From IN%"phelps at math.washington.EDU" "Robert Phelps" 1-JAN-1990 17:41:15.05 To: at RELAY.CS.NET CC: Subject: David Preiss
Received: from A.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Mon, 1 Jan 90 17:38 CDT Received: from by id dl04003; 24 Dec 89 4:55 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa25627; 22 Dec 89 19:20 EST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa01075; 22 Dec 89 18:20 EST Received: by (5.57/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA07172; Fri, 22 Dec 89 16:16:02 PST Date: Fri, 22 Dec 89 16:16:02 PST From: Robert Phelps <phelps at math.washington.EDU> To: at RELAY.CS.NET Message-Id: <8912230016.AA07172 at> Addendum to Preiss news item: While Preiss was offered and accepted the Astor Professorship at University College London, approval of the appointment by the University of London Administration is still pending. Preiss says there also remain "formalities" in Prague. If the appointment goes through, he hopes to be in London sometime in April, 1990. Date: Thu, 8 Feb 90 17:41:31 PST
From Robert Phelps <phelps at math.washington.EDU> To: at relay.cs.NET Message-Id: <9002090141.AA05351 at> Subject: Isaac Namioka
NEWS ITEM: Isaac Namioka underwent a successful triple coronary bypass operation on Tuesday, February 6. He is spending the canonical 24-36 hours in the Intensive Care Unit, probably another week in the hospital and a further six weeks for complete recuperation. He did not have a heart attack, but a treadmill test and angiogram showed he was seriously at risk for one if he postponed the surgery. Any get-well messages sent to phelps at will be printed out and hand delivered.
From IN%"MAR63AA%TECHNION.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.EDU" "Michael Cwikel" 18-FEB-1990 10:04:55.16 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Announcement of a forthcoming conference on interpolation spaces etc. Received: from A.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Sun, 18 Feb 90 10:03 CDT Received: from by id ac29158; 18 Feb 90 10:01 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa10635; 18 Feb 90 5:11 EST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa03831; 18 Feb 90 4:10 EST Received: from TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL by CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2.2MX) with BSMTP id 8088; Sun, 18 Feb 90 05:09:17 EST Received: from TECHNION (MAR63AA) by TECHNION.TECHNION.AC.IL (Mailer R2.05) with BSMTP id 4997; Sun, 18 Feb 90 12:01:28 IST Date: Sun, 18 Feb 90 12:00:33 IST From: Michael Cwikel <MAR63AA%TECHNION.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.EDU> Subject: Announcement of a forthcoming conference on interpolation spaces etc. To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First Announcement: A conference on INTERPOLATION SPACES AND RELATED TOPICS Haifa, Israel, June 27 to July 3, 1990 will be held under the auspices of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Mathematics of the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Participants will include: Yuri Brudnyi, Bjorn Jawerth, Nigel Kalton, Mario Milman, Richard Rochberg and the undersigned. We will be very pleased if you can attend and give a talk. It would be very helpful to hear from you soon, and if possible to know the title of your talk. An abstract would be even nicer, and the ultimate in niceness would be a camera-ready abstract. Accommodation: The Technion has accommodation available on campus and also in its guesthouse in downtown Haifa. The cost is (US)$12.50 per day. (Accompanying adults or children are charged an additional $12.50 or $6 respectively.) If you would like to avail yourself of this accommodation please let me know VERY quickly. It is very much in demand and should be reserved as far in advance as possible. (There is no cancellation fee if the reservation has to be changed or cancelled, provided this is done more than 15 days before the originally specified date of arrival.) Other hotel accommodation in Haifa costs $40 or more per day. Michael Cwikel Department of Mathematics Electronic mail: mar63aa at technion.bitnet Technion, I.I.T. Telephone: (972)(4) 294179 (office) 257359 (home) Haifa, 32000 221581 (FAX) 294272 (secretaries) Israel Telex: 46406 TECON IL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 19-FEB-1990 14:33:27.62 To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: New names Date: Mon, 19 Feb 90 14:33 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: New names To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach-list at"
Dear Subscribers, In order to prevent some types of errors in sending messages and requests to the Banach space Bulletin Board, two new names have been defined for addressing the Bulletin Board. From now on the preferred address for requesting files will be at The old address at will remain active. The distribution address will be at Messages sent to banach-list will be forwarded to me for checking prior to distribution. This will result in a little delay since I typically will check for new messages only once a day. If prompt distribution without checking is desired, the old address at may be used. I hope the suggestive nature of the names will prevent messages from being sent to the wrong address. Dale Alspach
