From ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Abstract of a paper by S. J. Montgomery-Smith To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
%This is the abstract of the paper "Comparison of Orlicz-Lorentz %spaces" by S. J. Montgomery-Smith. It and the paper are in Plain TeX. %The paper can be obtained by transmitting the message % send [Banach]montsmithorlicz.tex %to banach-files at % Typeset this using plain-TeX \centerline{\bf Comparison of Orlicz--Lorentz Spaces} \medskip \centerline{S.J.~Montgomery-Smith} \bigskip Orlicz--Lorentz spaces provide a common generalization of Orlicz spaces and Lorentz spaces. They have been studied by many authors, including Masty\l o, Maligranda, and Kami\'nska. In this paper, we consider the problem of comparing the Orlicz--Lorentz norms, and establish necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be equivalent. As a corollary, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a Lorentz--Sharpley space to be equivalent to an Orlicz space, extending results of Lorentz and Raynaud. We also give an example of a rearrangement invariant space that is not an Orlicz--Lorentz space. \bigskip A.M.S.\ (1980) subject classification: 46E30. \bye Date: Tue, 5 Feb 1991 14:34:26 CST
From WBJ7835 at SUMMA.TAMU.EDU Subject: A&MDeanSearch To: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Message-Id: <910205143426.20c036bf at SUMMA.TAMU.EDU> X-Vmsmail-To: SMTP%"ALSPACH at"
Dean, College of Science, Texas A&M University The College of Science is comprised of the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, and the Cyclotron Institute. The College has 270 faculty, 2,330 undergraduate majors, 778 graduate students, and a total research and teaching budget of approximately $39,000,000. Ph.D. programs are offered in all departments. Texas A&M University is a major teaching and research institution and ranks in the top ten nationally in research funding, number of national merit scholars, total student enrollment (41,000), and value of its permanent endowment. The successful applicant will have an outstanding record of achievement in teaching and research and have demonstrable administrative skills. Effective communication with multiple constituencies, a talent for management of complex organizations, and a sense of visionary leadership will be especially important. Applications, consisting of a resume and the names of five persons from whom we may request letters of reference, will be accepted until April 15, 1991, or until the position is filled. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Texas A&M University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Respond to: Dr. John A. Shadduck, Chair Search Committee, Dean of Science Texas A&M University College Station TX 77843-4468 Phone: 409/845-3517 FAX: 409/845-6739 Mathematicians on Committee J. Boone S. Geller SCG6666 at tamvenus SCG6666 at W. B. Johnson wbj7835 at tamvenus wbj7835 at
From NEMO::ALSPACH 27-FEB-1991 15:40:05.11 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by N. Asmar and S. J. Montgomery-Smith
%This is the abstract of the paper "Almost everywhere convergence and %distribution of Banach-valued Sidon series" by N. Asmar and %S. J. Montgomery-Smith. The abstract and paper are in AMSTeX. %The paper is available for downloading. Transmit the command % send [banach]asmarmontsmith.atx %to banach-files at % typeset using amstex \def\beginsection#1\par{\vskip0pt plus.3\vsize\penalty-250 \vskip0pt plus-.3\vsize\bigskip\vskip\parskip \centerline{{\bf #1}}\nobreak\smallskip\noindent} \def\normo#1{\left\| #1 \right\|} \def\widedot{\,\cdot\,} \def\normdot{\normo{\widedot}} \def\trinormo#1{\left|\left|\left| #1 \right|\right|\right|} \def\trinormdot{\trinormo{\widedot}} \def\snormo#1{\|#1\left.\kern-1.5pt\right\|} \def\modo#1{\left| #1 \right|} \def\smodo#1{|#1|} %\def\Bbb#1{{\hbox{\bf #1}}} \def\E{{\Bbb E}} \def\N{{\Bbb N}} \def\R{{\Bbb R}} \def\C{{\Bbb C}} \def\Z{{\Bbb Z}} \def\P{\Cal P} \centerline {Almost Everywhere Convergence and Distribution} \centerline {of Banach-Valued Sidon Series} \centerline {by} \centerline {Nakhl\'e Asmar and Stephen Montgomery-Smith*} \centerline{Department of Mathematics} \centerline{University of Missouri} \centerline{Columbia, Missouri 65211, U.S.A.} \smallskip \item{} A.M.S\ Classification (1980): 43A46, 43A15, 46E40. \item{*} Research supported by N.S.F.\ Grant D.M.S.\ 9001796. \beginsection Summary Let $B$\ be a Banach space, $G$\ a compact abelian group, $\Gamma$\ the dual group of $G$, and $E$\ a Sidon subset of $\Gamma$. Denote by $\mu$\ the Haar measure on $G$\ and by $\lambda$\ the normalized Lebesgue measure on $[0,1]$. Using Pisier's recent characterizations of Sidon sets, we prove that there is a constant $c>0$, that depends only on the Sidon constant of $E\cup(-E)$, such that $$ c^{-1} \lambda\left[\normo{\sum\limits^N_{n=1}a_nr_n}\geq c\alpha\right] \leq \mu\left[\normo{\sum\limits^N_{n=1}a_n\gamma_n}\geq \alpha\right] \leq c \lambda\left[\normo{\sum\limits^N_{n=1}a_nr_n}\geq c^{-1} \alpha\right] $$ for all $\alpha > 0$, where $a_1,\ldots,a_N$\ are arbitrary elements of $B$, and $\gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_N$\ are arbitrary elements of $E$. In order to be able to make fruitful use of Pisier's results, we prove that the Sidon constant of the ``$n$-fold join'' of $E$\ is uniformly bounded independently of $n$. We apply our results to derive new properties of Banach-valued Sidon series that allow us to state necessary and sufficient conditions for the a.e.\ convergence of these series. Moreover, we obtain a principle of contraction of Banach-valued Sidon series, and lower bound estimates on the distribution functions of the scalar-valued version of these series. \bye Date: Mon, 25 Mar 91 14:52:08 +1000
