Messages from 1993

From banach-request at Thu Jan 28 10:53:35
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.G.Dodds, T.K.Dodds,
P.N.Dowling, C.J.Lennard, F.A.Sukochev
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 10:47:13 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1399
X-Lines: 46
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper " A Uniform Kadec-klee Property
Symmetric Operator Spaces " by  P.G. Dodds, T.K. Dodds, P.N.
C.J. Lennard and F.A. Sukochev.  The paper is typed in TeX. The
may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands

	send doddsdowllensukukk1.tex

	send doddsdowllensukukk2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

We show that if a rearrangement invariant Banach function space
$E$ on
the positive semi-axis satisfies a non-trivial lower $q-$
estimate with
constant $1$ then the corresponding space $E(\nm)$ of
operators, affiliated with an arbitrary semi-finite von Neumann
$\nm$ equipped with a distinguished faithful, normal, semi-finite
$\tau $, has the uniform Kadec-Klee property for the topology of
convergence in measure.  In particular, the Lorentz function
$L_{q,p}$ and the Lorentz-Schatten classes ${\cal C}_{q,p}$ have
UKK property for convergence locally in measure and for the
weak-operator topology, respectively. As a partial converse , we
that if $E$ has the UKK property with respect to local
convergence in
measure then $E$ must satisfy some non-trivial lower
$q$-estimate. We
also prove a uniform Kadec-Klee result for local convergence in
Banach lattice satisfying a lower $q$-estimate.

From banach-request at Fri Jan 29 14:09:49 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Proposed conference at U. of Missouri
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 13:59:24 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1401
X-Lines: 50
Status: RO

Subject: Conference in 1994 (update)

 1) The conference will be held in 1994.
 2) A. Pelczynski (Polish Academy of Sciences) has also agreed to
 3) So far we have received about 150 requests from people who
    want to come or to get more information.

		       (Preliminary Announcement)
		    The Department of Mathematics at
		    University of Missouri-Columbia
			On the Interaction Between
			  Functional Analysis,
			 Harmonic Analysis, and

			  May 30- June 3, 1994 (Yes 1994)

		Supported by The University of Missouri
		Further funding will be sought from NSF

The  following  people  have  tentatively  agreed  to  speak.

		 Earl Berkson (University of Illinois)
		    Jean Bourgain (I H E S, France)
		Don Burkholder (University of Illinois)
		Robert Fefferman (University of Chicago)
		     William B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
		A. Pelczynski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
		     Peter Jones (Yale University)
	     Gilles Pisier (University of Paris/Texas A&M)
		Richard Rochberg (Washington University)
     Michel Talagrand  (University of Paris/Ohio-State University)
	     Lior Tzafriri (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
		  Guido Weiss  (Washington University)

For Additional Information send an e-mail message to:

conf at

Please include your regular mail address.

From banach-request at Tue Feb  2 12:01:10 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M.Girardi and W.B.Johnson
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 93 11:52:31 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 772
X-Lines: 21
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "The Complete Continuity Property and
Finite Dimensional Decompositions " by M.Girardi and W.B.Johnson. The
paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send girardijohnsonccpfdd.atx

to: banach-files at

 A Banach space $\X$ has the complete continuity property  (CCP)
if each  bounded linear operator from $L_1$ into $\X$
is completely continuous
(i.e.,  maps weakly convergent sequences to norm convergent
The main theorem shows that  a Banach space failing the CCP
(resp.,  failing  the CCP and failing cotype)
has a subspace with a
finite dimensional decomposition
(resp.,  basis)
which fails the CCP.

From banach-request at Thu Feb  4 11:03:04 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.N. Dowling and C.J. Lennard
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 10:55:49 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 894
X-Lines: 26
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Every nonreflexive subspace of
L_1[0,1] fails the fixed point property " by P.N. Dowling and C.J.
Lennard The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the

	send dowlenfpfreel1.atx

	send dowlenfpfreel1.sty

to: banach-files at

The main result of this paper is that every non-reflexive subspace $Y$
of $L_1[0,1]$ fails the fixed point property for closed, bounded,
convex subsets $C$ of $Y$ and nonexpansive (or contractive) mappings on
$C$.  Combined with a theorem of Maurey we get that for subspaces $Y$
of $L_1[0,1]$, $Y$ is reflexive if and only if $Y$ has the fixed point
property. For general Banach spaces the question as to whether
reflexivity implies the fixed point property and the converse question
are both still open.

From banach-request at Thu Feb  4 11:58:54 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M.Defant and M.Junge
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 11:22:36 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 733
X-Lines: 17
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "How many vectors are needed to
compute (p,q)-summing norms?" by M.Defant and M.Junge.  The paper is
typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the command

	send defantjungepqsum.ltx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: We will show that for $q<p$ there exists an $\al < \infty$
such that \[ \pi_{pq}(T) \pl \le  c_{pq} \pi_{pq}^{[n^{\alpha}]}(T)
\mbox{for all $T$ of rank $n$.}\] Such a polynomial number is only
possible if $q=2$ or $q<p$.  Furthermore, the growth rate is linear if
$q=2$ or $\frac{1}{q}-\frac{1}{p}>\frac{1}{2}$. Unless
$\frac{1}{q}-\frac{1}{p}=\frac{1}{2}$ this is also a necessary
condition .

From banach-request at Thu Feb  4 13:50:43 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Junge
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 13:45:37 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1138
X-Lines: 35
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Comparing gaussian and Rademacher
cotype for operators on the space of continous functions " by M.
The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the

	send jungecotype.ltx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: We will prove an abstract comparision principle which
translates gaussian cotype in Rademacher cotype conditions and vice
versa. More precisely, let $2\!<\!q\!<\!\infty$ and $T:\,C(K)\,\to\,F$
a linear, continous operator.

 T is of gaussian cotype q if and only if

    ( \summ_1^n (\frac{|| Tx_k||_F}{\sqrt{\log(k+1)}})^q
     )^{1/q} \, \le  c || \summ_1^n \varepsilon_k x_k ||_{L_2(C(K))} ,

for all sequences with $(|| Tx_k ||)_1^n$ decreasing.

 T is of Rademacher cotype q if and only if

     (\summ_1^n (|| Tx_k||_F \,\sqrt{\log(k+1)})^q
     )^{1/q} \, \le  c
    || \summ_1^n g_k x_k ||_{L_2(C(K))} ,

for all sequences with $(||Tx_k ||)_1^n$ decreasing.

Our methods allows a restriction to a fixed number of
vectors and complements the corresponding results of Talagrand.

From banach-request at Tue Feb  9 11:35:13 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 93 11:24:39 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2420
X-Lines: 61
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Locally Lipschitz Functions and
Bornological Derivatives " by J.M. Borwein, M. Fabian and J.
Vanderwerff.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting
the command

	send borweinfabianvdwerffllf.ltx

to: banach-files at

Abstract. We study the relationships between Gateaux, weak Hadamard and
differentiability and their bornologies for Lipschitz and for convex
In particular, Frechet and weak Hadamard differentiabily coincide for
Lipschitz functions if and only if the space is reflexive
(an earlier paper of the first two authors
shows that these two notions of differentiability
coincide for continuous convex functions if and only if the space does
contain a copy of $\ell_1$).
We also examine when Gateaux and weak Hadamard differentiability
for continuous convex functions. For instance, spaces with the
Dunford-Pettis (Schur)
property can be characterized by the coincidence of Gateaux and
weak Hadamard (Frechet) differentiabilty for dual norms.


This is the abstract of the paper "Dual Kadec-Klee norms and the
relationships between Wijsman, slice and Mosco convergence " by J.M.
Borwein and J. Vanderwerff.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may
be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands

	send borweinvdwerffkkn1.tex

	send borweinvdwerffkkn1.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

Abstract. In this paper, we completely settle several of the open
regarding the relationships between the three most fundamental forms
of set convergence. In particular, it is shown that
Wijsman and slice convergence coincide precisely
when the weak star and norm topologies agree on the dual sphere.
Consequently, a weakly compactly
generated Banach space admits a dense set of norms for which
Wijsman and slice convergence coincide if and only if it is
an Asplund space. We also show that Wijsman convergence implies
Mosco convergence precisely when the weak star and Mackey topologies
coincide on the dual sphere. A corollary of these results is
that given a fixed norm on an Asplund space, Wijsman
and slice convergence coincide if and only if Wijsman convergence
implies Mosco convergence.

From banach-request at Thu Feb 11 13:01:33 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.T. Peck
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 93 12:51:47 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 580
X-Lines: 16
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "A factorization constant for $l^n_p
" by N.T. Peck.  The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	send peckfactoriz.atx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: We prove that if PT is a factorization of the identity
on \ell_p^n through \ell_{\infty}^k, then ||P|| ||T|| \geq
Cn^{1/p-1/2}(log n)^{-1/2}. This is a corollary of a more general
on factoring the identity operator on a quasi-normed space through

From banach-request at Thu Feb 18 13:53:13 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by  U. Haagerup and G.Pisier
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 13:43:15 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1102
X-Lines: 31
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Bounded linear operators between
C^*-algebras" by U. Haagerup and G.Pisier.  The paper is typed in TeX.
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands

	send haageruppisieropcstar1.tex


	send haageruppisieropcstar2.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $u:A\to B$ be a bounded linear operator between two
 $C^*$-algebras $A,B$. The following result was proved by the second

  Theorem 0.1. There is a numerical constant $K_1$ such that
 all finite sequences $x_1,\ldots, x_n$ in $A$ we have
 $$\leqalignno{&\max\left\{\left\|\left(\sum u(x_i)^*
 u(x_i)\right)^{1/2}\right\|_B, \left\|\left(\sum u(x_i)
 \le &K_1\|u\| \max\left\{\left\|\left(\sum
 \left\|\left(\sum x_ix^*_i\right)^{1/2}\right\|_A\right\}.}$$

A simpler proof  was given in [H1].
 More recently an other alternate proof  appeared in [LPP]. In
 this paper we give a sequence of generalizations of this inequality.

From banach-request at Wed Feb 24 12:19:07 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y. Latushkin and S. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 93 12:11:16 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 664
X-Lines: 19
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Lyapunov Theorems for Banach Spaces"
by Y. Latushkin and S. Montgomery-Smith.  The paper is typed in TeX.
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send latushkinmontsmithlyap.tex

to: banach-files at

We present a spectral mapping theorem for semigroups on any Banach
space $E$.  From this, we obtain
a characterization of exponential dichotomy for
nonautonomous differential equations for $E$-valued
functions.  This characterization is given in
terms of the spectrum of the generator of the semigroup
of evolutionary operators.

From banach-request at Thu Feb 25 10:44:47 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Correction to mailing about a paper of J.Borwein and J.Vanderwerff
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 93 10:40:16 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1317
X-Lines: 32
Status: RO

There was a typographical error in the file names for this paper. It is
corrected below.

This is the abstract of the paper "Dual Kadec-Klee norms and the
relationships between Wijsman, slice and Mosco convergence " by J.M.
Borwein and J. Vanderwerff.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may
be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands

	send borweinvdwerffkkn1.tex

	send borweinvdwerffkkn2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

Abstract. In this paper, we completely settle several of the open
regarding the relationships between the three most fundamental forms
of set convergence. In particular, it is shown that
Wijsman and slice convergence coincide precisely
when the weak star and norm topologies agree on the dual sphere.
Consequently, a weakly compactly
generated Banach space admits a dense set of norms for which
Wijsman and slice convergence coincide if and only if it is
an Asplund space. We also show that Wijsman convergence implies
Mosco convergence precisely when the weak star and Mackey topologies
coincide on the dual sphere. A corollary of these results is
that given a fixed norm on an Asplund space, Wijsman
and slice convergence coincide if and only if Wijsman convergence
implies Mosco convergence.

From banach-request at Thu Mar  4 15:21:03 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by C. Stegall
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 93 15:11:12 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1279
X-Lines: 30
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Spaces Of Lipschitz Functions On
Banach Spaces " by C. Stegall.  The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper
may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send stegalllipfun.atx

to: banach-files at

Abstract:A remarkable theorem of R. C. James is the following:
suppose that $X$ is a Banach space and $C \subseteq X$
is a norm bounded, closed and convex set such that
every linear functional $x^* \in X^*$ attains its
supremum on $C$; then $C$ is a weakly compact set.
Actually, this result is significantly stronger than this statement;
indeed, the proof can be used to obtain other
surprising results. For example,
suppose that $X$ is a separable
Banach space and $S$  is a norm separable subset
of the unit ball of $X^*$
such that for each $x \in X$ there exists $x^* \in S$
such that $x^*(x) = \|x\|$ then  $X^*$
is itself norm separable .
If we call $S$ a support set, in this case, with respect
to the entire space $X$, one can ask questions about
the size and structure of a support set, a support set
not only with respect to $X$ itself but perhaps with
respect to some other subset of $X$ at . We analyze one particular case
of this as well as give some applications.

From banach-request at Mon Mar 29 11:59:36 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of 4 papers by M. Ostrovskii
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 93 11:51:57 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 3072
X-Lines: 87
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Topologies on the set of all
subspaces of a banach space and related questions of banach space
geometry" by M.I.Ostrovskii.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper
may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands

	send ostrovskiitopsubsp1.ltx

	send ostrovskiitopsubsp2.ltx

	send ostrovskiitopsubsp3.ltx

in separate messages to: banach-files at

ABstract:For a Banach space $X$ we shall denote  the  set  of  all
subspaces of $X$ by $G(X)$. In some kinds of problems it turned  out
be useful to endow $G(X)$ with a topology. The  main  purpose  of  the
present paper is to survey results on two the most common topologies
on $G(X)$.