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 28-FEB-1990 15:04:48.45 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Abstract of paper by Kalton, Saab and Saab Date: Wed, 28 Feb 90 15:03 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Abstract of paper by Kalton, Saab and Saab To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
% Please send request of preprints to % %Elias Saab %Department of Mathematics %University of Missouri-Columbia %Columbia, MO 65211 % %E-Mail %MATHES at UMCVMB.BITNET %or %MATHES at UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This abstract should be TeXed using AmsTeX %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \magnification=\magstep1 \def\ds{\baselineskip 21pt plus 2pt} \def\ss{\baselineskip 10pt plus 1pt} \def\wsl {(\Omega,\Sigma,\lambda)} \def\czero{\text {\sl c}_\circ} \def\lpofx { L^p(X)\,} \font\large=cmr10 scaled \magstep1 \ \vskip .2truein \centerline {\large $\lpofx \, (1\leq p <\infty)$ Has The Property (u) } \bigskip \centerline {\large Whenever $X$ Does} \ \vskip .2truein \centerline {\large by } \vskip .4truein \centerline {\large Nigel Kalton , Elias Saab and Paulette Saab } \bigskip \ If $X$ is Banach space, $\wsl$ a probability space and $1\leq p <\infty$ we denote by $\lpofx$ the space of $p$-Bochner integrable functions from $\Omega$ to $X$ equipped with its usual norm. If $X$ is the scalar field then $\lpofx$ will be denoted by $L^p$. In the sequel $p$ will always be in the interval $[1,+\infty)$. For a series $\sum\limits_nx_n$ in the Banach space $X$ we say that $\sum\limits_nx_n$ is a {\bf weakly unconditionally cauchy (w.u.c) series} in $X$ if it satisfies one of the following equivalent statements \itemitem {a)} $\sum\limits_n |x^*(x_n)|<\infty$, for every $x^* \in X^*$; \itemitem {b)} $\sup \left\{\parallel \sum\limits_{n\in \sigma}x_n\parallel:\ \sigma\text{ finite subset of }\text {\bf N}\right\}< \infty$; \itemitem {c)} $\sup\limits_n \sup\limits_{\epsilon_i=\pm 1} \parallel \sum\limits^n_{i=1}\epsilon_i x_i\parallel <\infty.$ Pe\l czynski the notions of spaces with property (u). For this recall that a Banach space $E$ has {\bf property} (u) if for any weakly Cauchy sequence $(e_n)$ in $E$ there exists a weakly unconditionally Cauchy series $\sum\limits_n x_n$ in $E$ such that the sequence $(e_n-\sum\limits_{i=1}^n x_i)$ converges weakly to zero in $E$. Any Banach space $E$ with unconditional basis or more generally any space with unconditional reflexive decomposition has (u) and so is the case of any weakly sequentially complete Banach space and any order continuous Banach lattice. In particular any $L^p,\; 1\leq p <\infty$ has the property~\u . Another class of spaces having property~(u) are those spaces which are M-ideals in their biduals (Godefroy and Li) and under certain conditions, spaces of compact operators on a Banach space $X$ have the property~(u) (Godefroy and P. Saab). It is clear that a Banach space that has the property~\u is weakly sequentially complete if and only if $\czero$ is not isomorphic to a closed subspace of $X$. Kwapien showed that a Banach space $X$ does not contain an isomorphic copy of $\czero$, if and only if $\lpofx $ does not either. Talagrand showed that if $X$ is weakly sequentially complete then the same is true for $\lpofx$. In this paper we show that if $X$ is a Banach space having the property~(u) then $\lpofx$ has the same property. An application of the techniques used to prove this result is given concerning unconditionally convergent operators on $C(K,X)$ spaces. \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 8-MAR-1990 14:42:32.63 To: at RELAY.CS.NET CC: Subj: Abstract of paper by E&P Saab Received: from D.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Thu, 8 Mar 90 14:33 CDT Received: from by id ae11213; 8 Mar 90 14:12 CST Received: from by id bw17555; 8 Mar 90 14:04 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa22345; 8 Mar 90 14:15 EST Received: from [] by RELAY.CS.NET id aa02420; 8 Mar 90 13:14 EST Received: from by id aa10464; 8 Mar 90 13:02 CST Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 13:02 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Abstract of paper by E&P Saab To: at RELAY.CS.NET X-VMS-To: IN%" at"
From: IN%"MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU" "Elias Saab" 5-MAR-1990 17:28:46.87 To: Bannch list < at relay.cs.NET> CC: Subj: Received: from A.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Mon, 5 Mar 90 17:22 CDT Received: from by id bk04356; 5 Mar 90 16:40 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa04183; 5 Mar 90 14:51 EST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa29412; 5 Mar 90 13:50 EST Received: from UMCVMB.BITNET by UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2) with BSMTP id 6886; Mon, 05 Mar 90 13:29:19 CST Received: by UMCVMB (Mailer R2.05) id 0965; Mon, 05 Mar 90 13:29:10 CST Date: Mon, 05 Mar 90 13:28:37 CST From: Elias Saab <MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU> To: Bannch list < at relay.cs.NET> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %P. S. Please send request of preprints to % %Elias Saab %Department of Mathematics %University of Missouri-Columbia %Columbia, MO 