From iand at hydra.maths.unsw.oz.AU To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Message-Id: <9103250452.AA01979 at hydra.maths.unsw.OZ.AU> Subject: Conference on PROBABILITY AND ANALYSIS
Announcing a mini-conference PROBABILITY AND ANALYSIS at The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia 24 - 26 July, 1991 The main topics of this conference will be the use of probability in analysis, and geometric and operator theoretic aspects of Banach space theory. This may include topics such as the use of martingale techniques in the study of singular integrals, the behaviour of partial differential operators on $L^p$ spaces, or the study of contractive projections on Banach spaces. Participants will include A. Pelczynski (Polish Academy of Science), D.L. Burkholder (Illinois-Urbana), E. Albrecht (Saarbrucken), A. McIntosh (Macquarie/C.M.A.), G. Gaudry (Flinders), G. Brown, M. Cowling, I. Doust, B. Jefferies, W. Ricker (U.N.S.W.) and B. Sims (Newcastle). The conference proceedings will be published as a volume of the Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications (A.N.U.). Anyone interested in attending should contact the organisers as soon as possible, in order that suitable accommodation near the University might be arranged. As a guide, college accommodation is likely to cost about AU$50 per night (bed and breakfast); motels rooms near the University are AU$65 per night (room only) and upwards. There will be a small registration fee. Please send requests for further information to Ian Doust School of Mathematics University of New South Wales Kensington, N.S.W., 2033, Australia. Phone: 61-(0)2-692 2970. Fax: 61-(0)2-662 6445. E-mail: iand at This meeting is supported by The Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, A.N.U., (formerly the Centre for Mathematical Analysis) and The University of New South Wales
From NEMO::ALSPACH 25-MAR-1991 16:14:34.70 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by E. Odell
%This is the abstract of the paper "On Schreier unconditional %sequences" by E. Odell. The paper and abstract are in plain TeX. The %paper may be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]odellschreier.tex %to banach-files at % 3/22/91: Paper by E. Odell in plain.tex (UT-Austin) % UT Math Imagen printer parameters %\voffset=1truein \hoffset=1truein %%%%%%%%%%% My defs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\caps=cmcsc10 \def\blackbox{\hbox{\vrule width6pt height7pt depth1pt}} \def\qed{~\hfill~\blackbox\medskip} \def\IR{\mathop{{\rm I}\kern-.2em{\rm R}}\nolimits} \def\nat{\mathop{{\rm I}\kern-.2em{\rm N}}\nolimits} \def\A{{\cal A}} \def\F{{\cal F}} \def\varep{\varepsilon} \def\ov{\overline} \def\myskip{\noalign{\vskip6pt}} \def\hangbox to #1 #2{\vskip1pt\hangindent #1\noindent \hbox to #1 {#2}$\!\!$} \def\myitem#1{\hangbox to 30pt {#1\hfill}} %%%%%%%%%%% Preliminary info begins here %%%%%%%%% \centerline{\bf On Schreier Unconditional Sequences} \bigskip \centerline{{\caps E. Odell}\footnote* {Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grant DMS-8903197.}} \medskip \centerline{Department of Mathematics} \centerline{The University of Texas at Austin} \centerline{Austin, Texas 78712} \vskip.3in {\narrower\smallskip\noindent {\bf Abstract.} Let $(x_n)$ be a normalized weakly null sequence in a Banach space and let $\varep>0$. We show that there exists a subsequence $(y_n)$ with the following property: $$\hbox{ if }\ (a_i)\subseteq \IR\ \hbox{ and }\ F\subseteq \nat$$ satisfies $\min F\le |F|$ then $$\big\|\sum_{i\in F} a_i y_i\big\| \le (2+\varep) \big\| \sum a_iy_i\big\|\ . $$ Date: Mon, 8 Apr 91 09:30 CST
From ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" Subject: Paper by T. Schlumprecht
%This is the abstract of the paper "An arbitrarily distortable Banach %space" by T. Schlumprecht. The paper and abstract are in plain TeX. % The paper may be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]schlumprecht.tex % to banach-files at % 4/3/91: Author: Thomas Schlumprecht % Title: An Arbitrarily Distortable Banach Space % File prepared using plain.tex at UT-Austin, Math Dept % Contact M. Combs (combs at for TeX questions on file. %%%%%%% UT-Math printer parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \magnification=\magstep1 \voffset=1truein \hoffset=1truein %%%%%%% My defs -- Change with Care %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \font\caps=cmcsc10 \font\titlefont=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2 \def\title#1{\centerline{\titlefont#1}\bigskip} \def\author#1{\centerline{\caps #1}\smallskip} \def\Math{\centerline{Department of Mathematics}} \def\UT{\centerline{The University of Texas at Austin}} \def\Austin{\centerline{Austin, Texas 78712}} %%%%%%% TOP MATTER STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \topinsert\vskip.5in\endinsert \title{An Arbitrarily Distortable Banach Space} \author{Thomas Schlumprecht} \Math \UT \Austin \vskip.3in {\narrower\smallskip\noindent {\bf Abstract}. In this work we construct a ``Tsirelson like Banach space'' which is arbitrarily distortable.\smallskip}
