Messages from 1992

From banach-owner Tue Jan 14 11:03:33 1992
Received: by id <45735>; Tue, 14 Jan 1992 10:35:54 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Leung
Message-Id: <92Jan14.103554cst.45735 at>
Date:	Tue, 14 Jan 1992 10:35:44 -0600
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Isomorphisms of certain weak
L^p spaces " by D. Leung. The paper is typed in  LaTeX. The
paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or transmitting
the command

	send leungisoweaklp.ltx

to: banach-files at


It is shown that the weak $L^p$ spaces $\ell^{p,\infty},
L^{p,\infty}[0,1]$, and $L^{p,\infty}[0,\infty)$ are isomorphic as
Banach spaces.

From banach-owner Wed Jan 22 09:10:52 1992
Received: by id <46536>; Wed, 22 Jan 1992 08:53:04 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Announcement of a mini-conference
Message-Id: <92Jan22.085304cst.46536 at>
Date:	Wed, 22 Jan 1992 08:52:59 -0600
Status: RO

>From!UMCVMB.BITNET!MATHUMC Tue Jan 21 14:47:51 1992
Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <45530>; Tue, 21 Jan 1992 14:47:39 -0600
Received: from UGA.CC.UGA.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 7927; Tue, 21 Jan 92 15:47:02 EST
Received: by UGA (Mailer R2.07) id 0011; Tue, 21 Jan 92 15:43:45 EST
Date:	Tue, 21 Jan 1992 14:42:07 -0600
From:	"Elias Saab" <MATHUMC%UMCVMB.BITNET at>
To:	Alspach_Dale <alspach at>
Message-Id: <92Jan21.144739cst.45530 at>
Status: R


    Recent advances in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces

      University of Missouri-Columbia, April 3-5, 1992

                    Principal speakers

                  W.T. Gowers (Cambridge)
                  W.B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
                  B. Maurey (Paris)
                  E. Odell (Texas)
                  T. Schlumprecht (Louisiana State)

The theme of this conference will be the recent solutions of the
unconditional basic sequence problem, the hyperplane problem and the
distortion problem and their implications for Banach space theory.

All interested in attending are invited to contact the organizers for
further details.  There will be limited time for some contributed talks.
Please indicate if you would like to contribute a 20-minute talk.

E. Saab          elias at
If you would like to contribute a 20-minute talk.

From banach-owner Fri Jan 24 14:02:35 1992
Received: by id <47326>; Fri, 24 Jan 1992 13:30:46 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Coference in Mons
Message-Id: <92Jan24.133046cst.47326 at>
Date:	Fri, 24 Jan 1992 13:30:36 -0600
Status: R

>From CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU!!SFINET Fri Jan 24 11:58:52 1992
Received: from CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ([]) by with SMTP id <47326>; Fri, 24 Jan 1992 11:58:41 -0600
Received: from by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R2)
   with BSMTP id 1623; Fri, 24 Jan 92 12:57:40 EST
Received: from (SFINET) by (Mailer R2.08) with
 BSMTP id 9433; Fri, 24 Jan 92 18:00:04 GMT
Date:	Fri, 24 Jan 1992 11:37:49 -0600
From:	SFINET at
Subject:      Re: Announcement of a mini-conference
To:	Alspach Dale <alspach at>
In-Reply-To:  Your message of Wed, 22 Jan 1992 08:52:59 -0600
Message-Id: <92Jan24.115841cst.47326 at>
Status: R

                 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT
   University of MONS_HAINAUT (BELGIUM),AUGUST 24-28,1992.

The universities of PARIS 6 and MONS_HAINAUT propose to organize an
international conference to mark the 100-th anniversary of the birth of
S.BANACH. All interested in attending are invited to contact


From banach-owner Mon Jan 27 09:14:50 1992
Received: by id <45639>; Mon, 27 Jan 1992 08:50:42 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: More on mini-conference at Missouri
Message-Id: <92Jan27.085042cst.45639 at>
Date:	Mon, 27 Jan 1992 08:50:37 -0600
Status: R

>From!UMCVMB.BITNET!MATHUMC Sun Jan 26 13:50:19 1992
Received: from ([]) by with SMTP id <47367>; Sun, 26 Jan 1992 13:49:58 -0600
Received: from UGA.CC.UGA.EDU by (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 0628; Sun, 26 Jan 92 14:49:25 EST
Received: by UGA (Mailer R2.07) id 6076; Sun, 26 Jan 92 14:49:24 EST
Date:	Sun, 26 Jan 1992 13:30:57 -0600
From:	"Elias Saab" <MATHUMC%UMCVMB.BITNET at>
To:	Alspach_Dale <alspach at>
Message-Id: <92Jan26.134958cst.47367 at>
Status: R

                     (MORE DETAILS)
    Recent advances in infinite-dimensional Banach spaces

      University of Missouri-Columbia, April 3-5, 1992
      (Starts 1:30 p.m. on April 3. Ends 2:00 p.m on April 5)

                    Principal speakers

                  W.T. Gowers (London)
                  W.B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
                  B. Maurey (Paris)
                  E. Odell (Texas)
                  T. Schlumprecht (Louisiana State)
                  N. Tomczak-Jaegermann (Alberta)  (tentative)

The theme of this conference will be the recent solutions of the
unconditional basic sequence problem, the hyperplane problem and the
distortion problem and their implications for Banach space theory.

All interested in attending are invited to contact the organizers for
further details.  There may be limited time for some contributed talks.
Please indicate if you would like to contribute a 20-minute talk.

E. Saab          elias at

We are in the process of applying to NSF for funding.  It is therefore
possible that we may have some limited funds to support some participants.
However since the funding picture is not at all clear we urge all
participants who can obtain support from other sources to do so.

Columbia, MO is located half way between Kansas City and St. Louis. It
is about 120 miles from each city.

To get to Columbia:

1) By Car:  I-70 from East and West and US 63 from North and South.

2) By Air: a) You can fly to Columbia Regional Airport. We can meet you
              at the airport if you can tell us your arrival time.  There
              is also an airport limousine to Columbia (approx. cost $15)

           b) You can fly to either St. Louis International Airport
              or Kansas City International Airport. From either city
              you can take the TIGER EXPRESS VAN to Columbia (cost $40
              each way).
              For reservations with TIGER EXPRESS call 1-800-333-3026.

1) Campus Inn (Walking Distance)
   1112 Stadium Blvd
   Rate for the Conference $32+tax per night for up to 4 persons. You
   should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

2) Holiday Inn Executive Center (4 miles)
   2200 I-70 Drive SW
   Rate for the Conference $56+tax one bed, $66 + tax two beds. You
   should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

3) McReynolds Dorm (On Campus)
   Baths available on each floor.
   1-314-882-7211 (Ask for Rita)
   Rate $14 per night for single room and $19 per night for a double
   room (2 persons).
   You should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

From banach-owner Fri Feb 21 10:46:00 1992
Received: by id <45942>; Fri, 21 Feb 1992 10:17:05 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Fremlin and J. Mendoza
Message-Id: <92Feb21.101705cst.45942 at>
Date:	Fri, 21 Feb 1992 10:16:55 -0600
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "On the integration of vector-valued functions" by D. H. Fremlin and J. Mendoza.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp or transmitting the commands

send fremlinmendoza1.atx 


send fremlinmendoza2.atx 

to: banach-files at in separate messages.
Concatenate the files before processing with AMSTeX.

 We discuss relationships between the McShane, Pettis, Talagrand and
Bochner integrals.  A large number of different methods of integration
of Banach-space-valued functions have been introduced, based on the
various possible constructions of the Lebesgue integral.   They
commonly run fairly closely together when the range space is separable
(or has w^*-separable dual) and diverge more or less sharply for
general range spaces.   The McShane integral as described by [Go] is
derived from the  `gauge-limit' integral of [McS].   Here we give both
positive and negative results concerning it and the other three
integrals listed above.

From banach-owner Fri Feb 21 14:12:52 1992
Received: by id <45943>; Fri, 21 Feb 1992 13:53:50 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: ftp
Message-Id: <92Feb21.135350cst.45943 at>
Date:	Fri, 21 Feb 1992 13:53:49 -0600
Status: RO

Dear Subscribers,
	There has been a change in machine here for anonymous ftp. Use
This is an alias so this should be more or less permanent.

From banach-owner Fri Feb 28 10:40:49 1992
Received: by via suspension id <45755>; Fri, 28 Feb 1992 10:15:21 -0600
Received: by id <45726>; Fri, 28 Feb 1992 09:51:41 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. Geiss
Message-Id: <92Feb28.095141cst.45726 at>
Date:	Fri, 28 Feb 1992 09:51:29 -0600
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Lower estimates of random
unconditional constants of Walsh-Paley martingales with values
in banach spaces" by Stefan Geiss. The paper is typed in
LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or
transmitting the command

	send geissrumd.ltx

to: banach-files at
(Reminder: ftp

 Abstract. For a Banach space X we define RUMD_n(X) to be the infimum
of all c>0 such that
(AVE_{\epsilon_k =\pm 1} || \sum_1^n epsilon_k (M_k - M_{k-1} )||_{L_2^X}^2
)^{1/2} <= c || M_n ||_{L_2^X} 
holds for all Walsh-Paley martingales {M_k}_0^n subset L_2^X with
M_0 =0. We relate the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence
{RUMD(X)}_{n=1}^{infinity} to geometrical properties of the Banach space
X such as K-convexity and superreflexivity.

From banach-owner Fri Feb 28 16:26:10 1992
Received: by id <45749>; Fri, 28 Feb 1992 16:16:16 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: abstract of a paper by D. Alspach and S. Argyros
Message-Id: <92Feb28.161616cst.45749 at>
Date:	Fri, 28 Feb 1992 16:16:15 -0600
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Complexity of Weakly Null
Sequences " by Dale E. Alspach and Spiros Argyros. The paper is
typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the command

	send alspachargyroscwns1.atx 

	send alspachargyroscwns2.atx 

	send alspachargyroscwns3.atx 

in three separate email messages
to: banach-files at

Abstract: We introduce an ordinal index which measures the complexity
of a weakly null sequence, and show that a construction due to J.
Schreier can be iterated to produce for each alpha < omega_1, a weakly
null sequence (x^alpha_n)_n in C(omega^{omega^alpha}) with complexity
alpha.  As in the Schreier example each of these is a sequence of
indicator functions which is a suppression-1 unconditional basic
sequence.  These sequences are used to construct Tsirelson-like spaces
of large index.  We also show that this new ordinal index is related to
the Lavrentiev index of a Baire-1 function and use the index to sharpen
some results of Alspach and Odell on averaging weakly null sequences.

Remark: This paper is actually about three years old but has recently been
converted to AMSTeX from a WYSIWYG file.

From banach-owner Thu Mar  5 10:08:40 1992
Received: by id <45889>; Thu, 5 Mar 1992 09:55:28 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Alexander Koldobsky
Message-Id: <92Mar5.095528cst.45889 at>
Date:	Thu, 5 Mar 1992 09:55:13 -0600
Status: RO

	Alexander Koldobsky, a talented Russian mathematician, has
recently been granted refugee status in the US and is in desperate
need of a job (any sort of academic job whatsoever would help -- even
one semester of part time teaching).  At one time I thought that
we would have a visting position for him here at BGSU, but that
has since fallen through an administrative crack.

	By way of a little background, Koldobsky has an impressive
list of publications (primarily in Banach space theory), and speaks
nearly flawless English (he even seemed comfortable with my version of
English!).  He is currently living in near poverty in New York City
awaiting any news of employment.  If you can help (even with a few
helpful hints), or if I can supply any additional information, please
contact me as soon as possible:

	Neal Carothers
	Dept. of Mathematics
	Bowling Green State University
	Bowling Green, OH  43403
	(419) 372-8317 (office)
	(419) 353-0590 (home)
	carother at (internet)

Or you can contact Koldobsky directly:

	Alexander Koldobsky
	165 Bennett Ave., Apt. 1 H
	New York, New York  10040
	(212) 942-4703

----- End Included Message -----

From banach-owner Fri Mar  6 09:07:10 1992
Received: by id <45911>; Fri, 6 Mar 1992 08:48:26 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Visiting Position in Spain
Message-Id: <92Mar6.084826cst.45911 at>
Date:	Fri, 6 Mar 1992 08:48:21 -0600
Status: RO

----- Begin Included Message -----

Visiting Professor Position at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
   (Madrid, Spain)

     The Universidad Complutense de Madrid offers for the next year a few
Visiting Positions, and the Departments of the University may apply for
these positions proposing a "prestigious scientist" as candidate.
     For this reason I would like to find a candidate working in Banach
Space Theory in order to present him/her to my Department and, if I get
its approval, to the University. The procedure might seem very long and
complicated, but I would say that in last years it was not "very"
difficult to get one of these positions. I also would like to emphasize
that my Department takes no responsibility in this announcement. If
someone is in touch with me showing his/her interest in the position, I
would begin to talk with my colleagues to consider his/her proposal.

     I think that the main features of the position are the following:
       - It is mainly (and almost surely, only) to do research.
       - No knwledge of Spanish is required.
       - The stay would be of at least 6 months and at most 12 months,
         starting during 1993.
       - The salary would be of about 2,500-3,000 U.S. Dollars per month +
         health insurance + some amount to cover travel expenses.

      Interested people should contact with me before the end of April.

                 Jose Mendoza
                 Departamento de Analisis Matematico
                 Facultad de Ciencias Matematicas
                 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
                 Madrid 28040 (Spain)

                 e-mail address: MENDOZA at EMDUCM11

----- End Included Message -----

From banach-owner Thu Mar 19 14:37:06 1992
Received: by id <46189>; Thu, 19 Mar 1992 14:22:02 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Participant list and program for conference at Missouri
Message-Id: <92Mar19.142202cst.46189 at>
Date:	Thu, 19 Mar 1992 14:21:54 -0600
Status: RO


          Recent Advances In Infinite-Dimensional Banach Spaces

                     University of Missouri-Columbia

                             April 3-5, 1992

              Supported by the National Science Foundation,
         the College of Arts & Science and the Graduate School.

