc at DESCRIPTION: Applications are invited for up to two tenure-track positions at the Advanced Assistant Professor level beginning in August of 1996. The positions require a Ph.D. in Mathematics, quality teaching and a distinguished research career. Selections for the positions will be based primarily on demonstrated research achievement in Commutative Algebra/Algebraic Geometry or Modern Analysis/Harmonic Analysis. Send a curriculum vitae along with a letter of application (include e-mail address) and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Elias Saab, Chair at the address above. The application deadline is January 31, 1996, or until the position is filled thereafter. Applications received after February 28, 1996, will not be guaranteed consideration. All applicants are required to fill the AMS Stanard Cover Sheet (See Notices of the AMS, September 95, page 1064) More information might be available at: AA/EEO. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
From banach-request at Fri Sep 29 15:23:24 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstracts of two papers by R. Haydon Date: Fri, 29 Sep 95 15:14:08 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 4203 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 122
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Smooth functions and partitions of unity on certain Banach spaces" by Richard Haydon. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send haydonsmfunct.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract::We construct infinitely differentiable norms and partitions of unity for a class of Banach spaces which includes all spaces $\C(K)$ with $K$ a countable compact space, and all spaces $\C_0[0,\Omega )$ with $\Omega $ an ordinal. File length:38K <<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Trees in renorming theory" by Richard Haydon. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send haydontree.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Trees are very agreeable objects to work with, offering a diversity of behaviour within a structure that is sufficiently simple to admit precise analysis. Thus we are able to offer fairly satisfactory necessary and sufficient conditions on a tree $\Upsilon $ for the existence of equivalent LUR or strictly convex norms on $\C_0(\Upsilon )$ and for norms with the Kadec Property. In particular, we show that for a {\sl finitely branching} tree $\Upsilon $ the space $\C_0(\Upsilon )$ admits a Kadec renorming. Since some finitely branching trees fail the condition for strictly convex renormability, we obtain an example of a Banach space that is Kadec renormable but not strictly convexifiable. Consideration of specially tailored examples enables us to answer the ``three-space problem'' for strictly convex renorming: there exists a Banach space $X$ with a closed subspace $Y$ such that both $Y$ and the quotient $X/Y$ admit strictly convex norms, while $X$ does not. We also solve a problem about the the property of mid-point locally uniform convexity (MLUR), showing that this does not imply LUR renormability. In the case of smoothness properties of renormings, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a Fr\'echet-smooth renorming, which turns out (rather surprisingly) to be the same as the condition for LUR renormability. We also show that when $\C_0(\Upsilon )$ admits a Fr\'echet smooth norm it even admits a $\C^\infty$ norm. By considering another specially tailored tree we obtain solution to the quotient problem for Fr\'echet differentiable renorming: there is a Banach space $X$ with a Fr\'echet differentiable norm and a closed subspace $Y$ such that the quotient space $X/Y$ admits no Fr\'echet differentiable renorming. We have few results about G\^ateaux differentiability, though we do give an example of a space $X$ (as always, of the form $\C_0(\Upsilon )$) which is not strictly convexifiable even though it admits an equivalent norm with strictly convex dual norm. This seems to be the first example of a space with a G\^ateaux smooth norm which is not strictly convexifiable. Finally we include some results that are not about renorming theory in the strict sense. The theorem of Ekeland and Lebourg already cited in this introduction was in fact proved with hypothesis weaker than the existence of a Fr\'echet smooth norm. They needed only a non-trivial Fr\'echet differentiable function of bounded support, what is usually referred to as a ``bump function''. A number of more recent results have been established subject to hypotheses of this type, including the interesting variational results of Deville, Godefroy and Zizler [\DGZtwo]. Using a non-linear version of our technique for the construction of Fr\'echet differentiable norms, as presented in [\Haydonfive], we show that $\C_0(\Upsilon )$ admits a $\C^\infty$ bump function for every tree $\Upsilon $, so that there certainly exist spaces that admit bump functions but no good norms. Finally, using another result from [\Haydonfive], we show that $\C_0(\Upsilon )$ always admits $\C^\infty$ partitions of unity. File length:152K