From NEMO::ALSPACH 12-APR-1991 08:07:35.51 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Abstracts of two papers
%This is the abstract of the paper "Non dentable sets in Banach spaces %with separable dual" by S. Argyros and I. Deliyanni. The abstract and paper %are typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]argyrosdeliyanni.atx %to banach-files at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{amsppt} \magnification =1200 \topmatter \title Non Dentable Sets in Banach Spaces With Separable Dual \endtitle \author Spiros A. Argyros and Irene Deliyanni\\ (Herakleion Crete)\endauthor \abstract{A non RNP Banach space E is constructed such that $E^{*}$ is separable and RNP is equivalent to PCP on the subsets of E.} \endtopmatter %This is the abstract of the paper "Level sets and the uniqueness of %measures" by D. Alspach. The paper and abstract are in AMSTeX. The %paper may be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]alspachmeasures.atx %to banach-files at %%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{amsppt} \magnification =1200 \title Level Sets and the Uniqueness of Measures \endtitle \author Dale E. Alspach\thanks{Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS-8902327.}\endauthor \address{ Department of Mathematics Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-0613} \abstract{A result of Nymann is extended to show that a positive $\sigma$-finite measure with range an interval is determined by its level sets. An example is given of two finite positive measures with range the same finite union of intervals but with the property that one is determined by its level sets and the other is not.} \endtopmatter Date: Fri, 19 Apr 91 13:01 CST
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPRING UTAMIRFAS The U.T.-A&M Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5 at Texas A&M in College Station. Talks will be in Milner Hall 101. Tentative Schedule Saturday, May 4 9:30 Coffee & Donuts, Milner 317 10:00 T. Figiel, Texas A&M University, Best constants in Rosenthal's inequality: the case p > 4 11:15 A. Arias, Weizmann Institute, Primarity of $c_1$ and applications to nest algebras 12:15 Break for lunch 2:00 S. Agyros, Oklahoma State University, Representations of convex, nondentable sets 3:30 D. E. Alspach, Oklahoma State University, Level sets and the uniqueness of measures 5:30 Swimming party & dinner at Jan & Bill Johnson's Sunday, May 5 9:00 Coffee & Donuts, Milner 317 9:30 T. Schlumprecht, University of Texas, A complementably- minimal Banach space not containing $l_p$ or $c_o$ 10:45 V. Paulsen, University of Houston, Representations of function algebras and Banach space geometry We expect to be able to cover housing for a small number of participants. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. Here are some local motels. I'll be happy to make reservations. If you make reservations yourself, ask for A&M and government rates. In Southwood Valley, where most local participants live: Quality Inn, 2514 Texas Av S, (409) 696-6988, Manor House Inn, 2504 Texas Av S, (409) 764-9540, Ponderosa Motor Inn, 3702 Texas Av S, (409) 693-6810. On campus: Memorial Student Center Guest Rooms, (409) 845-8909. Near campus, but not fun to walk: Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Av S, (409) 846-0184, La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Av S, (409) 696-5900, Holiday Inn, 1503 Texas Av S, (409) 693-1736, Comfort Inn, 104 Texas Av S, (409) 846-733, Western Motel, 204 Texas Av S, (409) 846-5757. Generally considered the top place in town: Hilton, 801 University Dr E, (409) 693-7500. Next door to Hilton: Inn at Chimney Hill, 901 University Dr E (409) 260-9150. Some motels include some kind of breakfast and/or cocktails (e.g., Comfort Inn; Hampton Inn; Inn at Chimney Hill; Manor House) with the room. Bill Johnson wbj7835 at tamvenus (preferred) (409) 845-2722 office (409) 696-2812 home
From NEMO::ALSPACH 29-APR-1991 17:01:13.43 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: paper by Jesus Bastero and Francisco J. Ruiz