I  -  List of Potential Participants
II -  Program
III-  Accommodations

                    I-List of Potential Participants

Paul         Abraham                 Kent State University
John         Alexopoulos             Kent State University
Dale         Alspach                 Oklahoma State University
Robdera      Ambriambola             University of Missouri-Columbia
Diomedes     Barcenas                Kent State University
Jesus        Bastero                 University of Zaragoza
Elizabeth    Bator                   North Texas State University
David        Bletcher                University of Missouri-Columbia
Donald       Burkholder              University of Illinois
Robert       Carmignani              University of Missouri-Columbia
Peter        Casazza                 University of Missouri-Columbia
Jeffery      Connor                  Ohio University
Richard      Crownover               University of Missouri-Columbia
Stephen      Dilworth                University of South Carolina
Alan         Egolf                   University of Missouri-Columbia
Jeff         Farmer                  Texas A&M University
Helga        Fetter                  C. De Investigacion En Matematicas
Greg         Force                   Oklahoma State University
Berta        Gamboa                  C. De Investigacion En Matematicas
Fritz        Gesztesy                University of Missouri-Columbia
Nassif       Ghoussoub               University of British Columbia
W. T.        Gowers                  University College London
Colin        Graham                  Lakhead University
James        Hagler                  University of Denver
Petr         Hajek                   University of Alberta
Bill         Hammack                 University of Illinois
Joe          Jenkins                 National Science Foundation
William B.   Johnson                 Texas A&M University
Nigel        Kalton                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Brian        Kelly                   University of Missouri-Columbia
Alexander    Koldobsky               Leningrade State University
Tadek        Kuczumow                University of Southern California
Elton        Lacey                   Texas A&M University
Raja         Lachaal                 University of Missouri-Columbia
Jerry        Lange                   University of Missouri-Columbia
Paul         Lewis                   North Texas State University
Pei  K.      Lin                     Memphis State University
Peter        Lin                     University of Iowa
Piotr        Mankiewicz              Polish Academy of Science
Ashbaugh     Mark                    University of Missouri-Columbia
Vania        Mascioni                University of Texas-Austin
Bernard      Maurey                  University of Paris
Robert       Megginson               Eastern Illinois University
Gregory      Michalopoulos           University of Illinois
Carmen       Moreno                  Kent State University
Asmar        Nakhle                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Stelios      Negrepontis             University of Athens
Nguyen To    Nhu                     Inst. of Math, Vien Toan Hoc
Ray          Nowell                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Edward  T.   Odell                   University of Texas-Austin
Tenny        Peck                    University of Illinois
Annella      Rammer                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Narcisse     Randrianantoanina       University of Missouri-Columbia
Beata        Randrianantoanina       University of Missouri-Columbia
David        Retzloff                University of Missouri-Columbia
Elias        Saab                    University of Missouri-Columbia
Paulette     Saab                    University of Missouri-Columbia
Thomas       Schlumprecht            Louisiana State University
Jan          Segert                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Dennis       Sentilles               University of Missouri-Columbia
Tam          Sik-Chung               University of Missouri-Columbia
Nicole       Tomczak-Jaegermann      University of Alberta
Jon          Vanderwerff             University of Alberta
Phyllis      Watson                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Selim        Watson                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Michael      Wodzak                  University of Missouri-Columbia
Wenyao       Zhang                   University of Iowa
Beate        Zimmer                  University of Illinois
Vazlav       Zizler                  University of Alberta


                          FRIDAY, April 3, 1992

             All Talks are in Allen Auditorium, A&S Building

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.         203 Math. Sci. Building, Registration

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.          Lunch

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.           Registration, A&S Building

2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.           L. Clark, Dean of A&S
                                University of Missouri
                                Welcome Address

2:40 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.           W. B. Johnson
                                Texas A&M University
                                Some Historical Background

3:40 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.           Coffee Break

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.           W. T. Gowers
                                University College, London
                                A solution to the unconditional basic
                                sequence problem and further results I.

                         SATURDAY, April 4, 1992

             All Talks are in Allen Auditorium, A&S Building

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.           Coffee/Doughnuts

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.          B. Maurey
                                University of Paris
                                A solution to the unconditional basic
                                sequence problem and further results II.

10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.         Coffee Break/Group Picture

10:55 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.         A. Koldobsky
                                Leningrad State University
                                Isometric embedding of Banach spaces
                                into L_p spaces

11:20 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.         J. Vanderwerff
                                University of Alberta
                                Markusevich bases and Corson compacta

11:40 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.         E. Bator
                                North Texas State University
                                Uniformly countably additive measures
                                and Pelczynski property (V)

12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.          Lunch Break

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.           E. Odell
                                University of Texas-Austin
                                On uniform homeomorphisms between unit

2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.           Coffee Break

2:45 p.m. - 3:05 p.m.           P. K. Lin
                                Memphis State University
                                Schlumprecht space contains
                                $\ell_1$ spreading model

3:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.           T. Kuczumow
                                University of Southern California
                                James's spaces and the uniform
                                Opial property

3:35 p.m. - 3:55 p.m.           N. T. Peck
                                University of Illinois
                                On a problem of Klee

4:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.           N. Kalton
                                University of Missouri
                                Title to be announced

4:30 p.m.                       Basket Ball Game

8:00 p.m.                       Dessert Party at the Kaltons
                                Hosted by
                                Jenny Kalton and Paula Saab
                                2116 Oakcliff Drive

                          SUNDAY, April 5, 1992

             All Talks are in Allen Auditorium, A&S Building

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.           Coffee/Doughnuts

9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.          T. Schlumprecht
                                Louisiana State University
                                The distortion problem.

10:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.         Coffee Break

10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.         N. Tomczak-Jaegermann
                                University of Alberta
                                (Title to be announced)

11:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.         Concluding remarks

For more information contact:
Nigel Kalton mathnjk at umcvmb
E. Saab      elias at

University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Mathematics
Columbia, MO 65211
                    III- Accommodations
Columbia, MO is located half way between Kansas City and St. Louis. It
is about 120 miles from each city.

To get to Columbia:

1) By Car:  I-70 from East and West and US 63 from North and South.

2) By Air: a) You can fly to Columbia Regional Airport. We can meet you
              at the airport if you can tell us your arrival time.  There
              is also an airport limousine to Columbia (approx. cost $15)

           b) You can fly to either St. Louis International Airport
              or Kansas City International Airport. From either city
              you can take the TIGER EXPRESS VAN to Columbia (cost $40
              each way).
              For reservations with TIGER EXPRESS call 1-800-333-3026.

1) Campus Inn (Walking Distance)
   1112 Stadium Blvd
   Rate for the Conference $32+tax per night for up to 4 persons. You
   should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

2) Holiday Inn Executive Center (4 miles)
   2200 I-70 Drive SW
   Rate for the Conference $56+tax one bed, $66 + tax two beds. You
   should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

3) McReynolds Dorm (On Campus)
   Baths available on each floor.
   1-314-882-7211 (Ask for Rita)
   Rate $14 per night for single room and $19 per night for a double
   room (2 persons).
   You should specify that you are with the Math. Conference.

From banach-owner Sun Mar 22 16:36:56 1992
Received: by id <45789>; Sun, 22 Mar 1992 16:30:47 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: M.M. Day
Message-Id: <92Mar22.163047cst.45789 at>
Date:	Sun, 22 Mar 1992 16:30:32 -0600
Status: RO

I have just learned that Mahlon Day died suddenly on Thursday March 19.
Dale Alspach

From banach-owner Tue Mar 24 09:21:25 1992
Received: by id <45997>; Tue, 24 Mar 1992 09:06:01 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: A brief biography of Mahlon Day
Message-Id: <92Mar24.090601cst.45997 at>
Date:	Tue, 24 Mar 1992 09:05:46 -0600
Status: RO

	Mahlon Day died Wednesday, March 18, 1992, after undergoing
prostate surgery earlier in the day.  He was born in Rockford,
Illinois, on November 24, 1913.  For someone nearly eighty years old,
he had been vigorous and energetic.  He spent most of his childhood and
youth in Oregon, and then obtained his Ph.D. at Brown University.  He
was on the faculty of the University of Illinois from 1940 until his
retirement in 1983.  He served as the head of the Department of
Mathematics from 1958 to 1965. His book "Normed Linear Spaces", first
published in 1958 greatly influenced the development of Banach space
theory. Besides his research and teaching, he served the mathematics
community in many different ways--in the American Mathematical Society,
as editor of the Illinois Journal of Mathematics, etc.

From banach-owner Wed Apr  1 09:59:05 1992
Received: by id <45929>; Wed, 1 Apr 1992 09:42:43 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by J. Taskinen
Message-Id: <92Apr1.094243cst.45929 at>
Date:	Wed, 1 Apr 1992 09:42:40 -0600
Status: R

	These are the abstracts of the papers "Representation of
bilinear operators on C{0,1]" and "Structure of local Banach
spaces of locally convex spaces" by J. Taskinen.  The papers are typed in TeX and require mssymb.tex. The papers may be downloaded from
the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the
commands (in separate messages)

	send taskinenbilinear.tex

	send taskinenlocal1.tex
	send taskinenlocal2.tex

	send taskinenlocal3.tex

to: banach-files at

 Abstract.  We show that a continuous bilinear mapping  P: C(I)
\times C(I) \to C(I)  can be presented in the form  P(f,g) = B((Af)(Ag)),
where  A  and  B  are bounded linear operators on  C(I)  and
multiplication is defined pointwise, if and only if for all  t in I
the bilinear form  (f,g) -> P(f,g)(t)  is integral on  C(I)
times C(I) and depends in a sense continuously on t.
To this end we construct a continuous surjection  phi :
I \to I^2  admitting a regular averaging operator in the sense of

Abstract. This paper contains a number of factorization results for compact operators in Banach spaces and their applications to locally convex spaces.
For example it is shown that a compact operator on a separable script L_p space X, 1<p<infinity, factors through any separable script L_p space Y so that the image of X is dense in Y.

From banach-owner Thu Apr  2 10:30:05 1992
Received: by id <45963>; Thu, 2 Apr 1992 09:50:55 -0600
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: First Announcement of a Conference
Message-Id: <92Apr2.095055cst.45963 at>
Date:	Thu, 2 Apr 1992 09:50:41 -0600
Status: R

	A conference in Banach space theory is being planned for
May 17-22 of 1993 at Western Hills guest ranch.
Western Hills is located about 50 miles east of Tulsa
in Sequoyah State Park. In addition to what we hope will be an
interesting mathematical program there will be opportunities for
horseback riding, golf, tennis, swimming, and hiking.

To receive further information send your name, electronic and
postal addresses to alspach at If your
information is already in the file addressbook.txt on the Banach
space bulletin board you will automatically receive the first mailing.

Dale Alspach


From banach-owner Tue Apr 14 16:57:07 1992
Received: by id <47257>; Tue, 14 Apr 1992 16:41:23 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Meyer,S. Reisner, and M. Schmuckenschlager
Message-Id: <92Apr14.164123cdt.47257 at>
Date:	Tue, 14 Apr 1992 16:41:02 -0500
Status: R

	This is the abstract of the paper "The volume of the
intersection of a convex body with its translates" by M. Meyer,
S. Reisner, and M. Schmuckenschlager.  The paper is typed in
LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send meyerreisnerschmucken.ltx 

to: banach-files at

It is proved that for a symmetric convex body K in R^n, if for some
tau > 0, |K cap (x+tau K)| depends on ||x||_K only, then K
is an ellipsoid. As a part of the proof, smoothness properties of convolution
bodies ls
are studied.

From banach-owner Tue Apr 21 14:44:05 1992
Received: by id <45971>; Tue, 21 Apr 1992 14:29:16 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by E. Odell and T. Schlumprecht
Message-Id: <92Apr21.142916cdt.45971 at>
Date:	Tue, 21 Apr 1992 14:29:09 -0500
Status: R

	This is the abstract of the paper "The Distorion Problem" by E.
Odell and T. Schlumprecht.  The paper is typed in TeX. The
paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send odellschlumprecht1.tex
	send odellschlumprecht2.tex

in separate messages
to: banach-files at

Abstract:We prove that Hilbert space is distortable and, in fact, 
arbitrarily distortable. This means that for all lambda >1 there 
exists an equivalent norm |.| on l_2 such that for all infinite 
dimensional subspaces Y of l_2 there exist x,y in Y with 
||x||_2 = ||y||_2 =1 yet |x| >lambda |y|. 

We also prove that if X is any infinite dimensional Banach space with 
an unconditional basis then the unit sphere of X and the unit sphere 
of l_1 are uniformly homeomorphic if and only if X does not contain 
l_infty^n's uniformly. 

From banach-owner Wed Apr 22 14:28:56 1992
Received: by id <45701>; Wed, 22 Apr 1992 14:03:32 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Announcement of results from H. Rosenthal
Message-Id: <92Apr22.140332cdt.45701 at>
Date:	Wed, 22 Apr 1992 13:59:34 -0500
Status: RO

%% 4/20/92 file initiated in plain.tex by M. Combs
%% ABSTRACT:  "A characterization of Banach spaces" by H. Rosenthal 
\def\demo#1{{\medskip\noindent {\it #1\/}.}}  
\centerline{\bf A characterization of Banach spaces 
containing $c_0$}
\centerline{{\sl by\/} {\caps Haskell Rosenthal}}
\centerline{Department of Mathematics}
\centerline{The University of Texas at Austin}
\centerline{Austin, TX 78712-1082}
\rightline{\sl April 21, 1992}
\centerline{\bf Abstract} 

A subsequence principle is obtained, characterizing Banach spaces 
containing $c_0$, in the spirit of the author's 1974 characterization 
of Banach spaces containing $\ell^1$.

A sequence $(b_j)$ in a Banach space is called  {\it strongly 
summing\/} (s.s.) if $(b_j)$ is a weak-Cauchy basic sequence so that 
whenever scalars $(c_j)$ satisfy $\sup_n \|\sum_{j=1}^n c_jb_j\| 
<\infty$, then $\sum c_j$ converges. A simple permanence property:
if $(b_j)$ is an (s.s.) basis for a Banach space $B$ and $(b_j^*)$ are 
its biorthogonal functionals in $B^*$, then $(\sum_{j=1}^n b_j^*)_{n=1}^
\infty$ is a non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in $B^*$; hence $B^*$ 
fails to be weakly sequentially complete. 

\proclaim Theorem. 
Every non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in a (real or complex) 
Banach space either has an {\rm (s.s.)} subsequence, or a convex 
block basis equivalent to the summing basis. 

The two alternatives of the Theorem  are easily seen to be mutually 

\proclaim Corollary 1.  
A Banach space $B$ contains no isomorph of $c_0$ if and only  
if every non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in $B$ has an {\rm (s.s.)} 

Combining the $c_0$ and $\ell^1$ Theorems, we obtain 

\proclaim Corollary 2. 
If $B$ is a non-reflexive Banach space such that $X^*$ is weakly 
sequentially complete for all linear subspaces $X$ of $B$, then 
$c_0$ embeds in $X$; in fact, $B$ has property~$(u)$. 

The proof of the Theorem involves a careful study of differences 
of bounded semi-continuous functions. The results of this 
study may be of independent interest. 


From banach-owner Wed Apr 22 16:15:05 1992
Received: by id <46129>; Wed, 22 Apr 1992 15:42:15 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Clarification of the announcement by H. Rosenthal
Message-Id: <92Apr22.154215cdt.46129 at>
Date:	Wed, 22 Apr 1992 15:42:13 -0500
Status: R

%The term non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence needs to be defined.
%Insert the following at the end of the definition.

(A weak-Cauchy sequence is called {\it non-trivial} if it is {\it non-weakly  

From banach-owner Fri Apr 24 10:10:16 1992
Received: by id <46294>; Fri, 24 Apr 1992 09:54:16 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N. J. Nielsen
Message-Id: <92Apr24.095416cdt.46294 at>
Date:	Fri, 24 Apr 1992 09:54:03 -0500
Status: R

This is the absract of the note "A Note on Unconditional Structures in 
Weak Hilbert Spaces" by N. J. Nielsen. The note is written in Amslatex and
requires amssymb.tex. If this is not avaiable to you change the document 
style to mssymb and run it in Latex.
The note may be downloaded by ftp to or transmitting the
      send njnweakhilbertnote.ltx
to: banach-files at


\title{A note on unconditional structures\\ in weak Hilbert spaces.}
\author{N. J. Nielsen}
\date{ }

We prove that if a non-atomic separable Banach lattice
in a weak Hilbert space, then it is lattice isomorphic to $L_2(0,1)$.