65211 % %E-Mail %MATHES at UMCVMB.BITNET %or %MATHES at UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This abstract should be TeXed using AmsTeX %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{amsppt} \topmatter \title On Unconditionally Converging and \\ Weakly Precompact Operators. \endtitle \author Elias Saab\\ Paulette Saab \endauthor \affil University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, 65211. \endaffil \subjclass {46E40, 46G10, 28B05, 28B20} \abstract {Recently Abott, Bator, Bilyeu and Lewis showed that if $E$ and $G$ are Banach spaces such that $F^*$ does not contain a copy of $\ell_1$ and has the Radon Nikodym property, then each bounded linear operator on $C(\Omega,F)$ with values in $G$ that is unconditionally conerging has a weakly precompact adjoint. They asked whether their result remains true if one drops the hypothesis that $E^*$ has the Radon Nikodym property. In this note we show that their question has positve solution. Actually we show the following: Let $E$, $F$ and $G$ be Banach spaces such that $E^*$ is isometric to an $L_1$-space, and $F^*$ contains no subspace isomorphic to $\ell_1$. Let $T:E \hat \otimes_\epsilon F \longrightarrow G$ be a bounded linear operator. It is shown that $T$ is unconditionally converging if and only if its adjoint $T^*$ is weakly precompact. Some similar results are discussed and some applications are given.} \endtopmatter \enddocument
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 8-MAR-1990 15:56:31.95 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: IRFAS Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 15:55 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: IRFAS To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
From: IN%"WBJ7835 at venus.tamu.EDU" 6-MAR-1990 18:52:30.26 To: at relay.cs.NET CC: Subj: IRFAS Received: from A.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Tue, 6 Mar 90 18:48 CDT Received: from by id am18093; 6 Mar 90 18:14 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa20477; 6 Mar 90 15:17 EST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa05690; 6 Mar 90 14:16 EST Date: Tue, 6 Mar 1990 14:18:01 CST From: WBJ7835 at venus.tamu.EDU Subject: IRFAS To: at relay.cs.NET Message-Id: <900306141801.29e097c7 at VENUS.TAMU.EDU> X-Vmsmail-To: SMTP%" at relay.cs.NET"
ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPRING UTAMIRFAS The U.T.-A&M Informal Regional Functional Analysis Seminar will meet Saturday, March 24 and Sunday, March 25 at Texas A&M in College Station. Talks will be in Milner Hall 101. Schedule Saturday, March 24 9:30 Coffee & Donuts, Milner 317 10:00 A. Arias, Texas A&M, Best approximations in the trace class operators 11:15 D. Leung, University of Texas, Embedding ell^2 complementably in ell^{p,infinity}, 1 < p < infinity 12:15 Break for lunch 2:00 R. R. Phelps, University of Washington, Preiss' proof that Gateaux smoothable Banach spaces have the weak Asplund property 3:30 Pei-Kee Lin, University of Texas and Memphis State University, Ultrapowers of rearrangement invariant spaces 5:00 C. Schutt, Oklahoma State University, The convex floating body of a polytope 7:00 Dinner at ????? Sunday, March 25 9:00 Coffee & Donuts, Milner 317 9:30 T. Schlumprecht, University of Texas, Stabilizing Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces 10:45 V. Paulsen, Houston, Representations of function algebras and Banach space geometry We expect to be able to cover housing for a small number of participants. Preference will be given to participants who do not have other sources of support, such as sponsored research grants. Here are some local motels. I'll be happy to make reservations, but keep in mind that I'll be out of town March 7-12. If you make reservations yourself, ask for A&M and government rates. Motels with which we have had good experiences are starred. In Southwood Valley, where most local participants live: *Quality Inn, 2514 Texas Av S, (409) 696-6988, *Manor House Inn, 2504 Texas Av S, (409) 764-9540, Ponderosa Motor Inn, 3702 Texas Av S, (409) 693-6810, On campus: Memorial Student Center Guest Rooms, (409) 845-8909. Near campus, but not fun to walk: *Hampton Inn, 320 Texas Av S, (409) 846-0184, *La Quinta Inn, 607 Texas Av S, (409) 696-5900, Holiday Inn, 1503 Texas Av S, (409) 693-1736, Comfort Inn, 104 Texas Av S, (409) 846-733, Western Motel, 204 Texas Av S, (409) 846-5757. Generally considered the top place in town: Hilton, 801 University Dr E, (409) 693-7500 Next door to Hilton: Inn at Chimney Hill, 901 University Dr E (409) 260-9150. Some motels include some kind of breakfast and/or cocktails (e.g., Comfort Inn; Hampton Inn; Inn at Chimney Hill; Manor House) with the room. Please let me know if you will come to a dinner on March 24, preferably by March 13. Where we hold the dinner depends on the number and I may not be able to add you to the list later. Bill Johnson wbj7835 at tamvenus (preferred) (409) 845-2722 office (409) 696-2812 home
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 15-MAR-1990 10:01:13.34 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Paper by P. Saab