%This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolation of operators when the %extreme spaces are $L^\infty$" by Jesus Bastero and Francisco J. Ruiz. %The paper is available for downloading. Transmit the command % send [banach]basteroruiz.tex %to banach-files at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PLAINTEX, textures 1.01 \magnification=1200 \def\R{\hbox{$I\kern-3.5pt R$}} \def\N{\hbox{$I\kern-3.5pt N$}} \def\V{\Vert} \font\fp=cmr8 \def\P{{\noindent \it Proof.- }} \def\fin{ Q.E.D. \medskip} \def\sign{\rm sign} \def\var{\overline\va} \hsize=15true cm \hoffset=0.5true cm \vsize=23true cm \def\va{\varphi} \centerline{\bf INTERPOLATION OF OPERATORS WHEN THE EXTREME} \centerline {\bf SPACES ARE $L^\infty$} \bigskip \centerline {by} \bigskip \centerline{ Jes\'us Bastero\footnote *{\fp Research partially supported by DGICYT PS87-0059} and Francisco J. Ruiz\footnote {**}{\fp Research partially supported by DGICYT PB89-0181-C02-02} } \bigskip \midinsert \narrower\narrower \noindent ABSTRACT. {\sl In this paper, equivalence between interpolation properties of linear operators and monotonicity conditions are studied, for a pair $(X_0,X_1)$ of rearrangement invariant quasi Banach spaces, when the extreme spaces of the interpolation are $L^\infty$ and a pair $(A_0,A_1)$ under some assumptions. Weak and restricted weak intermediate spaces fall in our context. Applications to classical Lorentz and Lorentz-Orlicz spaces are given.} \endinsert \bigskip \bye
From NEMO::ALSPACH 24-MAY-1991 01:45:41.98 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: International Research Workshop On Banach Space Theory
Preliminary Announcement International Research Workshop On Banach Space Theory Merida, Venezuela, January 6-17, 1992 The Workshop is sponsored by International Mathematical Union and support from NSF is pending. For information, contact Bor-Luh Lin University of Iowa Iowa City,IA,52242 e-mail:bllin at phone# 319-335-0784;fax# 319-335-0627. Bor-Luh Lin
From NEMO::ALSPACH 31-MAY-1991 15:02:35.47 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by G. Pisier
%This is the abstract of the paper "Remarks on complemented subspaces %of von-Neumann algebras" by G. Pisier. The abstract and paper are in %plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded by sending the message % send [banach]pisiervonneumann.tex %to banach-files at \magnification\magstep1 \baselineskip=18pt \centerline{{\bf Remarks on complemented subspaces of von-Neumann algebras}\footnote*{Supported in part by N.S.F. grant DMS 9003550}} \vskip12pt \centerline {by Gilles Pisier} \vskip12pt \centerline {Texas A. and M. University and Universit\'e Paris 6} \vskip12pt {\bf Abstract} In this note we include two remarks about bounded ($\underline{not}$ necessarily contractive) linear projections on a von Neumann-algebra. We show that if $M$ is a von Neumann-subalgebra of $B(H)$ which is complemented in B(H) and isomorphic to $M \otimes M$ then $M$ is injective (or equivalently $M$ is contractively complemented). We do not know how to get rid of the second assumption on $M$. In the second part,we show that any complemented reflexive subspace of a $C^*$- algebra is necessarily linearly isomorphic to a Hilbert space. \vfill\eject
From NEMO::ALSPACH 4-JUN-1991 10:27:17.77 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by G. Pisier
%This is the abstract of the paper "Interpolation between H^p spaces %and non-commutative generalizations I" by G. Pisier. %The abstract and paper are in plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded %by sending the command % send [banach]pisierinterpol.tex %to banach-files at \magnification\magstep1 \baselineskip=18pt \def\w{\widetilde} \def\i{\infty} \def\v{\vert} \def\V{\Vert} \centerline{{\bf Interpolation Between $H^p$ Spaces and Non-Commutative Generalizations I}\footnote*{Supported in part by N.S.F. grant DMS 9003550}} \vskip12pt \centerline {by Gilles Pisier} \vskip12pt {\bf Abstract} We give an elementary proof that the $H^p$ spaces over the unit disc (or the upper half plane) are the interpolation spaces for the real method of interpolation between $H^1$ and $H^{\infty}$. This was originally proved by Peter Jones. The proof uses only the boundedness of the Hilbert transform and the classical factorisation of a function in $H^p$ as a product of two functions in $H^q$ and $H^r$ with ${1/q}+{1/r}=1/p$. This proof extends without any real extra difficulty to the non-commutative setting and to several Banach space valued extensions of $H^p$ spaces. In particular, this proof easily extends to the couple $H^{p_{0}}(\ell_{q_0}),H^{p_{1}}(\ell_{q_1}) $, with $1\leq p_{0}, p_{1}, q_{0}, q_{1} \leq \infty$. In that situation, we prove that the real interpolation spaces and the K-functional are induced ( up to equivalence of norms ) by the same objects for the couple $L_{p_0}(\ell_{q_0}),L_{p_1}(\ell_{q_1}) $. In an other direction, let us denote by $C_p$ the space of all compact operators $x$ on Hilbert space such that $tr(|x|^p) <\infty$. Let $T_p$ be the subspace of all upper triangular matrices relative to the canonical basis. If $p=\infty$, $C_p$ is just the space of all compact operators. Our proof allows us to show for instance that the space $H^p(C_p)$ (resp. $T_p$) is the interpolation space of parameter $(1/p,p)$ between $H^1(C_1)$ (resp. $T_1$) and $H^\infty(C_\infty)$ (resp. $T_\i$). We also prove a similar result for the complex interpolation method. Moreover, extending a recent result of Kaftal-Larson and Weiss, we prove that the distance to the subspace of upper triangular matrices in $C_1$ and $C_\infty$ can be essentially realized simultaneously by the same element.