From banach-owner Mon Apr 27 14:27:11 1992
Received: by id <45595>; Mon, 27 Apr 1992 14:16:09 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Abstract of a paper by D.Alspach:w
Message-Id: <92Apr27.141609cdt.45595 at>
Date:	Mon, 27 Apr 1992 14:16:02 -0500
Status: R

	This is the abstract of the paper "A l_1-predual which is not isometric to a quotient of C(alpha)" by D. Alspach.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to 
or transmitting the command

	send alspachl1predual.atx

to: banach-files at

Abstract:  About twenty years ago Johnson and Zippin showed that every
separable L_1(mu)-predual was isometric to a quotient of C(Delta ),
where Delta is the Cantor set. In this note we will show that the
natural analogue of the theorem for l_1-preduals does not hold. We will
show that there are many l_1-preduals which are not isometric to a
quotient of any C(K)-space with K a countable compact metric space.  We
also prove some general results about the relationship between
l_1-preduals and quotients of C(K)-spaces with K a countable compact
metric space.

The results in this paper were presented at the Workshop on Banach Space Theory in Merida, Venezuela, January 1992. 

From banach-owner Mon May  4 10:22:03 1992
Received: by id <46007>; Mon, 4 May 1992 10:13:18 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: abstract of a paper by G. Willis
Message-Id: <92May4.101318cdt.46007 at>
Date:	Mon, 4 May 1992 10:13:04 -0500
Status: RO

\centreline{\titlefont{The Compact Approximation

	This is the abstract of the paper "The Compact Approximation
	Property does not imply the Approximation Property" by George
The paper is typed in plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send williscap.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: It is shown how to construct, given a
Banach space which does not have the approximation
property, another Banach space which does not have the
approximation property but which does have the compact
approximation property.

From banach-owner Wed May  6 11:46:53 1992
Received: by id <45512>; Wed, 6 May 1992 11:35:58 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: abstract of paper by T. Gowers and B. Maurey
Message-Id: <92May6.113558cdt.45512 at>
Date:	Wed, 6 May 1992 11:35:52 -0500
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "The unconditional basic
	sequence problem" by W. T. Gowers and B. Maurey.
The paper is typed in plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send  gowersmaureyubsp1.tex

	send  gowersmaureyubsp2.tex

in separate email messages
to: banach-files at

Abstract: We construct a Banach space that does not contain
any infinite unconditional basic sequence.

From banach-owner Thu May  7 10:45:07 1992
Received: by id <46562>; Thu, 7 May 1992 10:38:11 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: abstract of a paper by D. Leung
Message-Id: <92May7.103811cdt.46562 at>
Date:	Thu, 7 May 1992 10:38:00 -0500
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper " On $c_0$-saturated Banach
	spaces" by  Denny H. Leung. The paper is typed in LATeX. The
	paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send leungc0sat.ltx

to: banach-files at (Note there is a zero not an
"oh" in the filename.)

  A Banach space E is c_0-saturated if every closed infinite
dimensional subspace of E contains an isomorph of c_0.  A
c_0-saturated Banach space with an unconditional basis which has a
quotient space isomorphic to l^2 is constructed.

From banach-owner Fri May  8 15:33:53 1992
Received: by id <46212>; Fri, 8 May 1992 09:20:11 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: Preliminary announcement  of a conference in Greece
Message-Id: <92May8.092011cdt.46212 at>
Date:	Fri, 8 May 1992 09:19:59 -0500
Status: R


		  July 6-19, 1992

	      On the Island of Spetses, Greece
	      (Anargyreios and Korgialeneios School)


Fifteen intensive mini-courses (each of a total of six teaching hours
in the
course of a week) will be offered at a graduate level, leading to

The teachers will be Professors from the participating Institutions
below). Included among them are: Professors S.Argyros, R.Deville, G.
A. Kechris, P. Kenderov, A. Louveau, J. Orihuela, G. Pisier, S.
M. Valdivia, and others.
Graduate and qualified advanced underguraduate students (not only from
participating institutions) are invited to apply for registration.

Cost per student is equal to five hundred U.S.dollars; the cost
registration, tuition, lodging and half-board. Students from
institutions can have their study (and travel) subsidised by the
TEMPUS programs supporting the present Summer School.

		 (and in parenthesis persons responsible at each

Athens University (Prof.S. Negrepontis)
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (Sofia) (Prof.
Charles University (Prague) (Prof. J. Lukes)
Universidad Complutense (Madrid) (Prof. F. Bombal)
University of Crete (Heracleion) (Prof. S.Argyros)
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (Prof. S.Guerre-Delabriere
      and G. Godefroy)
Czechoslavak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics (Prague)
      J. Pelant)
Universite de Franche-Comte (Besancon) (Prof. R. Deville)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics, (Budapest)
      I. Juhasz)
Universidad de Murcia (Prof. J. Orihuela)
Universite de Paris VII (Prof. B. Maurey)
University of Patras (Prof. S. Iliadis)
Technical University of Prague (Prof. M. Fabian and J. Tiser)
Universita degli studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Prof. A. Figa-Talamanca)
Sofia University (Prof. S. Troyanski)
Universita degli studi di Trieste (Prof. G. Tironi)
Universidad de Valencia (Profe. M. Valdivia)
Universidad de Zaragoza (Prof. J. Bastero)

Enquiries and applications can be addressed to the person responsible
each institution, or directly to Professor S. Negrepontis, Coordinator
the programs ICP-91-G-1031/11 ERASMUS and JEP 1980-91/1 (TEMPUS), to
following address:
    Mailing address: S. Negrepontis, Department of Mathematics, Athens
    University, Panepistemiopolis, Athens 15784, Greece.
	Phones: 30-1-72.43.241, 30-1-72.43.502
	FAX: 30-1-72.43.241, 30-1-72.43.502
	e-mail address: sn at grathunl. bitnet

		   July 11-12 and 18-19, 1992
	     On the Island of Spetses, Greece
	     (Anargyreios and Korgialeneios School)

A conference is organized in parallel to the Summer School, described
above. This is a call for papers to be presented during the weekends
11-12 and July 18-19. Participants are welcomed to stay during the
and/or second week of the Summer School.
Accomodation (lodging and half-board) is offered at 40 U.S. dollars per
Those wishing to participate should contact Professor S. Negrepontis in
above adresses (till June 25, 1992).

The Summer School and the Conference on Banach Spaces, Related Areas,
Applications is dedicated to the hundred years anniversary of the birth
of the founder of the theory Stefan Banach (1892-1945).

From banach-owner Mon May 11 11:29:15 1992
Received: by id <46129>; Mon, 11 May 1992 11:07:23 -0500
From:	Alspach Dale <alspach>
To:	banach
Subject: email address changes at U. of Missouri
Message-Id: <92May11.110723cdt.46129 at>
Date:	Mon, 11 May 1992 11:07:16 -0500
Status: R

== Change of a host name at the University of Missouri in Columbia =
Starting June 6th, 1992 all the e-mail addresses that were
me at umcvmb.bitnet        will be changed to  me at mizzou1.bitnet
me at  will be changed     me at
To summarize
the string umcvmb has to be changed to mizzou1 starting June 6th 1992.

From banach-request at Mon Jun 01 09:56:13 1992
Received: from by id aa03604;
          1 Jun 92 9:56 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J.  Kalton and S.J.  Montgomery-Smith
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 9:58:26 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper "Set-functions and factorization" by
N.J.  Kalton and S.J.  Montgomery-Smith.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send kaltonmontsmithsetfun.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: If $\phi$ is a submeasure satisfying an appropriate lower
estimate we give a quantitative result on the total mass of a measure
$\mu$ satisfying $0\le\mu\le\phi.$ We give a dual result for
supermeasures and then use these results to investigate convexity on
non-locally convex quasi-Banach lattices.  We then show how to use
these results to extend some factorization theorems due to Pisier to
the setting of quasi-Banach spaces.  We conclude by showing that if $X$
is a quasi-Banach space of cotype two then any operator $T:C(\Omega)\to
X$ is 2-absolutely summing and factors through a Hilbert space and
discussing general factorization theorems for cotype two spaces.

From banach-request at Mon Jun 01 10:55:36 1992
Received: from by id aa10043;
          1 Jun 92 10:55 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.J. Dilworth and S.J. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 10:07:07 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper " The distribution of vector-valued
Rademacher series" by  S.J. Dilworth and S.J. Montgomery-Smith.
The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send dilworthmontsmithvvrad.atx

to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $X=\sum \varepsilon_n x_n$ be a Rademacher series with
vector-valued coefficients. We obtain an approximate formula for the
distribution of the random variable $||X||$ in terms of its mean and a
certain quantity derived from the K-functional of interpolation
Several applications of the formula are given.

From banach-request at Thu Jun 04 09:42:19 1992
Received: from by id aa20690;
          4 Jun 92 9:42 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Miscellaneous
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 92 9:42:09 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

The Banach space bulletin board was unreachable for a few days due to
equipment problems on Midnet. I hope it is really fixed.

Because many subscribers do not have AMSLATeX, I have posted both .dvi
and postscript versions of Casazza's paper. Because of length they are
not accessible by email but can be obtained by ftp. The names are
casazzahbsp.dvi and . If you download these, let me know
how well this works. With the proliferation of TeX dialects .dvi and
.ps files may be reasonable alternatives. The postscript files tend to
be quite large because the fonts are included.

Dale Alspach

From banach-request at Fri Jun 05 09:47:56 1992
Received: from by id aa24805;
          5 Jun 92 9:47 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Announcements of a conference and two publications from G.A. Anastassiou.
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 92 9:47:32 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

  Announcement of a conference
  Title:An International conference on "Approximation,Probability And
related fields"
Place:Univ.California-Santa Barbara
Dates:20,21,22 May 1993
 George A Anastassiou
 Dept. Math.Sci.
 Memphis State University
 anastasg at
 Univ.California-Santa Barbara
 CA 93106,U.S.A
 tel.805-8934869 office
 The list of main speakers includes:
Germany),S.Cambanis(U.N.C),P.Erdos(Hungarian Academy of Science)

  A new international publication
   "Computational and Applied Math.j."
   Trial issue June 92,1st issue Jan.93
		    Editors in-Chief
     Memphis State University
     Memphis,TN 38152

     Svetlozar. T.Rachev
     Univ.California-Santa Barbara
     CA 93106,U.S.A
Paul Erdos(Hungarian Academy of Sci.),P.GREENWOOD(univ.British
Columbia),J.H.B.KEMPERMAN(Rutgers Univ.),S.Karlin(Stanford Univ.),
D.KOLZOW(Erlagen Univ. -Germany),M.MAEJIMA(Keio Univ.-Japan)
,P.R.MASANI(Univ. Pittsburgh),M.K.V.MURTHY(UNIV.PISA-Italy),
L.Ruschendorf(Munster-Germany),H.SATO(Kyushu Univ.-
Japan),O.Shisha(U.R.I),D.Stone(Northeastern Univ.)
	 Editorial policy
 We publish High quality original papers in E nglish language.
 Main areas of interest:
 Approximation Theory,Probability and Measure Theory,and their
Especially we are interested in the overlap of Approx.Th. and
Current interests among others include:
Approx. of functions by polynomials,splines,operators and their
applications to stochastics,multivariate approximation and
interpolation,rate of convergence in probability
theory,approximations and martingales,deterministic and stochastic
inequalities,geometric measure theory,geometric theory of
distributions-microlocal analysis,functional integration,WAVELETS,
harmonic analysis,fractal aspects of analysis,special function theory,
signal analysis,prediction theory.
Please send 4 copies of your article to any of the editors in-chief.
We have A.M.S. Standards,papers are refereed by 2 referees.

Applied Analysis & Stochastics


   (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series/138)

This valuable resource contains the papers presented at the Sixth
Southeastern Approximation Theorist Annual Conference, held in
April of 1991 at Memphis State University, Tennessee, edited by
George Anastassiou, 552 pages.  ISBN: 0-8247-8708-0.


Moment Problems and Their Applications to Characterization of
Stochastic Processes, Queueing Theory, and Rounding Problems.
George A. Anastassiou and S.T. Rachev.

Bivariate Probabilistic Wavelet Approximation. George Anastassiou
and Xiang Ming Yu.

Sampling Designs for Estimating Integrals of Stochastic Processes
Using Quadratic Mean Derivatives. Karim Benhenni and Stamatis

Para-Orthogonal Laurent Polynomials. Catherine M. Bonan-Hamada,
William B. Jones, and Arne Magnus.

A General Alternation Theorem.  Bruno Brosowski and Antonio R. da

Functional Analytic Methods in the Solution of the Fundamental
Theorems on Best-Weighted Algebraic Approximation.  P.L. Butzer,
S. Jansche, and R.L. Stens.

A Strategy for Proving Extensions of the 4/3 Conjecture.  B.L.
Chalmers, K.C. Pan, and B. Shekhtman.

When is the Adjoint of a Minimal Projection also Minimal.
B.L. Chalmers, K.C. Pan, and B. Shekhtman.

On Kernels and Approximation Orders.  E.W. Cheney, W.A. Light, and
Yuan Xu.

Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Operator Equations. A.T.
Chronopoulos and Z. Zlatev.

On the A.A. Markov Inequality for Polynomials in the L^p Case.
Zibigniew Ciesielski.

On the Degree of Approximation by Periodic Approximants of Boolean
Sum Type. Claudia Cottin.

Constrained N-Convex Approximation.  Frank Deutsch.

Kemp's Conjecture on Existence in Discrete Rational Chebyshev
Approximation. C.B. Dunham.
On Butzer's Problem Concerning Approximation by Algebraic
Polynomials.  Heinz H. Gonska and Jia-ding Cao.

Conditioning of Birkhoff Interpolation.  Gary W. Howell.

The p-Limit Selection in Uniform Approximation.  Robert Huotari.

Asymptotic Properties of J-Fractions and Related Orthogonal
Polynomials. William B. Jones, W.J. Thron, and Nancy J. Wyshinski.

Szego Polynomials and Frequency Analysis.  William B. Jones and
E.B. Saff.

Simultaneous Approximation of Derivatives. T. Kilgore.

Best Approximants in Musielak-Orlicz Spaces.  Shelby J. Kilmer.

On the Approximation Through Polyharmonic Operators.  Ognyan Iv.

Inqualities for Some Special Functions.  Andrea Laforgia.

Best Approximation in Polyhedral Spaces and Linear Programs.
Wu Li.

Nonexistence of a Riesz Basic of Translates.  T.E. Olson and R.A.

On Interpolation and Best One-Sided Approximation by Splines in
L^p.  J. Prestin and E. Quak.

Sidon-Type Inequalities.  Ferenc Schipp.

Norm Convergence and Summability of Fourier Series with Respect to
Certain Product Systems.  F. Schipp and W.R. Wade.

Monotone Approximation with First-Order Linear Differential
Operators.  O. Shisha and C. Yang.

Generalized Painleve Formulation and Variational Symmetries of the
Lorenz Equation.  Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi and Ram N. Mohapatra.

Spectral Analysis of Second-Order Difference Equations.  Dale T.

Lacunary Interpolation Modified (0,1,4) Case. A.K. Varma, A.
Saxena, and R.B. Saxena.

Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves by Approximation and
Interpolation.  Stanly E. Weinstein and Yuesheng Xu.

The Solution of Matrix Approximation Problems in C_p Norms.
G.A. Watson.