From banach-request at Mon Sep 25 16:50:01 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstracts of two papers by P.Casazza and O.Christiansen Date: Mon, 25 Sep 95 16:38:30 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2267 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 69
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper " Hilbert space frames containing a Riesz basis and Banach spaces which have no subspace isomorphic to $c_0$" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send casazzachristiansenfrm.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We prove that a Hilbert space frame $\fti$ contains a Riesz basis if every subfamily $\ftj , J \subseteq I ,$ is a frame for its closed span. Secondly we give a new characterization of Banach spaces which do not have any subspace isomorphic to $c_0$. This result immediately leads to an improvement of a recent theorem of Holub concerning frames consisting of a Riesz basis plus finitely many elements. File length:27K ---------------------------------------------------- This is the abstract of the paper "Frames containing a Riesz basis and preservation of this property under perturbation" by Peter G. Casazza and Ole Christensen. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send casazzachristiansenfrmp.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Aldroubi has shown how one can construct any frame $\gtu$ starting with one frame $\ftu $,using a bounded operator $U$ on $l^2(N)$. We study the overcompleteness of the frames in terms of properties of $U$. We also discuss perturbation of frames in the sense that two frames are ``close'' if a certain operator is compact. In this way we obtain an equivalence relation with the property that members of the same equivalence class have the same overcompleteness. On the other hand we show that perturbation in the Paley-Wiener sense does not have this property. \\ Finally we construct a frame which is norm-bounded below, but which does not contain a Riesz basis.The construction is based on the delicate difference between the unconditional convergence of the frame representation, and the fact that a convergent series in the frame elements need not converge unconditionally. File length:37K
From banach-request at Fri Oct 13 13:33:37 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: chair search at CWRU Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 13:26:03 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2298 X-Lines: 58 Status: RO
The Department of Mathematics of Case Western Reserve University invites applications for the position of Chair and Professor of Mathematics. The Chair will be expected to provide leadership in maintaining and developing excellence in research and teaching. Candidates should be senior mathematicians with outstanding credentials in both of those areas as well as demonstrated service to the profession. It is expected that several faculty positions will be filled in the period immediately following the Chair's appointment. Case Western Reserve University is a private research university with broadly based strengths in the arts and sciences, engineering, health sciences, including medicine, nursing, and dentistry, and in law, management, and social work. The University enrolls over 9200 students in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs and annually attracts more than $125 million in research support. The campus is located in University Circle, a beautiful 550 acre cultural and intellectual center on the eastern edge of Cleveland, Ohio. The Department of Mathematics is involved in both undergraduate and graduate instruction and has active research programs in a number of areas of pure and applied mathematics. More information about Case Western Reserve University and the Department of Mathematics is available on the WWW through CWRU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employment Opportunity employer. Women and minority group candidates are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should send a current curriculum vitae with a list of references and are also invited to submit a letter that addresses how their strengths match the requirements of the position as well as what they perceive its challenges and opportunities to be. Applications should be received by January 15, 1996 to receive full consideration although the search will proceed until the position is filled. Applications, nominations, and inquiries should be directed to: John E. Bassett, Dean College of Arts and Sciences Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106-7068 Phone: 216 368 4413, Fax: 216 368 3842, E-mail: jeb20 at Forwarded message from S. Szarek, sjs13 at