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 90 10:00 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" %This is the abstract of the paper "Integral Operators on Spaces %of Continuous Vector-valued Functions" by P. Saab. The paper is %available for downloading. Transmit the command % send [banach]psaab.tex %to at Both the abstract %and the paper are in AMSTeX. % \pageno=0 \footline={\ifnum\pageno=0\hfill\else\hss\tenrm\folio\hss\fi} \def\Otimes{\operatornamewithlimits{\otimes}} \font\bigbold=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2 \def\ans{\vrule height.1pt width80pt depth0pt} \font\sll=cmr10 \def\sle{\hbox{$e\textfont1=\sll$}} % \voffset=1in \centerline {\bigbold Integral Operators on Spaces of} \centerline {\bigbold Continuous Vector-valued functions} \vskip 1truein \centerline {by} \vskip .50truein \centerline {\bf Paulette Saab$^*$} \vskip 1truein {\narrower\smallskip\noindent {\bf Abstract}\ \ Let $X$ be a compact Hausdorff space, let $E$ be a Banach space, and let $C(X,E)$ stand for the Banach space of $E$-valued continuous functions on $X$ under the uniform norm. In this paper we characterize Integral operators (in the sense of Grothendieck) on $C(X,E)$ spaces in term of their representing vector measures. This is then used to give some applications to Nuclear operators on $C(X,E)$ spaces.\smallskip} \vskip 2truein {\narrower\smallskip\noindent AMS(MOS) subject Classification (1980). Primary 46E40, 46G10;\ Secondary 28B05, 28B20.\smallskip} \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 27-MAR-1990 14:49:07.85 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Paper by P. Saab. and B. Smith
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 14:45 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" %Abstract of the paper "Nuclear operators on spaces of continuous vector-valued %functions" by P. Saab. and B. Smith. The paper is available for downloading. %Transmit the command % send [banach]saabsmith.atx %to at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% To appear in Glasgow Mathematical Journal %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This should be TeXed using AmsTeX %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \magnification=\magstep1 \def\ds{\baselineskip 20pt plus 2pt} \def\ss{\baselineskip 10pt plus 1pt} \ss \def\N{\Bbb N} \voffset=1in \def\ans{\vrule height.1pt width80pt depth0pt} \def\nuc{\operatorname{nuc}} % \pageno=1 \footline={\ifnum\pageno=1\hfill\else\hss\tenrm\folio\hss\fi} \font\sl=cmbsy10 \def\slN{\hbox{$N \textfont1=\sl$}} \def\slA{\hbox{$A \textfont1=\sl$}} \font\bigbold=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2 \centerline {\bigbold Nuclear Operators on Spaces} \centerline {\bigbold of Continuous Vector-Valued Functions} \vskip.75truein \centerline {by} \vskip.75truein \centerline {\bf Paulette Saab$^*$ and Brenda Smith} \vskip 1truein {\narrower\smallskip\noindent {\bf Abstract}\ \ Let $\Omega$ be a compact Hausdorff space, let $E$ be a Banach space, and let $C(\Omega, E)$ stand for the Banach space of all $E$-valued continuous functions on $\Omega$ under supnorm. In this paper we study when nuclear operators on $C(\Omega, E)$ spaces can be completely characterized in terms of properties of their representing vector measures. We also show that if $F$ is a Banach space and if $T:\ C(\Omega, E)\rightarrow F$ is a nuclear operator, then $T$ induces a bounded linear operator $T^\#$ from the space $C(\Omega)$ of scalar valued continuous functions on $\Omega$ into $\slN(E,F)$ the space of nuclear operators from $E$ to $F$, in this case we show that $E^*$ has the Radon-Nikodym property if and only if $T^\#$ is nuclear whenever $T$ is nuclear. \vskip2truein \noindent AMS(MOS) Subject Classification (1980)\hfill\break Primary 46E40, 46G10, 47B10, Secondary 28B05, 28B20 \bye
From IN%" at RELAY.CS.NET" "Robert Phelps" 25-APR-1990 16:52:32.65 To: at RELAY.CS.NET CC: Subject: Paper by David Preiss, R. R. Phelps and I. Namioka
Received: from D.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Wed, 25 Apr 90 16:51 CDT Received: from by id aa05347; 25 Apr 90 15:30 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa00878; 25 Apr 90 14:45 EDT Received: by (5.57/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA04121; Wed, 25 Apr 90 11:36:58 PDT Date: Wed, 25 Apr 90 11:36:58 PDT From: Robert Phelps < at RELAY.CS.NET> To: at RELAY.CS.NET Message-Id: <9004251836.AA04121 at> I have preprints available of the following paper: "Smooth Banach spaces, weak Asplund spaces and monotone or usco mappings" by David Preiss, R. R. Phelps and I. Namioka. ABSTRACT: It is shown that if a real Banach space E admits an equivalent Gateaux differentiable norm, then for every continuous convex function f on E there exists a dense G-delta subset of E at every point of which f is Gateaux differentiable. More generally, for any maximal monotone operator T On such a space, there exists a dense G-delta subset (in the interior of its essential domain) at every point of which T is single-valued. The same techniques yield results about stronger forms of differentiability and about generically continuous selections for certain upper-semicontinuous compact-set- valued maps. The paper has not been put into TeX, so preprints will be sent by snailmail. After May 4 I will not be in Seattle, but email to namioka at will have the same effect.