From banach-request at Fri Jun 05 10:48:01 1992
Received: from by id aa29157;
          5 Jun 92 10:47 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton P. Wojtaszczyk
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 92 10:52:16 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper "On nonatomic Banach lattices and
Hardy spaces" by N.J. Kalton and P. Wojtaszczyk .
The paper is typed in  AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send kaltonwojtaszczykblat.atx

to banach-files at

Abstract: We are interested in the question when a Banach space $X$
with an unconditional basis is isomorphic (as a Banach space) to an
order-continuous nonatomic Banach lattice. We show that this is the
case if and only if $X$ is isomorphic as a Banach space with
$X(\ell_2)$. This and results of J. Bourgain are used to show that
spaces $H_1(\bold T^n)$ are not isomorphic to nonatomic Banach
lattices. We also show that tent spaces introduced in \cite{4} are
isomorphic to Rad $H_1$.

From banach-request at Tue Jun 09 10:39:31 1992
Received: from by id aa09547;
          9 Jun 92 10:39 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Re: Accommodations for the Summer school in Greece
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 10:32:42 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

   Dear colleaques

		  A Traveling Advisory
   This is regarding Summer school on Banach spaces,July 6-19,1992
   on the island of Spetses,Greece.
   The following has nothing to do with the scientific value and
content of the above conference.
It is only to assist conference participants so to enjoy more their
stay in the above island.
   Greece is a beautiful country with friendly people especially
in the islands.
   However Staying and living in the building of the conference
(it is an old high school building) one should know the following:
   There are  ONLY big rooms of 13 beds each(therefore you would have
to share the room with several other persons).The building has
capacity of 100 persons.Also the showers are common and there is not
air conditioning,except in the main lecture room.Notice that july
is the hottest month in Greece,temperature 37-41 degrees C.
    Therefore I strongly recommend to make reservations in other
    hotels of the city of Spetses.
    This should be done soon because this cosmopolitan island is very
popular and therefore is crowded of tourists especially from U.K.
      For those going,enjoy the conference
      A concerned Greek(who has been in this island many times)
      George A  Anastassiou
      Associate Professor
      of Mathematics
      Memphis state University

From banach-request at Tue Jun 09 14:07:00 1992
Received: from by id aa26934;
          9 Jun 92 14:06 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Re:Message from G. Anastassiou
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 14:07:31 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

Dear subscribers,

This morning I distributed a message from G. Anastassiou regarding the
accommodations for the summer school in Greece. S. Negrepontis and S.
Argyros have notified me  that the rooms will be singles or doubles not
13's as asserted in that message. They also said that the weather and
environment are very nice.


Dale Alspach

A general comment on the bulletin board:

Messages of an informational nature are distributed in the name of the
person submitting them and  that person is responsible for the accuracy
of the information. Persons who knowingly submit inaccurate information
or do not correct significant inaccuracies in their messages will not
be permitted to post messages. I hope that this is the first and last
time that the bulletin board will be abused in this way.

Dale Alspach

From banach-request at Wed Jun 10 11:08:13 1992
Received: from by id ab17608;
          10 Jun 92 11:08 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Further information on the Summer School in Banach Spaces
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 92 11:05:40 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

On May 8,1992 we sent an announcement, that was distributed by the
Bulletin Board, for a Summer School on Banach Spaces, Related Areas,
Applications, organised by Athens University and supported by the EEC
programs ERASMUS and TEMPUS for graduate and qualified undergraduate
students.Such programs have low-budget and they aim to maximize the
number of students supported.
According to our almost complete program week-long mini-courses will be
given by:
S. Argyros (Heracleio),
R. Deville (Besancon),
S. Mercourakis (Athens),
G. Pisier (Paris),
S. Szarek (Cleveland),and
S. Troyanski (Sofia)
(during the first week of the Summer School,and
A. Figa'-Talamanca (Rome),
G. Godefroy (Paris),
A. Kechris (CalTech),
P. Kenderov (Sofia),
A. Louveau (Paris),
J. Orihuela (Murcia), and
N. Varopoulos (Paris)
(during the second week of the Summer School).
It is expected that there will be about fifty students attending the
from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, and
In addition, an auxiliary informal conference is organised during the
weekends, mainly with the participation and for the benefit of the
who already participate in the Summer School, together with whoever may
visit the Summer School. There are absolutely no independent funds or
other support for the Conference.

Yesterday, June 9, 1992, with a message to the Banach Bulletin Board
entitled "A traveling advisory" Mr. Anastassiou has given some
and outright false information, regarding the accomodation conditions
in the aforesaid Summer School.We must emphasize that Mr. Anastassiou
is totally
unrelated to the organization of the Summer School and that he has
consulted with the organisers before sending his "message".

We will now describe the accomodation available for the
Summer School.In the Dormitory Building, where participants to the
School will stay:
(a) There are about forty rooms that, according to needs, will be used
as single or double rooms.These rooms do not have private shower or
toilet; these
are in usual dormitory style in the same floor.
(b)There are six suites, equiped with their own showers and toilets,
suitable for families or small groups of 3-4 persons.
(c)In addition, there are some large rooms with several beds, which
be used if necessary for students.
We emphasize that teachers and staff visitors will stay solely in
double rooms, or in suites, and the same is true for most if not all
There is no air-conditioning in the School. However the School is on
sea, surrounded by a wide garden. We consider that the facility is
ideally suited for the organization of the Summer School. In fact
the summer this location is used intensively for some years now for the
organization of international conferences, summer schools,etc.

For the Organizing Committee of the Summer School on Banach Spaces,
Related Areas, Applications
Professor S. Negrepontis, Athens University
Professor S. Argyros, University of Crete

From banach-request at Thu Jun 11 10:19:42 1992
Received: from by id aa15703;
          11 Jun 92 10:19 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Change of Email address for S. Argyros
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 10:22:58 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

The email address for Spiros Argyros is now

argiros at

The address argiros at grcrvax1.bitnet no longer works.

Dale Alspach

From banach-request at Thu Jun 11 14:49:13 1992
Received: from by id aa13638;
          11 Jun 92 14:49 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: New email address for Elton Lacey
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 14:53:48 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

Elton Lacey's e-mail address is now Elton.Lacey at

From banach-request at Fri Jun 12 11:18:40 1992
Received: from by id aa18415;
          12 Jun 92 11:18 CDT
Received: by id aa17852; 12 Jun 92 11:11 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Info on conference in Oklahoma May 17-22,1993
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 92 11:18:42 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

Most of you should have received the following letter by (snail) mail.

Dear Colleague,

In the past twenty years Banach space theory has had a remarkable
period of growth and development. As a consequence many of the old
questions have been answered and research has moved in unexpected
directions. It thus seems timely to have a conference which
focuses on the directions for future research in Banach space theory.
Carsten Schutt and I are planning such a conference to be held
May 17-22 of 1993 at Western Hills Guest Ranch, near Wagoner,

The conference will include research talks of the more traditional
nature, but will feature a series of expository lectures. In these
expository lectures experts will review the progress in a subarea of
Banach space theory and describe their view of the most important open
problems in the subarea and the research directions that should be
pursued. The following people have agreed to give expository lectures:
W.B. Johnson, J.  Lindenstrauss, B. Maurey, A. Pelczynski, G. Pisier,
H.P.  Rosenthal, S. Szarek, and M.  Talagrand. In addition there will
be some sessions for contributed talks and a published proceedings of
the conference.

The site of the conference is
Western Hills Guest Ranch, a State of Oklahoma resort,
located about 50 miles east of Tulsa
in Sequoyah State Park. In addition to the meeting rooms and
dining area, facilities include a large lake (Lake
Fort Gibson), swimming pool, tennis courts, golf course, and
trails for hiking or horseback riding. The weather in Oklahoma in May
usually pleasant with warm days, cool nights and occasional
rain. Because Western Hills is relatively isolated we are
hoping to house everyone at the resort. The week of the
conference is the first week of the tourist season for the resort
standard U.S. motel rooms with two double beds and full bath. The
rate for room and three meals will be approximately $50 (US) per
person per day double occupancy and $77 (US) per person per day single
occupancy. (Golf and horseback riding are extra.) If you
intend to bring your family or wish to ``rough it'' by staying in
the camping areas of the park, please let us know so that we can
provide appropriate information.

The talks will actually begin Tuesday May 18 in the morning and
the conference will end in the early afternoon on May 22. Western
Hills has agreed to charge the conference rate for the night of
May 22 for those who wish to stay over.
Please feel free to share this letter with others.


Dale Alspach

------------------------Conference Participation Form----------------

Mailing Address:

E-mail address:

Indicate below your tentative plans (P is the
probability that you will come.):

__ I am very likely to come. (P>= .9)

__ I am likely to come. (.9>P>=.75)

__ I can't decide now, but keep me on the mailing list.  (.75>P>=.25)

__ It is unlikely that I will come. (P<.25)

If you chose either of the first two possibilities, will you
want single or double occupancy?


Some universities require that their faculty present a paper or
receive a formal invitation in order to receive funds for travel
to a conference. If we can assist you in obtaining travel funds,
let us know. We have applied for support for some participants,
but at this time our funding situation is unclear.

Return to alspach at

or by mail to

Banach Space Conference
Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078-0613

From banach-request at Thu Jun 18 09:17:39 1992
Received: from by id aa01246;
          18 Jun 92 9:17 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: More information on the summer school in Spetses, Greece
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 9:20:59 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

Subject:  Information on the
	       In Spetses, Greece, on July 6-19, 1992.

     1.COURSES OFFERED (A final list will follow later)
First week: July 6-11

1. Spiros ARGYROS (Heracleio): The structure of non-dentable sets in
   Banach spaces.

2. Robert DEVILLE (Besancon): Variational Principles.

3. Sophocles MERCOURAKIS (Athens): Baire-1 functions in Banach spaces.

4. Gilles PISIER (Paris): Completely bounded maps and similarity
   in Banach spaces and operator algebras.

5. Stanislaw SZAREK (Cleveland): Asymptotic theory of finite

6. Stanimir TROYANSKI (Sofia): Series in Banach spaces.

Second week: July 13-18

1. Alessandro FIGA' - TALAMANCA (Rome): Theory of spherical functions
   applications to harmonic analysis on utrametric compact homogeneous

2. Gilles GODEFROY (Paris): Haydon's work on trees and renorming

3. Alexander KECHRIS (Cal Tech): Effective method in descriptive set

4. Petar KENDEROV (Sofia): Generic differentiability and well posedness
   of optimization problems.

5. Alain LOUVEAU (Paris): Coanalytic sets  and  ranks  in  descriptive
   theory and analysis.

6. Jose ORIHUELA (Murcia): Projectional resolution of identity in
   Banach spaces.

7. Nicholas VAROPOULOS (Paris): to be announced.

Breakfast: 07:30-09:00 a.m.
Morning Lectures (4-5  hour lectures): 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Free Time (e.g. swimming) : 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Lunch :  2-4 p.m.
Afternoon Lectures (2 hour lectures):  4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Free Time:  6:30 p.m. -----
Note. The  schedule  seems  rather  heavy  (especially  with  the
addition of one morecourse for a total of seven each  week).
Hopefully  it
strikes a balance between serious work and some free time for


1. The best way to go to Spetses is with a Flying Dolphin, that starts
   from a location in Piraeus called
	    Marina Zeas.
   These boats are fast and have a limited number of  seats.  On
   thirteen boats start from Marina Zeas for Spetses,  the  earliest
   at  8
   a.m. and the last one at 7:30 p.m. On Sundays ten boats from  8:15
   to 8:15 p.m. The trip takes about two to two and a half hours,
   on  intermediate stops. Ticket price (one way): 2980 drachmas
   (about  $
   15). For  information call: 428.0001, 452.5107.

2. There are also regular boats that go to Spetses, but their schedules
   probably not very convenient. They start from Piraeus  port
   Square, near the Piraeus Subway Station);  the  trip  takes  about
   hours. Ticket price (one way): 1550 drachmas (about $  7.50).
   These  are
   the details:

   Eftyhia boat: starts at 8 a.m. every day (information: 412. 6181);
   Georgios boat: starts at 8:20 a.m. every day (information:
   Hydra boat: starts at 4 p.m. every Friday-this is probably  a  good
    convenient schedule,
		and starts at 8:10 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday
    (information: 482.8001).
   Argosaronikos Port Authority (for general information): 412.4585.
Note. An effort will be made to meet peoplewhen they arrive in Athens
abroad, especially if they come in groups. Please  notify  us  as
soon  as
possible about your travel plans.

One  can  drive  from  Athens  to  the  locations  PORTO HELI  or
Peloponnese. In Kosta there is a 24 hours parking facility, where  you
leave your car and sail to Spetses with the small local boats
(caiques  or
sea taxis). Driving time from Athens to Kosta: about four hours. Boat
15 minutes (150 drachmas).
No private cars are allowed in  the island of Spetses.

			      5. USEFUL BUSES
1) From Athens Train Station (Larisa Station) to Omonoia Square:
	  Take Trolley-Bus 1
   (At Omonoia Square is the Central Station of the Subway System that
    to Piraeus Port).
2) From Omonoia Square to Piraeus Subway Station:
	  Take the Subway Train
3) From Piraeus Subway Station to Marina Zeas:
	  Take Buses 905 or 904.
4) From Western Airport (Flights with Olympic Airways only) to
	  4a) Buses 109, 113, 114, 124, 125, 149, 205,  or
	  4b) the Express Bus (every hour)
5) From Eastern Airport (all flights, except those with Olympic
    to Piraeus : Take:
	  5a) Bus 101 (every hour)
	  5b) the Express Bus (every hour).

   Tickets for Buses 1), 2), 3), 4a), or 5a) cost 75 drachmas, and must
   bought BEFORE you enter the Bus (at the nearby kiosks).
   Tickets for Buses 4b) or 5b) cost 160 drachmas, and are paid to the
   driver directly.

				  6. TAXIS
A taxi from the (Eastern or Western)  Airport  to  a  location  in
(Marina Zeas or Sea Port) costs about 1200 drachmas.

			       7. AT SPETSES

From the Spetses sea port to the Anargyreios and Korgialeneios School
distance is about one and half kilometers.
The usual trasnportation means is with a horse  carriage.  Cost  about
     Anargyreios and Korgialeneios School: Phone 0298-72.206
     Spetses Sea Port Authority: 0298-72.245
     Local police: 73.100, Taxis: 72.198, Horse carriages: 73.131

The rooms at Anargyreios and Korgialeneios  School  will  be
available  on
Sunday evening (July 5); some rooms willbe available  on  Saturday
(July 4) for early arrivals.

     Some sixty kilometers from Spetses, on the Eastern  Peloponnese,
the magnificent classical theater of Epidavros (Epidaurus, more
- one of the most beautiful Greek monuments.  This is an active
theater, with
about 14.000  seats.
     On Sunday July 5, at 9 p.m.,  there  is  a  performance  of
tragic play "Alcestis"  by the  National  Institute  of  Ancient
Drama  of
Syracuse (Italian group).
     On Friday July 10 and  Saturday  July  11,  at  9  p.m.,  there
     is  a
performance of Sophocles tragic play "Electra" by the National Theater
Northern Greece. (Music by G. Kouroupos).
     There are no performances on Epidavros during the 17-19 July
     An excursion to Epidavros, via  boat  and  bus,  will  take
     place  on
Saturday July 11. Return on same night after  the  performance.  Cost
excursion including one ticket for performance (good seat) is about
4.800 drachmas (about $24).
     Other places of interest are the remains and Museum  of  Mycenae,
the picturesque city of Nauplion. An excursion can be organized  for
places on Sunday July 12 if there is sufficient interest.