From NEMO::ALSPACH 3-JUN-1991 11:51:48.92 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by G. Pisier
%This is the abstract of the paper "A simple proof of a theorem of Jean %Bourgain" by G. Pisier. The abstract and paper are in plain TeX. The %paper may be downloaded by sending the command % send [banach]pisierdisc.tex %to banach-files at \magnification\magstep1 \baselineskip=18pt \let\a=\i \centerline{{\bf A simple proof of a theorem of Jean Bourgain}\footnote*{Supported in part by N.S.F. grant DMS 9003550}} \vskip12pt \centerline {by G. Pisier} \vskip12pt {\bf Abstract.} We give a simple proof of Bourgain's disc algebra version of Grothendieck's theorem, i.e. that every operator on the disc algebra with values in $L_1$ or $L_2$ is 2-absolutely summing and hence extends to an operator defined on the whole of $C$. This implies Bourgain's result that $L_1/H^1$ is of cotype 2. We also prove more generally that $L_r/H^r$ is of cotype 2 for $0<r< 1$. \vfill\eject Date: Mon, 10 Jun 91 08:46 CST
From ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Position at Missouri To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 91 18:06:24 CDT From: at relay.cs.NET To: at relay.cs.NET Dear Colleague(s): If you know someone who will be intersted in the following job please let me know. This is a teaching/service job. Thanks, Elias Saab POSITION AVAILABLE Applications are invited for the following position starting August 1, 1991. Instructor of Mathematics, Masters degree with demonstrated potential for excellence in undergraduate instruction is essential. Experience with computers, PCs, MACINTOSHES and IBM mainframes, is required. The duties of the position include: Coordinating Math 10 (College Algebra), teaching two three hour courses in each of the fall and winter semesters, assisting the Director of Undergraduate Studies. This is a nine month renewable appointment that requires availability Monday through Friday. A complete application consists of a letter of application, vita, and at least three letters of recommendation. All materials should be sent to Elias Saab, Chair, Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. E-mail mathumc at University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 11:56 CST
From ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: A new Ghoussoub To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 1991 13:10:49 CDT From: WBJ7835 at sigma.tamu.EDU Subject: baby To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Message-Id: <910705131049.2140bd35 at SIGMA.TAMU.EDU> X-Vmsmail-To: SMTP%"banach-list at"
Louise and Nassif Ghoussoub (userghou at ubcmtsg.bitnet; 4472 Crown St., Vancouver, B.C., Canada; (604) 224-6918) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Mireille Fleury Ghoussoub on July 4, 1991 at 7:50 p.m. Mother and seven pound baby are doing fine; proud father is reportedly in happy-shock. Date: Tue, 9 Jul 91 13:09 CST
From ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Message from Globevnik about Yugoslavia To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
From: IN%" at relay.cs.NET" 5-JUL-1991 14:39:36.17 To: at relay.cs.NET CC: Subj: >From josip.globevnik at Tue Jul 2 12:33:20 1991 Received: from by (5.64+/10.12.90) id AA12225; Tue, 2 Jul 91 12:33:07 -0400 Received: by id AA12236; Tue, 2 Jul 91 18:33:40 +0200 Date: 2 Jul 91 13:30 +0200 From: Josip Globevnik <josip.globevnik at> To: aron at Message-Id: <425:josip.globevnik at> Subject: Attack Status: RO
Dear Richard, please forward this message to all people who know me or my work. Best regards Josip ================== Date: 2 Jul 91 13:24 +0200 From: fnimfm05 at To: josip.globevnik at Message-ID: <421:josip.globevnik at> Subject:
From: VEGA::GLOBEVNIKR 2-JUL-1991 13:22:24.28 To: UEK::FNIMFM05 CC: Subj: From: VEGA::GLOBEVNIKR 2-JUL-1991 13:25 To: GLOBEVNIKR Subj: I apologize as at this time my message has not much to do with mathematics, except perhaps in the sense that the question of survival of Slovenes is also connected with survival of Slovene mathematics. As you know, Yugoslav federal army began a brutal attack on Slovenia which includes bombings. The attack was encouraged by the official opinions of US and EEC that the integrity of Yugoslavia has the top priority in their approaches to solving the crisis in Yugoslavia. It suited very well the communist regimes in Serbia and Montenegro which see the rest of Yugoslavia as greater Serbia which should become a communist country and which have very strong influence on the Yugoslav army. The fight between the federal army and the Slovene army is thus the fight between the remaining communist forces and the newly established democracy in Slovenia. It is of utmost importance for the crisis in Yugoslavia that the official opinions about integrity of Yugoslavia are finally changed to recognizing that the tensions in Yugoslavia are much too great to keep Yugoslavia in one piece, except perhaps by a brutal force which the west has always condemned and which neglects human rights and the right to selfdetermination of every nation and free choice about with whom and how it wands to establish relations. The west should get strongly involved in a controlled dissintegration of Yugoslavia. The first step towards this would be the official re- cognition of the independent and sovereign state of Slovenia. The public opinion has been changing in this direction but the official opinions seem to follow these changes too slowly. Since the official opinion of the west is one of the principal reasons for the encouragement to use the brutal force in Slovenia I would be most grateful if you could use all your available communi- cation channels to convey this message to your government, your media or any relevant institution. I would be most grateful also if you can support Slovenia by adding your personal support to this message. I would also appreciate if you forward this message to any colleague of yours who knows me or who is familiar with my work in mathematics as my mailing list here is very short. With my best regards With my best regards Josip Globevnik email josip.globevnik at PS For the case that you are more interested I am providing some details. As you may have heard, the Republic of Slovenia had a plebiscite last December on which more than 90% of the people voted that they wanted that Slovenia becomes an independent and sovereign state. Since that time the Slovene parlament (a multiparty parlament that was elected on free elections in spring a year ago) had been preparing the legislature on the basis of which Slovenia would become an inde- pendent and sovereign state by June 26, half a year from plebiscite. The slovene government and the slovene presidency have been proposing negotiations about this to other republics and to the federal autori- ties several times since last December but there was almost no response to these proposals. Slovenes, a small nation of two million people have never had any conflict with any other nation. We are hard working (I am a tipical example of a Slovene), peaceful people who would only want to live in their own state as this would guarantee that we ourselves would make decisions in the foreign policy and have control at the outflow of our own money. We have not had border problems with Croatia, the only Yugoslav republic that has border with Slovenia. Our mentality is similar to the mentality of people in the nearby Austria. We are culturally part of western culture. We now have a western type parla- mentary system and would like to become a part of integrated Europe. Slovenia became an independent and sovereign state on June 25. On June 27, early in the morning, the federal army's tanks were rolling in different directions out of army posts in Slovenia, mainly towards Ljubljana airport and towards the border crossings on boredrs with Austria and Italy to cut off Slovenia from their western and northern neighbours. It was clear that the Yugoslav army decided to attack brutally in Slovenia. The Slovene army, armed with antitank and antihelicopter missiles began to fight fiercely as it is defending our home. The Yugoslav army in Slovenia collapsed and their units have been blocked since by the Slovene army. Alrea- dy during the second day of fight the Yugoslav army bombed the town of Dravograd, near austrian border. The agreement between Yugoslav prime minister Markovic and Slovene prime minister Peterle was reached yesterday night that army was to move back into its barracks under the supervision of a special technical committee that was yet to be formed. However, the Yugoslav army started moving before such committee was ever formed and this provoked new clashes with Slovene army. New bombings took place this morning. (Slovenes have no airplanes to fight against such bombings). Now the Yugoslav army reserve has been called in Serbia consisting entirely of Serbs are approaching Slovenia.