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 3-APR-1990 08:43:42.45 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Request for info on hiring practices from E. Saab Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 08:42 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Request for info on hiring practices from E. Saab To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
From: IN%"MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU" "Elias Saab" 2-APR-1990 14:41:04.05 To: Bannch list < at RELAY.CS.NET> CC: Subj: Question to the subscribers Received: from D.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Mon, 2 Apr 90 14:38 CDT Received: from by id af18805; 2 Apr 90 11:10 CST Received: from by id ah00127; 2 Apr 90 11:56 CST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa12531; 30 Mar 90 9:17 EST Received: from by RELAY.CS.NET id aa28365; 30 Mar 90 8:16 EST Received: from UMCVMB.BITNET by UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (IBM VM SMTP R1.2) with BSMTP id 2726; Fri, 30 Mar 90 08:15:31 CST Received: by UMCVMB (Mailer R2.05) id 0388; Fri, 30 Mar 90 08:14:56 CST Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 08:13:29 CST From: Elias Saab <MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU> Subject: Question to the subscribers To: Bannch list < at RELAY.CS.NET>
Dear Colleagues: We are having some problems with our Provost on what kind of offer the department can give to international applicants in case they are not permanent resident of the United States. I would like to receive an answer for the following questions from those of you who are in the US. Does your university prevent you from giving a tenure track offer to an applicant who is not a US citizen nor a permanent resident ? Our university thinks that we should first give them a non regular position like a visiting position first then when they get the proper visa we can change their position to a regular one. We are of course disagreeing with them, since we did not use to do it like before and we believe that other universities are hiring tenure track people on H-1 visa first and then apply for them for a PR card. I would appreciate receiving as many responses as possible. Best Regards Elias Saab MATHES at UMCVMB.BITNET MATHES at UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 17-MAY-1990 09:22:38.81 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Tornado Date: Thu, 17 May 90 09:21 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Tornado To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
Dear Subscribers, A tornado on Tuesday May 15 shut us down for several hours. There is the possibility that some email was lost Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. If you have sent something, and received no reply, try it again. Dale Alspach
From NEMO::ALSPACH 25-JUN-1990 10:32:55.77 To: IN%"banach at" CC: ALSPACH Subject: Paper by P. F. X. Mueller
%This is the abstract of the paper "Permutations of the Haar system" %by P. F. X. Mueller. The abstract and paper are in LaTeX. To download %the paper transmit the command send [banach]mueller.ltx %to at \documentstyle{article} \parindent=0pt \newcommand{\cald}{{\cal D}} \newcommand{\calb}{{\cal B}} \newcommand{\tpi}{T_{\pi}} \newcommand{\xj}{x_{J}^{2}} \newcommand{\tppi}{T_{p, \pi}} \newcommand{\pivon}[1]{\pi(#1)} \newcommand{\sppi}{S_{p, \pi}} \newcommand{\lip}{\Lambda_{\left( \frac{1}{p}-1 \right)}} \newcommand{\hochx}{^{1-\frac{1}{p}}} \newcommand{\hochy}{^{2\left( \frac{1}{p}- \frac{1}{2}\right)}} \newcommand{\cac}[1]{{\rm CC}(#1)} \newcommand{\permut}{\pi : \cald \rightarrow \cald} \newcommand{\cacp}[1]{{\rm CC_{p}}(#1)} \newcommand{\ausdr}{\sum_{L \in max \pi (D(I))} |L|\hochy } \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{claim}{Claim} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} \begin{document} \title{Permutations of the Haar system} \author{Paul F.X. M\"{u}ller\thanks{Supported by E. Schr\"{o}dinger auslandsstipendium PR.Nr J0458-PHY}\\Institut f\"{u}r Mathematik, J. Kepler Universit\"{a}t\\ Linz, Austria\\and\\Department of Theoretical Mathematics\\The Weizmann Institute of Science\\Rehovot, Israel} \maketitle \begin{abstract} General permutations acting on the Haar system are investigated. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for permutations to induce an isomorphism on dyadic BMO. Extensions of this characterization to Lipschitz spaces $\lip, (0<p\leq1)$ are obtained. When specialized to permutations which act on one level of the Haar system only, our approach leads to a short straightforward proof of a result due to E.M.Semyonov and B.Stoeckert. \end{abstract} \end{document}
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 20-JUN-1990 13:32:39.78 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Paper by S. J. Montgomery-Smith
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 90 13:31 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" %This is the abstract of the paper "Complemented subspaces of spaces %obtained by interpolation" by S. J. Montgomery-Smith. The paper %can be downloaded from the bulletin board by transmitting the command % send [banach]garmontsmith.tex %to at % typeset using plain-TeX \centerline{\bf Complemented Subspaces of Spaces} \centerline{\bf Obtained by Interpolation} \bigskip \centerline{\bf D.J.H. Garling} \centerline{\it St. John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England.} \medskip \centerline{\bf S.J. Montgomery-Smith} \centerline{\it Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri,} \centerline{\it Columbia, MO 65211, U.S.A.