For ANY  questions, additional information, etc. that you may have,
feel free to ask me, preferably by e-mail: sn at grathun1.bitnet

				   Stelios Negrepontis

From banach-request at Fri Jun 19 08:59:30 1992
Received: from by id aa00765;
          19 Jun 92 8:59 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Death of Pichorides
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 9:01:31 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

From the Dept. of Mathematics - University of Crete, Greece.
Status: RO

  Professor Stelios Pichorides passed away last night (June 18)
at the age of 52, because of a stroke he suffered during a
mathematical meeting at Madrit, Spain.
  He did his undergraduate work at the National Polytechnic
Institute, Athens and his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago under
A.Zygmund. In 1980 he was awarded the Salem prize mainly for his work
on the Littlewood conjecture.
He was one of the most distinguished Greek mathematicians of our time.
His influence on Greek Mathematics is hard to evaluate at this moment
but, to say the least, was great.
  His passing away is a great loss for the Department of Mathematics
of the University of Crete, which he marked in every respect with
his presence for a number of years.

From banach-request at Thu Jun 25 09:14:49 1992
Received: from by id aa10864;
          25 Jun 92 9:14 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Address change for J. Mendoza
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 9:11:43 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

  Dear colleagues,

	       From now on my e-mail address will be
		       MENDOZA at MAT.UCM.ES

			J. Mendoza

From banach-request at Tue Jun 30 15:41:19 1992
Received: from by id aa29890;
          30 Jun 92 15:41 CDT
Received: by id aa29258; 30 Jun 92 15:32 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Journal of Computational And Applied Mathematics
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 92 15:37:41 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

----- Begin Included Message -----

Subject:  Journal

Journal of Computational And Applied Mathematics
       Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Guest Editors:  G.A. Anastassiou & S.T. Rachev


G.A. Anastassiou and S.T. Rachev

B.C. Arnold
Logistic and semi-logistic processes [CAM 1212]

J. Boos and H. Tietz
Convexity theorems for the circle methods of summability [CAM 1215]

M. Bramson and C. Neuhauser
A catalytic surface reaction model [CAM 1211]

A. Gross and J.B. Robertson
Ergodic properties of stationary Poisson sequences [CAM 1210]

G. Hinsen
Explicit irregular sampling formulas [CAM 1213]

S. Jansche and R.L. Stens
Best weighted polynomial approximation on the real line; a
functional-analytic approach [CAM 1233]

P.R. Masani
The measure-theoretic aspects of entropy, Part I [CAM 1208]

M.I. Taksar
Skorohod problems with nonsmooth boundary conditions [CAM 1237]

----- End Included Message -----

From banach-request at Wed Jul 01 09:22:42 1992
Received: from by id aa00447;
          1 Jul 92 9:22 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: More on summer school in Greece
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 92 9:24:41 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

Subject:  Information on the
	       In Spetses, Greece, on July 6-19, 1992.


1. Spiros ARGYROS (Heracleio): The structure of non-dentable sets in
   Banach spaces.

2. Sophocles MERCOURAKIS (Athens): Baire-1 functions in Banach spaces.

3. Gilles PISIER (Paris): Completely bounded maps and similarity
   in Banach spaces and operator algebras.

4. Stanislaw SZAREK (Cleveland): Asymptotic theory of finite

5. Stanimir TROYANSKI (Sofia): Series in Banach spaces.

6. Charles STEGALL (Linz): to be announced (two lectures)

7. Jaroslav TISER (Prague): Determination of measures on metric and
   space (two  to  three lectures)


1. Alessandro FIGA' - TALAMANCA (Rome): Theory of spherical functions
   applications to harmonic analysis on utrametric compact homogeneous

2. Gilles GODEFROY (Paris): Haydon's work on trees and renorming

3. Alexander KECHRIS (Cal Tech): Effective method in descriptive set

4. Petar KENDEROV (Sofia): Generic differentiability and well posedness
   of optimization problems.

5. Alain LOUVEAU (Paris): Coanalytic sets  and  ranks  in  descriptive
   theory and analysis.

6. Jose ORIHUELA (Murcia): Projectional resolutions, Markusevich bases
   applications in the topology and Geometry of Banach spaces.

7. Nicholas VAROPOULOS (Paris): Analysis and geometry  on  groups
(two  to
   three lectures)

Breakfast: 07:30-08:30 a.m.
Morning Lectures (4-5  hour lectures): 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Free Time (e.g. swimming) : 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Lunch :  2-4 p.m.
Afternoon Lectures (2 hour lectures):  4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Free Time:
  6:30 p.m. -----
Note. The  schedule  seems  rather  heavy; hopefully  it
strikes a balance between serious work and some free time for

Andreeva, Maia                     Bulgaria, student
Ansorena, Jose L.                  Spain, student
Apostolakis  Nikos                 Greece, student
Argyros, Spiros                    Greece
Arregui, Jose L.                   Spain, student
Atanasov, Emanuil                  Bulgaria, student
Babisky, Vitezslav                 Czechoslovakia, student
Barta, Petr                        Czechoslovakia, student
Batakis, Athanasios                Greece, student
Canovas, Maria Josefa              Spain, student
Cerny, Jaroslav                    Czechoslovakia, student
Cisek, Petr                        Czechoslovakia, student
Daniilidis, Aris                   Greece, studxent
Deliyanni, Ireni                   Greece, student
Diaz, Jose Pedro Moreno            Spain, student
Farmaki, Vassiliki                 Greece
Fasangova, Eva                     Czechoslovakia, studednt
Figa'-Talamanca, Alessandro        Italy
Frontisi,                          France, student
Georgiou, Dimitrios                Greece, student
Giannopoulos, Apostolis            Greece, student
Giurov, Boiko Georgiev             Bulgaria, student
Godefroy, Gilles                   France
Gratsea, Dionysia                  Greece, student
Hadjipantelidis, Panayotis         Greece, student
Heisler, Martin                    Czechoslovakia, student
Iliadis, Stavros                   Greece
Javurek, Jaromir                   Czechoslovakia, student
Kaabucki, El.                      France, student
Kada                               France
Kechris, Alexander                 U.S.A.
Kenderov, Petar                    Bulgaria
Kortezov, Ivailo                   Bulgaria, student
Kottas, Jiri                       Czechoslovakia
Kratochvilova, Iva                 Czechoslovakia, student
Krump, Lukas                       Czechoslovakia, student
Kutzarova, Denka                   Bulgaria
Kyrezi, Ioanna                     France, student
Kyriakouli, Persephoni             Greece, student
Lehner, Franz                      Austria, student
Levi, Rony                         Bulgaria
Lopez, Juan Parra                  Spain student
Louveau, Alain                     France
Lukes, Jaroslav                    Czechoslovakia
Maleev, Roumen                     Bulgaria
Martinez, Maria Page               Spain, student
Matheron,  Etienne                 France, student
Matouskova, Eva                    Czechoslovakia, student
Mercourakis, ,Sophocles            Greece
Merino, Jose Luis Gamez            Spain,student
Mitsis, Themis                     Greece, student
Molto, Anibal                      Spain
Negrepontis, Stelios               Greece
Orihuela, Jose                     Spain
Panayotopoulos, Ioannis            Greece, student
Papadakis, Manos                   Greece, student
Papadoperakis, Ioannis             Greece, student
Papanastassiou, Nikolaos           Greece
Pavlakos, Pericles                 Greece, student
Perysinaki, Ireni                  Greece, Student
Petrakis, Minos                    Greece
Pisier, Gilles                     France
Pyrih, Pavel                       Czechoslovakia
Ranosova, Jarmila                  Czechoslovakia, student
Revalski, Julian                   Bulgaria
Ribarska, Nadejda                  Bulgaria
Solecky, Zbynek                    Chechoslovakia, student
Stamatopoulos, Chrysostomos        Greece, student
Stefanov, Atanas                   Bulgaria, Student
Stegall, Charles                   Austria
Stoev, Nikolai                     Bulgaria, Student
Szarek, Stanislaw                  U.S.A.
Tchuskovska Irena                  Bulgaria, student
Tiser, Jaroslav                    Czechoslovakia
Troyanski, Stanimir                Bulgaria
Truhlar, Pavel                     Czechoslovakia, Student
Tsarpalias, Athanasios             Greece
Varopoulos, Nicholas               France
Vasilev, Veselin Kirilov           Bulgaria, student
Watbled, Frederique                France, Student
Zachariadis, Theodosios            Greece
Zamek, Martin                      Chechoslovakia, student
Zapheiridou, Sophia                Greece


1. The best way to go to Spetses is with a Flying Dolphin, that departs
   from a location in Piraeus called
	    Marina Zeas, or Zea for short (whose exact address is: 8,
	    Themistokleous, Piraeus).
   These boats are  fast  and  have  a  limited  number of seats. Due
   increased tourism during July, it  may  not  be  completely
   trivial  to
   secure a  ticket with Flying Dolphins.
   The trip takes about two to two and a half hours,  depending
   on  intermediate stops. Ticket price (one way): 2980 drachmas
   $ 15).  For   information  call:  428.0001,  452.5107 (Piraeus
   office), 324.2281 (Athens office).
	  Here is an exact rundown of Flying Dolphin Schedule:
   Monday (13 departures): 5.30, 8.15, 8.30 (cat), 8.45, 9, 10, 12
			   14.30 (cat), 15, 16, 17, 17.30, 18.30.
   Tuesday (12 departures):  8.15, 8.30, (cat) 8.45, 9. 10, 12,
			    14.30 (cat), 15, 16,17, 17.30, 18.30.
   Wednesday 13 (departures): 8.10, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45, 9, 10, 12,
			    14.30 (cat), 15, 16, 17, 17.30, 18.30.
   Thursday (12 departures): 8.15, 8.30 (cat), 8.45, 9, 10, 12,
			    14.30 (cat), 15, 16, 17, 17.30, 18.30.
   Friday (15 departures):  8.15, 8.30 (cat), 8.45, 9, 10, 12,
			    14, 14.30 (cat),  15,  16,  17,  17.15,
				 18.25 (cat),  18.30.
   Saturday (15 departures): 8, 8.10(cat), 8.15, 8.45, 8.50, 9, 10, 11,
			     14.30 (cat), 16, 17, 17.30, 18.30.
   Sunday (12 departures): 8.15, 8,30 (cat), 8.45, 9, 10, 12
			  14.30 (cat), 14.45, 16.05, 17.45, 18.30,
   Note: Departures with indication Cat are with a Catamaran type boat
   of a
	 capacity for 380 passengers.
	 All  other  departures  are  with boats of a capacity  135-155
   Note: Rough exchange rate $ 1 = 200 drachmas.

2. There are also regular boats that go to Spetses, but their schedules
   probably not very convenient. They depart from Piraeus port
   Square, near the Piraeus Subway Station);  the  trip  takes  about
   hours. Ticket price (one way): 1550 drachmas (about $  7.50).
   These  are
   the details:

   Eftyhia boat: departs at 8 a.m. every day (information: 412. 6181);
   Georgios boat: departs at 8:20 a.m. every day (information:

   Hydra boat: departs at 4 p.m. every Friday-this is probably  a  good
   and convenient schedule,  and departs at 8:10 a.m. every Saturday
   Sunday  (information: 482.8001).

   Argosaronikos Port Authority (for general information): 412.4585.

Note. An effort will be made to meet people when they arrive in Athens
abroad, especially if they come in groups. Please  notify  us  as
soon  as
possible about your travel plans.

One  can  drive  from  Athens  to  the  locations  PORTO HELI  or
Peloponnese. In Kosta there is a 24 hours parking facility, where  you
leave your car and sail to Spetses with the small local boats
(caiques  or
sea taxis). Driving time from Athens to Kosta: about four hours. Boat
15 minutes (150 drachmas). There  are  also  buses  going  from
Athens  to
Kosta.Information at Kosta: 0754-21.218.

No private cars are allowed in  the island of Spetses.

			      6. USEFUL BUSES
1) From Athens Train Station (Larisa Station) to Omonoia Square:
	  Take Trolley-Bus 1
   (At Omonoia Square is the Central Station of the Subway System that
    to Piraeus Port).
2) From Omonoia Square to Piraeus Subway Station:
	  Take the Subway Train
3) From Piraeus Subway Station to Marina Zeas:
	  Take Buses 905 or 904.
4) From Western Airport (Flights with Olympic Airways only) to
	  4a) Buses 109, 113, 114, 124, 125, 149, 205,  or
	  4b) the Express Bus (every hour)
5) From Eastern Airport (all flights, except those with Olympic
    to Piraeus : Take:
	  5a) Bus 101 (every hour)
	  5b) the Express Bus (every hour).

   Tickets for Buses 1), 2), 3), 4a), or 5a) cost 75 drachmas, and must
   bought BEFORE you enter the Bus (at the nearby kiosks).
   Tickets for Buses 4b) or 5b) cost 160 drachmas, and are paid to the
   driver directly.

				  7. TAXIS
A taxi from the (Eastern or Western)  Airport  to  a  location  in
(Marina Zeas or Sea Port) costs about 1200 drachmas.

Distance Piraeus - Spetses: about 55 miles
Area : 22.5 sp. kms. The prinicpal town has about 4.000 inhabitants.
are many pine-trees on the island. (In fact the name Spetses  derives
the ancient greek name "Pitiousa" = pine-tree island).
On the island no private cars are allowed.
One can move around with
	  One-horse carriages (stations: 0298-72.345, 72.982), or
	  Taxis (station: 0298-72.198).
One can rent bikes (one rate given is  the  following:  400
1600 dr./day, about 10.000 dr./week).
There is a State Medical Station (open at nights, free of  charge,
with  a
medical doctor at hand); phone 72.472. There are  also two private
doctors on the island; here are their names and phones:
	  Dr. Bougou-Karayanni Alexia (Mrs.)-office 72.879, home 73.144
	  Dr. Tsakiridis Spiros (Mr.) - office 72.2011, home 72.996
Dentist: Mrs. Ag. Zoumboulaki - phone 73.481
Drugstores: Mrs. Evgenia Kapelaki 73.394
	    Mrs. Ioanna Brati     72.480
Spetses See Port Authority: 0298-72.245
Police Department (including Tourist Police): phone 73.100
Olympic Airways: 73.141, 73.828
The office of National Telecommunication Organization (OTE)  is  open
7.30  a.m.  to  10  p.m.  everyday  including  weekends.   One   can
long-distance calls from there.
     Phones: 72.121, 72.199.
     There are two movie theaters.
     The distance from Spetses Sea Port (called "Dapia" to the
and Korgianeios School (AKS for short) is about 2 km.
     AKS phone: 0298-72.206.
     There are sports facilities on  its  premises  (soccer,
tennis, gym).
     Exactly in front of AKS there is a popular swimming spot. Other
of the island where one can swim are:
     Aghii Anargyroi - accessibly by bus, and by caiques,
     Zogeria, Agia Paraskevi - accessible by caiques.
Everyday excursions by caiques to above places are announced at  the
they cost (round trip) about 600-700 drachmas.
     The AKS consists of five buldings. The lectures, the seminar room,
secretary's office the lounge, and the  dining  room  are  all
located  in
Building A.  In Building A there is also a Snack-Bar, with light  food
refreshments, open from 7.30 a.m. till 11.30 p.m.