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by B. Khaoulani and Note about AMSTeX Message-Id: <91Jul23.194723cdt.8 at> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1991 19:47:07 -0500
% This is the abstract of the paper %"A Gordon-Chevet type Inequality % by %B. Khaoulani %It and the paper are typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded %from the bulletin board by transmitting the command % send khaoulani.atx %to: banach-files at \documentstyle{amsppt} \topmatter \title A Gordon-Chevet type inequality \endtitle \author B. Khaoulani \footnote{Universit\'e Paris VII, URA 1321, 1990-91.} \endauthor \abstract{ We prove a new inequality for Gaussian processes, this inequality implies the Gordon-Chevet inequality. Some remarks on Gaussian proofs of Dvoretzky's theorem are given.} \endtopmatter \document \bye %%%%%IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT COMPATIBILITY%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %This paper is not compatible with AMSTeX 2.0 but is compatible with earlier %versions. Because the new AMSTeX is not compatible with earlier versions %papers in AMSTeX should state at the beginning which version is to be used. %Papers typed for one version will only be mildly incompatible with other %versions if \define is %used sparingly and specific font files are not used. The AMS has changed %font files several times and compatibility has been maintained only at %the top level, e.g., \bf always gives boldface but the actual font % file and point size is determined by the structure and implementation of %the version of TeX and AMSTeX.
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Email address for G. Godefroy Message-Id: <91Jul24.092451cdt.8 at> Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1991 09:24:48 -0500
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1991 22:11:17 -0500 From: elias at (Elias Saab) Message-Id: <9107240311.AA02150 at> To: banach-files at Cc: alspach at Distribute Dear Colleague: This is to tell you that Gilles Godefroy left Missouri now and his new E-mail address is: gig at Thanks, Elias Saab
From alspach Fri Sep 13 15:39:33 1991 To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Leung and Note
This is the abstract of the paper "Banach spaces with Property (w)" by Denny Leung. The paper is typed in LATeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or transmitting the command send leungpropw.ltx to: banach-files at A Banach space E is said to have Property (w) if every (bounded linear) operator from E into E' is weakly compact. We give some interesting examples of James type Banach spaces with Property (w). We also consider the passing of Property (w) from E to C(K,E). ------------------------------------------------------------ Note: I will be away from Sept. 14 until Sept. 23 -Dale Alspach
From alspach Mon Sep 23 09:20:19 1991 To: banach Subject: Research group on Quantitative Estimates for Polynomials
\magnification 1200 \nopagenumbers \vskip1cm Bernard Beauzamy \hfill Per Enflo, Paul Wang Institut de Calcul Math\'ematique \hfill Kent State University Paris, France. \hfill Kent, Ohio \vskip1cm \centerline{wish to develop their research group on} \vskip1cm \centerline{\bf Quantitative estimates for polynomials in one or several variables} \vskip1cm and they encourage applications for Ph.D. studies (Th\`ese) in this direction. \vskip0.5cm The topic has direct applications to Analysis (Fourier Analysis, Harmonic Analysis), to Number Theory, and Computer Science (Symbolic Computation, Massively Parallel Programming). It is supported by the {\it National Science Foundation} (U.S.A.), the {\it C.N.R.S.} (France), the Ministry of Defense (France), and {\it DIGITAL Eq. Corp.}. \vskip1cm The applicants should be citizens either of the U.S. or of one of the countries of the European Community. They will have to work either in Paris or in Kent, and may have to travel between both places. \vskip1cm Please write to : \vskip.5cm Prof. Bernard Beauzamy, Institut de Calcul Math\'ematique, Universit\'e de Paris 7, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 Paris CEDEX 05, France, \vskip0.5cm or to \vskip.5cm Prof. Per Enflo, Prof. Paul Wang, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, U.S.A. \end
From alspach Mon Sep 23 09:31:40 1991 To: banach Subject: Email address for B. Maurey and others
----- Begin Included Message ----- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1991 05:46:18 -0500 From: MAUREY%FRMAP711.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU To: alspach at Message-Id: <91Sep21.035408cdt.5 at> Status: R The machine supporting FRMAP711 will disappear on Sept. 24th; addresses for Pajor, Khaoulani, Beauzamy, Maurey will be changing. Bernard. ----- End Included Message ----- I will send out new addresses as soon as learn of them. -Dale
From alspach Tue Sep 10 08:44:33 1991 To: banach Subject: Conference in Venezuela Status: R
The workshop on Banach space theory in Merida, Venezuela, Jan 6-17 has received funding from NSF, CONICIT and IMU. If you are interested in attending this workshop, contact Bor-Luh (Peter) Lin, bllin at, for more information.