} \bigskip \beginsection Abstract If $Z$\ is a quotient of a subspace of a separable Banach space $X$, and $V$\ is any separable Banach space, then there is a Banach couple $(A_0,A_1)$\ such that $A_0$\ and $A_1$\ are isometric to $X\oplus V$, and any intermediate space obtained using the real or complex interpolation method contains a complemented subspace isomorphic to $Z$. Thus many properties of Banach spaces, including having non-trivial cotype, having the Radon--Nikodym property, and having the analytic unconditional martingale difference sequence property, do not pass to intermediate spaces. \bigskip \noindent {\it A.M.S.\ (1980) subject classification: 46B99.} \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 20-JUL-1990 13:06:52.75 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Abstract of a paper by D. Alspach Date: Fri, 20 Jul 90 13:06 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Abstract of a paper by D. Alspach To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
%This is the abstract of the paper "On the complemented subspaces of %X_p" by D. Alspach. The paper and abstract are typed in AmSTeX. The %paper can be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]alspach.atx %to at %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentstyle{amsppt} \magnification=1200 \title On The Complemented Subspaces of $X_{p}$ \endtitle \topmatter \author Dale E. Alspach \endauthor \address{ Department of Mathematics Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 74078-0613} \abstract{In this paper we prove some results related to the problem of isomorphically classifying the complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$. We characterize the complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$ which are isomorphic to $X_{p}$ by showing that such a space must contain a canonical complemented subspace isomorphic to $X_{p}.$ We also give some characterizations of complemented subspaces of $X_{p}$ isomorphic to $\ell_{p}\oplus \ell_{2}.$ } \endtopmatter \document \enddocument
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 23-JUL-1990 15:23:43.66 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Paper by S. Montgomery-Smith and P. Saab
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 90 15:22 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" %This is the abstract of the paper "p-summing operators on injective %tensor products of spaces" by S. Montgomery-Smith and P. Saab. The %abstract is in Plain TeX and the paper is typed in AmSTeX. The paper %can be downloaded by transmitting the command % send [banach]montsmithpsaab.atx %to at \magnification=\magstep1 \def\Bbb#1{\hbox{\bf #1}} \def\N{\Bbb N} \def\Z{\Bbb Z} \def\C{\Bbb C} \def\R{\Bbb R} \font\bigbold=cmbx10 scaled \magstep2 % \centerline {\bigbold p-Summing Operators on} \centerline {\bigbold Injective Tensor Products of Spaces} \vskip 1truein \centerline {by} \vskip 1truein \centerline {\bf Stephen Montgomery-Smith$^{(*)}$ and Paulette Saab$^{(**)}$} \vskip1truein {\narrower\smallskip\noindent {\bf Abstract}\ \ Let $X,Y$ and $Z$ be Banach spaces, and let $\prod_p(Y,Z)\ (1\leq p<\infty)$ denote the space of $p$-summing operators from $Y$ to $Z$. We show that, if $X$ is a {\it \$}$_\infty$-space, then a bounded linear operator $T:\ X\hat \otimes_\epsilon Y\longrightarrow Z$ is 1-summing if and only if a naturally associated operator $T^\#:\ X\longrightarrow \prod_1(Y,Z)$ is 1-summing. This result need not be true if $X$ is not a {\it \$}$_\infty$-space. For $p>1$, several examples are given with $X=C[0,1]$ to show that $T^\#$ can be $p$-summing without $T$ being $p$-summing. Indeed, there is an operator $T$ on $C[0,1]\hat \otimes_\epsilon \ell_1$ whose associated operator $T^\#$ is 2-summing, but for all $N\in \N$, there exists an $N$-dimensional subspace $U$ of $C[0,1]\hat \otimes_\epsilon \ell_1$ such that $T$ restricted to $U$ is equivalent to the identity operator on $\ell^N_\infty$. Finally, we show that there is a compact Hausdorff space $K$\ and a bounded linear operator $T:\ C(K)\hat \otimes_\epsilon \ell_1\longrightarrow \ell_2$ for which $T^\#:\ C(K)\longrightarrow \prod_1(\ell_1, \ell_2)$ is not 2-summing. \smallskip} \par\noindent A.M.S.\ (1980) subject classification: 46B99 \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 30-JUL-1990 08:59:15.01 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Missouri bitnet
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 08:57 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" UMCVMB.BITNET will not be receiving messages between August 4 and August 10. If you want to send any message to anybody at the University of Missouri in Columbia, try to not send it during the above period since your message will get lost. Thanks. Elias Saab
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 31-JUL-1990 09:04:54.98 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: vacation Date: Tue, 31 Jul 90 09:03 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: vacation To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
Dear subscribers, I will be traveling from Aug 3 until Aug 17, so there will be no new postings to the bulletin board during this period. Downloading and other automated features will continue as usual. Dale Alspach
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 5-SEP-1990 10:22:02.39 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Abstract of a paper by B. Maurey Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 10:19 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Abstract of a paper by B. Maurey To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