From banach-request at Fri Oct 27 12:55:24 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Szarek and D. Voiculescu Date: Fri, 27 Oct 95 12:46:05 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1401 X-Lines: 40 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Volumes of Restricted Minkowski Sums and the Free Analogue of the Entropy Power Inequality" by S. J. Szarek and D. Voiculescu. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send szarekvoiculescuvrm.atx end to: banach-files at Abstract:In noncommutative probability theory independence can be based on free products instead of tensor products. This yields a highly noncommutative theory: free probability . Here we show that the classical Shannon's entropy power inequality has a counterpart for the free analogue of entropy . The free entropy (introduced recently by the second named author), consistently with Boltzmann's formula $S=k\log W$, was defined via volumes of matricial microstates. Proving the free entropy power inequality naturally becomes a geometric question. Restricting the Minkowski sum of two sets means to specify the set of pairs of points which will be added. The relevant inequality, which holds when the set of "addable" points is sufficiently large, differs from the Brunn-Minkowski inequality by having the exponent $1/n$ replaced by $2/n$. Its proof uses the rearrangement inequality of Brascamp-Lieb-L\"uttinger . File length:22K
From banach-request at Wed Nov 8 14:57:13 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstracts of two papers by N. Randrianantoanina Date: Wed, 8 Nov 95 14:43:52 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2145 Status: RO X-Lines: 65
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Complemented copies of $\ell_1$ in spaces of vector valued measures and applications" by N. Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send nrandricmpl1.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $X$ be a Banach space and $(\Omega,\Sigma)$ be a measure space. We provide a characterization of sequences in the space of $X$-valued countably additive measures on $\Omega,\Sigma)$ of bounded variation that generate complemented copies of $\ell_1$. As application, we prove that if a dual Banach space $E^*$ has Pe\l czy\'nski's property (V*) then so does the space of $E^*$-valued countably additive measures with bounded variation. Another application, we show that for a Banach space $X$, the space $\ell_\infty(X)$ contains a complemented copy of $\ell_1$ if and only if $X$ contains all $\ell_1^n$ uniformly complemented. File length:53K --------------------------------------- This is the abstract of the paper "Absolutely summing operators on non commutative $C^*$-algebras and applications" by N. Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send nrandriabsumop.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $E$ be a Banach space that does not contain any copy of $\ell^1$ and $\A$ be a non commutative $C^*$-algebra. We prove that every absolutely summing operator from $\A$ into $E^*$ is compact, thus answering a question of Pe\l czynski. As application, we show that if $G$ is a compact metrizable abelian group and $\Lambda$ is a Riesz subset of its dual then every countably additive $\A^*$-valued measure with bounded variation and whose Fourier transform is supported by $\Lambda$ has relatively compact range. Extensions of the same result to symmetric spaces of measurable operators are also presented. File length:29K
From banach-request at Mon Oct 16 09:56:05 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by P. Bandyopadhyay and S. Basu Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 9:41:18 CDT From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 850 Status: RO X-Status: X-Lines: 26
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "On A New Asymptotic Norming Property" by Pradipta Bandyopadhyay and Sudeshna Basu. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send bandybasuasymnrm.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:In this work, we introduce a new Asymptotic Norming Property (ANP) which lies between the strongest and weakest of the existing ones, and obtain isometric characterisations of it. The corresponding w*-ANP turns out to be equivalent on the one hand, to Property $(V)$ introduced by Sullivan, and to a ball separation property on the other. We also study stability properties of this new ANP and its w*-version. File length:24K
From banach-request at Thu Dec 7 10:17:37 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Skorik and M. Zaidenberg Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 10:06:52 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1074 X-Lines: 37 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "On isometric reflexions in Banach spaces" by A. Skorik and M. Zaidenberg. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send skorikzaidenbergisoref.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:We obtain the following characterization of Hilbert spaces. Let $E$ be a Banach space whose unit sphere $S$ has a hyperplane of symmetry. Then $E$ is a Hilbert space iff any of the following two conditions is fulfilled: a) the isometry group ${\rm Iso}\, E$ of $E$ has a dense orbit in S; b) the identity component $G_0$ of the group ${\rm Iso}\, E$ endowed with the strong operator topology acts topologically irreducible on $E$. Some related results on infinite dimentional Coxeter groups generated by isometric reflexions are given which allow to analyse the structure of isometry groups containing sufficiently many reflexions. File length:116K