This is the abstract of the paper "W^*-derived sets of transfinite
order of subspaces of dual Banach spaces " by M.I. Ostovskii.  The
paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send ostovskiiderive.ltx

to: banach-files at

 Abstract: It is an English translation of the
paper originally published in Russian and Ukrainian
in 1987.
	In the appendix of his book S.Banach introduced
the following definition
Let $X$ be a Banach space and $\Gamma$ be a subspace of the dual  space
$X^*$. The set of all limits of $w^{*}$-convergent sequences
in $\Gamma $ is called the $w^*${\it -derived set} of $\Gamma $
and is denoted by $\Gamma _{(1)}$. For an ordinal $\alpha$
the $w^{*}$-{\it derived  set  of order} $\alpha $ is defined
inductively by the equality:
\Gamma _{(\alpha )}=\bigcup _{\beta <\alpha }((\Gamma _{(\beta
This is the abstract of the paper "Total subspaces in dual Banach
spaces which are not norming" by  M.I.Ostrovskii.  The paper is typed
in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send ostrovskiitotal.ltx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: The main result: the dual of separable Banach space $X$
contains a total subspace which is not norming over any infinite
subspace of $X$ if and only if $X$ has a nonquasireflexive
quotient space with the strictly singular quotient mapping.
This is the abstract of the paper "A note on analytical
representability of mappings inverse to integral operators" by M.I.
Ostovskii.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the

	send ostrovskiianrep.ltx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: The condition onto pair ($F,G$) of function Banach spaces
under which there exists a integral operator $T:F\to G$ with analytic
such that the inverse mapping $T^{-1}:$im$T\to F$ does not belong to
arbitrary a priori given Borel (or Baire) class is found.

From banach-request at Thu Apr  1 09:31:09 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M.I. Ostrovskii
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 93 9:23:11 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 807

This is the abstract of the paper "Total subspaces with long chains of
nowhere norming weak$^*$ sequential closures" by M.I.Ostrovskii.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send ostrovskiitotalsub.atx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: If a separable Banach space $X$ is such that for some
nonquasireflexive  Banach  space $Y$  there  exists a surjective
strictly singular operator $T:X\to Y$  then  for  every  countable
ordinal $\alpha $  the dual of $X$  contains  a  subspace  whose
sequential closures of orders less than $\alpha $ are not norming over
any infinite-dimensional subspace of $X$
and whose weak$^*$ sequential closure of order $\alpha +1$ coincides

From banach-request at Thu Apr  1 11:39:06 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Leung
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 93 11:35:36 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1052
X-Lines: 23
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Some isomorphically polyhedral
Orlicz sequence spaces" by  Denny H. Leung.  The paper is typed in
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send leungpolyorlicz.ltx

to: banach-files at

A Banach space is polyhedral if the unit ball of each of its
finite dimensional subspaces is a polyhedron.  It is known that a
polyhedral Banach space has a separable dual and is $c_0$-saturated,
i.e., each closed infinite dimensional subspace contains an isomorph
of $c_0$.  In this paper, we show that the Orlicz sequence space $h_M$
is isomorphic to a polyhedral Banach space if $\lim_{t\to 0}M(Kt)/M(t)
= \infty$ for some $K < \infty$.
We also construct an Orlicz sequence space $h_M$ which is
$c_0$-saturated, but which is not isomorphic to any polyhedral Banach
space.  This shows that being $c_0$-saturated and having a separable
dual are not sufficient for a Banach space to be isomorphic
to a polyhedral Banach space.

From banach-request at Mon Apr  5 12:24:53 1993
To: banach-dist at, russ at
Subject: new mailserver software
Content-Type: X-sun-attachment
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 93 12:20:22 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
X-Lines: 465
Status: RO
Content-Length: 16622      

X-Sun-Data-Type: text
X-Sun-Data-Description: text
X-Sun-Data-Name: text
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 27
X-Sun-Content-Length: 1133

Effective tomorrow April 6,1993, the mailserver software will be

The address for getting files will not
change:banach-files at

The basic syntax for getting a file remains the same, however the
software will respond first by sending an acknowledgement of your
request. Also the subject line is no longer available for commands.

Files will no longer be split into pieces for storage on the system.
The mailserver will automatically split files into 64K bytes pieces.
Requests for multiple files in one email message will now be handled,
but you should limit your total request in one message to 2M bytes.

There is no automatic subscription facility. Email about subscription,
adding files to the archive, etc. should be sent to
banach-owner at This will usually be an alias for me but
may be directed to someone else if I am gone for an extended period.

As is usual there may be some problems at first. If you discover
something wrong, report it to banach-owner at

Appended to this message is the new version of the help file
instructions.txt. Please read it.

Dale Alspach
X-Sun-Data-Type: default
X-Sun-Data-Description: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: instructions.txt
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 423
X-Sun-Content-Length: 15197

	Instructions for the Banach Space Bulletin Board
			Revised April 2, 1993

	The Banach space bulletin board provides an archive of
preprints of papers in Banach space theory and related fields and a
database of information such as email addresses and abstracts of
papers. Subscribers get email notices of additions to the archive,
meeting announcements and other information. There is no cost to
subscribe. (The National Science Foundation and many universities have
made the internet possible through their support. NSF and Oklahoma
State University have contributed to the purchase of equipment that
houses the bulletin board.) To become a subscriber transmit the


send newsubscriber.txt


to banach-files at You will receive a form to complete
and return to the bulletin board operator by email.  The current
administrator is

Dale Alspach, Department of Mathematics, Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, OK 74078 USA

All email which relates to the Banach space bulletin board requiring
human intervention should go to

banach-owner at

All email requests for files on the bulletin board should go to

banach-files at

All commands sent to the address banach-files at are
handled by software: Do not send messages intended for a human being to
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banach-owner at

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text files or TeX. Files in Plain TeX, AMSTeX, or LaTeX (including
AMSLATeX) have file extensions .tex, .atx, and .ltx , respectively.
The commands for electronic mail usage of the bulletin board are

help            Sends a set of instructions for using the bulletin
		board by email.

send Index      Sends the file known as Index which is an
		annotated list of the files on the bulletin board.

send "filename" Sends the file with file name "filename" as a reply
		unless the path command is also present. Note that the
		directory is not needed.

send "filename.Z" Sends the file in compressed and uuencoded form.

limit n         Split files into messages of length at most n Kbytes.
		The default is 64K and the maximum is 256K.

path "emailaddress"  Instructs the server to send all files and
		messages initiated in this request to "emailaddress"
		instead of replying. Use this if you know replying does
		not work or you want the files to go to a different
		address than the reply address.

reply "emailaddress" Same as path "emailaddress"

resend  "filename" n1, n2, ... nk  Sends the indicated parts of
		a file that was split for transmission purposes.

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BEGIN at the start of the commands list and END after the last
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placed in the same message but on separate lines. THE SUBJECT LINE CAN
NOT BE USED. "send" will take multiple filenames, e.g.,

send "filename1 filename2"

	If a requested file is several Kbytes the server will
acknowledge your request but may delay sending the file. Also because
the server is on a unix computer, filenames will be case sensitive.  If
you request a file that is more than 64K, the mail server will split
the file into pieces. You must remove headers and trailing lines and
reassemble the file. Note that you should not "reply" to a message from


Suppose that you wanted to obtain the three files instructions.txt,
newsubscriber.txt and odellschlumprosen.tex but that your local mail
system will only allow messages of length 20K bytes.
 To:banach-files at
 From:someone at

 send instructions.txt newsubscriber.txt
 limit 20
 send odellschlumprosen.tex

 % The first reply is a diagnostic which tells you what the mail
 %server thought you wanted and tells you what it will do:


 From mmdf at Thu Apr  1 12:48:37 1993
 To: someone at
 Subject: Request by someone at
 X-Server: Squirrel Mail Server Software V3.01A [process 3.68]
 X-Info: Send mail to <postmaster at>
 Date: Thu, 1 Apr 93 12:48:29 CST
 From: mmdf at Sender: mmdf at
 Content-Length: 1515


Processing mail headers...  => Default return address:
"someone at"

Processing message contents...

begin => Resetting

 Command: send instructions.txt newsubscriber.txt
 => Transfer via email to "someone at"
 => Send: instructions.txt
 => Send: newsubscriber.txt

 Command: limit 20
 => Limit = 20K

 Command: send odellschlumprosen.tex
 => Send: odellschlumprosen.tex

 Command: end
 => Okay

Your message has been processed.

Request results:

  Request                              Size  Enc  Limit Status
  ----------------------------------  -----  ---  ----- ------
  instructions.txt                       7K   A     64K Queued
  newsubscriber.txt                      4K   A     64K Queued
  odellschlumprosen.tex                 54K   A     20K Queued

Encoding A means: not encoded (plain file).

The requests with status "Queued" will be sent as soon as the load of
the server system permits, usually within 24 hours.

Mail Server finished.
 %Five mail messages will then be sent:instructions.txt,
 %newsubscriber.txt, and odellschlumprosen parts 1,2,3.
 %The first message begins

Request: instructions.txt

------ begin of instructions.txt -- ascii -- complete ------
	Instructions for the Banach Space Bulletin Board

	The Banach space bulletin board provides an archive of
preprints of papers in Banach space theory and related fields and a
database of information such as email addresses and abstracts

 %The fourth message would contain odellschlumprosen.tex part 2.
 %The second part of odellschlumprosen.tex begins

Request: odellschlumprosen.tex

------ begin of odellschlumprosen.tex -- ascii -- part 2 of 3 ------
the other holds. We will show that assuming case~1, we can find a
weakly null large refinement $(G_n)$ of $(F_n)$. Assuming case~2, we
shall produce a uniformly-$\ell_1$ large refinement $(G_n)$ of

% and ends with

%%for all $\alpha,\beta \in [-1,1]$, $x\in S_{H_1}$ and all
 ------ end of odellschlumprosen.tex -- ascii -- part 2 of 3 ------

 %Thus you must remove the header and trailer lines and join the
 %pieces together before TeXing.
 %If parts two and three arrived in corrupted form, those
 %parts could be obtained by the command sequence

 limit 20
 resend odellschlumprosen.tex 2,3

 %Note that it is important to set the limit to be the same as in
 %the original message. There is no memory of your previous request.
 %Resend works like send. All the parts are generated but
 %only the parts requested are mailed.
 To:banach-files at
 From:someone at

 SEND Index

 %This will cause the server to send the Index file to
 %someone at Note that the commands are now in upper
 %case but the file name is case sensitive.
 To:banach-files at
 From:someone at

 reply nobody at
 send alspach.atx pisierdisc.tex

 %The files alspach.atx and pisierdisc.tex will be
 %sent to nobody at

 To:banach-files at
 From:someone at

Greetings from I.M. Someone

 send alspach.atx.Z

 I.M. Someone
 Department of Mathematics
 Alien U.
 New Earth, Mars

 %Note that the begin and end will cause the mailserver to
 %process the actual command and ignore the garbage.
 %There is no file named alspach.atx.Z but the mail server
 %interprets this as a request for the file alspach.atx in
 %compressed form. The file will be compressed first. Then
 %because compression creates a binary file, the compressed
 %file is then uuencoded to make it emailable. When received
 %the file must be uudecoded and then uncompressed. These
 %programs are usually available on UNIX systems. The advantage
 %is that the resulting mail message is about 2/3 the size
 %of the original file. If you are paying for email, this
 %may be worth the extra trouble.

Sending Your Message To All Subscribers or Adding Your Paper to the

Due to previous problems messages are not automatically forwarded to
all subscribers. If you wish to send a message to all subscribers or
add a paper to the bulletin board you should send a message to
banach-owner at For example

 To:banach-owner at
 From:someone at
 Subject: paper

Please add this paper to the Banach space bulletin board

 %This paper is typed in TeX.
 %Abstract: In this paper we prove that the Riemann Hypothesis is
 % equivalent to the existence of a Banach space with ...

\magnification = 2000


The operator will then TeX and print the paper locally before
announcing the existence of the paper for downloading.
something to send out to the subscribers. If the abstract is in
TeX, it is best if the abstract does not contain special macros.

If the email contains a message to be sent to all subscribers,
banach-owner will check the message and send it out. Controversial or
improper messages may be discarded at the discretion of banach-owner.


 Adding Your Paper to the Archive by FTP

To add a paper to the archive you can send it to
banach-owner at by email as described above or you can
also use anonymous ftp as explained below.

Anonymous FTP

The files on the bulletin board are also accessible by
anonymous ftp.  To use this you must have the correct software
on your machine and access to internet. The login name for this is
"anonymous" and the password is your address. So a session might go
like this:

	password:someone at
	cd pub/banach
	get filename

It is also possible to upload a file to the bulletin board. To do this
login as above but change directory to the subdirectory of pub/banach
called incoming.  Be sure to check the directory listing to see whether
there is already a file by the same name as you were going to use. If
there is, change the name of your file otherwise the original file will
be overwritten. An upload session might look like this (after login).

	cd pub/banach/incoming
	put mytheorem.tex

banach-owner will periodically check the directory pub/banach/incoming
for new papers, but it is a good idea to send an email notification to
banach-owner at

You should look at your ftp manual to be sure that the commands are as

cd      change directory on the remote machine

ls      directory listing in short form of directory on remote machine

bye     logout and close connection

get     copy (a file) from the remote machine to the local machine

put     copy (a file) from the local machine to the remote machine

pwd     print the current directory name for the remote machine

Remember that the remote machine has a unix (actually SunOS) operating
system so subdirectory names are separated by slashes (/) and names are
case sensitive.