%This is the abstract of the paper "Some deviation inequalities" by %B. Maurey. The paper is available for downloading. Transmit the %command % send [banach]:maurey.tex %to at Both this abstract %and the paper are typed in plain TeX. \vsize=230mm \font\titre=cmbx10 scaled \magstep1 \centerline{\titre Some deviation inequalities} \bigskip \centerline{by Bernard Maurey} \medskip \centerline{\sevenrm September 1990} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent {\sevenrm {\sevenbf Abstract.} We introduce a concentration property for probability measures on $\scriptstyle{R^n}$, which we call Property~($\scriptstyle\tau$); we show that this property has an interesting stability under products and contractions (Lemmas 1,~2,~3). Using property~($\scriptstyle\tau$), we give a short proof for a recent deviation inequality due to Talagrand. In a third section, we also recover known concentration results for Gaussian measures using our approach.}
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 6-SEP-1990 09:57:38.88 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Correction Date: Thu, 6 Sep 90 09:55 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Correction To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at"
Dear Subscribers, The instructions for downloading maurey.tex contained an error. send [banach]maurey.tex or send banach:maurey.tex will work (but not the union send [banach]:maurey.tex). Transmit this command to at There have been some changes in the mail system. You may be able to shorten the address to banach-files at Also there may be some temporary problems with the address because of changes in internet. If you cannot reach the bulletin board because of a host domain unknown error, try routing through Dale Alspach
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 25-SEP-1990 09:47:20.37 To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subject: Papers by K. Ball
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 09:45 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU To: banach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU X-VMS-To: IN%"banach at" %Abstracts of the papers "Ellipsoids of maximal volume in convex %bodies" and "The plank problem for symmetric bodies" by K. Ball. %Both are available for downloading but require some definitions %contained in the file mssymb.tex which is also available. The papers %are typed in Plain TeX. Transmit the commands % send [banach]mssymb.tex % send [banach]ballellipse.tex % send [banach]ballplank.tex %to at \magnification\magstep1 \baselineskip = 18pt \def\n{\noindent} \centerline{\bf Ellipsoids of maximal volume in convex bodies}\bigskip \centerline{Keith Ball}\bigskip \centerline{Department of Mathematics} \centerline{Texas A\&M University} \centerline{College Station, TX \ 77843}\bigskip\medskip \n {\bf Abstract.} The largest discs contained in a regular tetrahedron lie in its faces. The proof is closely related to the theorem of Fritz John characterising ellipsoids of maximal volume contained in convex bodies. \bigskip \centerline{{\bf The plank problem for symmetric bodies} } \centerline{by} \centerline{Keith Ball$^{(1)}$}\bigskip\medskip \centerline{Department of Mathematics} \centerline{Texas A\&M University} \centerline{College Station, TX \ 77843}\vskip.4in \n {\bf Abstract.} Given a symmetric convex body $C$ and $n$ hyperplanes in an Euclidean space, there is a translate of a multiple of $C$, at least ${1\over n+1}$ times as large, inside $C$, whose interior does not meet any of the hyperplanes. The result generalizes Bang's solution of the plank problem of Tarski and has applications to Diophantine approximation. \vfill\eject \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 5-NOV-1990 09:33:08.78 To: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, wdavis at mps.ohio-state.EDU, SCHUTT at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, GOS4416 at tamvenus.BITNET, fran at, JHAGLER at ducair.BITNET, BEAUZAMY at frcirp71.BITNET, girardi at symcom.math.uiuc.EDU, ARCHIVES at NEM CC: Subj: UTAMIRFAS Date: Mon, 5 Nov 90 09:32 CST From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: UTAMIRFAS To: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, wdavis at mps.ohio-state.EDU, SCHUTT at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, GOS4416 at tamvenus.BITNET, fran at, JHAGLER at ducair.BITNET, BEAUZAMY at frcirp71.BITNET, girardi at symcom.math.uiuc.EDU, ARCHIVES at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, GREIMP at citadel2.BITNET, WBJ7835 at venus.tamu.EDU, bellenot at gauss.math.fsu.EDU, A1A6921 at tamvenus.BITNET, semmes at rice.EDU, HEL3579 at tamvenus.BITNET, phelps at blake.acs.washington.EDU, J1F0347 at tamvenus.BITNET, combs at, MATHPS at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, njn at imada.DK, C31801GW at wuvmd.BITNET, carother at andy.bgsu.EDU, MTSCHECH at weizmann.BITNET, edgar at shape.mps.ohio-state.EDU, MAR29AA at technion.BITNET, MATHPGC at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, liortz at, USERCZAK at ualtamts.BITNET, LBROWN at waynest1.BITNET, MATHSMS at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, NTOMCZAK at ualtavm.BITNET, 087043%doluni1.earn at cunyvm.cuny.EDU, wend at uni-paderborn.DE, bastero at cc.unizar.ES, CJ01000 at siuemus.BITNET, JOHNSON at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, at X-VMS-To: at SUBSCRIBERS
From: IN%"combs at math.utexas.EDU" 1-NOV-1990 15:09:55.98 To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: Fall UTAMIRFAS Received: from D.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Thu, 1 Nov 90 15:09 CDT Received: from EMX.UTEXAS.EDU by id aa08595; 1 Nov 90 14:09 CST Received: from by (5.61/1.8) id AA26755; Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:06:17 -0600 Received: by (5.61/5.51) id AA02636; Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:05:15 -0600 Date: Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:05:15 -0600 From: combs at math.utexas.EDU Subject: Fall UTAMIRFAS To: banach-list at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Posted-Date: Thu, 1 Nov 90 14:05:15 -0600 Message-Id: <9011012005.AA02636 at>