From alspach Thu Sep 5 13:15:23 1991 To: banach Subject: abstract of a paper by G.Pisier . (with abstract !)
This is the abstract of the paper "The K_t-functional for the interpolation couple L_1(A_0),L_infinity(A_1)" by Gilles Pisier The paper is typed in TeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or by transmitting the command send pisierktinterpol.tex to: banach-files at Let (A_0,A_1) be a compatible couple of Banach spaces in the interpolation theory sense. We give a formula for the K_t-functional of the interpolation couples (l_1(A_0),c_0(A_1)) or (l_1(A_0),l_infinity(A_1)) and (L_1(A_0),L_infinity(A_1)).
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Summary of Gowers-Maurey results Message-Id: <91Sep26.132550cdt.5 at> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1991 13:25:41 -0500
Dear subscribers, I asked Tim Gowers and Bernard Maurey to make up a sort of abstract of their results for distribution on the bulletin board since the interest in them is so great. Here is a note from Bernard Maurey that I received today. Dale Alspach ----- Begin Included Message ----- From: MAUREY%FRCIRP81.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: UBSP To: alspach at, MAUREY at frcirp81.bitnet Status: R
Tim Gowers and the author of these lines independently solved the Unconditional Basic Sequence Problem in the negative; (Tim's solution was the first to appear); we produced almost identical examples of an infinite dimensional Banach space $X$ that does not contain any infinite unconditional basic sequence; we decided to publish jointly the final version of this example and to work together to find more properties of this space. It was observed by Bill Johnson that our space $X$ is Hereditarily Indecomposable, which means that no closed subspace of $X$ is the topological sum of two infinite dimensional closed subspaces. This property obviously implies that $X$ does not contain any infinite unconditional basic sequence. The space $X$ is reflexive, has a monotone basis, and it is possible to show that the dual $X^*$ is also H.I. We proved that complex H.I. spaces have few operators: every operator on a complex H.I. space can be written as $T= \lambda Id + S$, where $S$ is strictly singular; the spectrum of $T$ is finite or consists of a converging sequence of eigenvalues with finite multiplicity (together with the limit). It follows that a complex H.I. space is not isomorphic to any proper subspace, in particular not isomorphic to its hyperplanes. Since we may build our space on the complex field, this provides a second (negative) solution to the hyperplane problem, that was first solved by Tim Gowers. B. Maurey.
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Gowers preliminary version of the solution of the UBSP Message-Id: <91Oct7.115040cdt.45464 at> Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1991 11:50:37 -0500
Dear Subscribers, Tim Gowers has made available his version of the solution to the unconditional basic sequence problem. The file is in Plain TeX but uses mssymb.tex. If you have upgraded to AMSTeX 2.0 and changed the fonts, you may not be able to use mssymb. To overcome this input amssymb.def and amssym.tex as indicated in the file. To obtain the file use ftp or transmit the command send gowersubsp.tex to banach-files at Dale Alspach
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: gowersubsp.tex Message-Id: <91Oct10.120836cdt.46210 at> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1991 12:08:32 -0500
Dear Subscribers, We believe we have found the problem with gowersubsp.tex. The software has trouble with files of over 50K length. We are looking for a better way to handle these files but as a temporary solution all files of length over 50K will be split. For TeX files I will add \input lines to the first part of the file which use the banach-files names for the remaining parts. For example gowersubsp.tex has been split into gowersubsp1.tex and gowersubsp2.tex. The last line of gowersubsp1.tex is \input gowersubsp2.tex. If you change the names or concatenate the files you will need to fix this. Also you will need to request the pieces in two email messages, else the software will try to assemble the pieces into a single file, find that it is too long, and send only the first. In summary to get Tim Gowers TeX file send two email messages to banach-files at First message send gowersubsp1.tex Second message send gowersubsp2.tex Alert me to any further problems. I will also be splitting the older files of length greater than 50K. Dale Alspach
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Abstract of a paper by Cole, Gamelin and Johnson Message-Id: <91Oct11.094903cdt.46539 at> Date: Fri, 11 Oct 1991 09:49:01 -0500
This is the abstract of the paper " Analytic Disks in Fibers over the Unit Ball of a Banach Space" by B.J. Cole, T.W. Gamelin, and W.B. Johnson. The paper is typed in AMSTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or transmitting the commands in separate messages send colegamjohn1.atx and send colegamjohn2.atx to: banach-files at We study biorthogonal sequences with special properties, such as weak or weak-star convergence to 0, and obtain an extension of the Josefson-Nissenzweig theorem. This result is applied to embed analytic disks in the fiber over 0 of the spectrum of H^infinity (B), the algebra of bounded analytic functions on the unit ball B of an arbitrary infinite dimensional Banach space. Various other embedding theorems are obtained. For instance, if the Banach space is superreflexive, then the unit ball of a Hilbert space of uncountable dimension can be embedded analytically in the fiber over 0 via an embedding which is uniformly bicontinuous with respect to the Gleason metric.