Some TeXnical Remarks

Putting a paper in one of the TeX dialects on the bulletin board can
make it accessible to a large audience almost instantly.  However it is
best not to get too fancy with TeX. TeX is very flexible and powerful,
but a TeX file that uses the specifics of your installation may not be
TeXable by anybody else. The users of this bulletin board are
interested in your mathematics not figuring out how to get your file
TeXed. Also it is better to include any macros that you define as part
of the file rather than using a \input. In the case of a few somewhat
standard sets of macros, e.g., mssymb.tex, a \input is OK. Even this
file is a nuisance because it deals directly with font sets that the
AMS has renamed. Thus depending on the installation, the file may have
to be edited.

Some machines have mailers which do not like lines with more than
80 characters. These mailers often apply some sort of line
breaking filter to the file. Unfortunately the results are
sometimes catastrophic for a TeX file. Please make sure that your
line length is limited to less than 80 characters. banach-owner
checks for this problem on each file that is added to the
archive, but it is a major nuisance to correct this problem
if there are many lines with excessive length.

There are still a few machines which do not translate all
standard ASCII characters correctly. As a diagnostic tool it is
very helpful to have a short section near the beginning of the
paper which contains a list of the non-alphanumeric characters
such as

%32   space        33 ! exclam. pt.   34 " double quote  35 # sharp
%36 $ dollar       37 % percent       38 & ampersand     39 ' prime
%40 ( left paren.  41 ) rt. paren.    42 * asterisk      43 + plus
%44 , comma        45 - minus         46 . period        47 / division
%58 : colon        59 ; semi-colon    60 < less than     61 = equal
%62 > greater than 63 ? question mark 64  at  at
%91 [ left bracket 92 \ backslash     93 ] right bracket 94 ^ caret
% 95 _ underline    96 ` left single quote
%123 { left brace  124 | vertical bar 125 } right brace  126 ~ tilda


The AMS makes its fonts and style files available by anonymous ftp and
insists that AMSTeX or AMSLATeX be used for papers in the AMS
They no longer use plain TeX and LATeX electronic files. (It was found
that fixing a paper was more costly than producing an AMSTeX file from
the printed manuscript.) There are guidelines for producing files in
"Guidelines for preparing electronic manuscripts" published by the
This can be obtained from guide-elec at (Specify AMSTeX or
AMSLATeX version.) Even if you are not preparing your manuscript for an
AMS publication this publication can point out places where being too
creative can cause trouble.

Obtaining AMS files

Style files can be obtained by email from
ams-tex at or ams-latex at These files, AMSTeX and
others can also be retrieved by anonymous ftp to (Look
in the ams subdirectory of e-math).

If you have any problems or find errors in the files in the Banach
bulletin board archive report them to banach-owner at

From banach-request at Wed Apr 21 08:54:16 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Ad for book by G.Anastassiou
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 8:42:37 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 5727
X-Lines: 159
Status: RO

	  Pitman Research Notes In Mathematical Series

		      George A. Anastassiou

       "Moments in probability and approximation theory"


The use of probabilistic methods in other mathematical disciplines
has become a trend in recent years, since they produce simple and
elegant proofs usually leading to optimal results.  This research
monograph in approximation theory and probability theory falls into
this category.  Using methods from geometric moment theory, the
author first solves some very important basic moment problems, and
then develops in parallel the theories of convergence of positive
linear operators to the unit/weak convergence of finite measures to
the Dirac measure, both with rates.  The results produced are
quantitative inequalities and most of them are either sharp or
nearly sharp.  Many examples connecting the material to other
topics are given.

Readership:  Researchers in approximation theory, probability
theory, numerical analysis, statistics, applied analysis, classical
analysis, measure theory, functional analysis, and related fields.


Chapter One                                            Page
A. Preview                                                1
   I) On Chapter 2                                        2
  II) On Chapter 3                                        4
 III) On Chapter 4                                        6
  IV) On Chapter 5                                       11
   V) On Chapter 6                                       12
  VI) On Chapter 7                                       14
 VII) On Chapter 8                                       19
VIII) On Chapter 9                                       24
  IX) On Chapter 10                                      26
   X) On Chapter 11                                      29
  XI) On Chapter 12                                      31
 XII) On Chapter 13                                      33
XIII) On Chapter 14                                      35
 XIV) On Chapter 15                                      36

Chapter Two
Geometric Moment Theory

2.1 Methods of Optimal Distance and Optimal Ratio        38
2.2 Convex Moments Methods                               59

Chapter Three
Moment Problems of Kantorovich Type and Kantorovich Raidus
3.1 Moment Problems of Kantorovich Type                   68
3.2 Kantorovich Radius                                    73

Chapter Four
Moment Problems Related to c-Rounding Proportions

4.1 Moment Problems Related to c-Rounding Proportions
    Subject to one Moment Condition                      80
4.2 Moment Problems Related to c-Rounding Proportions
    Subject to Two Moment Conditions                     90
4.3 Moment Problems Related to Jefferson-Rounding
    Proportions Subject to Two Moment Conditions        100
4.4 Moment Problems Related to Adams Rule of Rounding
    Subject to Two Moment Conditions                    107
4.5 Moment Problems Related to Jefferson and Adams rules
    of Rounding Subject to One Moment Condition         112

Chapter Five
The Levy Radius

5.1 The Levy Radius of a Set of Probability Measures
    Satisfying Moment Conditions Involving {t,t^2}      123
5.2 The Levy Radius of a Set of Probability Measures
    Satisfying Two Moment Conditions Involving a
    Tchebycheff System                                  129

Chapter Six
The Prokhorov Radius

6.1 The Prokhorov Radius of a Set of Probability Measures
    Satisfying Moment Conditions involving {t,t^2}       150
6.2 The Trigonometric Prokhorov Radius                   170

Chapter Seven
Probability Measures, Positive Linear Operators and
Korovkin Type Inequalities

7.1 Introduction                                         199
7.2 Optimal Korovkin Type Inequalities                   212
7.3 Nearly Optimal Korovkin Inequalities                 223
7.4 Multivariate Korovkin Type Inequalities              234

Chapter Eight
Optimal Korovkin Type Inequalities Under Convexity

8.1 On the Degree of Weak Convergence of a Sequence of
    Finite Measures to the Unit Measure Under Convexity  242

8.2 On the Rate of Weak Convergence of Convex Type
    Finite Measures to the Unit Measure                  259

8.3 On the Smooth Rate of Weak Convergence of Convex
    Type Finite Measures to the Unit Measure             278

Chapter Nine
Optimal Korovkin Type Inequalities for Convolution Type

9.1 Sharp Inequalities for Convolution Operators         296

9.2 Sharp Inequalities for Non-positive Generalized
    Convolution Operators                                303

Chapter Ten

10.1 Optimal Korovkin Type Inequalities for Positive
     Linear Stochastic Operators                         313

Chapter Eleven

11.1 Optimal Korovkin Type Inequalities for Positive
     Linear Operators Using an Extended Complete
     Tchebycheff System                                  332

Chapter Twelve

12.1 A General "K-Attained" Inequality Related to the
     Weak Convergence of Probability Measures to the
     Unit Measure                                        355

Chapter Thirteen

13.1  A General Stochastic Inequality Involving Basic
      Moments                                            370

Chapter Fourteen

14.1 Miscellaneous Sharp Inequalities and Korovkin-
     type Convergence Theorems Involving Sequences of
     Basic Moments                                       379

Chapter Fifteen

15.1 A Discrete Stochastic Korovkin Type Convergence
     Theorem                                             386

Index                                                    392

List of Symbols                                          393

References                                               396

From banach-request at Wed Apr 21 10:19:08 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: abstract of a paper by M.I. Ostrovskii
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 93 9:07:40 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 591
X-Lines: 25
Status: RO


This is the abstract of the paper "On Complemented Subspaces of Sums
and Products of Banach spaces " by M.I. Ostrovskii.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send ostrovskiicompsbsp.atx


to: banach-files at

It is proved that there exist complemented subspaces
of countable products (direct sums) of Banach spaces which cannot be
represented as products (direct sums) of Banach spaces.

File length:11254 bytes

From banach-request at Mon Apr 26 08:56:27 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Announcement of a summer school on Banach spaces
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 93 8:49:33 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 3074
X-Lines: 110
Status: RO

       *                                            *
       *   2. SUMMER  SCHOOL  ON  BANACH  SPACES    *
       *                                            *
       *                                            *

 August 15--28, 1993 in Prague and Paseky (Czech Republic)

	  supported by Tempus and organized by


    Intensive mini-courses will be offered at a graduate level by

Gustave CHOQUET (Paris):
     Mathematical Discovery and the Formation of Mathematicians

Miroslav HUSEK (Prague):
     Cech's Contributions to Analysis

Stelios NEGREPONTIS (Athens):
     (The title will be announced later)

Robert R. PHELPS (Washington):
      Monotone Operators

Vlastimil PTAK (Prague):
      Geometry of the Space and Spectrum of Operators

Stanimir TROYANSKI (Sofia):
      Extreme Points and their Generalization in Banach Spaces

Lior TZAFRIRI (Jerusalem):
      1. The Kadison -- Singer Extension Property
      2. The Paving Property in l^p

The total duration of the meeting will be two weeks, but it
is possible to register for either week separately.
The conference fee will be 240,- US dollars for each
week. A reduced rate of 210,- US dollars will be offered, provided
a letter guaranteeing participation reaches the organizers
before May 15, 1993. The conference fee includes all local
expenses (room and board) and local transportation.
The fee is the same for accompanying persons.

The purpose of this Meeting is to bring together adepts who
share a common interest in the field.  There will be
opportunities for short communications and informal discussions.
Graduate students and others beginning their mathematical career
are encouraged to participate. The main participants will be
Tempus students  and teachers, but some other contributors
will be welcome.

The first week of the conference will be sited in Prague,
and the second at Paseky in the Krkonose mountains.

Due to the limited accommodation capacity the organizers
may be forced to decline registration.

In case of interest please fill out the enclosed registration form
and return it before July 15, 1993. A final announcement with
further details will be mailed in due time.

Mailing address:
Katedra matematicke analyzy
Matematicko-fyzikalni fakulta
Sokolovska 83
186 00 Praha 8
Czech republic
Phone/Fax: 42 - 2 - 231 76 62
E-mail: jlukes at cspguk11.bitnet

      Kindly inform colleagues interested in this field !


	      Registration form of Summer School:
		    Prague and Paseky 1993

		Name:    ..................
		Address: ..................
		E-mail:  ..................
		Fax:     ..................
		Phone:   ..................

				    J.Lukes  &  J.Kottas

From banach-request at Mon May  3 09:30:38 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Spring school in Czechland
Date: Mon, 3 May 93 9:24:55 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 3295


			 First Announcement
			for the Spring School

  N O N L I N E A R  A N A L Y S I S,  F U N C T I O N  S P A C E S

		 A N D  A P P L I C A T I O N S,  V

			  May 22 - 27, 1994
		     Prague or its neighbourhood

     The School  continues the tradition established  by the foregoing
Spring  Schools  held  in  1978  (Horni  Bradlo),  1982  (Pisek), 1986
(Litomysl),  and 1990  (Roudnice), whose  Proceedings appeared  in the
series Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik, Teubner Verlag, Leipzig, as Vols.
19, 49, 93, and 119, resp.

     The School  is organized by  the Institute of  Mathematics of the
Czech  Academy of  Sciences, Prague,  together with  the University of
West  Bohemia,  Pilsen.  The  following  speakers  have agreed to give
courses of about 4 hours on the topics of the School:

		       F. CHIARENZA (Catania)
		       D. E. EDMUNDS (Sussex)
			B. KAWOHL (Erlangen)
		     F. J. MARTIN-REYES (Malaga)
			E. SAWYER (Hamilton)
		     V. D. STEPANOV (Khabarovsk)
			G. TALENTI (Firenze)
		    R. L. WHEEDEN (New Brunswick)

     There will  be time for  informal discussions, possibly  a poster
session or a limited number of short communications.

     The  second announcement  will be  mailed in  the second  half of
1993. If you would like to have your name included on the mailing list
please contact the Organizing Committee at:

			A. Kufner (Chairman)
      Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
	      Zitna 25, 115 67 Praha 1, Czech Republic
		    e-mail: kufner at csearn.bitnet

or send the filled in Preliminary Application Form to the Organizing

The Organizing Committee: Pavel Drabek, Miroslav Krbec, Alois Kufner,
			  Jan Lang, Bohumir Opic, Lubos Pick,
			  Jiri Rakosnik



		     International Spring School

  N O N L I N E A R  A N A L Y S I S,  F U N C T I O N  S P A C E S

		 A N D  A P P L I C A T I O N S,  V

			  May 22 - 27, 1994
		     Prague or its neighbourhood

	P r e l i m i n a r y  A p p l i c a t i o n  F o r m

     I  am interested  in  participation  in the  International Spring
School  Nonlinear  Analysis,  Function  Spaces  and  Applications,  V,
May 22 - 27, 1994. Please keep me informed.

Name: ...............................................................
Mailing address: ....................................................
E-mail: .............................................................

Wishes, comments:

   ...............                                 ...............
	Date                                          Signature

Address of the Organizing Committee:

			A. Kufner (Chairman)
      Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
			      Zitna 25
			   115 67 Praha 1
			   Czech Republic
		    e-mail: kufner at csearn.bitnet

(Feel free to make copies for your colleagues.)