The rooms at Anargyreios and Korgialeneios  School  will  be
available  on
Sunday evening (July 5); some rooms will be available on  Saturday
(July 4) for early arrivals.

     Some sixty kilometers from Spetses, on the Eastern  Peloponnese,
the magnificent classical theater of Epidavros (Epidaurus, more
- one of the most beautiful Greek monuments.  This is an active
theater, with
about 14.000  seats.
     On Sunday July 5, at 9 p.m.,  there  is  a  performance  of
tragic play "Alcestis"  by the  National  Institute  of  Ancient
Drama  of
Syracuse (Italian group).
     On Friday July 10 and  Saturday  July  11,  at  9  p.m.,  there
     is  a
performance of Sophocles tragic play "Electra" by the National Theater
Northern Greece. (Music by G. Kouroupos).
     There are no performances on Epidavros during the 17-19 July
     An excursion to Epidavros, via  boat  and  bus,  will  take
     place  on
Saturday July 11. Return on same night after  the  performance.  Cost
excursion including one ticket for performance (good seat) is about
4.800 drachmas (about $24).
     Other places of interest are the remains and Museum  of  Mycenae,
the picturesque city of Nauplion. An excursion can be organized  for
places on Sunday July 12 if there is sufficient interest.

For ANY  questions, additional information, etc. that you may have,
feel free to ask me, preferably by e-mail: sn at grathun1.bitnet
After Saturday July 4 you can reach me at the AKS number 0298-72.206,

				   Stelios Negrepontis

From banach-request at Mon Jul 06 11:03:08 1992
Received: from by id aa16282;
          6 Jul 92 11:03 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: abstract of a paper by S. Argyros and I. Deliyanni
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 92 11:04:20 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Banach Spaces Of The Type Of
	Tsirelson" by S. Argyros and I. Deliyanni.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send argyrosdeliyannitsrlsn.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract:  To any pair  ( M , theta ) where  M  is a family of finite
subsets of  N compact in the pointwise topology, and  0<theta < 1  , we
associate a Tsirelson-type Banach space  T_M^theta  . It is shown that
if the Cantor-Bendixson index of  M   is greater than  n   and theta
>{1/n}  then  T_M^theta  is reflexive.  Moreover, if the
Cantor-Bendixson index of  M   is greater than omega   then  T_M^theta
does not contain any  l^p, while if the Cantor-Bendixson index of  M is
finite thenT_M^theta  contains some  l^p   or  c_o  . In particular,
if  M ={  A subset  N : |A| leq n }  and
 {1/n}<theta <1 then  T_M^theta is isomorphic to some  l^p  .

From mmdf at Tue Jul 21 13:53:44 1992
3:44 1992
Received: from by id aa28984;
          21 Jul 92 13:53 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: abstract of a paper by  E. Odell, H.P. Rosenthal and Th. Schlumprecht
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 92 13:55:45 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "On Weakly Null FDD's in
	Banach Spaces" by E. Odell, H.P. Rosenthal and Th.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send odellschlumprosen1.tex

	send odellschlumprosen2.tex

in separate email messages to: banach-files at

In this paper we show that every sequence (F_n) of finite dimensional
subspaces of a real or complex Banach space with increasing dimensions
can be
``refined'' to yield an F.D.D. (G_n), still having increasing
so that either every bounded sequence (x_n), with x_n in G_n for
n in N, is weakly null, or every normalized sequence (x_n), with
x_n in G_n for n in N, is equivalent to the unit vector basis
of l_1.

Crucial to the proof are two stabilization results concerning Lipschitz
functions on finite dimensional normed spaces. These results also lead
to other applications. We show, for example, that every infinite
dimensional Banach space X contains an F.D.D. (F_n), with lim_{n to
infty} dim (F_n)=infty, so that all normalized sequences (x_n), with
x_n in F_n, n in N, have the same spreading model over X.
This spreading model must necessarily be 1-unconditional over X.

From alspach Fri Sep  4 14:56:19 1992
To: banach
Subject: Second announcement of UTAMIRFAS
Status: RO


	The U.T.-A&M Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar
	will meet Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20  in 
	Milner Hall at Texas A&M in College Station.

				Tentative Schedule

Saturday, September 19

  9:30 	Coffee & Donuts
10:00-	V. Peller, Texas A&M University, Super-optimal 
10:50	approximation by analytic functions
11:00-	H. P. Rosenthal, University of Texas at Austin,
11:50	A characterization of Banach spaces containing c_0
12:00-	T. Schlumprecht, Texas A&M University, On  possible
12:50	generalizations of Krivine's theorem
  1:00-	Break for lunch
  2:30-	G. Pisier, Texas A&M University, Completely bounded
  3:20	multipliers on nonamenable groups
  3:30-	J. Jenkins, National Science Foundation, Spherical functions 
  4:20	on Heisenberg groups
  4:30-	Coffee Break
  5:00-	V. Milman, Tel Aviv University & Ohio State University, 
		Spectrum and distortion: 
  6:00	interaction of high and infinite dimensional geometry
Sunday, September 20

  9:00	Coffee & Donuts
  9:30-	N. Kalton, University of Missouri, Calderon-Mityagin couples
10:20	of rearrangement invariant function spaces
10:30-	Keith Ball, Texas A&M University, A lower bound for the
11:20	optimal density of sphere packings
11:30-	R. Smith, Texas A&M University, Automatic complete
12:20	boundedness

We expect to be able to cover housing for a small number of 
participants.  Preference will be given to participants who do not 
have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants.

IMPORTANT ADDITION:  Most motels are already booked for 
the weekend of the meeting.  If you do not now have a reservation,
you should contact Deidra Williams ASAP.  We have blocked out 
rooms at Motel 6, 2327 Texas Av S, (409) 696-3379, $27; you will
need to go through Deidra to get one of these rooms. Below are
some other local motels; those which say they are completely 
booked are marked with an asterisk.

In Southwood Valley, where most local participants live:
*Quality Inn, 2514 Texas Av S, (409) 696-6988, $40 (up to 4).
*Manor House Inn, 2504 Texas Av S, (409) 764-9540, $44, $49.
Ponderosa Motor Inn, 3702 Texas Av S, (409) 693-6810, $20, $25.

On campus:
*Memorial Student Center Guest Rooms, (409) 845-8909.

Near campus, but not fun to walk:
*Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Av S, (409) 846-0184, $44.
*La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Av S, (409) 696-5900, $36.
*Holiday Inn, 1503 Texas Av S, (409) 693-1736, $44.
*Comfort Inn, 104 Texas Av S, (409) 846-733, $37, $42.
Western Motel, 204 Texas Av S, (409) 846-5757.

Generally considered the top place in town:
*Hilton, 801 University Dr E, (409) 693-7500, $47, $62.
Next door to Hilton:
*Inn at Chimney Hill, 901 University Dr E (409) 260-9150, $45, $59.

On Friday, September 18, at 8:00 PM, Jan and Bill Johnson will host 
at their home a party for early arriving participants and faculty in the
department of mathematics at Texas A&M.

Bill Johnson wbj7835 at tamvenus, wbj7835 at
1306 Deacon Dr., College Station, (409) 696-2812 (H) 845-2722 (O)

Deidra Williams
dlw4298 at tamvenus, dlw4298 at
(409) 845-3261
(409) 845-6028  FaX

From banach-request at Tue Sep  8
10:24:51 1992
Received: from by
Status: RO id aa05887;
          8 Sep 92 10:24 CDT
Received: by id aa05071; 8 Sep 92
10:14 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N Gronbaek, B.E. Johnson,
and G.A. Willis
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 92 10:22:06 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Amenability of
	algebras of compact operators" by N Gronbaek,
B.E. Johnson, and
	G.A. Willis.
The paper is typed in  AMSTeX. The paper may be
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send gronjohnwill1.atx


	send gronjohnwill2.atx

in separate messages
to: banach-files at

In this paper we study conditions on a Banach space X
that ensure
that the Banach algebra K(X) of compact operators is
amenable.  We
give a symmetrized approximation property of X which is
proved to be
such a condition. This property is satisfied by a wide
range of Banach
spaces including all the classical spaces. We then
investigate which
constructions of new Banach spaces from old ones preserve
the property
of carrying amenable algebras of compact operators.
Roughly speaking,
dual spaces, predual spaces and certain tensor products
do inherit
this property and direct sums do not. For direct sums
this question is
closely related to factorization of linear operators. In
the final
section we discuss some open questions, in particular,
the converse
problem of what properties of X are implied by the
amenability of

From banach-request at Thu Sep 10 10:48:10 1992
Received: from by id aa03016;
          10 Sep 92 10:48 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by J. Bastero, J. Buernes and A. Pena
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 10:49:17 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "The theorems of Caratheodory and
Gluskin for $0<p<1$" by  J. Bastero, J. Buernes and A. Pena
The paper is typed in plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send basterobuernespena.tex

to: banach-files at

In this note we investigate some aspects of the local structure of
finite dimensional $p$-Banach spaces. The well known theorem of Gluskin
gives a sharp lower bound of the diameter of the Minkowski compactum.
In [Gl] it is proved that diam$({\cal M}_n^1)\geq cn$ for some absolute
constant $c$.  Our purpose is to study this problem in the $p$-convex
setting. In [Pe], T. Peck gave an upper bound of the diameter of ${\cal
M}_n^p$, the class of all $n$-dimensional $p$-normed spaces, namely,
diam$({\cal M}_n^p)\leq n^{2/p-1}$. We will show that such bound is

From banach-request at Tue Sep 15 09:24:35 1992
Received: from by id aa03600;
          15 Sep 92 9:24 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Announcement of a conference
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 9:26:30 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO



May 20-22, 1993
University of California, Santa Barbara

The main purpose of the conference is to bring together national
and international researchers in approximation, probability and
related fields in an intense and intimate environment conducive to
interacting.  The emphasis is on the interplay of important topics
in approximation theory and probability.

Topics will include:

-   approxmation of functions by polynomials, splines operators and
    their applications to stochastics.
-   numerical methods for approximation of deterministic and
    stochastic integrals.
-   orthogonal polynomials and stochastic processes.
-   positive linear operators and related deterministic and
  stochastic inequalities.
-   multivariate approximation and interpolation.
-   approximations and martingales.
-   deterministic and stochastic inequalities.
-   stability of deterministic and stochastic models.
-   signal analysis.
-   prediction theory.
-   wavelets and approximations

During the 3 days, approximately fifty papers will be presented,
in a series of two parallel sessions.  The program committee will
select the papers to be presented on the basis of extended
abstracts to be submitted as described in this brochure.

The proceedings of the conference will contain full texts of all
presented papers and will be published in 1994.  Several publishers
have shown interest in publishing the proceedings.



George Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Memphis State University
Memphis, TN USA

Svetlozar T. Rachev
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106  USA


Paul L. Butzer
Lehrstuhl A fur Mathematik RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 55, W-5100 Aachen

Stamatis Cambanis
Department of Statistics
University of North Carolina
Chapel, Hill, NC 27599-3260
Zuhair Nashed
Department of Mathematics
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware 19716

The Meeting

The International Conference on "Approximation Probability and
Related Fields: will take place at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, Department of Statistics and Applied probability,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3110, on Thurs, Fri and Sat, May, 20, 21
and 22 of 1993.

Main Speakers

The following have already accepted an invitation to be main

R. Adler, Technion University
P.L. Butzer, RWTH, Aachen
S. Cambanis, University of North Carolina
P. Erdos, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
R. Karandikar, Indian Statistical Institute
J.H.B. Kemperman, Rutgers University
G.G. Lorentz, University of Texas
M. Maejima, Keio Unversity
C. Micchelli, IBM, Yorktown Heights
L. Ruschendorf, University of Munster
G. Samorodnitsky, Cornell University
G. Strang, M.I.T.
M. Taqqu, Boston University
W. Vervaat, Catholic University at Nijmegen

Instructions fo Contributors

Persons wishing to submit a paper should sent 3 copies of an
extended abstract before December 31, 1992 to the following
address:  Dr. S. T. Rachev
	  Statistics and Applied Probability
	  University of California
	  Santa Barbara, CA  93106-3110
The extended abstract should be between 5 and 10 pages in length
(typed, double spaced) i.e. approximately 2,000 words.  It must
proved sufficient details concerning the results and their
significance to enable the program committee to make its selection.
The speakers of all accepted talks will be notified by March 15,

Final full versions of all papers for the proceedings must be
provided by September 15, 1993.  This will enable the  proceedings
to be printed and made available in 1994.

Authors of all accepted papers for the proceedings will be provided
with notification of acceptance.

Conference Fee

General fee $120
Early registration: $100 by March 31, 1993
Student: $50
Student early registration: $40

Please sent check to:

Organizing Committee for APR
Statistics and Applied Probability
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-3110


Rooms have been set aside for conference participants at:

South Coast Inn, (800) 350-3614
5620 Calle Real
Goleta, California 93117    and

Holiday Inn, (800) 465-4329
5650 Calle Real
Goleta, California 93117

Make reservations on your own and ask for the special rates for
this conference (approximately $68 per night plus tax.)  Rooms will
be released after April 24, 1993.


December 31, 1992   Deadline for submission of extended abstracts
		    of papers.

March 15, 1993      Notification of acceptance.

March 31, 1993      Deadline for early registration.

April 24, 1993      Hotel Reservation Deadline

May 20-22, 1993     International Conference "Approximation,
		    Probability and Related Fields"

Sept. 15, 1993      Deadline for submission of full text
		    of the papers for the proceedings.

Dec.  31, 1993      Notification of acceptance of papers.

Statistic and Applied Probability
University of California
Santa Barbara, California 93106-3110

			Registration Form

 Approximation, Probability and Related Fields (May 20-22, 1993)

Last Name                   First            Middle Initial

Affiliation                         Position

Address                City           State      Postal code

Business Phone              Home              Email

Tenative Title of Talk

Amount Enclosed

All charges must be paid in U.S. currency, drawn on a U.S. bank in
the form of a check or money order made payable to Organizing
Committee for APR.  Mail to Organizing Committee for APR;
Statistics and Applied Probability; University of California, Santa
Barbara, CA  93106-3110; USA

From banach-request at Tue Sep 15 13:38:22 1992
Received: from by id aa02482;
          15 Sep 92 13:38 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by V. Milman and N. Tomczak-Jaegermann
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 13:42:43 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Asymptotic $l_p$ spaces and
	bounded distortions" by Vitali D. Milman and Nicole
The paper is typed in  LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send milmantomczak1.ltx

	send milmantomczak2.ltx

	send milmantomczak3.ltx

in separate messages to: banach-files at
The new class of Banach spaces, so-called asymptotic
$l_p$ spaces, is  introduced and it is shown that
every Banach space with bounded distortions contains a subspace
from this class.

The proof is based on an investigation  of
certain functions, called enveloping functions,
which are intimately connected
with stabilization properties  of the norm.

From banach-request at Thu Sep 17 09:17:03 1992
Received: from by id aa06830;
          17 Sep 92 9:16 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Position at U. of Missouri
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 92 9:16:15 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

			   COLUMBIA, MO 65211

Applications are invited for one tenure-track position at the
rank of assistant professor beginning in August of 1993. The
position requires a PH.D., quality teaching, and a commitment
to a distinguished research career.  Selections for the position
will be based primarily on demonstrated research achievement in the
areas of dynamical systems or modern analysis. Rank and salary depend
on experience and qualifications. Send a curriculum vitae along with
a letter of application (include  E-mail address), and arrange
for three letters of recommendation to be sent to:
Professor E. Saab, Chair, at the address above. The application
is December 31, 1992, or until the position is filled thereafter.
Applications received after February 1, 1993, cannot be
guaranteed consideration. AA/EEO.