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Position at Missouri Message-Id: <91Oct30.093912cst.45785 at> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1991 09:39:00 -0600
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1991 12:28:52 -0600 From: "Elias Saab" <MATHUMC%UMCVMB.BITNET at> To: Alspach_Dale <alspach at> Subject: Advertising for a position. Message-Id: <91Oct29.123344cst.46049 at>
Please let me know if somebody is interested in the job described below. One of the areas in our department is Harmonic Analysis and this is one of the areas we will try to hire in. Thank you. Elias Saab UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS COLUMBIA, MO 65211 E-mail MATHUMC at UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU Applications are invited for one tenure-track position at the rank of assistant professor beginning in August of 1992. The position requires a PH.D., quality teaching, and a commitment to a distinguished research career. Selections for the position will be based primarily on demonstrated research achievement in an area complementary to areas of ongoing departmental research. Send a curriculum vitae along with a letter of application (include E-mail address), and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Professor E. Saab, Chair, at the address above. The application deadline is December 31, 1991, or until the position is filled thereafter. Applications received after February 1, 1992, cannot be guaranteed consideration. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EEO.
From banach-owner Wed Oct 30 16:52:11 1991 Received: by id <45794>; Wed, 30 Oct 1991 16:37:06 -0600
From Alspach Dale <alspach> To: banach Subject: Position at Bowling Green State U Message-Id: <91Oct30.163706cst.45794 at> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1991 16:36:53 -0600
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1991 16:28:33 -0600 From: neal carothers <carother at> Message-Id: <9110302228.AA06979 at> To: alspach at Subject: Position at BGSU
Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track Bowling Green State University Department of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green, OH 43402-0221 Prof. A.W.M. Glass, Chair The Department seeks qualified applicants for an anticipated tenure-track position in FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, APPLIED ANALYSIS, or COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS. We have a growing PhD program and seek to strengthen these areas. The position carries a two-course teaching load (6 to 8 semester hours) and requires a PhD in Mathematics. In addition, the selected candidate will be expected to pursue research, work with doctoral students and eventually direct dissertations. Preference will be given to candidates with a strong research record, and whose research is compatible with our current faculty. Salary competitive. Please provide vita, publication list, official transcript, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent by February 1, 1992 to Prof. Glass (at the above address). By way of a brief description of BGSU, we really DO have a growing PhD program -- 13 PhD's awarded over the last three years, 8 more expected in the next two years. We are a short one-hour drive from Ann Arbor, two-and-a-half hours from Ohio State, and three hours from Kent. Our library is quite good and the University has been reasonably generous about providing personal computers (and access to mainframes). Active research interests include Banach Space Theory, Operator Theory, Function Theory, Optimization, and Scientific Computation (FEM, etc). For more information, please don't hesitate to write, call, or e-mail either: Neal Carothers OR Steve Seubert carother at sseuber at (419) 372-8317 (419) 372-2179
From alspach Tue Dec 10 13:15:54 1991 To: banach Subject: abstract of a paper by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith
This is the abstract of the paper "On the distribution of Sidon series" by N. Asmar and S. Montgomery-Smith. The paper is typed in LaTeX. The paper may be downloaded from the bulletin board by ftp or transmitting the command send asmarmontsmith.ltx to: banach-files at This is a revision of asmarmontsmith.atx . %LaTex document \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \def\Bbb#1{{\hbox{\bf #1}}}\def\N{\Bbb N}\def\R{\Bbb R}\def\C{\Bbb C} \def\Z{\Bbb Z}\def\Con{${\cal C}$}\def\M{${\cal M}$}\def\T{\Bbb T} \begin{document} \title{On the Distribution of Sidon Series} \author{Nakhl\'e H.\ Asmar and Stephen Montgomery-Smith \\ University of Missouri--Columbia \\ Columbia, MO 65211 \\ U.\ S.\ A. \date{}} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Let $B$ denote an arbitrary Banach space, $G$\ a compact abelian group with Haar measure $\mu$\ and dual group $\Gamma$. Let $E$ be a Sidon subset of $\Gamma$ with Sidon constant $S(E)$. Let $r_n$ denote the $n$-th Rademacher function on $[0 , 1]$. We show that there is a constant $c$, depending only on $S(E)$, such that, for all $\alpha > 0$: \begin{eqnarray*} c^{-1}P\left[\left\| \sum_{n=1}^Na_nr_n\right\| \geq c\alpha \right] & \leq & \mu\left[ \left\| \sum_{n=1}^Na_n\gamma_n\right\|\geq \alpha \right] \\ & & \leq \ c\,P\left[\left\| \sum_{n=1}^Na_nr_n\right\| \geq c^{-1}\alpha \right] \end{eqnarray*} where $a_1$, $\ldots$ , $a_N$ are arbitrary elements of $B$, and $\gamma_1$ , $\ldots$ , $\gamma_N$ are arbitrary elements of $E$. We prove a similar result for Sidon subsets of dual objects of compact groups, and apply our results to obtain new lower bounds for the distribution functions of scalar-valued Sidon series. This paper is a rewrite of a paper previously submitted to the noticeboard. \end{abstract} \end{document}