From banach-request at Tue May  4 12:07:23 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: New email address for M. Ostrovskii
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 11:57:29 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 191
X-Lines: 5
Status: RO

My e-mail address is changed slightly
New address is: at
My previous address will be valid for some time.
       Sincerely yours, Mikhail Ostrovskii

From banach-request at Tue May 11 16:04:04 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstarct of a paper by P. Mankiewicz  and S. J. Szarek
Date: Tue, 11 May 93 15:56:21 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1081
X-Lines: 35
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Random Banach spaces.  The
limitations of the method" by P. Mankiewicz  and S. J. Szarek.  The
paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send mankiewiczszarek.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:   We study the properties of "generic",  in the sense of the
measure on the corresponding Grassmann manifold,  subspaces of
of given dimension.  We prove that every "well bounded" operator on
such a
subspace,  say E,  is a "small" perturbation of a multiple of identity,
where "smallness" is defined intrinsically in terms of the geometry of
In the opposite direction,  we prove that such "generic subspaces of
l^N_infinity" do admit "nontrivial well bounded" projections,  which
the "near optimality" of the first mentioned result,  and proves the so
called "Pisier's dichotomy conjecture" in the "generic" case.

File length:34805

From banach-request at Sat Jun  5 09:51:51 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Address change for Hermann Koenig
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 93 9:43:45 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 585

 Address change. Effective July 1,1993 ZIP codes in Germany change. My
correct address then will be
Hermann Koenig, Mathematisches Seminar, Universitaet Kiel,Ludewig Meyn
24 098 KIEL, Germany  (ZIP code 2300 is changed to 24 098).
As for my private address, it will be Holm 27, 24 113 MOLFSEE,
 Further, e-mail addresses on the X400-net in Germany will use 'd400'
instead of 'dbp' in the future. Using this, my new address is
NMS22 at
The old address   NMS22 at    is valid until Dec.31,
	 With best regards
				  Hermann Koenig

From banach-request at Mon Jun  7 14:01:10 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by G. Pisier
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 93 13:54:06 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2321
X-Lines: 67
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Noncommutative vector valued
$L_p$-spaces and completely $p$-summing maps" by G. Pisier.  The paper
is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send pisiernoncommLp.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $E$ be an operator space in the sense of the theory
recently developed by Blecher-Paulsen and Effros-Ruan. We introduce a
notion of $E$-valued non commutative $L_p$-space for $1 \leq p <
\infty$ and we prove that the resulting operator space satisfies the
natural properties to be expected with respect to e.g. duality and
interpolation. This notion leads to the definition of a ``completely
p-summing" map which is the operator space analogue of the
$p$-absolutely summing maps in the sense of Pietsch-Kwapie\'n.  These
notions extend the particular case $p=1$ which was previously studied
by Effros-Ruan.

File length:32K

This is the abstract of the paper "Complex Interpolation and  Regular
Operators Between Banach " by G. Pisier.  The paper is typed in TeX.
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send pisierregopBlat.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract: We study certain interpolation and
extension properties of the space of regular operators
between two Banach lattices. Let $R_p$ be the space of all
the regular (or equivalently order bounded) operators on
$L_p$ equipped with the regular norm. We prove the
isometric identity $R_p = (R_\infty,R_1)^\theta$ if
$\theta = 1/p$, which shows that the spaces $(R_p)$ form
an interpolation scale relative to Calder\'on's
interpolation method. We also prove that if $S\subset L_p$
is a subspace, every regular operator $u : S \to L_p$
admits a regular extension $\tilde u : L_p \to L_p$ with
the same regular norm. This extends a result due to
Mireille L\'evy in the case $p = 1$.  Finally, we apply
these ideas to the Hardy space $H^p$ viewed as a subspace
of $L_p$ on the circle. We show that the space of regular
operators from $H^p$ to $L_p$ possesses a similar
interpolation property as the spaces $R_p$ defined above.

File length:11K

From banach-request at Wed Jun  9 10:53:19 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Alex Koldobsky
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 93 10:44:48 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 906
Status: RO
X-Lines: 33

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Isometric stability property of
certain Banach spaces " by A. Koldobsky.  The paper is typed in TeX.
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send koldobskyisostab.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $E$ be one of the spaces $C(K)$ and $L_1$,
$F$ be an arbitrary Banach space, $p>1,$ and  $(X,\sigma)$ be a
space with a finite measure. We prove that $E$ is isometric to a
subspace of the Lebesgue-Bochner space $L_p(X;F)$ only if $E$ is
isometric to a subspace of $F.$ Moreover, every isometry
 $T$ from $E$ into $L_p(X;F)$ has the form
$Te(x)=h(x)U(x)e, e\in E,$  where $h:X\rightarrow R$
is a measurable function and, for every $x\in X,$ $U(x)$ is
an isometry from $E$ to $F.$

File length: 14K

From banach-request at Mon Jun 14 09:22:52 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Winter School 1994
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 93 9:16:39 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2849
X-Lines: 105
Status: RO

	   James B. Cooper, Paul Mueller, Charles Stegall

	     e-mail: K318290  at  EDVZ.UNI-LINZ.AC.AT

		    February 14 --- 19, 1994
		     Strobl am Wolfgangsee

The Mathematical Institute of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz is
organising a Winter School in Analysis within the framework of
the Tempus project No. JEP 1988.  Tempus projects are joint European
ventures with the main aim of establishing contacts at all levels but
particular at student level between European countries, with the
on integrating students from the former Eastern block.

The Winter School will be from February 14th - 19th, 1994,
in the beautiful resort of Strobl on Wolfgangsee.

It will take the form of series of 5 connected lectures. The following
mathematicians have agreed to give such a mini-course:

Professor N.G. Makarov, California Institute of Technology (Pasadena),
TITLE: Chaos and Complex Analysis

Professor D.H. Phong, Columbia University (New York),
TITLE: Fourier Integral Operators

The conference will be held in the "Bundesinstitut fuer
St. Wolfgang, 5350 Strobl, (Tel.: 06137 3720).
This is a conference centre with full facilities for accommodation
(with meals).

We would be very happy if you could accept this invitation and
request you to let us know your decision as soon as possible.

			      James B. Cooper, Paul Mueller, Charles




I would like to register for the Winter School in Analysis.

Date of arrival:
Date of departure:

The Lectures will take place from Monday, the 14th of February
till Friday the 18th of February.  Participants can check in at the
Conference Centre after midday Sunday and should check out before

Accomodation: Please book accomodation for ... persons
1. in a double room at the Conference Centre          o
2. in a single room at the Conference Centre          o
3. in a boarding house ("Pension") in Strobl          o
4. in a hotel in Strobl                               o

The cost of full board at the Conference Centre will be about 2.500
Austrian Schillings (ca. USD 250,-).


Please return this form to the following address:
     Renata Muehlbachler
     Institut fuer Mathematik
     Johannes Kepler Universitaet
     Altenbergerstrae 69
     A-4040 Linz

The deadline for registration is 10. 11. 1993 but would-be participants
advised to register as soon as possible since the available
accomodation at
the conference centre is limited.

From banach-request at Mon Jun 14 10:05:39 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Hess and G. Pisier
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 93 9:40:39 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1329
X-Lines: 47
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "The k_t--functional for the
 interpolation couple
L^\infty(d\nu;L^1(d\mu)) " by A. Hess and G. Pisier.
The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send hesspisierktfnctnl.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $(M,\mu)$ and $(N,\nu)$ be measure spaces. In this paper,
we study the
$K_t$--\,functional for the couple
$$A_0=L^\infty(d\mu\,; L^1(d\nu))\,,~~A_1=L^\infty(d\nu\,;

Here, and in what follows
the vector valued $L^p$--\,spaces $L^p(d\mu\,; L^q(d\nu))$ are meant
in Bochner's sense.

One of our main results is the following, which can be viewed as a
of a lemma due to Varopoulos [V].

\proclaim Theorem 0.1. Let $(A_0,A_1)$ be as above. Then for all $f$
in $A_0+A_1$ we have
$${1\over 2}\,K_t(f;\,A_0\,,A_1)\leq
\sup\,\bigg\{ \Big(\mu(E)\vee  t^{-1}\nu(F)\Big)^{-1}
\int_{E\times F} \vert f\vert\,d\mu\,d\nu\,\bigg\}
\leq K_t(f;\,A_0\,,A_1)\,,$$
where the supremum runs over all measurable subsets $E\subset M\,,~
F\subset N$ with positive and finite measure and $u\!\vee\!v$ denotes
the maximum of the reals $u$ and $v$.

File length:37K

From banach-request at Mon Jun 21 16:55:18 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Leung
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 93 16:51:02 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 961
X-Lines: 30
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Some stability properties of
$c_0$-saturated spaces " by D. Leung.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The
paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send leungstbltyc0sat.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:A Banach space is $c_0$-saturated if all of its closed
 dimensional subspaces contain an isomorph of $c_0$.  In this
 we study the stability of this property under the formation of
 direct sums and tensor products.  Some of the results are:
 (1) a slightly more general version of the fact that $c_0$-sums of
 $c_0$-saturated spaces are $c_0$-saturated; (2) $C(K,E)$ is
 $c_0$-saturated if both $C(K)$ and $E$ are; (3) the tensor product
 $JH\tilde{\otimes}_\epsilon JH$ is $c_0$-saturated, where $JH$ is
 the James Hagler space.

File length:51K

From banach-request at Wed Jun 23 09:58:42 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by R. Komowski and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 93 9:52:16 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 805
X-Lines: 24
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Banach spaces without local
unconditional structure" by R. Komowski and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann.  The
paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send komorowskitomczaklst.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:For a large class of Banach spaces, a general construction
  of subspaces without local unconditional structure is presented.  As
  an application it is shown that every Banach space of finite cotype
  contains either $l_2$ or a subspace without unconditional basis,
  which admits a Schauder basis.
  Some other interesting applications and corollaries follow.

File length:61K

From banach-request at Fri Jul  2 12:52:47 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Czech summer school on Banach spaces
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 93 12:43:28 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 5379

		   2nd  SUMMER  SCHOOL

 August 15--28, 1993 in Prague and Paseky (Czech Republic)

	  supported by Tempus and organized by


     The Summer School is dedicated to the centenary
       of the birth of Eduard CECH (1893 -- 1957).


Intensive mini-courses will be offered at a graduate level by

	       Gustave CHOQUET (Paris)

 Mathematical Discovery and the Formation of Mathematicians

	       Miroslav HUSEK (Prague)

	  Cech's Contributions to Analysis

	    Stelios NEGREPONTIS (Athens)

	Baire One Functions on Banach Spaces

  Robert R. PHELPS (University of Washington, Seattle)

		Monotone Operators

	      Vlastimil PTAK (Prague)

   Geometry of the Space and Spectrum of Operators

	     Stanimir TROYANSKI (Sofia)

 Extreme Points and their Generalization in Banach Spaces

	     Lior TZAFRIRI (Jerusalem)

     The Kadison -- Singer Extension Property
	  The Paving Property in l^p

	     Vaclav ZIZLER (Edmonton)

	Markusevic Bases and Applications


    The total duration of the meeting will be two weeks, but it
is possible to register for either week separately.
The conference fee will be 240,- US dollars for each week. The
conference fee includes all local expenses (room and board) and
local transportation. The fee is the same for accompanying

    The first week of the School will be held at the Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics at Praha-Troja, accommodation and board
will be provided in new students's hostel (on the north outskirts
of Prague) at a distance of about 300 m.

    Here there are blocks of two twin bedded rooms, joined
together by a small kitchen, shower and lavatory. (Of course,
meals will be served in the dining room.) The proposed fee for
the week is based on four people staying in block. Of course,
more luxurious accommodation is available in hotels in the centre
of the city, but prices here are now very high.

    The conference fee includes accommodation in shared twin
rooms. Sole occupancy of a twin room will be available for extra
supplement of US dollars 105.

    Public transport between Troja and the centre of the city is
quite frequent, fast and inexpensive and, moreover, we plan the
participants will get free tickets.

    All participants should register in the hostel Sunday 15th
August from 13.00.
Address:   VSK 17. listopadu
	   Patkova 3
	   182 00 Praha 8 -- Troja
	   Czech Republic

    To reach the hostel from central Prague take a "C" (red)
line metro to Holesovice nadrazi (the northern terminus) and then
bus 112 (direction "ZOO") to the second stop.

    Dinner will be provided in the dining hall, and the
scientific programme will begin on Monday at 9.00.

    On Sunday 22 August some sight-seeing walks in Prague will be
arranged, and at 16.00 we will leave from Troja for Paseky, for
the second week of the School.

    The village of Paseky lies in the slopes of the Krkonose
Mountains, in North Bohemia.
Address of the chalet: Rekreacni stredisko
		       Sprava dalkovych kabelu
		       512 47 Paseky nad Jizerou 99
		       Czech Republic
		phone: 42-(0)432-92374
Accommodation consists of rooms for two or three people. There
are excellent facilities and conditions for sporting activities:
hiking trips, soccer, mini-golf and sauna. The bus from Paseky
will arrive in Prague on Saturday 28th August at 11.30 a. m.


The scientific programme will be organized in two distinct parts.

Main speakers for the first week will be:

		     Choquet (3 lectures), Husek (1), Phelps (3),
		     Ptak (5), Troyanski (5), Tzafriri (3)

and for the second week:

		     Negrepontis (5), Phelps (5),
		     Tzafriri (5), Zizler (3).

    Detailed information will be distributed to participants at
their registration.

Please, confirm in a short note (e. g. by e-mail or fax) your
participation (for each week separately).

Mailing address: Katedra matematicke analyzy
		 Matematicko-fyzikalni fakulta UK
		 Sokolovska 83, 186 00 Praha 8
		 Czech Republic

		 Phone/Fax: 42 - 2  - 231 76 62
		 E-mail: umzjk  at  csearn.bitnet   or
			 umzjk  at  earn.cvut.cs   or
			 jkottas  at  cspguk11.bitnet

     Kindly inform colleagues interested in this field !