From banach-request at Tue Sep 22 13:38:05 1992
Received: from by id aa26710;
          22 Sep 92 13:38 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by W.B. Johnson and G. Schechtman
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 92 13:29:48 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Computing p-summing norms with few
vectors" by W.B. Johnson and G. Schechtman.
The paper is typed in plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send johnsonschechtmanpsum.tex

to: banach-files at

 Abstract: It is shown that the p-summing norm of any operator
with n-dimensional domain can be well-aproximated using only ``few"
vectors in
the definition of the p-summing norm. Except for constants independent
n  and log n factors, ``few" means n if 1<p<2 and n^{p/2} if

From banach-request at Fri Sep 25 12:51:42 1992
Received: from by id aa22021;
          25 Sep 92 12:51 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 12:44:57 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper " Calder\'on couples of
re-arrangement invariant spaces" by N. J. Kalton.
The paper is typed in TeX. (Requires vanilla.sty.) The paper may be
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send kaltoncaldcup1.tex

	send kaltoncaldcup2.tex

	send kaltoncaldcup3.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

Abstract:We examine conditions under which a
pair of re-arrangement invariant function spaces on $[0,1]$
or $[0,\infty)$ form a Calder\'on couple.  A very general
criterion is developed to determine whether such a pair is a
Calder\'on couple, with numerous applications.  We give, for
example, a complete classification of those spaces $X$ which
form a Calder\'on couple with $L_{\infty}.$ We specialize
our results to Orlicz spaces and are able to give necessary
and sufficient conditions on an Orlicz function $F$ so that
the pair $(L_F,L_{\infty})$ forms a Calder\'on pair.

From banach-request at Fri Sep 25 15:14:26 1992
Received: from by id aa08008;
          25 Sep 92 15:14 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of  a paper by N.J. Kalton
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 15:11:56 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "On vector-valued inequalities for
Sidon sets and sets of interpolation" by N.J. Kalton.
The paper is typed in TeX. (Requires vanilla.sty.) The paper may be
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send kaltonsidon.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $E$ be a Sidon subset of the
integers and suppose $X$ is a Banach space.  Then Pisier has
shown that $E$-spectral polynomials with values in $X$
behave like Rademacher sums with respect to $L_p-$norms.  We
consider the situation when $X$ is a quasi-Banach space.
For general quasi-Banach spaces we show that a similar
result holds if and only if $E$ is a set of interpolation
($I_0$-set).  However for certain special classes of
quasi-Banach spaces we are able to prove such a result for
larger sets.  Thus if $X$ is restricted to be ``natural''
then the result holds for all Sidon sets.  We also consider
spaces with plurisubharmonic norms and introduce the class
of analytic Sidon sets.

From banach-request at Mon Sep 28 10:05:41 1992
Received: from by id aa25663;
          28 Sep 92 10:05 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by P.F.X. Mueller
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 92 9:59:32 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: RO

	This is the abstract of the paper "Jean Bourgain's analytic
	partition of unity via holomorphic martingales" by P.F.X.
The paper is typed in  LATeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send muellerparto1.ltx

to: banach-files at

Using stopping time arguments on holomorphic martingales we present a
soft way
of constructing J. Bourgain's analytic partitions of unity.
Applications to
Marcinkiewicz interploation in weighted Hardy spaces are discussed.

From banach-request at Wed Sep 30 10:36:30 1992
Received: from by id aa01870;
          30 Sep 92 10:36 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by J. Taskinen
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 10:24:42 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper "Averaging operators on
spaces of continuous functions" by J. Taskinen.
The paper is typed in TeX. (Requires mssymb.tex.) The paper may be
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send taskinenaveop1.tex

	send taskinenaveop2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

Abstract: In this paper we consider the following problem:

 (A) Given two compact metric spaces $K$ and $K_1$ such that there
exists a continuous surjection from $K$ onto $K_1$ find a
continuous surjection $\varphi : K \to K_1$ having an averaging

We say that the map $\varphi$ as above has an averaging operator if
$\varphi^{\circ} (C(K_1))$ is complemented in $C(K)$, where
$\varphi^{\circ} : C(K_1) \to C(K)$ is the linear operator
$f \mapsto f \circ \varphi$. It was shown by Milutin that such a
surjection exists, if $K$ is the Cantor set and $K_1$ is the closed
unit interval $I$. Pe{\l}cz\'ynski, [P], Theorem 5.6 and Proposition
generalized this result to the case
$K_1$ is an arbitrary Cartesian product of compact metric spaces
or an absolute neighbourhood retract.
Further generalizations are due to Ditor, [Dt].
Most of the above results deal with the case $K$ is extremally
disconnected. So, there exists many most important and natural cases
where the answer to (A) is not known, for example $K = I$, $K_1=I^2$
or $K_1 = Q$, the Hilbert cube. In this paper we prove the following
general result: If $K$ is a compact metric space containing a subspace
homeomorphic to $I$ and if $K_1$ is a connected compact metric
absolute neighbourhood
retract, then the answer to (A) is positive
(Theorem 4.5). Note that for example $Q$ and all compact
manifolds are ANR spaces, so that our result contains the above
mentioned unknown cases.

As an application of the preceding results we consider multilinear
($M$-linear, $M \geq 2)$
operators P from the $M$-fold Cartesian product of the Banach space
$C(K)$, $(C(K))^{M}$
into a Banach space $X$. Using
our studies on averaging operators we find sufficient conditions for
space $K$ and for the operator $P$
such that $P$ has for some bounded linear operators $A \in
L(C(K))$ and $B\in L(C(K),X^{**})$ (or $B\in L(C(K))$, if $X =
C(K) $) a representation
P(f_1,\ldots , f_M ) = B (\prod^{M}_{i=1}Af_i),  \eqno(1.1)
where $f_1, \ldots , f_M \in C(K) $ and multiplication is defined
pointwise. It turns out that for many spaces $K$ the class of such
operators $P$ is unexpectedly large: $P$ has a representation (1.1), if
the $M$-linear form $P_y: (f_1, \ldots ,f_M) \mapsto
\langle P(f_1, \ldots, f_M) , y \rangle $ is Grothendieck--integral on
$( C(K))^{M}$
for all $y \in X^*$ and $P_y$ depends in a sense continuously on $y$
5.2). In the case $X$ is reflexive this condition is also necessary.

Using the Gelfand transform we get a representation (1.1) (with algebra
multiplication) for commutative $C^*$--algebras the maximal ideal space
which is e.g. a connected  metric ANR containing a subspace
to $I$ (Theorem 5.3).
Note this replaces the author's paper "Representation of bilinear
operators on C(0,1)" which was stored on the bulletin board as

From banach-request at Thu Oct  1 09:50:49
Received: from by
id aa09081;
          1 Oct 92 9:50 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: stray messsages
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 92 9:43:30 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

Several subscribers have complained recently about stray
messages. In
all cases these are the result of people sending mail to
banach at
instead of the correct address
banach-files at The
address causes the user's message to be automatically forwarded
to all
subscribers. This possiblity is allowed so that messages can be
distributed when I am away, if needed. If problems continue, this
feature may have to be disabled.

Dale Alspach

From banach-request at Thu Oct  8 10:48:55 1992
Received: from by id aa13489;
          8 Oct 92 10:48 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: conference
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 10:41:13 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

*******This message was sent earlier but due to technical problems,
many people *******did not get this
Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your interest in the Banach space theory conference
planned for May 1993 at Western Hills Guest Ranch. Because of some
unexpected budgetary problems and the number of other conferences
in Banach space theory planned for 1993, we have reluctantly decided
to cancel the conference.


Dale Alspach

Carsten Schutt

From banach-request at Thu Oct  8 11:44:45 1992
Received: from by id aa17178;
          8 Oct 92 11:44 CDT
To: banach at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by H.P. Rosenthal
Date: Thu, 8 Oct 92 10:45:24 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper
"A characterization of Banach spaces containing $c_0$" by
Haskell Rosenthal.  The paper is typed in  TeX. The paper may be
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send  rosenthalc0_1.tex

	send  rosenthalc0_2.tex

	send  rosenthalc0_3.tex

	send  rosenthalc0_4.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at

Abstract: A subsequence principle is obtained, characterizing Banach
containing $c_0$, in the spirit of the author's 1974 characterization
of Banach spaces containing $\ell^1$.

A sequence $(b_j)$ in a Banach space is called  {\it strongly
summing\/} (s.s.) if $(b_j)$ is a weak-Cauchy basic sequence so that
whenever scalars $(c_j)$ satisfy $\sup_n \|\sum_{j=1}^n c_j b_j\|
<\infty$, then $\sum c_j$ converges.

A simple permanence property:
if $(b_j)$ is an (s.s.) basis for a Banach space $B$ and $(b_j^*)$ are
its biorthogonal functionals in $B^*$, then $(\sum_{j=1}^n
\infty$ is a non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in $B^*$; hence $B^*$
fails to be weakly sequentially complete. (A weak-Cauchy sequence is
called {\it non-trivial\/} if it is {\it non-weakly convergent\/}.)

Every non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in a (real or complex)
Banach space has either an {\rm (s.s.)} subsequence, or a convex
block basis equivalent to the summing basis.

Remark :
The two alternatives of the Theorem are easily seen to be mutually

Corollary 1.
A Banach space $B$ contains no isomorph of $c_0$ if and only if every
non-trivial weak-Cauchy sequence in $B$ has an {\rm (s.s.)}

Combining the $c_0$ and $\ell^1$ Theorems, we obtain

Corollary 2.
If $B$ is a non-reflexive Banach space such that $X^*$ is weakly
sequentially complete for all linear subspaces $X$ of $B$, then
$c_0$ embeds in $X$; in fact, $B$ has property~$(u)$.

The proof of the Theorem involves a careful study of differences
of bounded semi-continuous functions. The results of this
study may be of independent interest.
These results were announced on the Banach spaces bulletin board

From banach-request at Mon Oct 19 15:55:58 1992
Received: from by id aa29362;
          19 Oct 92 15:55 CDT
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Koldobsky
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 15:50:13 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper "Schoenberg's Problem on Positive
Definite Functions" by A. Koldobsky.
The paper is typed in AMSLaTeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send koldobskyposdef.ltx

to: banach-files at


If $n \ge 3$, $q>2$ and $\beta > 0$ then the function
is not positive definite.  This result gives an answer to a question
posed by I.J.~Schoenberg in 1938.  This text is an authorized
English translation of the paper published in Russian in
Algebra and Analysis 3(1991), \#3, p.78--85.

From banach-request at Thu Oct 22 09:12:15 1992
Received: from by id aa23591;
          22 Oct 92 9:12 CDT
To: banach-dist at
Subject: abstract of a paper by S. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 9:05:16 CDT
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Status: R

This is the abstract of the paper "The Distribution of Non-Commutative
Rademacher Series" by Stephen Montgomery-Smith.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send montsmithradser1.tex


	send montsmithradser2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at


We give a formula for the tail of the distribution of the
non-commutative Rademacher series, which generalizes the
result that is already available in the commutative case.
As a result, we are able to calculate the norm
of these series in many rearrangement invariant spaces, generalizing
work of Pisier and Rodin and Semyonov.

From banach-request at Fri Oct 30 10:53:30 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: New address for Robert Deville
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 9:14:48 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 113
X-Lines: 9
Status: RO

I am now in Bordeaux.
Here is my new email adress : deville at

Sincerely. Robert Deville.

From banach-request at Fri Oct 30 13:02:21 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by Joerg Wenzel
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 92 12:56:19 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 711
X-Lines: 27
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Mean Convergence of Vector--valued
Walsh Series" by Joerg Wenzel.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper
may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send wenzelwa.ltx

to: banach-files at

Given any Banach space $X$, let $L_2^X$ denote the Banach space of all
measurable functions $f:[0,1]\to X$ for which

	||f||_2:=(int_0^1 ||f(t)||^2 dt)^{1/2}

is finite. We show that $X$ is a UMD--space (see \cite{BUR:1986}) if
only if

	\lim_n||f-S_n(f)||_2=0 for all $f\in L_2^X$,

	S_n(f):=sum_{i=0}^{n-1} (f,w_i)w_i

is the $n$--th partial sum associated with the Walsh system $(w_i)$.

From banach-request at Mon Nov  2 10:30:58 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and S.C. Tam and note on addresses
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 10:19:31 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1099
X-Lines: 28
Status: RO

The addresses for the bulletin board and individuals here at Oklahoma
State have been shortened.

alspach at is now alspach at
banach-files at is now
banach-files at

The old addresses still work but may be dropped at a later date. has not changed.
This is the abstract of the paper " Factorization theorems for
quasi-normed spaces" by N.J.  Kalton and Sik-Chung Tam.  The paper is
typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the command

	send kaltontamfactor.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: We extend Pisier's abstract version of
Grothendieck's theorem to general non-locally convex
quasi-Banach spaces.  We also prove a related result on
factoring operators through a Banach space and apply our
results to the study of vector-valued inequalities for Sidon
sets.  We also develop the local theory of (non-locally
convex) spaces with duals of weak cotype 2.

From banach-request at Wed Nov  4 10:30:30 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by M. Cwikel and N.J. Kalton
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 8:52:44 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 827
Status: RO
X-Lines: 19

This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolation of compact operators
by the methods of Calder\'on and Gustavsson-Peetre" by  M. Cwikel and
N.J. Kalton.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting
the command

	send cwikelkaltoncmptop.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract:Let $ X=(X_0,X_1)$ and $ Y=(Y_0,Y_1)$ be Banach couples and
suppose $T: X\to Y$ is a linear operator such that $T:X_0\to Y_0$ is
We consider the question whether the operator $T:[X_0,X_1]_{\theta}\to
[Y_0,Y_1]_{\theta}$ is compact and show a positive answer under a
variety of conditions.  For example it suffices that $X_0$ be a
UMD-space or that $X_0$ is reflexive and there is a Banach space so
that $X_0=[W,X_1]_{\alpha}$ for some $0<\alpha<1.$

From banach-request at Thu Nov  5 14:11:43 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by N.J. Kalton and B.Randrianantoanina
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 14:02:20 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 839
X-Lines: 21
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Surjective isometries on
rearrangement-invariant spaces" by N.J.  Kalton and Beata
Randrianantoanina.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	send kaltonrandisomri1.tex

	send kaltonrandisomri2.tex

in separate messages
to: banach-files at

Abstract: We prove that if $X$ is a real
rearrangement-invariant function space on $[0,1]$, which is
not isometrically isomorphic to $L_2,$ then every surjective
isometry $T:X\to X$ is of the form $Tf(s)=a(s)f(\sigma(s))$
for a Borel function $a$ and an invertible Borel map
$\sigma:[0,1] \to [0,1].$ If $X$ is not equal to $L_p$, up
to renorming, for some $1\le p\le \infty$ then in addition
$|a|=1$ a.e. and $\sigma$ must be measure-preserving.

From banach-request at Wed Nov 11 09:02:22 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Conference in South Africa
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 8:53:27 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 3583
X-Lines: 131
Status: RO

		       14 - 23 APRIL 1993
Scientific Programme

The  Conference  will be devoted to various aspects  of  abstract
analysis such as:
* Banach space theory
* Banach lattices and Positive operators
* Operator theory
* Operator algebras
* Semi-groups of operators
* Vector measures
* Locally convex spaces.