From banach-request at Thu Dec 7 12:37:53 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Pisier Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 11:58:01 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 1248 X-Lines: 38 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A simple proof of a theorem of Kirchberg and related results on $C^*$-norms" by Gilles Pisier. The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send pisierthmkirchberg.tex end to: banach-files at Abstract:Recently, E.\ Kirchberg [K1--2] revived the study of pairs of $C^*$-algebras $A,B$ such that there is only one $C^*$-norm on the algebraic tensor product $A\otimes B$, or equivalently such that $A \otimes_{\rm min}B = A\otimes_{\rm max}B$. Recall that a $C^*$-algebra is called nuclear cf.\ [L, EL] if this happens for any $C^*$-algebra $B$. Kirchberg [K1] constructed the first example of a non-nuclear $C^*$-algebra such that $A\otimes_{\rm min} A^{op} = A \otimes_{\rm max} A^{op}$. He also proved the following striking result [K2] for which we give a very simple proof and which we extend. \proclaim Theorem 0.1. {\bf (Kirchberg [K2]).} Let $F$ be any free group and let $C^*(F)$ be the (full) $C^*$-algebra of $F$, then $$C^*(F) \otimes_{\rm min} B(H) = C^*(F) \otimes_{\rm max} B(H).$$ File length:44K
From banach-request at Thu Dec 7 12:37:31 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Zaidenberg Date: Thu, 7 Dec 95 10:12:03 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 662 X-Lines: 23 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "A representation of isometries on function spaces" by M. Zaidenberg. The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send zaidenbergisomfunc.tex end to: banach-files at Abstract:The main result says that every surjective isometry between two ideal Banach function spaces satisfying certain conditions can be presented as a composition of a measurable transformation of a variable and multiplication by a function. File length:47K
From banach-request at Fri Dec 15 14:57:09 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstracts of three papers Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 14:50:22 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 2763 X-Lines: 100 Status: RO
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Constructions of $\Cal L_p$ spaces for $p \in (1,\infty)\setminus \{2\}$" by Gregory Force. The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send forcescriptLp.tex end to: banach-files at Abstract:This is an exposition of the known techniques for constructing $\Cal L_p$-spaces for $p\in (1,\infty)\setminus \{2\}$, including some unpublished work of Alspach. Isomorphic and complemented embedding relations between these spaces are also explored. File length:446K <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Quadratic forms in unitary operators" by Gilles Pisier. The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send pisierquad.tex end to: banach-files at Abstract:Let $u_1,\ldots,u_n$ be unitary operators on a Hilbert space $H$. We study the norm $$\left\|\sum^{i=n}_{i=1} u_i \otimes \bar u_i\right\|\leqno (1)$$ of the operator $\sum u_i \otimes \bar u_i$ acting on the Hilbertian tensor product $H\otimes_2 \overline H$. The main result of this note is Theorem 1. For any $n$-tuple $u_1,\ldots, u_n$ of unitary operators in $B(H)$, we have $$2\sqrt{n-1} \le \left\|\sum^n_1 u_i \otimes \bar u_i\right\|.\leqno (6)$$ In other words, the right side of (6) is minimal exactly when $u_i = \lambda(g_i)$. File length:28K <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Isometric classification of norms in rearrangement-invariant function spaces" by Beata Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send brandriisomcls.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:Suppose that a real nonatomic function space on $[0,1]$ is equipped with two re\-arran\-ge\-ment-invariant norms $\|\cdot\|$ and $|||\cdot|||$. We study the question whether or not the fact that $(X,\|\cdot\|)$ is isometric to $(X,|||\cdot|||)$ implies that $\|f\|= |||f|||$ for all $f$ in $X$. We show that in strictly monotone Orlicz and Lorentz spaces this is equivalent to asking whether or not the norms are defined by equal Orlicz functions, resp. Lorentz weights. We show that the above implication holds true in most rearrangement-invariant spaces, but we also identify a class of Orlicz spaces where it fails. We provide a complete description of Orlicz functions $\varphi \neq\psi$ with the property that $L_\varphi$ and $L_\psi$ are isometric. File length:50K
From banach-request at Tue Dec 19 14:27:39 1995 To: banach-dist at Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Argyros, S. Merkourakis and A. Tsarpalias Date: Tue, 19 Dec 95 14:18:30 CST From: alspach at Sender: alspach at Content-Length: 722 Status: RO X-Lines: 24
<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE OR MAIL TO BANACH-DIST.>>>>>>>>>>> This is the abstract of the paper "Convex unconditionality and summability of weakly null sequences" by S. Argyros, S. Merkourakis and A. Tsarpalias. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands begin send argyrosmerkourtsarpa.ltx end to: banach-files at Abstract:It is proved that every normalized weakly null \sq\ has a sub\sq\ which is convexly unconditional. Further, an Hierarchy of summability methods is introduced and with this we give a complete classification of the complexity of weakly null \sq s. File length:88K