   We are looking forward to meeting you in Czech republic.

				    Jaroslav Lukes, Jiri Kottas

An AMSTeX file containing the abstracts for some of the talks is
available from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands




to: banach-files at

From banach-request at Thu Jul  8 14:46:11 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Y. Latushkin and S. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 93 14:36:15 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1040
X-Lines: 30
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Evolutionary Semigroups and Lyapunov
Theorems in Banach Spaces" by Y. Latushkin and S. Montgomery-Smith. The
paper is typed in AMSLATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the


	send latushkinmontsmithsemigp.ltx


to: banach-files at

We present a spectral mapping theorem for continuous semigroups of
operators on any Banach space $E$.  The condition for the
hyperbolicity of a semigroup on $E$ is given in terms of
the generator of an evolutionary semigroup acting in the space of
$E$-valued functions.  The evolutionary semigroup generated by
the propagator of a nonautonomous differential
equation in $E$ is also studied.  A ``discrete'' technique for the
investigating of the evolutionary semigroup is developed and applied to
describe the hyperbolicity (exponential dichotomy) of the nonautonomuos

File Length: 68K

From banach-request at Tue Jul 20 09:01:47 1993
To: banach-dist at
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 93 8:56:15 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2494
X-Lines: 86
Status: RO


	The U.T.-A&M Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	   will meet Saturday, August 7 and Sunday, August 8
	  in 317 Milner Hall at Texas A&M in College Station.


Saturday, August 7

10:00- Coffee & Donuts
10:30- G. Schechtman, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Banach
11:20  spaces with the 2-summing property.
11:30- R. Crist, Texas A&M University, Local mappings on
12:00  operator algebras.


 1:30- E. Kirchberg, University of Heidelberg, Exact C*-algebras
 2:20  and open questions).
 2:30- A. Donsig, Texas A&M University, The Jacobson radical and other
 3:00  ideals of triangular AF algebras.


 3:30- A. Koldobski, University of Texas at San Antonio, A few reasons
 4:20  for calculating the Fourier transform of norm dependent
 4:40- TBA

Sunday, August 8

  9:00  Coffee & Donuts
  9:30- S. Dilworth, University of South Carolina at Columbia, Banach
 10:20  spaces which admit a norm with the uniform Kadec-Klee
 10:40- G. Pisier, Texas A&M University, Non-commutative vector
 11:30  valued L_p-spaces.
 11:45- G. Popescu, Texas A&M University, Noncommutative dilation
 12:15  theory on Fock spaces.

HOUSING: We have reserved some rooms at the Memorial Student
Center Guest Rooms (on campus-(409) 845-8909). You will need
to go through Deidra Williams, (dlw4298 at,
(409) 845-3261, (409) 845-6028  FaX) to get one of these rooms.

We expect to be able to cover housing for a small number of
participants.  Preference will be given to participants who do not
have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants.

LIST OF MOTELS: Below are some local motels.  If you wish to stay
in one of them, you should contact the motel directly.

In Southwood Valley, where most local participants live:
Quality Inn, 2514 Texas Av S, (409) 696-6988.
Manor House Inn, 2504 Texas Av S, (409) 764-9540.

Near campus, but not fun to walk:
Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Av S, (409) 846-0184.
La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Av S, (409) 696-5900.
Holiday Inn, 1503 Texas Av S, (409) 693-1736.
Comfort Inn, 104 Texas Av S, (409) 846-733.
Western Motel, 204 Texas Av S, (409) 846-5757.

Generally considered the top place in town:
Hilton, 801 University Dr E, (409) 693-7500.
Next door to Hilton:
Inn at Chimney Hill, 901 University Dr E (409) 260-9150.

A. Arias, arias at, (409) 845-6727 (office),
(409) 846-0417 (home)

From banach-request at Mon Jul 26 09:23:33 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.K. Lin
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 93 9:17:36 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 674
X-Lines: 30
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Unrestricted products of
contractions in Banach spaces" by P.K. Lin.  The paper is typed in
AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send linprodcntrct.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $X$ be a reflexive Banach space such that for any $x \ne
0$ the set $$ \{x^* \in X^*: \text {$\|x^*\|=1$ and $x^*(x)=\|x\|$}\}
$$ is compact.  We prove that any unrestricted product of of a finite
number of $(W)$ contractions on $X$ converges weakly.

File length:17K

From banach-request at Thu Jul 29 09:14:39 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by B. Maurey
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 93 9:10:44 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 539
X-Lines: 24
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "A remark about distortion" by B.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send maureydistrt.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:In this note we show that every Banach space $X$
not containing $\ell_1^n$ uniformly and
with unconditional basis
contains an arbitrarily distortable subspace.

File length:19K

From banach-request at Thu Aug  5 08:42:20 1993
To: banach-dist at
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 93 8:37:36 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2535
X-Lines: 85
Status: RO


	The U.T.-A&M Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	   will meet Saturday, August 7 and Sunday, August 8
	  in 317 Milner Hall at Texas A&M in College Station.


Saturday, August 7

10:00- Coffee & Donuts
10:30- G. Schechtman, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Banach
11:20  spaces with the 2-summing property.
11:30- R. Crist, Texas A&M University, Local mappings on
12:00  operator algebras.


 1:30- E. Kirchberg, University of Heidelberg, Exact C*-algebras
 2:20  and open questions).
 2:30- A. Donsig, Texas A&M University, The Jacobson radical and other
 3:00  ideals of triangular AF algebras.


 3:30- A. Koldobski, University of Texas at San Antonio, A few reasons
 4:20  for calculating the Fourier transform of norm dependent
 4:40- V. Paulsen, The University of Houston, TBA

Sunday, August 8

  9:00  Coffee & Donuts
  9:30- S. Dilworth, University of South Carolina at Columbia, Banach
 10:20  spaces which admit a norm with the uniform Kadec-Klee
 10:40- G. Pisier, Texas A&M University, Non-commutative vector
 11:30  valued L_p-spaces.
 11:45- G. Popescu, Texas A&M University, Noncommutative dilation
 12:15  theory on Fock spaces.

HOUSING: We have reserved some rooms at the Memorial Student
Center Guest Rooms (on campus-(409) 845-8909). You will need
to go through Deidra Williams, (dlw4298 at,
(409) 845-3261, (409) 845-6028  FaX) to get one of these rooms.

We expect to be able to cover housing for a small number of
participants.  Preference will be given to participants who do not
have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants.

LIST OF MOTELS: Below are some local motels.  If you wish to stay
in one of them, you should contact the motel directly.

In Southwood Valley, where most local participants live:
Quality Inn, 2514 Texas Av S, (409) 696-6988.
Manor House Inn, 2504 Texas Av S, (409) 764-9540.

Near campus, but not fun to walk:
Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Av S, (409) 846-0184.
La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Av S, (409) 696-5900.
Holiday Inn, 1503 Texas Av S, (409) 693-1736.
Comfort Inn, 104 Texas Av S, (409) 846-733.
Western Motel, 204 Texas Av S, (409) 846-5757.

Generally considered the top place in town:
Hilton, 801 University Dr E, (409) 693-7500.
Next door to Hilton:
Inn at Chimney Hill, 901 University Dr E (409) 260-9150.

A. Arias, arias at, (409) 845-6727 (office),
(409) 846-0417 (home)

From banach-request at Thu Aug  5 09:32:08 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Pisier
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 93 9:28:26 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 758
X-Lines: 29
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Projections from a von~Neumann
algebra onto a subalgebra" by G. Pisier.  The paper is typed in TeX.
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send pisierprojsubalg.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:This paper is mainly devoted to the following
question:\ Let $M,N$ be von~Neumann algebras with $M\subset N$, if
there is
a completely bounded projection $P\colon \ N\to M$, is
there automatically a contractive projection $\widetilde P\colon \ N\to

We give an affirmative answer with the only restriction that $M$ is

File length:32K

From banach-request at Mon Aug  9 12:38:23 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Pisier
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 93 12:34:43 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1667
X-Lines: 48
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Exact operator spaces" by G.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send pisierexactopsp.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:In this paper, we study {\it operator spaces\/} in the sense
of the
theory developed recently by Blecher-Paulsen [BP] and Effros-Ruan
[ER1]. By an operator space, we mean a closed subspace $E\subset B(H)$,
with $H$ Hilbert.

We will be mainly concerned here with the ``geometry'' of {\it finite
dimensional\/} operator spaces. In the Banach space category, it is
well known that every separable space embeds isometrically into
$\ell_\infty$. Moreover, if $E$ is a finite dimensional normed space
for each $\vp>0$, there is an integer $n$ and a subspace $F\subset
\ell^n_\infty$ which is $(1+\vp)$-isomorphic to $E$, i.e. there is an
isomorphism $u\colon \ E\to F$ such that $\|u\|\ \|u^{-1}\|\le 1+\vp$.
of course, $n$ depends on $\vp$, say $n=n(\vp)$ and usually (for
if $E = \ell^k_2$) we have $n(\vp)\to \infty$ when $\vp\to 0$.

Quite interestingly, it turns out that this fact is not valid in the
category of operator spaces:\ although every operator space embeds
completely isometrically into $B(H)$ (the non-commutative analogue of
$\ell_\infty$) it is not true that a finite dimensional operator space
be close to a subspace of $M_n$ (the non-commutative analogue of
$\ell^n_\infty$) for some $n$. The main object of this paper is to
this phenomenon.

File length:74K

From banach-request at Tue Aug 10 10:05:34 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by E. Odell and T. Schlumprecht
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 93 10:02:33 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 707
Status: RO
X-Lines: 26

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "On impossible extensions of
Krivine's Theorem" by E. Odell and T. Schlumprecht.  The paper is typed
in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp
to or transmitting the commands


	send odellschlumprechtKrvnThm.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We give examples of two Banach spaces. One Banach space has no
spreading model which contains $\ell_p$ ($1\le p<\infty$) or $c_0$. The
other space has an unconditional basis for which $\ell_p$ ($1\le
p<\infty$) and $c_0$ are block finitely represented in all block

File length:51K

From banach-request at Fri Aug 13 10:23:06 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Kalton and D. Werner
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 93 10:16:59 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 708
X-Lines: 26
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "The $M$-ideal structure of some
algebras of bounded linear operators" by N. Kalton and D. Werner.  The
paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin
board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send kaltonwernerMidl.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $1<p,\,q<\infty$.
It is shown for complex scalars
that there are no nontrivial $M$-ideals in
$L(L_p[0,1])$ if $p\neq 2$,
and $K(\ell_p(\ell_q^n)$ is the only nontrivial $M$-ideal in
$L(\ell_p(\ell_q^n)$. This proves a conjecture of C.-M. Cho and
W. B. Johnson.

File length:32K

From GJP1168 at Wed Aug 25 15:03:25 1993
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1993 15:03:19 -0500 (CDT)
From: GJP1168 at
To:   alspach at
Subject: Re: check
Content-Length: 1145
Status: RO
X-Lines: 48

Dear Dale a better version is this
please use this one preferably
This is to announce a


             to be held at

           Texas A&M University
           October 19 to 21 1993
(Immediately before the AMS meeting)

Tentative list of one hour speakers at this point:

Z. J. RUAN, 

Other probable participants: B. Mathes, I. Raeburn, C. Le Merdy.

More talks will be organized
during the workshop.

Local organizer: Gilles Pisier.
(GJP1168  at  tamvenus.bitnet    or    GIP at frunip62.bitnet).

Anyone interested in participating
should contact, for all the practical arrangements,
the secretary in charge of the workshop
Deidra Williams 
Math. Dept. Texas A&M Univ. College Station TX 77843
 at the following email address:
    DLW4298 at
in particular in order to make room reservations.
(Probably it is best to also send  a copy
of your message to Pisier.)

We unfortunately cannot provide support
except for the invited speakers.

The meeting will begin 
on october 19 at approximately  10 am
and end on october 21 at 5pm.

From banach-request at Tue Aug 24 13:27:26 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by G. Pisier
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 93 13:14:54 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1482
Status: RO
X-Lines: 37

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Regular operators between
non-commutative $L_p$-spaces" by G. Pisier.  The paper is typed in
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send pisierregopLp.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We introduce the notion of a regular mapping on a
non-commutative $L_p$-space associated to a hyperfinite
 von Neumann algebra for $1\le p\le \infty$. This is a non-commutative
generalization of the notion of regular or order bounded map on a
Banach lattice.  This extension is based on our recent paper [P3],
where we introduce and study a non-commutative version of vector valued
$L_p$-spaces. In the extreme cases $p=1$ and $p=\infty$, our regular
operators reduce to the completely bounded ones and the regular norm
coincides with the $cb$-norm. We prove that a mapping is regular iff it
is a linear combination of bounded, completely positive mappings. We
prove an extension theorem for regular mappings defined on a subspace
of a non-commutative $L_p$-space. Finally, let $R_p$ be the space of
all regular mappings on a given non-commutative $L_p$-space  equipped
with the regular norm. We prove the isometric identity
$R_p=(R_\infty,R_1)^\theta$ where $\theta=1/p$ and where
$(\ .\ ,\ .\ )^\theta$ is the dual
 variant of Calder\'on's complex interpolation method.

File length:48K

From banach-request at Thu Sep 23 13:41:16 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: change of email for G. Pisier
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 93 13:33:09 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 225

Dear colleague,
from now on please use only the
following internet address to
reach me by email:
gip at

The messages sent to the old
bitnet address (gip at frunip62) will
soon stop  being delivered.