Announcement of Fall UTAMIRFAS ***************************************************************** UTAMIRFAS The Fall 1990 UTAMIRFAS will be held Saturday, November 17, 1990 at The University of Texas at Austin in R.L. Moore Hall The scheduled talks are: 11:00 -- 12:00 E. Odell : Quotients of spaces with a shrinking unconditional basis. 12:00 -- 1:30 Lunch 1:30 -- 2:30 T. Figiel : Best constants in Rosenthal's inequality and a generalization of Khintchine's inequality. 2:45 -- 3:45 C. Pearcy : Some new directions in the theory of dual algebras. 4:00 -- 5:00 G. Pisier : Interpolation between H^p-spaces and noncommutative generalizations. All talks will be in RLM 12.166. Refreshments will be served beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the lounge, RLM 12.104. There will be a dinner somewhere following the last talk. For further information contact Ted Odell or Haskell Rosenthal 512-471-7711 or: odell at ; rosenthal at *****************************************************************
From NEMO::ALSPACH 29-NOV-1990 10:14:16.14 To: at SUBSCRIBERS CC: ALSPACH Subject: New address for W. Schachermayer
Walter Schachermayer has moved to Institut fur Mathematik Universitat Wien Strudlhofgasse 4 1040 Wien Austria Electronic address schach at awirap.bitnet Dale Alspach alspach at
From IN%"combs at math.utexas.EDU" 7-DEC-1990 10:45:24.70 To: alspach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU CC: Subj: from Odell Received: from D.CS.OKSTATE.EDU by NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU; Fri, 7 Dec 90 10:44 CST Received: from by id aa15623; 7 Dec 90 10:44 CST Received: from by (5.61/1.8) id AA28344; Fri, 7 Dec 90 10:33:40 -0600 Received: by (5.61/5.51) id AA05185; Fri, 7 Dec 90 10:30:02 -0600 Date: Fri, 7 Dec 90 10:30:02 -0600 From: combs at math.utexas.EDU Subject: from Odell To: alspach at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Posted-Date: Fri, 7 Dec 90 10:30:02 -0600 Message-Id: <9012071630.AA05185 at>
Dear Dale, Here is my entry for the B.S.Bulletin Board: *********************************************************** I (Ted Odell) am looking for a position elsewhere. While I've been happy at U.T., my wife has developed serious allergies and this necessitates a change. If you know of any leads, rumors or have any information that might help my search, please contact me at either: e-mail: odell at or phone: 512-471-7711 or Dept. Math. The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 ***********************************************************
From NEMO::ALSPACH 20-DEC-1990 09:23:35.90 To: at HOME:SUBSCRIBERS CC: ALSPACH Subject: Abstract of a paper by E. Odell
%This is the abstract of the paper "On quotients of Banach spaces %having shrinking unconditional bases" by E. Odell. The paper and %abstract are in Plain TeX. The paper may be downloaded by sending %the command % send [banach]odell.tex %to banach-files at %--11/16/90--paper by Ted Odell: \magnification=\magstep1 \centerline{\bf On quotients of Banach spaces having} \smallskip \centerline{\bf shrinking unconditional bases} \bigskip \centerline{by E. Odell} \vskip.5in {\narrower\smallskip \centerline{\bf Abstract} \medskip It is proved that if a Banach space $Y$ is a quotient of a Banach space having a shrinking unconditional basis, then every normalized weakly null sequence in $Y$ has an unconditional subsequence. The proof yields the corollary that every quotient of Schreier's space is $c_o$-saturated. \smallskip} \bigskip \bye
From IN%"ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU" 15-OCT-1990 09:40:12.84 To: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, wdavis at mps.ohio-state.EDU, SCHUTT at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, GOS4416 at tamvenus.BITNET, fran at, JHAGLER at ducair.BITNET, BEAUZAMY at frcirp71.BITNET, girardi at symcom.math.uiuc.EDU, ARCHIVES at NEM CC: Subj: Email address for G. Godefroy Date: Mon, 15 Oct 90 09:37 CDT From: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU Subject: Email address for G. Godefroy To: ALSPACH at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, wdavis at mps.ohio-state.EDU, SCHUTT at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, MATHES at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, GOS4416 at tamvenus.BITNET, fran at, JHAGLER at ducair.BITNET, BEAUZAMY at frcirp71.BITNET, girardi at symcom.math.uiuc.EDU, ARCHIVES at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, GREIMP at citadel2.BITNET, WBJ7835 at venus.tamu.EDU, bellenot at gauss.math.fsu.EDU, A1A6921 at tamvenus.BITNET, semmes at rice.EDU, HEL3579 at tamvenus.BITNET, phelps at blake.acs.washington.EDU, J1F0347 at tamvenus.BITNET, combs at, MATHPS at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, njn at imada.DK, C31801GW at wuvmd.BITNET, carother at andy.bgsu.EDU, MTSCHECH at weizmann.BITNET, edgar at shape.mps.ohio-state.EDU, MAR29AA at technion.BITNET, MATHPGC at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, liortz at, USERCZAK at ualtamts.BITNET, LBROWN at waynest1.BITNET, MATHSMS at umcvmb.missouri.EDU, NTOMCZAK at ualtavm.BITNET, 087043%doluni1.earn at cunyvm.cuny.EDU, wend at uni-paderborn.DE, bastero at cc.unizar.ES, CJ01000 at siuemus.BITNET, JOHNSON at NEMO.MATH.OKSTATE.EDU, at X-VMS-To: at SUBSCRIBERS
Email for G. Godefroy at Missouri can be sent to mathvis3 at umcvmb.bitnet or mathvis3 at