Keynote speakers:

Richard M Aron
(Dept Maths & Computer Science, Kent State Univ, USA)
  Algebras of analytical functions on a Banach space

C E Chidume
(Dept Maths, Univ Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)
  Characteristic inequalities in Banach spaces with  applications
  to nonlinear operator theory

Joe Diestel
(Dept Maths & Computer Science, Kent State Univ, USA)
  Measure theory and abstract analysis
Peter G Dodds
(School of Math Sciences, Flinders Univ, Australia)
  Some aspects of the theory of symmetric operator spaces
  Positive compact operators

Per Enflo
(Dept Maths & Computer Science, Kent State Univ, USA)
  Interface between harmonic analysis, number theory and the  geome-
  try of Euclidean spaces

Jacobus J Grobler
(Dept Maths & Applied Maths, Potchefstroom Univ for CHE, RSA)
  Spectral theory in ordered algebras

Hans Jarchow
(Math Inst, Univ Zuerich, Switzerland)
  A survey on composition operators

Hermann Koenig
(Math Sem, Christian-Albrechts Univ, Kiel, Germany)
  Interpolation inequalities and type and cotype for orthogonal series
  Vector-valued  Lp-convergence  of orthogonal  series  and  Lagrange

Victor Lomonosov
(Dept Maths & Computer Science,  Kent State Univ, USA)
  Applications  of  weakly  continuous function  techniques  in

Doran Lubinsky
(Dept Maths, Univ of the Witwatersrand, RSA)
  Weierstrass' theorem in the twentieth century

W A J Luxemburg
(Dept Maths, Caltech, USA)
  The diagonals of positive operators and renewal sequences

Rainer Nagel
(Math Inst, Univ T-bingen, Germany)
  Evolution   equations   and  one-parameter   semigroups   of
  positive operators

Alexander Pelczynski
(Inst Maths, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
  Sobolev spaces as Banach spaces

Gilles Pisier
(Equipe D'Analyse, Universite Paris VI, France)

Niko Sauer
(Dept Maths & Applied Maths, Univ of Pretoria, RSA)
  Evolution processes that walk in the shadow of semigroups

Zhong-Jin Ruan
(Dept Maths, Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  Theory of operator spaces and their applications

Local Expenses: (US$1 = R2.50)
  Registration Fee:
	 Regular participants : R150
	 Students : R100
  Transfer to conference centre in Kruger National Park:
	 Air Transfer: R780
	 Microbus: R350
  Entrance to Kruger National Park: R20
  Accommodation per night: R70
	 Breakfast: R16
	 Lunch:     R22
	 Dinner:    R31

Registration  forms and deposits for accommodation  should  reach
the conference secretary not later than 6 January 1993.

International Steering Committee:
Prof R M Aron (Kent State University, Kent, USA)
Prof Joe Diestel (Kent State University, Kent, USA)
Prof A Pelczynski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
Prof  J G Arthur (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)  -  IMU

Chairman of the Organising Committee:
Prof J Swart (University of Pretoria)

Conference secretariat

The Conference Secretary : ICAA 93
Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
University of Pretoria
Tel: (+12) 420 2520
Fax: (+12) 43 4853
E mail: wsk0007 at
    or    kharpur at

From banach-request at Fri Nov 13 09:32:16 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by A. Koldobsky
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 92 9:22:18 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 809
X-Lines: 23
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper " Common subspaces of $L_{p}$-spaces"
by  A. Koldobsky The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting
the command

	send koldobskycmsbsp.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract:  For $n\geq 2, p<2$ and $q>2,$ does there exist
an $n$-dimensional Banach space different from Hilbert spaces which
is isometric to subspaces of both $L_{p}$ and $L_{q}$? Generalizing the
construction from the paper "Zonoids whose polars are zonoids" by
R.Schneider we give examples of such spaces. Moreover, for any compact
subset $Q$ of $(0,\infty)\setminus \{2k, k\in N\},$  we can construct a
isometric to subspaces of  $L_{q}$ for all $q\in Q$ simultaneously.

This paper requires vanilla.sty

From banach-request at Tue Nov 17 10:40:43 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of  paper by J.Farmer and W.B.Johnson
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 10:25:14 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1102
X-Lines: 26
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Polynomial Schur and Polynomial
Dunford-Pettis Properties " by J.Farmer and W.B.Johnson.  The paper is
typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the command

	send farmerjohnsonpoly.atx

to: banach-files at

A Banach space is {\it polynomially Schur} if sequential convergence
against analytic polynomials implies norm convergence.  Carne, Cole and
Gamelin show that a space has this property and the Dunford-Pettis
property if and only if it is Schur.  Herein is defined a reasonable
generalization of the Dunford--Pettis property using polynomials of a
fixed homogeneity.  It is shown, for example,  that a Banach space will
has the $P_N$ Dunford--Pettis property if and only if every weakly
compact $N-$homogeneous polynomial (in the sense of Ryan) on the space
is completely continuous.  A certain geometric condition, involving
estimates on spreading models and implied by nontrivial type, is shown
to be sufficient to imply that a space is polynomially Schur.

From banach-request at Wed Nov 18 14:58:26 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by J. Szulga
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 14:47:04 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 1573
X-Lines: 52
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper ``Infinite order decoupling of random
chaoses in Banach space'' by Jerzy Szulga.  The paper is typed in
The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send szulgainfdec1.ltx

	send szulgainfdec2.ltx

in separate messages to: banach-files at

  We prove a number of decoupling inequalities for nonhomogeneous
  polynomials with coefficients in  Banach space. Degrees of
  components enter into comparison as exponents of multipliers of terms
  certain Poincar\'e-type polynomials. It turns out that the
  fulfillment of
  most of types of decoupling inequalities may depend on the geometry
  Banach space.

This is the abstract of the paper ``Robust decoupling of homogeneous
random chaoses'' by Jerzy Szulga.
The paper is typed in LaTeX.
The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send szulgadechom1.ltx

	send szulgadechom1.ltx

in separate messages to: banach-files at

 Decoupling inequalities are proved for integrable homogeneous random
 polynomials in independent random variables with coefficients in
 Banach space.  Various means of comparison, including rearrangement
 invariant norms, tail distributions, tightness, hypercontractivity,
 etc, are used. So far, the tail decoupling and comparison of
 tightness has been known only in the Gaussian case.

From banach-request at Mon Nov 30 09:43:35 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by H. Konig and N. Tomczak
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 92 9:27:44 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 782
X-Lines: 22
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Norms of Minimal Projections" by H.
Konig and N. Tomczak.  The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the commands

	send konigtomczakminproj1.ltx

	send konigtomczakminproj2.ltx

in separate messages to: banach-files at


It is proved that the projection constants of two- and
three-dimensional spaces are bounded by $4/3$ and $(1+\sqrt 5)/2$,
respectively. These bounds are attained precisely by the spaces
whose unit balls are the regular hexagon and dodecahedron.
In fact,  a general inequality for the projection constant
of a real  or  complex $n$-dimensional space is obtained
and the question of equality therein is discussed.

                       (Preliminary Announcement)
                    The Department of Mathematics at
                    University of Missouri-Columbia
                        On the Interaction Between
                          Functional Analysis,
                         Harmonic Analysis, and

                          May 30- June 3, 1994

                Supported by The University of Missouri
                Further funding will be sought from NSF

The  following  people  have  tentatively  agreed  to  speak.
We are  still in  the process  of contacting additional main
speakers.  An updated list will be sent later.

                 Earl Berkson (University of Illinois)
                    Jean Bourgain (I H E S, France)
                Don Burkholder (University of Illinois)
                Robert Fefferman (University of Chicago)
                     William B. Johnson (Texas A&M)
                     Peter Jones (Yale University)
             Gilles Pisier (University of Paris/Texas A&M)
                Richard Rochberg (Washington University)
     Michel Talagrand  (University of Paris/Ohio-State University)
             Lior Tzafriri (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
                  Guido Weiss  (Washington University)

For Additional Information send an e-mail message to:

conf at

From banach-request at Fri Dec  4 13:30:00 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of three papers by G. Pisier
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 13:18:31 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 3129
X-Lines: 81
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolation Between
$H^p$ Spaces and Non-Commutative
Generalizations II" by G. Pisier.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send pisierinterpolII.tex

to: banach-files at

We continue an investigation started in a preceding
paper. We discuss the classical results of Carleson
connecting Carleson measures with the  $\d$-equation in a
slightly more abstract framework than usual. We also
consider  a more recent result of Peter Jones which
shows the  existence of a solution of the $\d$-equation,
which satisfies simultaneously a good $L_\i$ estimate and
a good $L_1$ estimate. This appears as a special case of
our main result which can be stated as follows: Let
 $(\Omega,\cal{A},\mu)$ be
any measure space. Consider a bounded operator $u:H^1\ra
L_1(\mu)$. Assume that on one hand $u$ admits an extension
$u_1:L^1\ra L_1(\mu)$  bounded with norm $C_1$, and on
the other hand that $u$ admits an extension
$u_\i:L^\i\ra L_\i(\mu)$  bounded with norm $C_\i$. Then
$u$ admits  an extension $\w{u}$ which is bounded
simultaneously from $L^1$ into $ L_1(\mu)$ and from $L^\i$
into $ L_\i(\mu)$ and satisfies $$\eqalign{&\|\tilde
u\colon \ L_\infty \to L_\infty(\mu)\|\le CC_\infty\cr
&\|\tilde u\colon \ L_1\to L_1(\mu)\|\le CC_1}$$ where $C$
is a numerical constant.

This is the abstract of the paper "On the ``local theory'' of operator
spaces" by G.Pisier.  The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be
downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or
transmitting the command

	send pisierlocopsp.tex

to: banach-files at

In Banach space theory, the ``local theory'' refers to the collection
finite dimensional methods and ideas which are used to study infinite
dimensional spaces (see e.g. [P4,TJ]). It is natural to
try to develop an
analogous theory in the recently developed category of operator spaces
[BP,B1-2,BS,ER1-7,Ru]. The object of this paper is to
start such a theory. We plan to present a more thorough
discussion of the associated tensor norms in a future

This is the abstract of the paper "Sur les op\'erateurs factorisables
par $OH$" by G. Pisier.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send pisieropfactoh.tex

to: banach-files at

English Abstract: Let $H,K$ be Hilbert spaces. Let $E \subset B(H)$
and $F \subset B(K)$ be operator spaces in the sense of [1,2]. We study
operators $u : E \to F$ which admit a factorization $E \to OH \to F$
completely bounded maps through the operator Hilbert space $OH$ which
we have
introduced and studied in a recent note. We give a characterization of
operators which allows to develop a theory entirely analogous to that
operators between Banach spaces which can be factored through a Hilbert

From banach-request at Fri Dec  4 16:03:35 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: abstract of a paper by A. Koldobsky
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 15:58:37 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 594
X-Lines: 17
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper " Operators preserving orthogonality
are isometries" by A. Koldobsky.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the command

	send koldobskyortho.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $E$ be a real Banach space. For $x,y \in E,$ we
R.James in saying that $x$ is orthogonal to $y$ if $\|x+\alpha y\|\geq
for every $\alpha \in R$. We prove that every operator from $E$ into
preserving orthogonality is an isometry multiplied by a constant.

From banach-request at Wed Dec  9 10:16:02 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstracts of two papers by G. Pisier
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 92 10:06:43 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2078
X-Lines: 58
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Multipliers and lacunary sets in
non-amenable groups" by G.Pisier.
The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded
from the bulletin board by ftp to
or transmitting the commands

	send pisiermult1.tex

	send pisiermult2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at


Let $G$ be a discrete group.

Let $\lambda : G \to B(\ell_2(G),\ell_2(G))$ be the left regular
A function $\ph : G \to \comp$ is called a completely bounded
multiplier (= Herz-Schur
multiplier) if the transformation defined on the linear span $K(G)$ of
$\{\lambda(x),x \in G\}$ by
$$\sum_{x \in G} f(x) \lambda(x) \to \sum_{x \in G} f(x) \ph(x)
is completely bounded (in short c.b.) on the $C^*$-algebra
$C_\lambda^*(G)$ which
is generated by $\lambda$ ($C_\lambda^*(G)$ is the closure of $K(G)$ in
One of our main results  gives a simple
characterization of the functions $\ph$ such that $\eps \ph$ is a c.b.
multiplier on $C_\lambda^*(G)$ for any bounded function $\eps$, or
for any choice of signs $\eps(x) = \pm 1$.
We also  consider the case when this holds for ``almost all" choices of

This is the abstract of the paper "Espace de Hilbert d'op\'erateurs et
Interpolation complexe" by G. Pisier.  The paper is typed in TeX. The
paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp to or transmitting the command

	send pisierhopsp.tex

to: banach-files at

Abstract: Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. We show
that there exists a subspace of $B(H)$ which is isometric to $\ell_2$
and completely isometric to its antidual in the sense of the theory of
operator spaces recently developed by Blecher-Paulsen and Effros-Ruan.
Moreover this space is unique up to a complete isometry. We denote it
by $OH$.  This space has several remarkable properties in particular
with respect to the complex interpolation method.

From banach-request at Thu Dec 24 16:38:49 1992
To: banach-dist at
Subject: Abstract of a paper by S.J. Montgomery-Smith and V.H. de la Pena
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 92 16:28:15 CST
From: alspach at
Sender: alspach at
Content-Length: 2110
X-Lines: 58
Status: RO

This is the abstract of the paper "Decoupling Inequalities for Tail
Probabilities of Multilinear Forms of Symmetric and Hypercontractive
Variables " by V.H.~de la Pe\~na and S.J.~Montgomery-Smith.  The paper
is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by
ftp to or transmitting the commands

	send montsmithpenadecoup1.tex


	send montsmithpenadecoup2.tex

in separate messages to: banach-files at


In this paper we present two methods for deriving
tail probability comparisons between
random variables.
Our first approach deals with strict tail probability comparisons, and
is based on a result of Asmar and Montgomery-Smith (1992) along with
We use this to show
that the tail
probabilities of multilinear forms of random
variables are equivalent to the tail
probabilities of their decoupled counterparts when
the variables of interest are
independent and either symmetric or
We also obtain a result for symmetrized multilinear forms of
correlated variables as well as an extension of Levy's inequality.
Our second approach deals with the extremes of the distributions.
In particular, we show that if for all $t>0$ the following
domination inequality is satisfied,
$E\Phi _t (|X|) \le E \Phi _t (c|Y|), $ where $\Phi _t(s) =
then we have similar rearrangement
invariant space inequalities.
By considering a special case, this result implies that,
$\limsup_{\lambda\to\infty} \Psi (\lambda ) P(|X| >\lambda ) \le
\limsup_{\lambda\to\infty} \Psi (\lambda ) P(c_p|Y|>\lambda ), $
for a constant $c_p$ depending on $p$ only and all
continuous, increasing functions
$\Psi $\ such that
$\Psi ( \lambda^{1\over p} )$ is
convex for some $p >1$.
As an application of this approach we present a new
two sided decoupling inequality for a class of generalized U-statistics
taking values in a separable Banach space.

A.M.S.\ (1991) subject classification: 60-02, 60E15, 46E30.

Key words and Phrases:\ \
Multilinear Forms, U-Statistics, Rearrangement Invariant Spaces,
Decoupling, Tail Probabilities.

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