Gilles Pisier

From banach-request at Mon Sep 13 12:27:45 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by S. Montgomery-Smith and V.H. de la Pena
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 93 11:56:47 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1883
Status: RO
X-Lines: 53

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the papers "Bounds on the Tail Probability of
U-Statistics and Quadratic Forms" and "Decoupling Inequalities for the
Tail Probabilities of Multivariate U-statistics" by Victor H. de la
Pe\~na  and S. J. Montgomery-Smith.  The paper is typed in TeX. The
paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send montsmithpenaustat.tex
	send montsmithpenadecupustat.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Both papers are concerned with the following result which
one to decouple U-Statistics in tail probability.

Theorem 1.
Let $X_i$\ be a sequence of independent random variables taking
values in a measure space $S$, and let $f_{i_1\dotsi_k}$\ be
measurable functions from $S^k$\ to a Banach space $B$.
Let $(X_i^{(j)})$\ be independent copies of $(X_i)$.
The following inequality holds for all $t \ge 0$ and all
$n\ge 2$,
$$ P(||\sum_{1\le i_1 \ne \dots \ne i_k \le n}
   f_{i_1 \dots i_k}(X_{i_1},\dots,X_{i_k}) || \ge t) \qquad\qquad$$
$$ \qquad\qquad\le
   C_k P(C_k||\sum_{1\le i_1 \ne \dots \ne i_k \le n}
   f_{i_1 \dots i_k}(X_{i_1}^{(1)},\dots,X_{i_k}^{(k)}) || \ge t) .$$
Furthermore, the reverse inequality also holds in the case that
the functions $\{f_{i_1\dots i_k}\}$\ satisfy the symmetry condition
$$ f_{i_1 \dots i_k}(X_{i_1},\dots,X_{i_k}) =
   f_{i_{\pi(1)} \dots i_{\pi(k)}}(X_{i_{\pi(1)}},\dots,X_{i_{\pi(k)}})
for all permutations $\pi$\ of $\{1,\dots,k\}$.  Note that
the expression $i_1 \ne \dots \ne i_k$\ means that $i_r \ne i_s$\ for
$r\ne s$.  Also, $C_k$\ is a constant that depends only on $k$.

The first paper is an announcement of the result, and includes a proof
in the case that $k=2$.

The second paper gives the full proof of the result.

File length:17K, 26K

From banach-request at Wed Sep 29 15:01:56 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: New address for W. Hensgen
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 14:52:38 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 80
X-Lines: 3
Status: RO

Wolfgang Hensgen has a new email address:

hensgen at

From banach-request at Thu Oct  7 11:37:48 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: A paper by S.J. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 93 11:26:34 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 796
X-Lines: 30
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Comparison of Sums of independent
Identically Distributed Random Variables" by S.J. Montgomery-Smith.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the


	send montsmithiidrv.tex


to: banach-files at

Let S_k be the k-th partial sum of Banach space valued
independent identically distributed random variables.
In this paper, we compare the tail distribution of ||S_k||
with that of ||S_j||, and deduce some tail distribution
maximal inequalities.

Theorem:  There is universal constant c such that for j < k

   Pr(||S_j|| > t)  <=  c Pr(||S_k|| > t/c).

File length:19K

From banach-request at Fri Oct  8 11:57:49 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a  paper by S.J. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 93 11:45:42 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 800
X-Lines: 28
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "The Fourier Transform on
Rearrangement Invariant Spaces" by S.J. Montgomery-Smith.  The paper is
typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send montsmithhdrfyng.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We generalize the Hausdorff-Young inequality to rearrangement
invariant spaces, that is, we consider the inequality $||\hat f||_Y \le
c ||f||_X$ where $X$\ and $Y$\ are rearrangement invariant spaces.  We
show how to construct the largest possible space $Y$ given $X$ and the
smallest possible space $X$ given $Y$ under certain conditions
pertaining to the Boyd indices.

File length:37K

From banach-request at Mon Oct 11 11:43:35 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by B. Randrianantoanina
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 93 11:36:25 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 547
Status: RO
X-Lines: 22

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Contractive projections in nonatomic
function spaces" by B.Randrianantoanina. The paper is typed in
The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send randricnprj.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We prove that there is no 1-complemented subspace of finite
 codimension in separable rearrangament-invariant function spaces.

File length:13K

From banach-request at Mon Oct 11 12:35:52 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Conference in 1994
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 93 12:14:13 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1350
X-Lines: 82
Status: RO

%Use LATeX
		    The Department of Mathematics at


		    University of Missouri-Columbia



			On the Interaction Between

			  Functional Analysis,

			 Harmonic Analysis, and


			  May 30- June 3, 1994

		Supported by The University of Missouri

		and the National Science Foundation

The  following  people  have   agreed  to  speak.

	       {\bf Earl Berkson (University of Illinois)

		    Jean Bourgain (I H E S, France)

		Don Burkholder (University of Illinois)

		Robert Fefferman (University of Chicago)

		     William B. Johnson (Texas A\&M)

	 Alexander Pe\l czynski (Polish Academy of Sciences)

		     Peter Jones (Yale University)

	     Gilles Pisier (University of Paris/Texas A\&M)

		Richard Rochberg (Washington University)

     Michel Talagrand  (University of Paris/Ohio-State University)

	     Lior Tzafriri (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

		  Guido Weiss  (Washington University) }

For Additional Information send an e-mail message to:

conf at

From banach-request at Tue Oct 12 09:26:49 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Conference on Function Spaces
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 93 9:19:48 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 6784
Status: RO
X-Lines: 187

		May 25-28, 1994
      Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville


J. Arazy       University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel
H. Arizmendi   Universidad Nacional, Mexico City 04510, D. F., Mexico
R. Aaron       Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, USA
S. Axler       Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
A. Bernard     Institut Fourier,  Grenoble 1, France
E. Briem       University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
B. Burckel     Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
M. Cambern     University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Cho-Ho Chu     University of London, London SE14 6NW,  UK
P. Curtis      University of California, Los Angeles , CA 90024, USA
J. Diestel     Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, USA
G. Emmanuele   Citta' Universitaria, 95125 - Catana, Italy
P. Enflo       Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242, USA
J. Feinstein   University of Nottingham, Nottingham  NG72RD, UK
F. Forelli     University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
T. W. Gamelin  University of California, Los Angeles , CA 90024, USA
P. Gorkin      Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA
S. Grabiner    Pomona College, Cleremont, CA 91711, USA
P. Greim       The Citadel, Charleston, SC 29409, USA
O. Hatori      Tokyo Medical College, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan
K. Jarosz      Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 62026,
K. B. Laursen  Kobenhavns Universites, 2100 Kobenhavns, Denmark
D. Lubinsky    University of Witwatersrand, 2050 Johanenesburg, RSA
J. Mendoza     Universidad Complutense, Madrid 28040, Spain
M. Neumann     Mississippi State University, MS 39762, USA
D. Pathak      M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda 390-001, India
A. Pelczynski  Polish Academy of Sciences, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland
N. V. Rao      University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA
T.S.S.R.K. Rao Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore 560 059, India
R. Rochberg    Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
W. Rudin       University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA
S. J. Sidney   University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268, USA
S. Saccone     Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA
T. Tonev       University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA
L. Tzafriri    Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel
K. Yale        University of Montana, Missoula , MT 59812, USA
J. Wermer      Brown University, Providence, RI 02912,  USA
W. Werner      Universitat-GH-Paderbron, D-33095 Paderborn, Germany
Pei Yuan Wu    National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
W. Zelazko     Polish Academy of Sciences, 00-950 Warsaw, Poland


      The conference will feature several invited talks on
function algebras, spaces of analytic functions, L^p-spaces,
spaces of vector valued functions, and other topics.
There will also be parallel sessions of contributed talks.

      Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville is located
20 miles North-East from St. Louis  on a 2600 wooded acres
outside the town of Edwardsville.

	  May 24      -   registration
	  May 25-28   -   talks
	  May 29      -   a bus will be arranged for participants
			  joining the Conference
			  "On Interaction Between Functional Analysis,
			  Harmonic Analysis, and Probability"
			  at the University of Missouri-Columbia.

      We plan to publish proceedings of the conference in a Marcel
series Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
      Proceeding of the first Conference on Function Spaces at SIUE
were published in 1992 in the same series, # 136.

      Abstracts for contributed talks should be 7.5" wide
by at most 5" inches high. Please E-mail a TEX file or mail
a photo ready copy, as soon as possible, but not later than April 1,
      The registration fee will be $40 through March of 1994,
and $50 thereafter.

      Arrangements have been made for participants who wish
to stay on campus. The rates are as follows:
  a private bedroom in a two bedroom student's apartment is $19 per
  and double occupancy (four people per an apartment) is $12.50 per
  per night.
Blankets and sheets are provided, no kitchenware.
      The number of apartments on campus is limited,
please reserve as early as possible.
      More luxurious accomodation is available in several local hotels,
however none of the hotels is located in a walking distance from the

Send all correspondence to:  K. Jarosz
			     Department of Mathematics & Statistics
			     Southern Illinois University at
			     Edwardsville, Illinois  62026, USA
			     E-mail:  CJ01 at SIUEMUS.BITNET
			     fax: (618) 692 3174;
			     tel.: (618) 692 2354



		     May 25-28, 1994



Electronic Mail:__________________________

I am enclosing a check for ($40 by March 31; $50 later):

$_____________to pay my registration fee.  Make checks payable to

I wish to reserve a room on campus for the nights between and

First night:___________________  Last night:_________________________
(Do not send payment for rooms. This is only to reserve rooms.)

Type of accomodation:

Private bedroom in a two bedroom apartment ($19/night):

Double occupancy

Roommate's name:
Please assign me a roommate.   My gender is male/female. (Circle one)

I do not wish to share an apartment,
I will pay $38/night for a private two bedroom apartment:

I prefer to stay in a hotel.
Send me a list of local hotels/motels:

I want to give a talk:

YES      NO      I WILL DECIDE LATER, but before April 1   (Circle

If YES,  preferred length of the talk:


I enclose an abstract / I will send an abstract by April 1, 1994
(Circle one)

I want to take a bus from SIUE to Columbia-Missouri on May 29
(there will be a nominal charge): _____________________________


From banach-request at Wed Oct 13 08:50:08 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. Kalton and D. Werner
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 93 8:45:39 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1330
Status: RO
X-Lines: 35

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Property $(M)$, $M$-ideals, and
almost isometric structure of Banach spaces" by N. Kalton and D.
Werner.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from
the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the


	send kaltonwernermideal.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We study $M$-ideals of compact operators by means of the
property~$(M)$ introduced in \cite{Kal-M}. Our main result states for a
separable Banach space $X$ that the space of compact operators on $X$
is an $M$-ideal in the space of bounded operators if (and only if) $X$
does not contain a copy of $\ell_{1}$, has the metric compact
approximation property, and has property~$(M)$. The investigation of
special versions of property~$(M)$ leads to results on almost isometric
structure of some classes of Banach spaces. For instance, we give a
simple necessary and sufficient condition for a Banach space to embed
almost isometrically into an $\ell_{p}$-sum of finite-dimensional
spaces resp.\ into $c_{0}$, and for $2<p<\iy$ we prove that a subspace
of $L_{p}$ embeds almost isometrically into $\ell_{p}$ if and only if
it does not contain a subspace isomorphic to $\ell_{2}$.

File length:115K

From banach-request at Thu Oct 14 09:22:44 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P. Mueller
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 93 9:15:55 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1939
X-Lines: 51
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Two Remarks on Marcinkiewicz
decompositions by Holomorphic Martingales" by Paul F.X. M\"uller.  The
paper is typed in AMSLATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the
bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the


	send muellermrcnkwcz.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:The real part of $H^\infty(\bT)$ is not dense in
$L^\infty_{\tR}(\bT)$. The John-Nirenberg theorem in combination with
the Helson-Szeg\"o theorem and the Hunt Muckenhaupt Wheeden theorem has
been used to determine whether $f\in L^\infty_{\tR}(\bT)$ can be
approximated by $\Re H^\infty(\bT)$ or not:  $\dist(f,\Re H^\infty)=0$
if and only if for every $\e>0$ there exists $\l_0>0$ so that for
$\l>\l_0$ and any interval $I\sbe \bT$.  $$|\{x\in I:|\tilde f-(\tilde
f)_I|>\l\}|\le |I|e^{-\l/ \e},$$ where $\tilde f$ denotes the Hilbert
transform of $f$. See [G] p. 259.  This result is contrasted by the

\begin{theor} Let $f\in L^\infty_{\tR}$ and $\e>0$. Then there is a
function $g\in H^\infty(\bT)$ and a set $E\sb \bT$ so that $|\bT\sm
E|<\e$ and $$f=\Re g\quad\mbox{ on } E.$$  \end{theor}

This theorem is best regarded as a corollary to Men'shov's correction
theorem.  For the classical proof of Men'shov's theorem see [Ba, Ch VI
\S 1-\S4].

Simple proofs of Men'shov's theorem -- together with significant
extensions -- have been obtained by S.V. Khruschev in [Kh] and S.V.
Kislyakov in [K1], [K2] and [K3].

In [S] C. Sundberg used $\bar\pa$-techniques (in particular [G,
Theorem  VIII.1.  gave a proof of Theorem 1 that does not mention
Men'shov's theorem.

The purpose of this paper is to use a Marcinkiewicz decomposition on
Holomorphic Martingales to give another proof of Theorem 1. In this way
we avoid uniformly convergent Fourier series  as well as

File length:16K

From banach-request at Thu Oct 14 10:18:17 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by C. Schutt
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 93 9:49:54 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1993
X-Lines: 62
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Random polytopes and affine surface
area" by C. Schutt. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands


	send schuttrndmpolytp.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let K be a convex body in $\Bbb R^d$. A random polytope in K
is the convex hull of finitely many points in K that are chosen at
random with respect to a probability measure on K. Here we consider the
normalized Lebesgue measure on K.  For a fixed number n of points we
are interested in the expectation of the volume of that part of K that
is not contained in the convex hull $[x_1,....., x_n]$  of the chosen
points. We denote

$$ \Bbb E(K,n)= \int_{K \times \cdots \times K}
vol_d([x_1,...,x_n])d\Bbb P(x_1,...x_n)   $$

where $\Bbb P$ is the n-fold product of the normalized Lebesgue measure
on K.  We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of

$$ vol_d(K)-\Bbb E(K,n)= \int_{K \times \cdots \times K} vol_d(K
\setminus [x_1,....,x_n]) d\Bbb P(x_1,...,x_n)     $$

R\'enyi and Sulanke determined the asymptotic behavior of this
expression for polygons and smooth convex bodies in $\Bbb R^2$.  \vskip

\proclaim{\smc Theorem 1} Let K be a convex body in $\Bbb R^d$. Then we

$$ c(d)\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac {vol_d(K)-\Bbb
E(K,n)}{(\frac{vol_d(K)}{n})^{\frac{2}{d+1}}} =\int_{\partial K}
\kappa(x)^{\frac{1}{d+1}}d\mu(x)                 $$

where $\kappa (x)$ is the generalized Gau\ss-Kronecker curvature and

$$ c(d)=2(\frac{vol_{d-1}(B_2^{d-1})}{d+1})^{\frac {2}{d+1}}

\endproclaim \vskip 1cm

This problem was posed by Schneider and Wieacker . It has been solved
by B\'ar\'any for convex bodies with $C^3$ boundary and everywhere
positive curvature. Our result holds for arbitrary convex bodies.

File length:47K

From banach-request at Fri Oct 15 13:21:56 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Workshop on Operator Spaces
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 93 13:15:51 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1749
X-Lines: 76
Status: RO

 \baselineskip = 18pt
 Program of the Workshop on OPERATOR SPACES
to be held in the faculty lounge Milner 317
(in the Math. dept. Texas A\&M U.)
Tuesday October 19
9.30-10 : Informal registration (Coffee and cookies)

10-11 : David BLECHER: "Operator Spaces and Algebras"

11.30-12.30 : Edward EFFROS:"Mapping
Spaces and Tensor Products".

12.30-14.30 : Lunch (faculty club)

14.15-       : Coffee available for participants in Milner 317.

14.30-15.30 : Vern PAULSEN:"Maximal Operator Spaces"

16-17 : Jon KRAUS: "Approximation Properties for Operator Spaces."
Wednesday October 20
9.30-10 : Coffee and cookies available for participants in Milner 317.

10-11 : Florin RADULESCU: "Noncommutative Probability and Number

11.30-12.30 : Gilles PISIER:
"Exact Operator Spaces and $B(H)\otimes B(H)$."

12.30-14.30 : Lunch

14.15-       : Coffee available for participants in Milner 317.

14.30-15.30 :  Huaxin LIN:
 "Almost Commuting Selfadjoint
Matrices and Applications".

16-17 : Roger SMITH:
"Complete Boundedness and Cohomology"
Thursday October 21
9.30-10 : Coffee and cookies available for participants in Milner 317.

10-11 : Edward EFFROS: "Discrete Quantum Groups"

11.15-12 : Christian LE MERDY:
"Factorization of $p$-Completely Bounded
Multilinear Maps."

12.15-13 : Marius JUNGE: "Factorizaton of the Operator Spaces lp"

13-14.30 : Lunch

14.15-      : Coffee available for participants in Milner 317.

14.30-15.30 :  Zhong Jin RUAN: "Operator Amenability of
Completely Contractive Banach Algebras"

16-17 : Iain RAEBURN:
"Twisted Fourier Algebras"

17. End of the Workshop.

From banach-request at Tue Oct 26 10:19:37 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by M. Ostrovskii
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 93 10:12:34 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1910
X-Lines: 64
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "On complemented subspaces of sums
and products of Banach spaces" by M. Ostrovskii.  The paper is typed in
AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send ostrovskiicmpsbsp.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:It is proved that there exist complemented subspaces
of countable topological products (locally convex direct sums)
of Banach spaces which cannot be
represented as topological products (locally convex direct sums)
of Banach spaces. (This is a revised version of the paper by the same
formerly contained in the file ostrovskiicompsbsp.atx.)

File length:20K


This is the abstract of the paper "Structure of total
subspaces of dual Banach spaces" by M. Ostrovskii.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send ostrovskiittlsbsp.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $X$ be a separable nonquasireflexive Banach space.
Let $Y$ be a Banach space isomorphic to a subspace of
$X^*$. The paper is devoted to the following questions:
1. Under what conditions does there exist an isomorphic
embedding $T:Y\to X^*$ such that subspace $T(Y)\subset X^*$
is total?
2. If such embeddings exist, what are the possible orders
of $T(Y)$?

Here we need to recall some definitions. For a subset
$M\subset X^*$ we denote the set of all limits of weak$^*$
convergent sequences in $M$ by $M_{(1)}$. Inductively, for
ordinal number $\alpha$ we let

The least ordinal $\alpha$ for which $M_{(\alpha)}=
M_{(\alpha+1)}$ is called the {\it order} of $M$.

File length:27K

From banach-request at Mon Nov  1 13:18:07 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Conference at U of Missouri
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 13:06:23 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 12191
X-Lines: 410
Status: RO

This mailing  contains preliminary  information about  our conference
The  Interaction  Between  Functional  Analysis,  Harmonic Analysis,
Probability  to  be  held  May  30-June  3,  1994  at  the University
Missouri,  Columbia,  Missouri.    This  is  a  rather long file, and
specifically call your attention to the following sections:

		   Conference announcement
		   Travel information
		   Motel information
		   Funding information
		   Conference Proceedings
		   Registration form

		    The Department of Mathematics at


		    University of Missouri-Columbia


			On the Interaction Between
			  Functional Analysis,
			 Harmonic Analysis, and

			  May 30- June 3, 1994

		Supported by The University of Missouri
		  and the National Science Foundation

The  following  people  have   agreed  to  speak.

		 Earl Berkson (University of Illinois)
	    Jean Bourgain (I H E S, France/University of Illinois)
		Don Burkholder (University of Illinois)
		Robert Fefferman (University of Chicago)
		     William B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
	   Alexander Pelczynski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
		     Peter Jones (Yale University)
	     Gilles Pisier (University of Paris/Texas A&M)
		Richard Rochberg (Washington University)
     Michel Talagrand  (University of Paris/Ohio-State University)
	     Lior Tzafriri (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
		  Guido Weiss  (Washington University)

For Additional Information send an e-mail message to:

		       conf at

To register send the registration form below to:

		     register at

			   Travel Information

The travel  information is  provided to  help you  in making your
plans.   You may  be able  to take  advantage of  various discounted
fares if you make reservations soon,  so we would encourage you to
action   promptly.      The   material   concerning   travel  and
accommodations should be self-explanatory.

We also ask that you send  back your registration form at your
convenience, so that we can start filling in the schedule of talks.
should also  be noted  that there  is an  upper limit  to the  number
participants we  can  accommodate  so  we  may be forced to decline
registrations.  There will be  another mailing nearer the conference
which we give a more detailed schedule.  If you want to give a 20 or
minute talk, your abstract should accompany your registration form.
ask that, if possible, you have  your abstract prepared in TeX and
you send us both a hard copy and an electronic copy.  Please try to
your abstract short and to the point, and, in particular, not more
one page (a third to a half a page is much preferred).  For joint
please indicate the  speaker with an  asterisk (*).   We will prepare
list  of  abstracts  in  alphabetical  order  by speaker.  These will
distributed at registration.  Also, there will be a registration fee
$40.   It would  assist the  organizers if  this is  paid in advance;
course it  is refundable  in the  event of  non-attendance.   The fee
waived for the  main speakers and  graduate students.   Please make
check payable  to:   The University  of Missouri,  Dept of
Other information, about restaurants, use of e-mail, etc., will also
provided at registration.

Since  this  mailing  is  being  sent  to  two different lists of
addresses, it is possible that  you will receive multiple copies  of
We apologize in advance for this inconvenience.

If you  desire further  information, please  direct your  queries to
account  conf at    Phone  queries  should go to
Math.    Dept.   office  (314-882-6221). The   Dept.'s  fax  number

	       Travelling to and from Columbia, Missouri

We describe  here the  principal means  of access  to and  from
Details about getting around Columbia will be provided later.


The main highways through Columbia are Interstate 70 (I-70)
and US Highway  63 (north-south).   I-70 runs east-west  and connects
Kansas City to the west and St.  Louis to the east.  In particular,
Louis airport  (Lambert field)  is situated  about 18  miles west of
Louis directly  on I-70.   It  is about  110 miles  from the  airport
Columbia.  From  Kansas City International  Airport take I-435  to
it is about 150 miles.  Columbia airport is 15 miles south of  Columbia
on U.S. 63.


If flying, you  can choose between  flying to Columbia,  St.  Louis
Kansas City.  Columbia airport is served  by TWE from St.  Louis and
Lone Star  Airlines from  Dallas/Fort Worth.   It  is about  15-20
south of Columbia.  We hope to run vans to pick people up there at
times.    There  is  also  Midwest  Airport Shuttle (314-874-4048)
charges $11 one-way with $1  extra per additional passenger to  the
destination.  Taxis are also available (Checker Cab Co. 449-4191).
motels may also offer shuttle service.

>From St.   Louis airport you  may rent a  car; see driving
above.  Otherwise, there are two choices of public transportation.

Tiger  Air  Express  Limousine  service  to  Columbia  (314-443-3544
800-333-3026)  offers   door-to-door  service   at  $40   one-way,
departures at approximately one to  two-hour intervals.  Call to  make
reservation.  (We can  make arrangements for overseas  participants)
final departure from St.  Louis is at 9:30 p.m. daily.

The Greyhound bus operates on the following schedule.  Call Greyhound
make sure that this schedule is still valid.

Lambert Field to Columbia

	leave Lambert Field              arrive in Columbia
	     2:40AM                              4:40AM
	     7:50AM                             10:05AM
	     1:50PM                              4:20PM
	     6:40PM                              8:45PM

Columbia to Lambert Field

	  leave Columbia              arrive at Lambert Field
	     2:40AM                              4:45AM
	    10:05AM                             12:20PM
	     4:20PM                              6:35PM

Kansas City Airport is somewhat further from Columbia, (about a 3 hour
drive).  It is also served by Tiger Air Express on a rather less
frequent schedule.  Contact Tiger Air Express for details.


			    Motel Information

Participants  from  the  US  and  Canada  are  asked  to  make  their
reservations directly with the  hotel or dormitory.   Be sure to ask
the conference rate (you may need to mention that this is a special
agreed upon with the Math.   Dept. for the Analysis Conference).
make  your   reservation  before   the  release   date  (listed
Participants  from  outside  North  America  may  contact  the
organizers and specify the accommodation required

The Johnston/Wolpers(Dorm) and Campus Inn are within walking distance

    NAME                            COST FOR:            RELEASE

    Johnston/Wolpers(Dorm)     400        $23      $28     first come
      Corner of Rollins & Hitt                             first served
      University of Missouri
      Columbia, MO 65211
      (314)882-7211                                 (Breakfast

    Campus Inn                  70        $36      $36      5/16/94
      1112 Stadium Blvd
      Columbia, MO 65201

    Days Inn                    40        $40      $40      5/15/94
      1900 I-70 Dr SW
      Columbia, MO  65203

    Holiday Inn                 50        $46      $46      5/15/94
      1612 N Providence Rd
      Columbia, MO  65202

    Ramada Inn                  50        $46      $46       5/7/94
      1100 Vandiver Dr
      Columbia, MO  65201


			   Funding Information

The conference will be supported by the National Science Foundation,
the University of Missouri.  We are in the process of seeking
funds and the final budget situation  is not yet clear; we have
for funds to cover at least some local expenses of all participants,
we  will  not  know  if  we  can  do  this  for some time.  Since we
expecting a large attendance, we would like those of you who have
sources of support to use these.  We particularly hope to fund
students and recent Ph.D's who have no other sources of funding.


			 Conference Proceedings

We are planning to publish  the Proceedings of the Conference,
in  the  Contemporary  Mathematics  series.    Papers  submitted  to
Proceedings will be refereed.   We hope that  of the main speakers
contribute to the proceedings.   Please let us know on  the
form if you would like to submit a paper.  The deadline for the
of the article  will be August  1, 1994.   Papers should be  prepared
TeX; more precise details will be forwarded in due course.

 Cut all the above and fill below before sending the registration form

			    Registration Form
		       On the Interaction Between
			  Functional Analysis,
			 Harmonic Analysis, and
			    Probability Theory
			  May 30- June 3, 1994

Please provide all of the  following information which is applicable
you.  Please use  the address below only  to send your registration
your abstract:

register at

Please register as soon as possible.

Contributed talks will be  scheduled as requests come  in so it would
advisable to respond without undue delay.  We will try to accommodate
requests, subject to availability.


E-mail address
   (this is our preferred means of communication)

University Address:




Home Address (if requesting support):




(If requesting funding give your SS#)
Social Security

Work Phone __________________________________________________

Home Phone ___________________________________________________

I plan to attend the Analysis Conference. (Yes/No)   _________________

I am enclosing my registration fee of $40 ______________

I plan to contribute a talk.    (Yes/No)   _________________

I plan to submit a paper to the Proceedings (Yes/No) _______



The deadline to submit an abstract is March 15, 1994.

I request some support   (Yes/No) _______________

If yes, please estimate your expenses in US$____________

 Check below if appropriate:
________  I am a graduate student or recent Ph.D. in a nonregular
	  appointment and wish to apply for partial travel support.

Institution and year of Ph.D. (received or expected)


Send this registration form to:

		     register at

From banach-request at Tue Nov 16 09:36:52 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of lecture notes by R. Phelps
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 9:28:41 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 976
X-Lines: 29
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Lectures on maximal monotone
operators" by R.R. Phelps.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands


	send phelpsmaxmonop.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:This is a 30 page set of lecture notes, in Plain TeX, which
prepared for and presented as a series of lectures (10 1/2 hours over
two weeks) at the 2nd Summer School on Banach Spaces, Related Areas and
Applications in Prague and Paseky, Czech Republic, during August,
1993.  They consist of a largely self-contained exposition of both
classical and recent basic facts about maximal monotone operators on
Banach spaces, motivated in part by the goal of highlighting several
fundamental properties of such operators which remain open questions in
nonreflexive Banach spaces.

File length:100K

From banach-request at Tue Nov 16 14:01:59 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: New email address for N. Tomczak
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 13:54:34 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 86
X-Lines: 3
Status: RO

Nicole Tomczak-Jaeggermann has a new email address

 ntomczak at

From banach-request at Wed Nov 17 13:02:03 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Dilworth and A. Koldobsky
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 12:36:11 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1702
X-Lines: 48
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "The Fourier transform of order
statistics with applications to Lorentz spaces" by S. J. Dilworth  and
A. L. Koldobsky.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send dilworthkoldobskyft.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We present a formula for the Fourier transforms
of order statistics in $\Bbb R^n$ showing that all these Fourier
 transforms are equal up to a constant multiple outside the coordinate
 planes in
 $\Bbb R^n.$

For $a_1\geq ... \geq a_n\ge0$ and $q>0,$  denote by $\ell_{w,q}^n$ the
$n$-dimensional Lorentz space with the norm
$\|(x_1,...,x_n)\| =  (a_1 (x_1^{*})^q +...+ a_n (x_n^{*})^q)^{1/q}$,
where $(x_1^{*},...,x_n^{*})$ is the
non-increasing permutation of the numbers
We use the above mentioned formula and the Fourier transform criterion
of isometric embeddability of Banach
spaces into $L_q$ \cite{10} to prove that, for $n\geq 3$ and $q\leq 1,$
the space  $\ell_{w,q}^n$
is isometric to a subspace of $L_q$ if and only if the numbers
$a_1,...,a_n$ form an arithmetic progression. For $q>1,$ all the
$a_i$ must be equal so that  $\ell_{w,q}^n = \ell_q^n.$
Consequently, the Lorentz function
space $L_{w,q}(0,1)$ is isometric to a subspace of $L_q$  if and only
if  {\it either} $0<q<\infty$ and the
weight $w$ is a constant function  (so that $L_{w,q}= L_q$),
{\it or}  $q\le 1$ and $w(t)$ is a decreasing linear function.

Finally, we relate our results to the
theory of positive definite functions.

File length:37K

From banach-request at Wed Nov 17 08:49:05 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: New address for H. Jarchow
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 8:40:07 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 250
Status: RO
X-Lines: 8

New address and e-mail address of Hans Jarchow:
	 Mathematisches Institut Universitaet Zuerich
	 Winterthurerstrasse 190
	 CH 8057 Zuerich   Switzerland
e-mail:  jarchow at

The old e-mail address is still operating but will expire soon.

From banach-request at Thu Nov 18 09:22:42 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Junge and G. Pisier
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 9:04:14 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1419
X-Lines: 39
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Bilinear forms on exact operator
spaces and B(H)\otimes B(H)" by M. Junge and G. Pisier.  The paper is
typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send jungepisierbilnfrm.tex


to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $E,F$ be exact operators (For example subspaces of the
$C^*$-algebra $K(H)$ of all the compact operators on an infinite
dimensional Hilbert space $H$). We study a class of bounded linear maps
$u\colon E\to F^*$ which we call tracially bounded. In particular, we
prove that every completely bounded (in short $c.b.$) map $u\colon E\to
F^*$ factors boundedly through a Hilbert space. This is used to show
that the set $OS_n$ of all $n$-dimensional operator spaces equipped
with the $c.b.$ version of the Banach Mazur distance is not separable
if $n>2$.

 As an application we show that there is more than one $C^*$-norm on
$B(H)\otimes B(H)$, or equivalently that
$$B(H)\otimes_{\min}B(H)\not=B(H)\otimes_{\max}B(H),$$ which answers a
long standing open question.

 Finally we show that every ``maximal" operator space (in the sense of
 Paulsen) is not exact in the infinite dimensional case, and in the
finite dimensional case, we give a lower bound for the ``exactness

File length:56K

From banach-request at Mon Nov 29 11:49:11 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Czech Winter School 1994
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 11:41:49 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2784
X-Lines: 96
Status: RO

% This is an anouncement concerning 22-nd Winter School
% in Abstract Analysis, to be held in January 1994 in Czech republik.
% People who are interested can
% write us for further details.
% written in PlainTeX, you can use AMS-TeX as well

\font\vel=cmb10 scaled \magstep1
\def\ at {\string  at }
\centerline{Section Analysis (January 29th - February 5th,
\vskip 0.5 cm

Dear colleague,

We have the pleasure to inform you that the 22-nd Winter
School will take place from January 29th to February 5th at
the hotel ``Libu\v se'' in Pod\v ebrady, Czech Republic.

The meeting traditionally provides a good
working and friendly atmosphere. As usual, the main topics
of this session will be functional analysis, measure theory and
geometry of Banach spaces. A series of lectures is promised
by S. Gulko (Tomsk), J. E. Jayne (London) and also with high
probability by E. Behrends (Berlin) and S. Troyanski
The expenses are the following:
\settabs 2 \columns
\+ Conference fee & 45.- USD ( 20.- USD for participants\cr
\+                  & \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ from developing
		  countries ) \cr
\+ Accommodation and board & 90.- USD \cr
\+ Bus Praha - Pod\v ebrady and back  & 5.- USD\cr
\+ Total & 140,- USD ( 115,- USD , respectively )


Foreign participants are kindly requested to pay at the time
of the registration, at the beginning of the conference.

The bus leaves from Prague on Saturday, January 29, at 14.00 as
usual from Palach square (N\'am\v est\'\i{} Jana Palacha),
Metro station Starom\v estsk\'a on line A. The return is
expected at about 11.00 on Saturday, February 5th, 1994.

Pod\v ebrady is a famous spa about 50 km from
Prague. We
negotiated with the spa management the possibility of using
their spa facilities for low prices.
Unfortunately, there are no skiing possibilities in Pod\v
ebrady. There is a possibility to use the local skating
ring (your own skates).

In case of interest, please fill in the enclosed
registration form and return it before the end of October.

\hskip 5 cm Looking forward to meet you
\rightline{Kamil John}
\settabs 3 \columns
\+ Mailing address:& Kamil John \cr
\+ & Math. Inst. AV\v CR, \cr
\+ & \v Zitn\'a 25 \cr
\+ & 115 67 Praha 1 \cr
\+ & Czech Republic \cr
\+ E-mail: holicky\ at  cspguk11.bitnet & \cr

\leftline{Mailing address:}
\+ Lecture &- yes; title of lecture:\cr
\+ &- no.\cr

From banach-request at Wed Dec 15 10:08:56 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Argyros
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 93 9:58:30 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 804

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Weakly Lindelof determined Banach
spaces not containing $\ell^1(N)$" by S. Argyros.  The paper is typed
in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the commands


	send argyroswklindlf.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:The class of countably intersected
families of sets is defined. For any such family we define
a Banach space not containing $\ell^{1}(\NN )$. Thus we
obtain counterexamples to certain questions related to
the heredity problem for W.C.G. Banach spaces. Among them we
give a subspace of a W.C.G. Banach space not containing
$\ell^{1}(\NN )$ and not being itself a W.C.G. space.

File length:57K

From banach-request at Wed Dec 15 11:26:40 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Koldobsky
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 93 10:07:01 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1459
X-Lines: 41
Status: RO

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Isometries of $L_p$-spaces of
solutions of homogeneous partial differential equations" by A.
Koldobsky.  The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the


	send koldobskysolpde.atx


to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $ n\geq 2, A=(a_{ij})_{i,j=1}^{n}$ be a real symmetric
matrix, $a=(a_i)_{i=1}^{n}\in \Bbb R^n.$ Consider the differential
operator $D_A = \sum_{i,j=1}^n a_{ij}{\partial^2 \over \partial x_i
\partial x_j}+ \sum_{i=1}^n a_i{\partial \over \partial x_i}.$ Let $E$
be a bounded domain in $\Bbb R^n,$ $p>0.$ Denote by $L_{D_A}^p(E)$ the
space of solutions of the equation $D_A f=0$ in the domain $E$ provided
with the $L_p$-norm.

We prove that, for matrices $A,B,$ vectors $a,b,$ bounded domains
$E,F,$ and every $p>0$ which is not an even integer,  the space
$L_{D_A}^p(E)$ is isometric to a subspace of $L_{D_B}^p(F)$ if and only
if the matrices  $A$ and $B$ have equal signatures, and the domains $E$
and $F$ coincide up to a natural mapping which in the most cases is

We use the extension method for $L_p$-isometries which reduces the
problem to the question of which weighted composition operators carry
solutions of the equation $D_A f=0$ in $E$ to solutions of the equation
$D_B f=0$ in $F.$

File length:35K

From banach-request at Wed Dec 22 10:59:58 1993
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by M. Junge
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 93 10:45:41 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2625
Status: RO
X-Lines: 77

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper " Cotype and summing properties in
Banach spaces" by M. Junge. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands


	send jungecotype_sum.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:It is well known in Banach space theory that for a finite
dimensional space $E$ there exists a constant $c_E$, such that for all
sequences $(x_k)_k \subset E$ one has
\[ \summ_k \noo x_k \rrm \kl c_E \pl \sup_{\eps_k \pm 1} \noo \summ_k
\eps_k x_k \rrm \pl .\]
Moreover, if $E$ is of dimension $n$ the constant $c_E$ ranges between
$\sqrt{n}$ and $n$. This implies that absolute convergence and
convergence only coincide in finite dimensional spaces. We will
characterize Banach spaces $X$, where the constant $c_E \sim \sqrt{n}$
for all finite dimensional subspaces.
More generally, we prove that an estimate $c_E \kll c
n^{1-\frac{1}{q}}$holds for all $n \in \nz$ and all $n$-dimensional
subspaces $E$ of $X$ if and only
if the eigenvalues of every operator factoring through
$\ell_{\infty}$ decrease of order $k^{-\frac{1}{q}}$ if and only if
$X$ is of weak cotype $q$, introduced by Pisier and Mascioni.
We emphasize that in contrast to Talagrand's equivalence
theorem on cotype $q$ and absolutely $(q,1)$-summing spaces this
extendsto the case $q=2$. If $q>2$  and one of the conditions above is
one has
\[ \kla \summ_k \noo x_k \rrm^q \mer^{\frac{1}{q}} \kl C^{1+l}\pl
(1+{\rm log}_2)^{(l)}((1 +{\rm log}_2 n)^{\frac{1}{q}}) \pl \ez \noo
\summ_k \eps_k x_k \rrm \]
for all $n,l \in \nz$ and $(x_k)_k \subset E$, $E$ a $n$ dimensional
subspace of $X$.
In the case $q=2$ the same holds if we replace the expected value by
the supremum.

File length:55K

This is the abstract of the paper "Hyperplane conjecture for quotient
spaces of $L_p$" by M. Junge.
The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send jungehyp.ltx


to: banach-files at

Abstract:We give a positive solution for the hyperplane conjecture
of quotient spaces F of $L_p$, where $1<p\kll\infty$.
\[ vol(B_F)^{\frac{n-1}{n}} \kl c_0 \pl p' \pl \sup_{H \p hyperplane}
vol(B_F\cap H)  \pl.\]
This result is extended to Banach lattices which does not contain
uniformly. Our main tools are tensor products and minimal volume ratio
with respect to $L_p$-sections.

File length:55K

From banach-request at Wed Dec 29 11:12:29 1993
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 11:04:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Alspach Dale <alspach at>
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Junge
To: banach-dist at
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1071
Status: RO
X-Lines: 39

<<<<<<<<<DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is the abstract of the paper "Proportional subspaces
of spaces with unconditional basis have good
volume properties " by Marius Junge.
The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands


	send jungevol.ltx


to: banach-files at

A generalization of Lozanovskii's result is proved. Let E be
subspace of an $n$-dimensional Banach space with unconditional basis.
Then there exist $x_1,..,x_k \subset E$ such that $B_E \p \subset \p
\kla \frac{{\rm vol}(absconv\{x_1,..,x_k\})}{{\rm vol}(B_E)}
\mer^{\frac{1}{k}} \kl \kla
e\p \frac{n}{k} \mer^2 \pl .\]
This answers a question of V. Milman which appeared during a GAFA
seminar talk about the hyperplane
problem. We add logarithmical estimates concerning the hyperplane
for proportional subspaces and quotients
of  Banach spaces with unconditional basis.

File Length:27K

Return to the subject file.

Return to the Banach home page.